If Niithai 2Ulltil2sl best friend is glue ays Peter alttiitclieon young Montreal musician hose ainegte Hall debut in pril drew ran from New III in Times litt more recent ittitf in Hliild XIIS tttlt Qtlitttt rlastcrii lowtisbtps one oi his nails trokt he an Iltiiltttlttil and hi htd to rust ou tiil tfttull it 2th strong glin Itt tilt neon tfeixndence on elm ttligt trout the dislmt iiye guiar lttillllilltt iitIl ht leainetl from Drew rave from the Times Guitarist makes impressive NY debut Alexandre Lamya at the Parts oiisery awry Some giiitaiiss play with tht skin of the fingers on their right hands and Mitch pluck the strings tilt the lctt Slfh of mar nails says lct utcheot 2ft lloiteiet was taught to ply iron the right side of the nail lH tiiti sotitlil that is more honiogenous tonswtuetili he tigts to keep his nals in good eon dtiton and must be wary of damage to the point where he can iUst reach blindly into cupboards Since they met in l976 chutcheon has been per forming regularly with Quebec flatittst AndreGilles Duchemin The duos 0c tober appmrance at Place des Arts marked the lust concert to any Quebccois ilaiittst in Montreal showcase theatre Ihichemin bill tttt Iht engagement The hall iiseli only costs Siooo for rental he says ilihotigh technicians and publicity added almost another Stone to iliat lttll footed the onerntghl the examiner Friday Nov 1979 Mctutcheons aetiut performance at Carnegie Hall cost mere $450 for rental but mailings tlyers and three advertisements to The New York Times ran into great deal of itioney most of which was covered by the Canadian Consulate General The guitarist says he wasnt neryous about the New York ippearance and Ducheititn agrees that as getteral rule its easier to play outside Quebec in front of an audience the performer doesnt know personally Mctutcheon apparently was in top form for the Carnegie Hall performance because the Times Peter Davis role in his review He is poltshed techntCtati one is even tempted to call him brilliant virtuoso rare type of musician for whom the mechanics of play mg the guitar seem as natural and simple as breathing And yet lctutcheon professor at the ltiiveistte de Montreal feels that his talent really is not iiisttnctive that it comes rather from lot of hard work Broadcasters elect officers lttltfiXltl lttli Bat lciittne manager of radio sta lion KEM Ioionto was elected president of the entral anada Hroadcaslers Assocr ation oii Tuesday succeeding Robert itcell tlKlrl Kirkland Lake Hallenline was elected at the associations annual conr yention Anccll as immediate pastprtstdeni remains on the executive Robert NitKeown general manager of thirty Ktieh ener was elected vicepresi dent and Wayne itiorgan man ager of radio station tKlttiAM Barrie was voted smretaty treasurer Other members of the board of directors are Robert IJlsdcn of FPLTV London Paul Canadian Brass perform in concert Canadian Brass is the first Western musical ensemble to tour the Peoples Republic of China Tickets for tonights concert which starts at pm The Canadian Brass perform in concert tonight at Central Collegiate as the 197980 Barrie Cols legiate Concert series gets underway The highly SUPERCCIRCLE SPEClflLS ITS NOT iusr ANOTHER RECORD TAPE STORE th it $850 tickets for all four concerts in the series 32752 JZSeenumZioLZi3 appéiï¬Ã©nfé it 353m can 7284965 tormore tntormatton ggfiftltlnt titty thirtitlt THE ONE YOUVE BEEN WAmNc Eon eler iorougi sights and sounds Modellers hold show The Lake Simcoe Hallway Modellers hold their annual show Saturday and Sunday at the Barrie Arinoury Featured are tram layouts by members