By STEPHEN III1LLS The Examiner Barrie and Orillia tax payers should not have to pay an extra $100 year in taxes for the sake of Lake Simcoes cold water fishery Barrie Aid Ross Stephens said Thursday Ald Stephens said Lake Simcoe is recreational area shared by Ontario residents and the provincial govern ment should pay large portion of clean up costs Lake Sinicoi belongs to the people of Ontario said Ald Stephens following discussions with cabinet tee tario Iakes for the future WORIIHVIIILE IEEIIt ed by The Examiner worthwhile more studies just action of 87 tonnes year oiiscrvation Authority Action to save Lake Simcoe sets an exam pie for treating other environmental pro blems in llllétflfi says the chairman of Lake Simcoes municipal steering commit Howard Shilliiigton said Thursday the On tario cabinet resources development com mittee recommendation that more money be spent to help Lake Simeoe shows govern ment concern for environment problems LakeSimim is rose in bouquet oftins saidShillington start with this one The committee recom mending the government pay more than 13 per cent for sewage control sets pattern Vteve got to It shows the government recognizes we must have more concern for dealing with the environment In which we live he said Most niucipal representatives interview said Thursdays meeting Will the cabinet committee was Innisfil Tow iiship Deputy reeve Brant An tirade said we had good discussions but its going to take money and action Howard anipliell Oro Township Reeve said municipalities around the lake want no We got good start today he said Reeve ampbell said he is well satisfied with the suggested phosphorus loading level ieorge Richardson South Lake Simcoe chairiiiiin ministers Thursday Its the largest freshwater lake in the pro Vince and the province should be sharing much more than 13 per cent in any so called sewage treatment facility he said Alli Stephens was one of municipal representatives who met with cabinets resources development com mittee to discuss Lake Sim coes pollution problems The committee suggested Harrie and Orillia upgrade their sewage treatment plants to reduce phosphorus loading into the lake by up to government up the lake MII George Taylor tPC Simcoc Centre Stephens says we shouldnt foot bill Ontario people own lake not just us eight tonnes year RIIIIEI LEVELS Phosphorus levels should be reduced to mgl from the present reqUirement of mgl Ontario would pay 13 per cent of the $5 million pro ject Aid Stephens said that would cost Barrie taxpayers about $100 year and said we dont know what on going costs would be Youre looking at $11 million that Barrie would have to pick up said Aid Stephens cant rationalize 81 million as our own share Weve done heck of job at Our lake may begin pattern for others Thursdays meeting convinced him the realizes the need for cleaning said he is pleased with the meetings Meetings on it results He said he does not know how quick ly abinet may act to work on the lake because ministers must determine where the money will come from concerning Lake Simcoe however serve to bring the problem to the attention of Cabinet and put more emphasis Environment Minister Harry Parrott said the government will not allow Lake Simcoe to deteriorate Liberal leader Stuart Smith however said the government has been asleep on the matter DONT WASTE TIME Smith told The Examiner money must be spent to save the lake and government has wasted time preparing reports Theyre already spent couple of years on the one report He said quarrels between municipalities and the provincial government over who pays for the cleanup should not delay ac tion We dont want to get into wrangle while the lake is deteriorating he said Premier William Davis said Ontarios major environmental problem is aCid rain but the government is concerned about said Special service study says 340 would use van for disabled Hy DENNIS LANIIIIIIR Of The Examiner total of 1140 persons would take advantage of special van for the physically disabled in Barrie study by group look tug into the matter shows presentation of the study was made to nieiiibeis ot the ct tys public works committee Thursday If five per cent of those per sons used the van on daily basis 17 persons would ride in it day Aid lt Arthur told The Evaminer today The van which would have the capacity to seat between 11 and 13 persons would cost 325000 and would probably last three years said Ald Arthur SlIlSIDIIICtUSIS However the provincial government would subsidize that cost 30 pe cent sand there are indications interested ser vice lllhs would pick tip the rest of the tab Ald Arthur said Total maintenance costs for the city of Harrie would be about $31000 per year tfollow ing another government grant of 30 per cent With expected revenue of about 310000 per year it would cost Barrie 825000 year for the service It sounds reasonable as reasonable as you can epect for this kind of service said Ald Arthur chairman of the committee otiiicil will have to realize its not going to come cheaply he added The alderman said the ser vice does sound