Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Nov 1979, p. 16

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185 the examiner Frlday Nov 1979 nJ of the finest iob possible 282414 CUSlOM DPAPES modsI lioir you seiecd moteai 10 yearsexpeierre 726 3735 DIAMOND VINYL ALUMINIUM col shutlers doors wmeyvs 05 AOUWO tom pm suits gowns and 1ier1 awnings eoyestrouglls lions 42Eugera Phone72f 52m yeorguoiamru HAVE YOUR PANTS roping1 to the new 100 SIiirs tapered Eus ard dresser 4365645 mode mi 0801 HipAU Conga uuhwlum SUIEPIJP EA IESWOUGHING SPECIALISTS yetic rtrrf rootrig rrprJH work Mart Jelflqtyr A24 195 CUSTOM CORN COMBINING and plowirg Prompt reliable service Ellsmere Bros Custom Farm SEYyICeg 728 4956 SI coi more Sales 1th Tarlure Erer Horrir Demonslro New Lown iimi lBAlliarireBltd Unit 19 728 3397 AUTOMATIC WASHERS dryers drxli wristwi freezers Indies ranges iriiuo quiS ar make any ay 7371195 01 and IV stereo and inaliir up pliniirw rnprrr servire all makes 36 2429 AWOAlf FIBPECLASS REPAIRS boats showrnables Qiylllilg IITTglGi Free estimates Low wlTlIQ rates 42 5802 PETER HENSTRA 737 2371 Custom built fireplaces patios home fronts in sforte porches chimney repair Free estimates Up to 150 pIrIOnI VIC WATSON fireplaces and masonry For 7289902 or 7260817 Neumwiimm i599 MWFA° mil100 my HARD IAPII llltt lpfllllrIITDLI Renovations 11321 lit 352 SEASONED TO FACE CORD $35 workmanship gUOICItEed GIACIOUS ATMOSPHERE MURRAY HALL ONLY Mi Irorri Ionic Christmas New Years parties Banquets Receplions etc mziugflm FREE DELIVERY CH EY NOMESS 4872113 NO FUSS SEASONED RED OAK wood for sole Pict up REASONABLE or delivery Telephone 7281938 wooo srurrert II exam RENT 7267693 01 7263820 ALL 97 Bradford Self 85735 Saturday ttl MWF MIXED HARDWOODS for sole Cheaper by 12 card Split dry wood delivered IM GENERAL CONTRACTING Fast Clean SPECIALIZIN in trir POesslonul serwce Iencmg rec roorrtlscJ ddgitionsnglcng737EICSITB REASONABLE RATES after INSURED Bus 7202073 Ru4873072 EXAMINER WANT ADS ISHHAHLII BUILDER Quality USIOIVI 32l1lrydflfsljg and additions For details WVQNeed help Just look over the ads below The od vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you FALL CLEANUP Storm windows cleaned and installed °Lawn shrub care Trees trimmed and cut Bosement garages cleaned Trosh iunk removed Smoll moving jobs Leoves raked PROMPT SERVICE 7284175 or 4873141 HO JOB TOO SMALL all repair work done for line estimate call John 7281996 HOME IMPROVEMENTS PER CONSTRUCTION House ioswg foui daris renovations additions Phone 116 795 aIrr 60 PLUMBING rompetc bathrooms upt drywall and yard work Chan al 728 7594 or 726 A299 NORTHERN CAPENTRY Speuaiziiig in in Iprior warl Rec rooms kitchens minimm patieiimq finish work now mm Rgmogumc distlaIion putIIlaSfllg ad vice plans sketches Residential Corniner 001 call Joan Rouse 728 6196weckddys WEED SPRAYING fertilizing results guaranteed THE WEEDMAN 7372721 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney repair Fireplaces specialty Free estimate 705245158 some Cal TRIO AVAILABLE for New Years Eve engagement SLINGERI Phone Gary 7269098 GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel Potvin Guitar Studio 726 489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin tier and advanced Two months trial inslru met loaned for home practice Canadian Academy aIMusic l2l