Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Nov 1979, p. 10

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II 10 the oxarnlner Friday Nov 1m television guide FRIDAY EVENING VIEWING EVENING 600 NEws Tic TAC DOUGH CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS 630 III NEWLVWED GAME FLAPPERS May looks forward to NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE dream coming true when Edward the Prince alaa Vlaila Le Club JOKERS WILD 645 READALONG 855 WRITE ON 700 CANDID CAMERA THE INCREDIBLE HULK PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS TIC TAC DOUGH DETECTIVE SCHOOL STREET TALK KIDSWORLD FAMILY FEUD MAUDE 730 DANCE FEVER ow CBS NEws ABC NEws NEws RHODA JEREMY GRAND OLD COUNTRY TIGER CAT FOOTBALL 79 HIGHLIGHTS llil AAGIC SHADows of the art aoa NEWHART SHOW MAsH 800 Ill SHIRLEY ARCHIE BUNKERS PLACE Archie finally begin work on the reatautanl addition to ma bar only to have conatruclion halted by Shortage of buuldIng mIIOIIIIIJIDOClally the folding green INCREDIBLE HULK Ari OverAage rodao alara life has in the balance while cattle ruaiiora attmpt to simmer Dario Banner 60 tit BATTLE or THE NETwORK STARS CAROL BURNETT HOUR IN SEARCH OF The Swamp II THE LOVE BOAT in MOVIE ADVENTURE it Pipe Dreams isTe 830 FRONT CHALLENGE PERSONAL SPACES 900 III THE ROCKFORD FILES TOMMY HUNTER SHow Tommys gueeta tonighi are Keith Hitchner Ronnie Prophet Chris Nielsen and Buck one 60 min THE DUKES OF HAZZARD FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE MacArthur PAGE Stare Gregory Peck Art ing WORLD OF CONFLICT Poiiiics of Paiaon Reporta on air pollution in particular harbucrde used in California to kill weeds in er and raring land BATTLE OF THE NETWORK STARS 1000 EISCHIED Eiachied auspecteihatihe ganglandaiyle slaying of two heroin dealers may have been ordelad by much decouted Puena Rican detective obeosaad with hailing drug trafficking In Spanish Harlem 80 TRAPPER JOHN MD DALLAS Bobby finda hllelI getting attached to Luke Middene the young son at one of the hired handa and his attachment only makes Pams efforts to tell Bobby the truth about their unborn child even more cult 60 MIDI DALLAS To BE ANNOUNCED THE PALACE Host Jack Jonas EXPLORERS Roald Amundaan 22 GLOBAL NEWS UPDATE NEws 1001 BARETTA Earettas life Is anden gated when he goes up against an Oriental killer expert to the uae of all the martial arts and bent on revenge for his daughters death 1100 at £8 NEws CBC NEWS CTV NEws CD JOURNEYS IN TIME MOVIE DRAMA Killing Of Slater George 1963 20 NEws 1125 NEws 1127 NEws 1130 THE TONIGHT SHow iii Johnny Carson Guests Charles Nelaon Reilly Derek Pate Fountain 90 mm CBS LATE MOVIE THE NIGHT STALKER The Youth Killar Kolchak dia covera an axcluaivo ainglaa club that turns III members into agad corpus Repeal DEVILS RAlN 1975 Star Ernest Borgnine Lu mo OVIE DRAMA Valley Of Dolls tau PARTY GAME ID OUESTION PERIOD MAC 1145 THE RETURN OF THE SAINT The Saint has the help of the moat aorgooua gondoliar in Venice when the life of IrIenda daughter it held out as bait to lure him Into trap set by vrcrous killer The not is spread throughout Venice do mine 1200 MOVIE DRAMA Great apectations tau MOVIE ADVENTURE gerilous Voya I969 MERV IN 1215 MOVIE DRAMA Hard Times 1245 NICE SHow LIKE YOU 100 THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL Hoaie and The Sunshine Band Gualll Bonnie Painter Nick Lowe Maureen McGovern Deniece Williams 90 mins 130 NEWS GONG SHow MOVIE DRAMA For the Money 1911 200 MEDICAL CENTER ED MOVIE DRAMA Max 1966 Two Blue 215 MOVIE COMEDY v2 Carry on In the Legion 1970 historically speaking barries story November firm Rememberance Day which was Dominion holiday by statute was to be celebrated in Barrie and Mayor If Robertson was instructed to issue proclamation to that ef fect rat the Town Council meeting C0uncil accepted the invita tion of Harry Gartncr chair man of the ltemcmbcrance Day ommittec to attend service which was to be held in Central United hurch parade was to leave Market Square and half at the Cenotaph for short ser vice on route to the church The decision to proclaim Remem berancc Day as public holiday followed recommendation from Barrie Business Mens Club which had been asked for its opinion problem OP Photo for their warravaged country Wednesday The group has met Jean Lennox took the arter Scholarship for the ounty of Simcoc for 1936 Miss Lennox was student at Barrie ol legiate Institute Second and third prizes went to Gertrude Mulcahv and Elizabeth Baskcr ville rillia Miss Lennox was the only Barrie student who wrote the exams upon which the arlcr awards were made Generally