ult QIIHBH itlv The switch from federalisrri to sovereignty association wont he quusk or tas hut will he word ii iii Jilllow Qiiivivlirii jylllfldlld rlllllsllitii ii ts wt Ye paper entitled Qliehee fariada ea Heal At last the two iiamii Frenili and English will tie on an equal looting says the ttiiveriiiiiint And while each of these two major cultural groups will mind its own political and cultural ltllllf hoth will have it hand in minding the store Virtually the only coiiiiirtioii tittween the two states would he dollars and cents The new systeii would maintain the ana dian dollar as the ciiiiiiiioii current and coiiiiiioi lltllllw to the outiile world But there would he tiee iiioveiiieiit of goods capital and peisiiiis iipiiit iron the odd restriction litlJJlll guttwi and Canada sovereign Qiiehei would have the elusive power to legislate and to lav within its hoiindiirie lllllt control of its foreign affairs and no leiii of federal in trusion in its cultural llHlltllliillll As for the proposed ttllttllllf associa tion between Qlllllll and aiiiida the white paper proposes the estahlishiiient of four institutions in which for the most part the two countries have an equal say These would he community council of ministers commission ot teehnociéitie experts high court of iustii and ioint monetary authority all institutions whose task would he limited to ad ministering the terms of treaty association negotiated by Quehec and aiiada There would he no Ollll parlraiiient directly elected hy the people But the white paper says that if the rest anada proposed an interparliamentary assemhly formed of meiiihers chosen among the memhers elected to parliaments ot the memher states the uehec goveiniiient would have no oliiec tion to examining this proposal White pap er unveiled Sovereignty switch not eas iv RENE LEYIISQLII at news conference French public enemy Mesrine slain in Paris lAltlS Aii Gangster Jacques Mesrine Frances luhlic Enemy No was shot and killed today in working class neighhorhood in Paris government officials said girl friend of 1esiine was reported shot and seriously wounded The handsome llamhoyant Mesrine had enihairassed ldtlltll police for months slipp ing in and out ol Paris and France despite countrwaidedragnet Mesrine was reported shot to death at lorle de ligiiancourt iiortlien Paris hy the special aiili handitry squad ol the French police Fifty policemen took part in the operation led hy Maurice ltouvier director of the criminal investigation deparliiient Its official Were now 36566 its official Vcye increased hy ahoul 1000 persons iii Harrie met the past year Figures Iecciycd lhursilay hy the assess iiiciit department show Harries population asotScpteiiihcr is tiiï¬im Last year Harries lkillllldllttll was ilfifiiti The increase of ahoiit 1000 has hceii the average increase here since 1971 says truce Fraser head of the regional assessment of lice Hefore 15471 an aerige of ahoiit 000 per vcar were coming into Harrie Fraser llltl lhe iiiiiiiiiii today The reason tor the decline said Fraser is that people irciii haying klil anymore and are no longer as illiiig io mm to lfarric and commute to their iohs in Toronto Figures on the rest ot Sincoe toiiiity are not availahle yet Fraser said inside story Championship Sunday The Queens Hotel and lllltlllt loft and Country tliih will meet tor the cliainpioii ship iii the H11llt Flag Foothall League this Sunday Queens hich liiishcd stli diii mg the regular season made it to thc tiia hy shocking tirst placc meiican Hotel ii the semifinal The Toronto Blue Jays made siplayer deal with the cw ork Yankees Thursday Among the itltllil lays going to the to pplc is T0111 lndci wood iiioitg the three playcis the Jays li he rccciy ltL steady first haseiiiari ilii is vliihiss See Sports MUN Museum staff coming here loic tlia 1in iiiiiscxai staff from throughout the prov ittt tlt weekend to iftca hi Ontario liiscuti ssoc the lliilday liit lhi Slll lil Cl index today business lifestyle entertainment sports convicstv guide 10 classified 1417 supplement Panorama 12 pages The squad had heeii tracking lcsrine for several weeks Mcsrine was reported taken unawares by police at the wheel of his car and shot before he had time to use two hand grenades found in the vehicle The girlfriend was sitting at his side Mesrine also was wanted In anada for three murders an ahdiictioii and series of holdups His long career in crime stretching to 1961 when he was fined 300 francs for posses sion of an illegal knife and his love for tliumhing his nose at police made him folk hero in France along the lines of Jesse James MIDDLECLASS FAMILY He was horn into middleclass family at mosphere that would appear unlikely to pro duce hardened criminal He said iii his autohiography written in prison and smuggled out that