Baylield 7281799 PROFESSIONAL GUITARIST glvlng lessons in classical popular and rock Call Gary 7269096 SIMCOE DRUM STUDIOS Lessons by professional drummer Exp in studiarecarding TV etc All styles arty age Ken King 726 2903 BARRIE SCHOOL Of BRASS Professtonal in SITUCIIOII trumpet iiombone French horn Special attention to beginners Arthur Burgll no 1064 PIANO LESSONS experienced teacher will teach all ages popular or conservatory iriusic Reasonable roles 737 1168 IELLINGA turnout and decooitg In lerior eireioi Work guaranteed Es toblishedJOyeos 726 2225 726 9002 PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 TF DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING interior exterior paper hanging custom work Solislaction guaranteed 726 6808 PAINTING PAPER hanging experienced Free estimates JACK RICHARDSON 72683 BARKEY PAINTING Interior and enteror References available Free reasonable est motes Telephone 737 I087 JOHNS PAINTING Interior and exterior pointing pope hanging Senoi mien dis count Phone 728 1035 after in SPRUCE UP for Christmas Also wallpaper mg panelling carpet installation Written estimates Work guaranteed 726 1484 after 5p OATES 82 Dunlap St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes Phone 7283270 PORTRAIT PAINTING PORTRAITS PAINTED in Oils or water colours including your children or fornin group Phone 7263607 SHARPENING SERVICE BILLS SHARPENING SERVICE hand or power sows lawn mower blades Re rooming arid setting done Albert St Hillsdale B35 23l3 DOUGS SNOWPLOWING Residental and Commercial Snow removal service radio dispatched trucks 7286460 MBH SNOWPLOWING Commeruolrand Residential Reasonable rates Call Larry 772917599 COMMERCIAL large or small Also Haulage Call and AUCTIONEERS Pro mptservice 7370879 REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color black and while TV stereos etc All makes ondrnodels 42 6181 UPHOLSTERY SHAKESPEARS REUPHOL5TERING Sofas chairs bedsofas Factory prices 7373665 WATER HAUIAGE SIMCOE WATER SERVICES Pools wells fill ed 2000 gal capacity Barrie and area 7266271 40 articlestor sale 40articles for sale REUPHOLSTERIN SPECIAL It 9299 roupholltorl chonorflold and chllr Labour and Fabrlc included up to 15 yards of grade Tweed Fabric yr written guarantee on all workmanship For free inhomo outlmotou call 7265721 to Day Service STONES UPHOLSTERY MWFTF tllNx IOLFT with srat wall hasii cmiioliti wllt laps and liiwri VJYK pin S15 TIIQDhiIINi 735 IIJI FOUR AMILV UARM3 SALE Satui itn iid tllclfly Hm Litriii SIIITltll TRUCK CAPS BEST PRICES VARIETY QUALITY Oit fihioglass aluminum and at luiititiirii baby rtlriiituri anti woody Open evenings Hummus Mums Wm JDNMWS 53 3°87 North Star Campers ilIllli Lillilis IIOrll and motor HHJIIJJ ti utlll tii innst it 25 Hwy 12 at 5th Cort Victoria St win to IIIIIISIiI Mills NO 130 Cairns subdivision Hmb ur O26N2 ilk llljgir 136 Wis HMWHN INK mm MANDOLIN iTlIllLiIhtIOI snIi also niiiiiit tri pii xiii IVI ttIJIUiV cm will intit llT tit iIi ILI Iii iYIt Illll lfii llihinitsSN TtllDhilT 73 III ili ittittinN Iiiattitii inmt IUT iissisluiuiiskn iitiriiiii skittiK it tli xiii iii GARAGE SALE iWtss iiiiiitiil SATNOV3HI is Itd ftiItIII but sin limp mi pullull 51S yvqi II°°Om2oopm iiitlil SI small Sn ss lirtiii 20 MARSHALLST 3s IKI LIN Itll Is ti Sill ist rilLI itll Sh ist LlJlIl mil 31 itiisk Irll SI potty lttls mi illw II