speaking Hallo ween passed fairly quietly in Barrie Chief Stewart stated that some damage was done and it was his opinion that it wasnt done by children Some parking signs big heavy ones 77 were removed from one spot to another One of these was shunted into the middle of the road at Burton Ave and MIIburn Street The Barrie Branch of the Bank of Toronto celebrated its 80th birthday and became one of the oldest agencies of that bank having been opened in 156 The first Barrie location was on Dunlop St at the north east corner of Clapperton St The second in the offices of Boys and Boys and in 1914 it was moved to its existing loca tion at the corner of Dunlop and Owen Streets Barrie distance runners made it close for Midland in the Barrie to rillia road race over course of about 245 miles Midland captured the Orillia Leaders Corps Trophy for the second year in row beating Barrie at the tape by slim margin is The Doctor says Suffers from femoral hernia By PAUL obsouLE MD Dear Dr Donohue Can you write about hernias where they are etc am at loss about my femoral hernia Can you tell me its location ap pearance and whether symp toms differ from something like thigh muscle strain How sus ceptible is it to strangulation JEM The medical description of hernia is the protrusion of any organ or tissue through supporting structure If that sounds confusing few exam ples might clear things up The common inguinal hernia is bulging of the abdominal contents bit of intestine for example through small de fect in the abdominal wall This defect at one time wasnt defect at all but normal pas sage present during the bodys development before birth Normally this passage Shrinks In some people it doesnt shrink enough and later in life hernia develops at the site Some abdominal contents may protrude through it Many other such passages form during early develop ment Others may form as part of the wear and tear of living Most do so there are many types of hernias as youve learned Now the femoral hernia is similar situation found in the upper part of the groin near the thigh muscles There should be no problem distinguishing be tween thigh muscle and her nia problem As with any her nia the femoral type is soft painless bulge Strangulation means that the protruding tissue is pinched cutting off blood supply BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Prompt surgery is required for this Strangulation is uncom mon but may happen with fe moral hernia Strictly an aside hernia always struck me as beautifullysounding word would even think of naming my first daughter Hernia November 197 This coming year you are likely to have greater order and her mony in your life than you have had for some time Difficult situa tions will just seem to sort them selves out SCORIIO Oct 24Nov 22 You are fortunate indeed today Dear Dr Donahue work because loyal friend is interest graveyard shift and cant get ed Y0 WelbeIW This more than four hours sleep in 5° d° We 99 the day because of busy wrongs schedule Each night take two to three NOD02 tablets to stay awake at work Will this dam age my bladder and kidneys from the caffeine in the tablets Will they destroy vitamins Mrs SB If you are taking any pills to stay awake you are harming yourself Your body is trying to tell you something You need sleep The active ingredient of No 002 is caffeine 100 milligrams per tablet cup of coffee has 100150 milligrams of caffeine So you are getting the equiva lent of from two to three cups night more if you are also drinking coffee at work Caffeine does not destroy vitamins It should not hurt your body in moderation The lack of sleep will Thomas Edi son was supposed to have re quired only four hours of sleep night But his friend Henry Ford said of this That may be true but Mr Edison sleeps eight hours during the day in Dear Dr Donohue Are iden tical twins always of the same sex either boys or girls BC Yes because identical twins develop from single fertiliz ed egg Haste indeed makes waste NORTH l12 0J983 V94 0Jm9 +AKJ2 WEST EAST 0K52 074 VQstz VK763 OKQI 08652 86 6753 SOUTH QAQwG VAs 0A73 91094 Vulnerable Both Dealer South West North East South NT Pass 20 Pass 20 Pass 40 Pass Pass Pass Opening leadVQ By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Some people play fast because they can figure out the proper line of play instan taneously Others play fast because they are in hurry to daily crossword ACROSS 50 Delanswe missus abbr Alphabet 53 Negative Government conjunction agent 55 Native name compwd for Norway Shahs 59 Predicting country doom camp 12 Frun pastry wd 13 Ammunition 62 Collaborate 14 