of the club and also layouts by railway modellers from Toronto attd Lindsay The show is open Saturday froin noon to it iii and Sunday from noon to nt Admission is St 27 for adults 3o cents for children and $3 for families entertainent Editor Stephen Gauer7266537 Staging more important FLYING COLOURS EAT TO MA RISE First symphony concert TROOPER HERB AlPERT ngwgg Schubert Khachatiirian and Iagattmi are among the coin poser featured in the first lluroiiia Syiiiphony concert of the TAPIS 699 Ifmm FTm UM NW iffllsiéllt llftsf HyIIISICISf in Toronto that Broadway and Hume Cronyn and Brian Will llietaitadiatt lress Hollywood star Lauren Bacall Bedrord Sir Tltl uytisr Guest artists are the concert be pianist Dcmond Maley of Barrie and Donald Reed of Sudbiiry Maley will play the first movement of Khachatuiians concerto for Ptiino andgorchestra Heed will play the first iiiovemettt of The fact that anadian val next season Nothing Hmm agamiii concerto tot yiolin and orchestra ml maior playwright has work per or name Is not one that Â¥ï¬ Ihetwoinstiumentalistswilltomforcestoperformworks 01mm in the stump leaps immediately to intnd in peter stinmg appearance by Brahams and by Fiit Kreisler The Huronia Syitiphony will also pcifoiiti the overture from Schuberts Itosaniunde and exerpls from the tiayiie Ballet lty Khachaturiaii Sidelights on the Stratloid Festival from an entertainment writers tattered notebook Festival is far more important to hint and to the festival than that the play has anadian setting famous for her movie roles with toughman Humphrey Bogart would join the Straflord Festi thinking of Shakespeares plays except possibly as Beatrice iii the classic story of the reluctant lovers Beatrice But one of the plays he did announce that Stratford will no next year is Much Ado About at Stratford again next season is of course coup for the festival and more particularly for Robin Phillios littitlltl That is the view of tho Kay and Benedick in Much Adc He will am 1m the 0d leIOIy show roda Strattords literary man About Nothing forgetful mag LEM with Slowflum comm no MST ager oti dramaturge and ltobir There was no con irination the Id kn vs 00L display of anadian hatidweavtng frotti the ltoyal tit Phillipss IIRIIIIIHIKI man the report when Robin Phillips illggrgiuimirgo dim Strap BOB DYLAN APRIL WINE tario Museum opns Nov at the Bame Public Library and continues through to the endof the month Included are traditional items lroiti the lftth and litth centuries King Tut carvings former drama critic of the To main Stat he is the man Il reads all the scripts submittec to the festival and commissions playwrights to produce new announced that next years lineup of international stars will include Peter Ustinov Maggie Smith Jessica Tandy ford Festival next fall to Lon don to play Lear in Londons West End at the famous old Haymarket Theatre lPs 499 399 BARRIES OF CASSETTE AND TRACK TAPES 54 DUNLOP ST WEST for franchise Information Please Call Our Franchise Director At 416 2455400 INSTORE SPECIALS AT SUPER PRICES LIMIT OF ONE TITLE PER CUSTOMER WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Other fine Circle of Sound locations Awiiit CHAIHAM Ontmto HANOVER Onimm NAPANEI Ontotm SALONIL Nt ANYle kiwi OCHRANE Ontario HUNTSVHLE Onimto NEW GLASGOW NI ST JOHN APPLIWOOO 15 W55 ItOUGlASIOWN IRQOUOIS H3 niottt wa ttSIEAFIi Ctnmm gnftaupuf out AitCMl 1t fttlcili tAKf Ontuiict KAPUSMsiNr Oniiuto NiAAflA IAI no st iAiHARiNt Hutu Lint Mtit tllttkft KI Ontmto KlNi ARUINI Nttllii 9le an Quinn Nf RH imam that III rlot liMMINS tat works on order Ihillips pointed to anothei factor in the