reasonable and that he would go along with the request foi the van The physically disabled group feel left out in ltarrie of many serices which others RtII BRO his store first take for granted said the Bar riealdernian START The group would be looking at Jan as startingdate pen ding city council approval of the scheme said Ald Arthur The citys portion of the costs would include paying for van driver dispatcher and Lake Simcoes pollution problems and the effects on recreation and tourism maintenance costs he said The van would likely travel up to 75000 miles year he said Pending final adjustments the group is expected to make presentation to general com iiiittee Nov 19 Aid Arthur said The physically disabled looking after Kempcnfelt Bay There are certain in definite opinions as to the benefit of that expenditure he said We dont know whether it will do the job Ald Stephens said the pro ject seems aimed at improv ing lake trout and whitefish anghng He said $3 million pretty high price to pay for that privilege Cabinets committee said the government should no prove funding for municipal sewage projects Mll George Taylor PC Simcoe Centrei said the en vironment ministry may in crease its annual funding from the present 15 per cent or it may give grants for specific projects The Lake Simcoe Couchiching environmental strategv report presented to cabinets committee this fall suggests total phosphorus loading into the lake be restricted to 103 tonns year Municipal representatives said it should be reduced to 95 tonnes year Cabinets committee suggested it could be reduced to 87 tonnes year by 1981 PROJECT lPLElI Taylor said sewage removal project in NewmarketAurora is ex pected to reduce Lake Sim coe phosphorus loading by six tonnes That project is to be completed by the mid 1980s he said Nutrient contamination from Holland Marsh agricultural area could be reduced by four tonnes with erosion control improved fertilizer programs and canals to intercept runoff saidthecommittec Gerry Tamblyn Barrie ci ty administratot said reduc ing phosphorus loading to 87 tons year is too expensive He said Lake Simcocs col dwater fish industry can be maintained more eco nomically by stocking fish They say it costs$l2500 year to implant 100000 lake trout in there said Tamblyn see nothing wrong with that group led by Bob Kerr had presented the idea to various ci ty aldermen after the provin cial government came out with the funding scheme earlier in the year Council then appointed steering committee to check in to the feasibility of the service Appearanceforshoppers foreground former teacher at Oakley Park The Oakley Park School senior choir was at the Bayfield Mall Thursday and shoppers were enter tained by two songs You Light Up My Life and Dont Give Up On Us Baby Aileen Holloway Barrie businessman says high benefits to reap IltilERO Of The Eyaiiiiiier Although 19244 Canadian businesses claim they of ier employees profit sharing programs that figure is misleading says Arch Brown first vicechairiiian of thc Profit Sharing Council of tanada The majority at those companies otfer profit sharr ing tor cecutics only said Brown speaking Thurs day at the regular luncheon meeting of the Barrie Rotary tltib to do so toiiipinics ottcring such plan should refer to it as an cecutie cointwnsation plan not profit shar ing plan he said tirst ice chairman ot the council Brown owner at ltariic taiiadian The store is an avid promoter oi broad coy eiagc protit sharing taiiadian Tire he said is one 01 the best known pro Up she goes Students from Allandale Heights School hoist up this giant parachute port of Parachute Rythmic Play that is part dance and part gymnastics The parachute exercise held Thurs day at Bayfield Mall drew number of interested onlookeis Le al action too costl STORE wants By TERRY FIELI Of The Eyaminer The Simcoe Taxpayers Organization Researching Education tSTOREi expects to meet Ontarios education minister within days concern ing its opposition to the human relaions program being developed by the county school board During meeting Thursday the membership decided to wait for the outcome of the ses sion before making the next moc in ts fight to have the pro gram cancelled outright STORES lawyer Marshall Green asked Dr Bette Stephch son by letter Oct 19 to meet with the organizations ex ecutive but no meeting has been scheduled We are keeping our options open the groups chairman Bill Gowanlock told The Ex aminer following the meeting at Consumers Gas We will neet first with Dr Stephenson see if she is prepared to iii ervéne Following that meeting the xecutive will discuss the rarious options open to the rganizaton including continu ng with the legal action in tsated in September Recom mendations must be placed in front of the membership by Jan in accordance with motion passed Thursday ACTION COSTLY Green told thesome 100 members in attendance that Group tones down its opposition The enthusiasm and the con suming desire to have the human relations program cancelled remain intact but the Simcoc Taxpayers Organiza tion Researching Education