Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Aug 1979, p. 12

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WWWW 12 the examiner Tuesday August 21 1070 telvision uie TUESDAY EVENING VIEWING NEWS HOLLYWOOD SOUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS 630 Nac NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW cos NEWS ONE 101 ADC NEWS NEWS PARTYGAME DRAGONS WAGONS AND 645 III GET IT TOGETHER 855 an BARBAPAPA 700 DATING GAME LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE CROSS WITs MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAc DOUGH DOWNRIGHT DISCO Guant Edwtn Starr Sweat Croom Tabby Johnon la K0 R0 at NEhL ED GAME KIDSWORLD GONG SHOW PRICE Is RIGHT 730 MUPPETS SHOW WAX NEWLYWED GAME HAPPY DAYS The Fonz faces the trauma of Itlotuno when ha auddonty exper moaamxingattacklwhaneverheeaboutto agrrt R0 at FAMILIFEUD STARSON ICE Guoata WorfdProtoa WII Ico Danca Champions Barbara Ber arovreai and DIYld Porter aIngIno atar Glenn Smrth ice Fotlru atar JIII ShIpatad Ice Folfrea Mr Oooanane RIchardDWyerandtheamaleur procraron team OalhI ProCIann Toam at PETER APPLEYARD MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 THE RUNAWAYS Paycholoaiel Stove Annro batrrendo troubled high school boy whose doubta about his maeculnmty lhrea tan rolatronahipe WIth lamIIy and month al60mrno 8° MOVIE COMEDYDRAMA EatM Duot1077 DTDESDA NIGHTMOVIEApeaIn In Canaan 1978 Stars Stefania POwersPoul nomen MOVIE DRAMAROMANCE Comrade 1040 HAPPY DAYS Iroubloo 01111 otudioa andurinouttina profoooorcauao Potato todocidoto quit ochoot tho Fonz comoo upwith an ingontotu but Ottboal plan to help hia friend at MOVIE TITLE UNANNOUNCED CAN PRO 10 AWARDS THE ROCKING HORSE WINNER WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT MOVIE MUSICALCOMEDY leo Little Love Little 1000 030 DETECTIVE SCHOOL but bumbling atudantl at Nick Hannigana De toctivo Acadomy talk Nick into letting them crack caao Involving married roapoctod member at the community being blackmailed with xralad pictures of htmaell and beautiful THE REAL STORY OUIZ KIDS 000 BIG EVENT MOVIE Something Big Store Dean Martin Brian Keith THREES COMPANY Chrissy pull out all tho otopo when she ban to pry Jack from tho clutchoo at hia old flame an airline otowardooo to lure him to the Roper apartment blrthda part Repeat iiiEff cou mi WORLD LEADERS PETER MARSHALL VARIETY 930 Go TAXI Mechanic Lalho Gravaa youth lul and attractive mother makes her firt visit to America and after aho and Alex meet and have anaveningloveatfelrLatha aoaumaolhathewill bo potting now daddy Repeat WTWOS COMPANY 945 BMOVIEMYSTERYVI Lon don By Night 1031 1000 IN CONCERT Bobby Curtola STARSKY AND HUTCH SImky andHutchaooumofhoroleolhatrdrooaoratogot next to $5 million gem auctIon that in about to be hit by the worlds orealeet iewol thief The on Ro 160 mine QUINCY Quincy goes undercovertoand wavo oi terrorby abuoiYeguardoatan Institute for mentally disordered criminals Repeat 60 III CONFERENCE ON LAW AND CONTEMPORARY AFFAIRS THE ORGANISATION NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 MERV GRIFFIN 1030 INSIDE YESTERDAY 1191211 SA 0111 am with In sum rum911mm oopionogoJOdravanoutralAmoricolmoWortd Warltin 1040 and 1941140 Mira Wallace 00 NEWS CBC NEVIS CTV NEWS EDUCATION OF MCMANUS MOVIE DRAMA By Love Poooooaod 1001 1120 NEWS 1125 NEWS 1127 ll NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Guoot hoat David Brenner Ouoota Allan Font Rip Taylor an Saint Jamoa DO rhino iii cas LATE MOVIE maum JONES DoathOnDopoaItLoiaNattlotonguoal atara aa emailtown bank prooidont Whooo roapoctabloraputationhidooornuttitudoolalna Ronat 36 HOURS 10115 Store Jamao er Eva Moria Saint MOVIESCIENCEFICTION onollth Monotora 1057 STREET TALK NIGHTMUSIC 1145 LIFE AT STAKE um emu an hor clan of Infant pupils were kidnappod and hold hoatage In Victoria Australia in October 1912 Ropoat 80 rhino 1200 MOVIE MVSTERY Tho float lrn oraonatlon 104 MED CAL CENTER MERV GRIFFIN CONTINUES 1210 MOVIE MYSTERY OquI Placo To Kill 1011 1230 DICK EMERY 100 TOMORROW Hoot Tom Snyder GueltMarclaWamangoldWholowaglngawar orno ra hy60rnlno AL HAT GLITTERS 130 NEWS PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 200 EMERGENCY OsNE 21 MOVIE ROMANCECOMEDY IWDman Times Soven 1001 historically speaking today in history Aug211979 JeanBaptiste Bernadette one of Napoleons top generals was elected crown prince of Sweden 169 years ago today in 1810 and ascended the throne eight years later as Charles XIV on the deathhf the childless Charles XIII Ber nadotte proved to be popular monarch and founded the pre sent royal house of Sweden 1831 Nat Turners rebellion began 1859 The first modern oil well was drilled in Titusville Penn 1930 Princess Margaret was born 1939 Hitler announced 10 year peace pact with Russia 1959 Hawaii was proclaim ed the 50th state of the United States barries story August 21 1956 For the second year running Barrie Branch of the Canadian Legion was one of five to receive h0norable mention out of 88 branches in the Ontario Command in the Van Someren Memorial Trophy competition The trophy was awarded an