he knew as hoy he eventually would heconie gangster He said that by the age of 23 he had decided to hecome killer Between March 1962 and 1967 he was sentenced It1ilhstlllllt to years in prison on three different charges Fleeing to anada in 19611 he ahducted ltlr dustrialist leorges Delaiirier and extracted ransom of $2001th He was arrested in 1971 and imprisoned in Montreal hut escaped shortly atterwards After iiumher of lioldiips in the lnited States in 1971 he was accused of killing iotel owner in Quehec along with numher of armed rohheries in Canada Arrested in 1972 he escaped gain In Septemhcr 1972 he and lcanAlaul Mer cier cie charged with killing two anadian game wardens lercicr was caught Iesrme returned to France here he as arrested tter several more exploits he made his latest escape last year and wasted little time in returning to crime The month he escaped he strode into police station in the Nor mansy klkllill resort of lltvlln ille Leads Colts to win Rick Bownian was tower of strength for the Junior Same Colts last night as he swred five goals to lead his team to 65 vic tory over the Georgetown Gemini Betare Sewnian put his show on the road the Colts were trailing the Gemini 40 The five goals also give Bowman the leaguelead in the scoring department He now has 29 paints it was the Colts third Victory in row For more see to day Sports pages Traffic report soon tcpir or epcvii llaliy ail ts tiii ii iiiiu l= kci no ienvieit ii caiii ctzaf Ellvim Wc iis pulpiti flit 115th Year No 251 Friday Nov2 1979 ailin Lake Simcoe 20¢ Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 95 Weekly the examiner serving barrie and simcoe county More spending urged sewage treatment Casualty in Bolivian coup University students carry away the body of man killed when soldiers fired at crowds opposing military coup in La Paz Bolivia on Thursday AP Photo Do these Grade one students from Allandale Heights School have secret Not necessarily but when they The meeting was incamera and as result no further information can he releas ed on it she said The Examiner has learned the inlormar tion is heing kept secret because part of that study could be used at the Ontario Municipal Board ittxllti hearing on the downtown improvement proiect llowe er the report did indicati traffic volume on itunlop Street could he expected to increase in the future said Ald Parker The study looks at numher of proposed protects in Barrie and resulting traffic flow prohlcms liicli could result Hit by car dies rlllltl 70yearold nursing home resident died Thursday night after he was struck by car outside the nursing home located on Highway 39 here Provincial police said Allan Latimer wandered onto the highway ahout iiid as hit hy esihound car He died in York County Hospital later that night said police No charges hay heen laid in the accident Latimer an Allistor area resident lived at the tiood Samaritan Nursing Home The driver of the car yearoat tookstowi man as no moirei ltwas union rep in photo on the front page of Thursday Bummer the man heside Mii lid Zieiiftia is identified as MPP Boh 1ackere It was actually Thomas Hohinson llllltl reprisei tatiye Mackeiiiie is heliiiid Zrct immigration status quo HTlMyA iii rm witii gooii men has opted to iiiaiiiaLi ttie staais iiuo for immigration levels next year and aillil up to 121mm immigrars iii llivllii refugees to enter Canada The tzgiiie announced ltiursilay hy liii iiirgratioi lzriistcr lvor ii heath Edillt itlllIu 3331 Lilltd fv is ll cili Valatthi civxtl ii ll regics in fiori iuz tiIitrotzi lic cs he i1 That coituparcs ih= rs arge ii liIiIiii rtllt1 l1itil in rpm2 Soiiri is Is it big secret Hy STEIHF Illltll Of The laiiiiiier TitltttNlH Ontarios cahiiiet coiiimitiec on resource development recommends the government spend more money on sewage treaiiiient to aid ailing Lake Simcoe Environment Minister Harry lariotl told The iiaminer Thursday he does not know how much more money his ministry will spend or how soon ahinct ill decide hat to spend Howard Shillington Lake Simcoe municipal steering committee chairman said he expects to hear tahinets decision hy January Following meeting with area muni cipalities Thursday the cahinet coiiiiniitce appoiiiml the en iroiiiiicnt ministry as lead ministry charged with handling Lake Sun coes environmental prohleins lt suggested the l3llltltllttl steering com mittec coordinate municipal actions dealing with the lake and the municipal committee should work closely with the environment ministry SET TIMIIIR IH the urging of municipal representatives the cahinet committee rmommended fahiiict establish tune frame for provincial clcanupaction Representatives from Harrie trillia him coe County regions of York and Durham townships of lnnislil ro Georgina Tecumseth and Brock and the South Lake