In sirins halls SIJIK til sit ils iilui slums it Iran liirsvlttlls at tiiiisc illIYil ttiict Rs ith iygtt Nin IN Ill ll int TITANIC TOSHIBA squintiii AQIIOIIY Na iiiiRnivf AND HACK iii outi iiiwi qoi ii ii 11 Now Hi lit1 My UNA Liv Sm Iimii Rd Sponsored ii cell SUIT cit iritti nl snii ti mums hRAZV kEllV mm next ii riotM sicm Liami iii kl 090 TO 12 pan licis skitis SIZESI Sltgt TLltphlK ll IIIJ cr mint tyli zsiis LEA MAR ET Navy with ilt cc Jaipmi Ansmi Ir gti RJ iisni in SONY STEREO Setmt lldl AM PM isle vi Ltiiiial $341 llskiit Gel tite spooksis Uriiki S5 with start town 80 KRAZ hELLVS no to The Highway 90 Meat rugite lo is vt toli Lii ho iw es COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER In ten Jphoso water cooled mth dualcomprossor 51 500 CalIlM 7372432 rimm fii DPl us Wk an smi mu iiim i1i ititi itiis R0 JV riionii huts 1iiii It FIREWOOD $25 PER FACE CORD Picked up mixed hordis sad It boat md m0l01gt BOAT REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES wood and fibreglass TOLLENDAL MARINA 7264950 BARRIE TF We also sell WOOd Slows Pld Fireplace Aids TIIE NOODBURNER moot tsum N30 41boats and motors GULL YACHT BASIN fonnvrfy ouu locx MARINA miles north of Barrie on Lake Simcoe between 5th 6th of Oro Book now for winter storage WE WILL TRAILER YOUR BOAT UP TO 22 FT FROM BARRIE TO OUR INSIDE STORAGE 14 to 16 $150 16 to 10 $17518 to22 $225 CERTIFIED MECHANIC DN DUTY Your nuthoriled Mercury Outboard Mercruiser Dealer Brokerage Boats for Sale 4872122 BOAT STORAGE still ivailabIi by rx periinccd persiiniiil at SPORT HAVFN MARINE Shanty Bay Road Saint 73¢10fll 42artictes wanted Do not give your valuables away to outside buyers Will buy gold jewellery diamonds gold coins silver and pocket watches Call 7267717 afterbpm Ol725N2 CANADIAN SILVER COINS before 196 American DLIOFE 1°64 No collection too illgl or simll Canadian stamps old WiTClI postcards immlcry 726166 VtlllliTS 716 3102 CANADIAN SIL vER COINS btoro 1°07 iiiiiirtcah DtILIVH 19M Na collection too lamp or srrml and an stamps olit wctichiis posi ir ll 716 1101 CASH fOR OLD FlRNTIIRE xs tshvs old pclurvs IOCAS units Pri 1°50 toiiilt 833 ALL ARTICLES NEEDED Applaxos iiium ww mm rs C3 rm Shy TON tQUV v4 PR PAD anr Ivan cisocf twp JYTCI Barrii New and yt v1 GODS TITO imc pitinure YI LOiNS vii bu svs DJRTV 5w Dt su 30933 alin tltii Jtl iilvi cw iiizs WOOKOWJS rrN Duiggx Darn for gold and Silver ii an Mist usctiiw also tii pit iiid smtps grintn only tultYF up Llytryslfkk pl twink 18 SEN ECNc iir ltdogs and pets BARRIE POODLE SALON Now under new management Clipping of all breeds CALL NOW for your Dog Gone appointment 7264141 N125 44dogs and pets HOUND PUPS Ior sale or tradn IIVL months old bluu tick black 111011111 and red DOIII cross Good vrlicr Phone 728 6360 Six MONTH OLD purbrod brawn malr Miniature Dachshund has had all IIIOOIOS oood natumd with Chlldlfn SPIIIITT because at allcrqies 776 3605 FREE TO good home Four month old part Shepherd female pup Call 737 4180 50garden supplies CHOICE TOP SOIL sand gravel driveway and septic Stone 776 3978 or 726 1117 SItrees and shrubs NURSERY STOCK TREES Dig your own White Spruce510 County Road 31 Isl leftofl Highway 77 726 9795 53Iandscaping FALL CLEAN UP Now is thr time for prolessional landscapino garden rototilled trees pruned snowblowino ToloptioncJSR 937B 56camping equipment I975 