tSTOREt is not as strident in its opposition as it was when formed several months ago Bill Gowanlock the groups chairman said Thursday following membership meeting that STORE has become more disciplined For the good of the organization we need to be disciplined Were not trying to cause the trouble were trying to prevent it STOREs first attempts to articulate its pointofview were clumsy and its first spokesman Ted Wolda who has since stepped down as School plays piano for the choir that is conducted by Susan Workman Examiner Photo RE BENEFITS Lnder borad coverage profit sharing high per cent of employees reap profit sharing benefits At Browns store all 150 employees are entitled to profit sharing once they have made $2000 at the com pany Since 1965 Browns employees have shared about 3250000 throuin profit sharing he said 01 Canadian Tires 350 stores about 250 offer broad coverage profit sharing with Brow its store the first According to Brown there are three prerequisites lo suecessful profit sharing program must be capable of generating profits over long term profit sharing must not be substitute for pro the company president often drew laughter from people in the audience at Simcoe County Board of Educa tion meetings The organizations lawyer Marshall Green said Thursday that the high profile and good publicity resulting from the law suit filed against the school board has made STORE appear more viable Its turned around lot of peoples feelings about the group its aims and motives he told some 100 members of the 1200 strong organization Twoday law forum seminar focusing on the law and its application to children will be held at Georgian College Nov 15 and lti iuest speakers Nov 15 in clude Jean Stevenson co ordinator of the early childhood education program at Georgian College Rob Warman co ordinator of the law and securi ty administration program and Neil McGee social worker with Family and Children Ser vices There will bc panel discus $10 on child abuse between Judy Shields ministry of coni munity and social services onst Gary Logan Barrie city police legal counsel from the crown attorneys office and Donna Lackncr public health officer The following day the topic will be families and the law with guest speaker Carl Johnston Collingwood police chief Barbara Chisolm private consultant on children and youth problems will speak on behalf of the child and Ron Sclater Shanty Bay Elemen tary School princtpal on behalf of parents To register cheque or money order should be mailed to Georgian College Continu ing Education Division 401 Duckworth St Barrie Ont L43111X9 should be as rapid as possible and the system should needs he said cooperatiy will result per ages and the management of the firm must be sharing companies in tanada The outstanding ioitipanres in Barrie that otter tookc tirttgc ant Storage Ltd Sears and taiiadian Tllt tic sa id proitt sharing are competent Once profit sharing has been established eligibility should be as broad is possible employees should be entitled to it at the earliest date possible be lelt enough to meet individual employees It is essential said Brown that management deter mine their profit sharing formula ahead of time and that employees understand the formula Communica tions is half the battle he said II RIO RE TEI Not only can broad coverage profit sharing create wage harmony management but also it could be the answer to infla tion said Brown He bases this on belief that when work remains SIZtllt between labor and while wages increase inflation Accotding to Brown if more Canadians understood WWWy int anada he said profit sharing more would be interested in it In the LniiedStates industry is swinging to broad coverage profit sharing Lniortunately that isnt so Upanddown Photo further legal action would be costly tas much as $10000 in itiallyt but added that the organization has good case should it decide to proceed request by STORE for an interim injunction to prevent further fieldtesting of the pro gram pending trial over the issue was denied by the On tario Supreme Court Green said the denial of the tent porary order should not be viewed as defeat STORES 1200 members con tend that the human relations program is antiChristian and is being installed despite parents objections Further the group believes the program promotes selfishness and could 3e psychologically damaging to confused children Finally it says the school board by mak Education Inll meeting minister ing itself third party in the process of raising could disrupt the family unit The Simcoe ounty Board of does STORES arguments It views the program that deals with sexual and emotional relation ships as an aid to family life ecausc it supports the board says the child within his family Several people at Thursdays said political action over legal ac tion at this point even though motion suggesting the law suit be dropped in favor of other up lions was tabled pending the outcomeof the meeting with the SEEK BOARI Gowanlock told the members that many though he did not the examiner Friday Nov2 1979 13 Teacher Pat Jenner conducted