Simcoe Conservation authority met with the ministers of environment of natural resources of agriculture and lood and of Mind They discussed the Lake Siiiicoc ouchiching eiiyiroiimental strategy report which outlines pollution prohlems and ways to deal itli them The report was prepared over two years hy team of municipal representatives and pro vincial ministry tuhniciaiis It says improving lake quality will cost $5 million year Maintaining cistinL quality will cost Sit million annually say the report Mli George Taylor ilt Sinicoc teiitic who also attended Thursday meeting said steps proposed hy the cahinet committee will maintain lake quality and should improve it He said the enyiroiiiiiciit ministry which now pays 15 per cent of municipal sewage waste projects will have to tight with other ministries hetore the treasury and manage ment hoard to get more money for Lake Sun coe area work Its matter of finding out where the money will come from said Tim lor Wtth 1S itlltltl ahinets committee in hiief presented Thursday said the lakes coldwatcr fishery warrants major effort to restore water quality to feud which will support such fishery Municipal representalivcs had earlier pressed concern the project iiiighl hc shely ed liecaiise of financial restraints and other environiiienlal ploltlenis such as acid rain Premier William Davis told The lllllltitl Thursday the goycrnmciit is not giant to shelvcaiiything For more on Lake Siiiicoes liituie see the Today page Poachers taking Fishermen illegally using gill nets are poaching hundreds of pounds of lake trout and whitefish from Lake Sinicoe says pilnistry of natural resources enforcement of 106 stood up the results are interesting to say the least For the answer turn to the Today page Examiner Photo School violence erupts in Metro in renewed outbreak of Violence at Toronto schools Thursday 300 students hurl eggs at school budding and police while others burned gar boge Tne hostile students were protesting against teachers worktoArule campaign Teachers have been without contract tor 20 months CP Laser photo Como home to The Examiner Call 7266537 or home delivery Hit by vandalism Kenneth Faulkner Maple liistrict enforci ment ciHirdinator told The liyaiiiinei today poachers place gill nets in spawning areas of the lake to capture the ish He said it is illegal to use gill nii withoiil commercial fishing licence Possession of gill net without ltttllfl is also an otlcni he said Weston hit than reported seeing to litfoot hoat pulling gill nets on the west side of Ook Ray Siindiiv lcter Sticklee said he was upset to sei fishermen using gill net iiicause it is liaiiii lul logainefish Even if they were fishing for carp gamefish could he entangled iii the net and die from gill damage Why should one or two men he licensed to operate such non selective eriiiipiiiiiit in waters that are so iiiipoitant to this pio Vinces three million anglers asked Sticklee ma lettii to The livaniiiiii Ron Itesliirdine fisheries hiologist sllltl one man is permitted to fish for carp 111 Lake Sinicoe His net has large mesh which seldom catches giiiiielisli said lisiirdiiii Occasionelly pike or piekerel might get lnto it but most species can pass right through It The net holes are ahout five inches square he said ALMUNTE tint ifli Police and municipal officuils say they are helpless against puhlicly encouraged arson and van dalism that has hecome Halloween tradi tion in this town flu kilometres west ol tit taw Wednesday about 400 masked youth were cheered on hv parents as maiii street l11ltlnlsses were smeared with paint and manure and indows were smashed huge bonfire was lll in the lowiitiiziii area Damage has not yet heet aleiilateil Theres nopriiiit in making an llrll said Mayor Hoii littiii You oivl lllll urttiei modalisiii the iiri HUlit Three die in crash ltlti lltlllT LAKE tint fl Three people were killed Thursday hiii tiiii litter aircraft struck an airport tower and crashed in itig Trout Lake near thzs eoiii niuriiy ahou Wt kzloriiitrl nort of llltllll iii spoke iii tor lli yiiwa Ltd 11 TLiiJiiiris said theii regularly flitllll lgti hewei liikle Lakt itioi Wt ioiiatre norli of Thunder tin and ltig Lake was tallll7L JJi tlt iii and one pll sliigll iiie the pilot lhiii inlet the vii loiiaiiii liiiiii in not at Sam Loorwii fir and Humid l=ik iiii tiir £3 iii Keiiriia tiii lti vlll lilii litl2 ToK lii lfltl ti tie is lllil he dead Declares state of siege 11 lAl il flotsam new military sriirigrian oi Altiero atiith declared mite of ege dissolued tiiiigies and had one riaiiiwt presiitiit rini hours after leading tiliiirl coup and promising his COUNT llili political fretdon weather Cloudy With frequent Sunny periods today Highs to Lows overnight one to Mainly cloudy Saturday With few showers or wet flames and highs to