AQUARIUS 72 motor home low mileage Sleeps Six lots of extras ex cellertt condition $13900 Call 421 0875 I077 18 SHAMROCK trailer on tandem With awning sleeps Six excellent concli tinii 55000 Phone 43¢ 3074 Can be seon M233 NelsOnCrescenl Stroud 107 GMC 454 HIGH SIERRA ton heavy duty truck in lovely shape 60000 miles and ROVER camper fully equipprd best oller over $3500 Tole phone 4R7 7110 alter 5p S7Iivestock for sale HORSES BOARDED larqo new box stalls teedrid daily turnouts stalls loamd SminutosweslotBarrie lIthot VtSDVfl $70 monthly 728 657 THREE YEAR bayoiIdino 15 HH sad dle broken gentle S700 HORSES BOARDED Telephone 4873784 or 487295 REGISTERED ROLLED Herolord bull for sale seven young Hrrvlord cows with calves atlootrobrod 458 4715 S9poultrychicks DEKXLB READY to lay Dullcts Farm trcsh eiias Layino cages tar solo Craio Hunter Poultry Farms 1361811 tilfarm machinery FORD DEXTA diesel Iraclor in good working condition 15500 hows Live and loader with hyd ic buck and tire chit 377 273° libfarmers market FARM FOR PROFIT SHOP SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP 7266531 FTF O7ITUITS vegetables APPLES Apply Kootc and Son Co cussart Ore ClmoriScmavs 7188199 GEORGEN BAY HACNTOSH pp PLEs per bushel 8th your ovw coiianrIs CancIa Fruit Shit CIJLDCYJI 5i tiepersonals CANNISTER VACUUM Ask for free home demonstration today ELECTROLUX 7203392 eomses iswreo to leaseM iar no new lir women sinalcs ouocs teams Ca Mime Bow 13 901 TELECAPE wh fight your probli alone7 Let tr one heIp Cal Tonictie 26 79 8W1 euros t3 Cjriga 3mg at ms West3i Carmina gas awtc iirSF to Dr ionsat Se Js T2 4A1 SRH 2w v01 Crl3 RI Fesp rhr qr wall was 15 FM Ea gt sANvae sitar LLL Aur inwss ic wIJ TRSTS CSJMmt ttglt Us uicv iurw or No on tryhg to but Hing6 tonpichp tractvbo It 530 on Tuesday October 231979 stonedtobolpnmn Dulun Taxiubmdhttnditdt an the 14th Concussion Rood int out of 10 siderood in Tumult Township fliers were Inn in the did the time Hun col Mark Winter lawyer IT 4169250421 coloct NS LOSE WEIGHT the better way without special diet foods starving eating fish changing your lifestyle FREE MEETING MONDAY 130 pnt HOWARD JOHNSONS Bayfield St WEDNESDAY 730 pnt CONTINENTAL INN THURSDAY 930 nnt ST GEORGES ANGLICAN CHURCH Allcndule THE WEIGHT CONTROL INSTITUTE Brenda Wood 4584003 MWFN30 BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Optn Monday and Tuesdar 100 30pm and Thursdayb 3C 30 737 4222 726 9300 Ext 236 ROBY GEORGE NOON at 143 COIIIET Street Barrio Will notbe rospoosiblelm any debts contracted in my namc tram this day forward OClODtT 27 1979 withoutmywritten consent RIDE NEEDED URGENTLY From Angus to Tottenham and back For the afternoon shill at Techbnics Inds Will share expenses ll you can help call $1514 acitlDAY COMPANION retired person wholikuslo drivehisor her caror mine Expenses defrayed Bax 881 The Ex aminer Barrio RIDE WANTED back and forth from Barrr to Midland workdays from November 17lo December 17 Will pay gas Telephone 776 gt733 after RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes wicfy Haul Farm 776 0192 Female Companion Wanted 30 year old freelance writer seeks attrac tyo young women to date or share ac rinimodation Well read musically talented or artistic if possible Write Box 890 The Examiner PEPIN ROGER Father of Michael Pepin or anyone knowmg his whereabouts please contact Gerry