use of anadtar scripts at Stratford when Ilt held his press conference to an iiounce that the Stratford Festt val is going international It is that plays by anadtan authors selected for peitortn ance at Stratford have to coin pclc with the greatest play wrights the world has known Shakespeare Molierc Ibsen collection of carvings by Stan Hathaway goes on display next week in the cultural ittiil of the Sintcoe ounty Museum in Midliitrst The theme of the collection if King lutankhainuii whose treasures are currently on display in the Art lallery of tintarto itt Toronto The museum display will continue to the end of Nowniber llathaw ay vh lives in liimslil has previously shown his work at the Marne tt lubtlallery in the Downtown teiitie ORlliA TIIEATRES ENEVA toWESI ST Comm this ï¬lm may bu oflamiu to than inth niqioux hills cumin Thnhllmndi Museum staff meet an EfEvll 3m tawtiiii NIld xtRitANttiArt Omit JVIIJA mam GRAVINHURST tatttuttu More than 130 administrative staff front museums across an unitywt Jntytt tINDtAv minim own Mimi CIxi WNRCEGJFE BRAMLU simmer Ontutiit LISlOth tummy must soust anew iQVONlti IIIL pioiincc aii muting this wick tit Iftltllt at IIlt annual thckhoy aitd thi like Next WM 5583 2th googntmontmm tONDQN Ohm upwapo Om WWW conference of the tniarto Museum Associat ton season Stiatfoid will product plays by Itussian Italian sntft morass st LAKE QN BATE CRUie MlSSlSSAUQA Otttrtttr MOUNT FORE mimic PtCON Onion noni RiDtl 0m CrUffPH Onlurio HAMILTON Ontom NAIEP Qntm The theme of this years conference is retrospectn look Mama om at the 1970s aitd look ahead to the lflitils says Hertah OOOOOOOOOOOOOCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO000000000000000000 cl Mlle RTNAWKLSBJRV nopgchm tllttlttn and IliLIlSIl writers oxomu mtr tum Vii NB Cameron chairman of the conference ac Ma up unmimn creams Mis tameron director of the Simcoe ounty Museum in mm There was re tort iiihlished Midliurst atid Robert Fisher assistant director are the local represeiitatnes at the conference litcli began llitirs CocoooooooooooEOooooooooooooooo ooooooooooo day and tnds up Saturday For the fist time the Stincoe ounty Museum will be ex amined for accrcshtatiou by the museum associatoii said Mrs ameroit ccreditation is used to determine grants from the povttictal gmernmeni SERVE YOU Reuben Haet minister of culture and recreation Ill be the guest speaker at the assmtattons annual meeting to be held Saturday at the Holiday liin iii Harrie When he stepped aboard this train the most powerful man in Europe became the most dangerous man in the World Placed in museum HOLLYWOOD =li Mentorahiha from the life of the late Jack Son who was Nick einana on ABCs Barney Miller have been placed tit ilie Smithsonian Institution iii aslimi1ton SoodiedotcaiiceioitJan it 1517 Bid AtTlS9ISpm MODEL RAILROAD ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ SHOW zlfitï¬fr LAYOUTS EXHIBITS SALES CLINICS RAFFLES lltlfltllPHl lltllll llllthlt llflllllll Pllltllltt lll JflHll tlllllNllHt lllllllllN ttlllt llllll lll tllllllt Pl tflllt lllllll lfllllllt ltllllllll lll lllltll lllll it till WHERE BARRIE ARMOURIES LORIMAR PRESENTS MARK RDBSON FILM mm ISIIKI Ens tennis 30 it til ltltllll ll tttttiitttttt meta tittttttttttitttitttt tittitiitiitttttitttt HI AVALANCHE EXPRESS HORST BUCHOLZ CLAUOlO rASSINELU and OE NAMATH as Lero Screenplay byABRAHAM POLONSKY Based or the Novel by COLIN FORBES MN WE WMWNM WM Mast Composed and Conducted by ALLYN FERGUSON Produced and Directed by MARK ROBSON PANAVISION COLOR BY DELUXE Noon Ivhtt is ss ttt to 5pm Lake Simcoe Railway Modelers Host Club muss