Distintive air 63 Aloe 15 Room shape 64 Skin problem 16 Salt 65 For 18 Fathom 66 Smallsword 20 Minyan 67 Salacrous 21 Our Fr 68 Common tree 22 Debtors note 24 Dryas wine DOWN 26 Barb of feather Parodied 30 Clip Liver fluid 34 Lincoln Prison room 35 Flaky storm Vaporous 37 La Madame Douce abbr 38 Prod Loves Lat 40 Over again Snoops 42 Lions home Author 43 Organic Fleming compound Bane 45 Characteristic 10 River in Italy 47 Astronauts ll Bothers ferry t7 Indefinite per 49 Hawaiian sons Volcano 19 Wine Fr Mauna 23 Forearm b0ne II III III II III HI get to the next hand South grabbed the ace of hearts quicker than you could say Jack Robinson led club to dummy and lost the spade finesse Back came the 10 of hearts won by Easts king East shift ed to the eight of diamonds and since West held both the king and queen South had to lose to both of them and was down one Three finesses wrong complained South as he was cutting the cards for the next deal No one bothered to com ment so we will point out that if South had taken time to think at trick one he would have ducked that first heart West would lead second heart South would win enter dummy with club and lose the spade finesse as before West would not be able to put his partner in with heart and would probably return trump South would draw trumps cash all the clubs stopping in dummy lead the jack of dia monds and let it ride West would win and be stone cold dead He would have to give South ruff and discard or lead diamond into the jaws of death Frank and Ernest Answer to Previous Puzzle ram EIIIIIB man mum HERMES IIIIIB an and EIIEEEI Elan BBB BBB mo BER Ham ERIE BRIDE IIIIIIIIBIIIBB HEB BEE union manna an IIBIII ENE 38 GE GE BE BEBE HEB 25 Greek letter 46 Tse TRIEDJIIKEiBUT I19 MR wour LET HE SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Put forth your best efforts today Theyll not go unrecognized by individuals necessary to your plans Once you gain their respect they will aid you CAPRICORN Doc um 19 You have beneficial impact on your friends today that is more powerful than you realize Encouraging words from you mean lot AQUARIUS Jan allFeb 19 Conditions in general should be rather nitty for you today espe cially if youre teamed with another who has been lucky for you before PISCES Feb 20March 20 in situations today where you must deal with others on onetoone basis you will happily find con HEGOT OFFICE TODAY OlbeNEA In in flog us Dal Ow WRITE 399K ON HOW HARD WORK PAYS OFF THE LAND OF ID arw Irarum In ten FWI Five IMMETYIWO FIVEIIJIUETYTHREE FIVEIUILEI tFOURI FIVE UIUETY FIVE 26 Leaf of book tung 27 Nigerian 48 Pertaining to tribesmen form gt MINVEV AN 28 TdY 50 Wing Fr 29 SI Radar screEn comp wd Image 31 Energy 52 YOung lady agency abbr Fr abbr 32 American abbr 54 Cereal grass Ill 33 Station in life 56 Assam 36 Wale Young woman 39 Mam symboi 58 Esau country It Sinned 60 Unplaied 90 against 09 44 City on the 61 Compass Truckee paint WNG MAN IM NOT nghie TO JUST TURN MOM HE RNLRIIIRENCE NEED Plith OF SCISSORS nnTwo WELSIOKMOH ASKHIM IF SENTTO THE PRINCIPALS IM GOING To TURN sou INTO HIDEoUs VILEWAi2Tcovaizt=o ditions sllgbtty titled in your favor ARIES March 21April 10 Materially and financially your prospects are very encouraging today Your rewards however will have to come from work or serVIce performed TAURUS April 20May 20 Peo ple you know socially could prove very lucky l0r you today Theyll advance your personal ambitions by opening doors you cant GEMINI May 214nm 20 Most of your breaks are likely to come today through the efforts of others yet things could work out better than if you had designed the breaks yourself CANCER June 21July 22 The size or scope of projects shouldnt be permitted to intimi Iunrr HINUTEH0NI=3 BERHfiRySLRE SURE AshoGraphamaoo date you today Think big Though you may not grab the brass ring youll still come out ahead LEO My 23Aug 22 Your material motivations are likely to be rather strong today but you wont be looking for free ride What you get youll be truly enti tled to VIIGO Aug 2380 ln addition to your aptitude for detail you have another dimen sion thatll serve you well today lt is your ability to see something in its entirety LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Dont be overly anxious today regard ing matters affecting your mate rlal socurlty Things are stirring in the background to help put your mind at ease EhsgtthN5ou 6119f RSK EH MEN WHEHRE NOT LISTENING NEXT TIME COULD YaJMAKE IT THECOMIOG SECTION BUT YouiE SEEN IN THE STABLES ALL YOUR LIFE TELLst rRuiH Bul N61 SOLEMNLY iva bl

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