Taylor at 416 975 6641 Monday to Friday 9a t05p RIDE WANTED from Innislil Sideroad and Hwy 400 to Airport Strip arrive on leave Monday to Friday harecost A36 5975 COMPLIMENTARY MARY KAY Facial and instruction in correct beauty procedure For more information con tact Independent Sales Director Beverley Krueqer 737 2606 70lostandtound CHILDS GLASSES LOST in Queen Street area on Saturday Boys brown riiis Ricasetulephone 776 9717 GOLDEN RETRIEVER male pup lost In Grove Street Highway 11 area 0c tooor 19 Any information contidential REWARD 726 0075 GOLD POCKET WATCH With chain and small knits lost near West End Plaza or general Barrie area on Tuesday even ing Reward 778 7566 DOG rusty brown part Spitz Terrier medium Site last from Algonquin St area Has collar and taqs Not well Please call 776 99I93fterd 30 71help wanted PART TIME EMPLOYMENT Training Tuesday nights and one weekend month Grey and Simcoe Fares tersMilitia Barrie Armoury For fur ther information on Tuesday and Thurs day evenings telephone 778 3761 RESPONSIBLE TRUSTWORTHY live in housekeeper tor family at adults and boys aged 12 and Must Dt capable of maintaining home and some meal preparation Two days off per week Drivers licence preferred but not essential Experience and reterences necessary Salary and benefits negotiablefor right person Call 737 007i EXPERIENCED SUPERINTENDENT wanted to clean and maintain apt budding Send resume to Box 889 The Examiner Barrie BABYSITTER WANTED idial pasmon for student weekdays J5 rn Allan dale area Telephone 737 7581 RELIABLE LIVE IN housekeeper com paliion 900d wages liberal time all Telephone 778 1404 LOCAL BUSINESS requires parlnirs in sales managmont FIEXIDII hours good DPnCIIYS Phone Ior appointninnt 726 9571 CARPENTER and or Carponlrrs Helper reowred With butlding Cal7261966 PART TIME MATURE BabySittcr wanted in my home durinq the day One child one year old Cundles area Please call 726 6673 IIIYLIEST iTI ION TORONTO HIGH DUNLOP PUGET ST NELSON STEEL BRADFORD ST Raute NAME Aboutss7 YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOO EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 VCTORA DUFFERIN Yes woold like more information about on Examiner Carrier PARENTS SIGNATURE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Some L4M 4T6 illhelpwalnted tlnelp wanted Georgian College on exciting student oriented community college with campuses in Barrie Orillia and Owen Saund in vites applications for the following positions in the Health Sciences Continuing Education Division PROGRAM SUPERVISOR 17week period commencing January 1980 To plan implement and monitor Creative continuing education program in the health care field Qualifications relevant university background and experience in retardation rehabilitation or social services Must possess good public relations and organizational skills be innovative and selfdirected Location Orillio with extensivetravelling PARTTIME TEACHERS Applications are invited from persons who are interested in teaching on parttime bass at various locations in the Georgian College area in early March 1980 Qualifications preparation in health sciences discipline with experience in variety of settings Teaching experience an asset Applications will be accepted until November to 1979 Please send detailed resume stating background and qualifications to Personnel Office