the exercise for the school the only one in the district to practice this unusual activity Examiner see minister ray who or how many who sup port STOREs position are prepared to run for school board in 1980 Green also spoke of cam paign to have parents who ob ject to the program file form that states their objection and demands the withdrawal of their child from the program The forms malang the parents objections known could help STORE either politically or legally should they continue with the action he said The recent decsion of Simcoe County Council demand the pmgram be cancelled was also mentioned as sign that political pressure can be brought to bear on the board There are many ways of combining legal and political action Green said children not accept they favored today Penetan uishene French school Fund campaign startsrolling The national campaign to raise funds for the independent French secondary school opened this fall in Penetaguishene is just now beginn ing to roll says the chairman of the French school boa Id Until now Basile Dorion told The Examiner today the organizers ASsociation Canadienne Francaise Ontario tACFOt have been setting up committee to orchestrate the campaign He said professional fund raiser has been hired to act as consultant until the project is fully underway Several weeks ago ACFO provincial fran cophonc group guaranteed those in Penctanguishcne the money required to keep Lecole secondairc de la Huronie operating through June Some 3150000 is needed On receiving ACFOs pledge the school began the process of hiring teachers and principal for the balance of the school year tntil how teachers and school coordinators have been either volunteers or people on loan from various francophone organizat ions The 59 students of the school setup to protest government inaction are taking recognized education ministry correspondence courses and being aided by the teachers Meanwhile there has been no response from the ministry to proposals from the French coni munity offered in an attempt to end the secon dary school dispute The communitys proposals bctli focus on having separate and distinct building to house the school and were offered to counter plan announced in October by education minister Dr Bette Stephenson Condemned by the French who want separate school the ministers proposal calls for the creation of French minischool within the existing high school lr Stephensons plan does not take into ac count the coinniiinitys desire to have school with an entirely French atmosphere communi ty spokesman say 49 students at seminar Spread smoking word Fortyunine grade seven students from Barrie and area schools were at the YM CA Thursday to take part in day long seminar designed to make them more aware of the hazards of smoking Sponsored by the Georgian Bay Lung Association the seminar included guest speakers among them Dr David Korn of the countys health unit displays films and demonstrations via Samthe smoking dummy We know children are starting to smoke at young age says Betty Earle nusse and the coordinator of the associatons smoking awareness program We want to tell children of the dangers with particular em phasis on the diseases of the lives per day degree to smoke because thev smoke lung The students who attended were chosen by their teachers to represent their classes Each will take back to the school what they have learned plus package of pamphlets and pass it along to their classmates FIRST SEMINAR HERE This year is the first seminar of this type has been held in Barrie though the pro gram itself is several years old Last yerr three seminars were staged in Orillia with some children from Barrie taking part Earle said The expressed reason for assembling the children and equipping them with in formation they can pass on is to turn them off smoking Smoking is major pro blem in Canada Dr Korn said during his talk Smokers have 70 per cent higher chance of dying from any disease than do nonr smokers He said smoking con tributed to heart disease various cancers and general Iy warned the children that smoking will shorten their To be healthy an in dividual must develop good living habits lr Korn said In an informal poll 14 of the 49 lQyearolds said they have smoked though none would admit to smoking regularly tmore than five cigarettes DONTAITHITIT Earle said measuring the which and definite figures is difficult children generally afraid to admit Dr David Korn the Simcoe County Health Units medical officer of health addresses group of grade seven students on the ills of smoking Ex aminer Photo Of the 19 children 10 said they had one parent who smokes while similar number said they had one parent who had recently quit smoking The seminar also dealth with peer group pressure advertising campaigns of cigarette companies who promote the beautiful people smoke image and children copying the actions of their parents Earle said school prin cipals seem to prefer having class representatives ad children establishing 8T9 dress his mates to having Lung association represenv tative come into the school