Georgian College 401 Duckwortlt Street Barrie Ontario L4M 3X9 CONTROLLER Blue Mountain Pottery division of Heritage Craftsmen requires controller for its Collingwood operation The in dividual will be professionally qualified accountant RIA CGA Blue Mountain Pottery is nedium sized Canadian company manufacturing ceramic gittware with branches in the United States and Great Britain The individual will have several years experience in related position and be completely familiar with accounting practices in manufacturing concern The person will also have flair for administration and people management Compensation will be commensurate with experience Submit your resumein complete confidence to BLAIR VICEPRESIDENT and GENERAL MANAGER BLUE MOUNTAIN POTTERY MOUNTAIN ROAD COLLINGWOOD ONT L9Y 318 SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Required to maintain in the Barrie Orillio Midland area nonfood item in the retail grocery outlets This position is with Household Rental Systems Division of BoyleMidway Canada Ltd distributors of the EasyOff rug care program We offer base salary with commission company van expenses and company paid benefits Apply with written resume only stating past work history and expected earnings in confidence to MR RAY BONNAR 1338 THE WEST MALL ETOBICOKE ONTARIO M9C 1C2 WANTED SANTAS HELPER Mature dependable person who loves children Call 7267632 for interview ARE YOU an Opportunist HAVE YOU been in sales more than years ARE YOU now earning more than $20000 yrly 0ARE YOU career minded If yes please send resume to LINDA GREEN 920 Yonge St Ste 320 TORONTO Ont M4W 3C7 the examiner TFFIN ST NO 2005 before 400 Bridge EUGENIA AMELIA DUNLOP PERRY EUGENIA DUNDONALD PENETANG ST SHANTY BAY SHOREVIEW PINE CEDAR PAINSWICK ST AGE PHONE ttjhelp wanted riVLtieipivgnted LICENSED MECHANICS GENERAL MOTORS DEALERSHIP ORILLIA ONT rogue the blowing MECHANIC FOR ELECTRICAL TUNEUP ATRAN AND AIR CONDITIONING REPAIRS MECHANIC FOR GENERAL CAR AND TRUCK REPAIRS Company offers wide range of benefits weekly guarantee No Saturday wark For further information please call HAMILTON 7263564 EVENINGS THE VILLAGE or coonsrown CLERKTREASURER QUALIFIED APPLICANTS are requested to submit their detailed resumes to the undersigned for the above position by November 12 1979 Preferences will be given to applicants who have completed the AMCTO caurse and who have municipal accounting and administrative experience Salary negotiable and commensurate wrth qualifications and experience MICHAEL SHEEHAN ClerkTreasurer PO Box 69 COOKSTOWN Ont LOL 1L0 WANTED SANTA CLAUS Must be Jolly Dependable and love children Call 7267632 for interview AVOII KIDS IN SCHOOL Sell AVON You set your own hours on flexible schedule Meet interesting people OPEN TERRITORIES Midhurst area Little Lake area Oro west of Hwy 11 Guthrie area OBarrie Angus Wasago Beach Flos Phone today and find out how easy it is to get started Highest commission Call 7289652 rsrr LOOKING FOR WORK Present yourself the professional way with one of our individually prepared resumes COME IN and see us for fast reasonable and professional service The Secretarial Bureau nurucnmc AND mmo SERVICES 89 numor mm 7289819 DRAFTSPERSON person who has mechanical electrical drafting experience Duties to include design layout drafting of assemblies parts for light fixtures REVEL LUMINAIRES 73 MORROW RD BARRIE ONTARIO 7370561 N3 CHILD CARE WORKERS nor MirII pvfiplr nrrdoct for parentnu ril in mm drntsl trrnlrrioiit rinrtri tm hildrrri 776 R851 EXPERIENCED TELEPHONE can vassers riou rod wan from own homi Salary plus commission TrIrpnnnr 3221582 CFNTENNIAL Auto Body VfQJ wish yearexprrienred BODY PEPfm Tnlr pflODO77O Just EXPERIENCED BOOKVEEPFP girl boy Friday full tinti amatilrv innirdiaily 497 3H0 PART TIME CLSHE lCIU rrrf fDDV and pm Mary in Dcrim at Miittimg pizza 389yf rlrt strrpi Burnt LIVE IN BKABYSTTER netrlrrt lgr nights only Room and board Days and circa ri qrts rit Tellprgrir 718 73 7301 ni trier iPCOIiDl1ON HG HEITIHG MECHINC or 5th yPa artisanice ri liircd Ilffff atrin by union crimpv 4gtf7 iii when ixpm nii ruii Wovens or rlrwinr no 7732 PERVN for rlrar area CHILD Pei it yianIii 0m Show merit Sil housi Alvintalc iJnthmy rippd ad Iir fin1 boots arrpt that rrir irl to rip try golfydlrnrprt Ti tL £13 gr winsq CORTINA TAVERN Danrm r5 Gar SJWW Dttnf Finer pic Barr Ddauf occurJr rgrirv 41 Jilin ow yLian ID URGENTLY NEEDED Reliable per sort to IIVL in and are for tour Sc hbol 000 Ihlclriii iri OYIICTIPSK home No YTLJVY IIOUSiszrk Main ortcirn is childrens are Call 935 1075 Ytsales helpagents FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY Earn up to $500 weekly and more as our agent explaining government insulation program Management potential MR NORTH 14166361551 N24 TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part timi to time SIGIIIHL Calendars ad specialties printed Iabrls tapes ball DOM office supplies etc Our 27th year New Catalouur available Alcu Box 377 Ottawa FLEXIBLE HOURS S6 00 SR 00 per hour bvaulitul Ctiristriins linri to your friends and nLlglIDUTS For personal inttryitw all 705 327 1701 ask about no Oflnl Dlah 75trade schools Average showing our APPLICATIONS NOW BEING AC CEPTED FOR TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING Full or parttime training for class licence Placement assistance For application andinterviewcoll ATA SYSTEMS 4162512275 MWFN14 itsemployment wanted IRONING Picked up and Delivered Dilin $250 per basket Collanytime 4589618 MWFN14 DAY CARE in my home St Vin contcrrivr Stroril arca Tllfphan 726 562 MATURE LADY wisliis position thh gtlrlr rounlh or lnrty Liqtil hausrkrop inu has dtVfVi llttrn LIVI in Referencrs availrititi TOIODIIOHI 17$ SBMnarriino JANITORFAL OR DOMESTIC wlirk wanlr Piti rincus Fully xprrirncrrl TelephOiie 776 7194 77Iegal DISTRESS SALE BY LANDLORD Goods equipment and merchandise in Tea Room and Snack Bar May be viewed by prospective purchasers between pm and pm Tuesday November 6th 1979 Deadline for receipt of sealed tenders Friday November 1979 Sale to highest bidder Place inquiries or mail lenders to SCANTI INVESTMENTS LTO Iayftold Mall 120 Bayan St Barrie Ontario Telephone 7267632 9Irn to prn BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers ofthe advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however other wise TF 72sales helpagents SALES REPRESENTATIVE Icir estobl shed territory in the Richmond Hill Newmarket Bar rieoreo We are leadmg distributor of cleaning eQUipmenI and supplies Salary and car allowance Soles experience essential Please send resume DUSTBANE PRODUCTS 1694 MIDLAND AVE SCARBOROUGH ONTARN M1 3C2 ZENITH 12230

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