nually to the best all round canadas story Hudson Bay Company Critic Hid Kelsey Diary In Ireland On August 21 1691 Henry Kelsey of the Hudsons Bay Company was the first white man to take part in buffalo hunt on the Prairies In fact it was 1738 before the next white men saw the Prairies They were Pierre de la Verendrye and his sons Kelsey was only 20 years old when he volunteered to accompany party of Stone Indians from Fort Nelson Hudson Bay to their hunting grounds The purpose of his trip was to encourage other Indians to bring their furs to the trading posts on Hudson Bay This expedition of Kelseys had an aftermath reminis cent of the presentday Watergate affair When the Hudsons Bay Company received its charter in 1670 it was obligated to explore the continent Critics charged that it failed to do this and there was an investigation in 1749 by parliamentary committee It was known that Kelsey kept diary during his exploration of the Prairies and the Hudsons Bay company wanted to include this as evi dence of its activity The diary could not be found The mystery was not solved until 1926 when the missing diary was found in the library of Castle Dobbs Carrick fcrgus Northern Ireland It was among papers that had belonged to Arthur Dobbs one of the chief critics of the Hudsons Bay Company during the enquiry of 1749 The so ressed evidence might not have made great deal of Ifference Kelsey wrote his diary in very bad verse and did not indicate clearly where he had been It is only known for certain that he got as far as The Pas Manitoba which he named Derrings Point for director of the company However it is considered possible that he got as far as Saskatchewan The CBCS first radio transmitter on the Prairies was given the callletters CBK in his honor OTHER EVENTS ON AUGUST 21 1691 Henry Kelsey was first European to see Prai ries 1775 US Generals Schuyler and Montgomery led US troops for invasion of Canada 1820 Reformer Robert Gouriay was banished 1860 Edward Prince of Wales later Kin Edward VII opened Victoria Bridge Montrea branch in the Ontario Com mand Barrie Chief of Police Ed ward Tschirhart organized Custom Car Club for 22 teenagers in the town The ob ject was to get wild teenage drivers off the road and in struct them in good road behaviour and the principles of motor mechanics comparatively new ex hibitor Mrs Bert Cook of Bar rie was sweepstakes winner at the annual flower show of the Barrie Horticultural and Town Improvement Society held in Trinity Parish Hall The gardener became the first person to win the two top show awards in one year She received the Eaton Trophy the Barrie Law Association Cup and was also awarded the Holden Cup for her special floral basket In Hillsdale reunion dinner was held for the stars of the Hillsdale White Sox baseball team of 1910 and included eight of the nine players Those honored included Ernie Scott catcher Gordon Hough pit cher Ed McClung Fisher Gan ton shortstop Albert McEvoy third base Bill Davenport Jr centre field Joe Hutton right field and Fred McClung left field Barries Jack Cook came through to win his second feature win of the season in bumper to bumper duel with Bill Cromb and John Nawrocki The win put Jack in third spot in the Carlings point race Stroud Redmen moved into the semifinals of the South Simcoe Baseball League by defeating Ivy Maple Leafs 74 at Ivy their third straight win in the quarterfinals Your move Philip deBulnes ll moves giant chess piece into position on huge chess board set up in midtown Toronto Friday However Philip and another volunteer only provided the brawnthe brain power was provided by players sitting at umbrellashaded tables on either side of the 32foot square board Games on the big board will be played on weekends until the endofAugust CP Photo The Doctor Says About estrogen By PAUL DONOHUE MD Dear Dr Donohue desper ater need sound advice am 46 and had my uterus and ovaries removed have been taking hormone medicine for menopause symptoms Lately Ive heard so much talk about hormones and cancer that Im just afraid to take the pills get so hot feel Im going to pass out If take the pills make out OK My doctor says the pills are safe but cannot go on this way afraid to take them and afraid not to Please tell me the facts Mrs ELW Many women write me in the Same vein One helpful fact to keep in mind is that the estrogen in the pills is the very same substance womens bodies produce when their ovaries are intact The second fact is that with your uterus removed you have elimi nated the chief problem area associated with such medicine Uterine cancer Why was the surgery needed Certainly some women must avoid hormone medicine alto gether but for specific reasons history of cancer or fluid re tention problems for exam ples If you dont fall into such categories you can and considering your obvious problems without them probably should continue taking the pills No one can give 100 per cent assurance that hormonés will not be troublesome in the fu ture However this therapy has been used for decades now The opinion of most authorities is that women who need estrogen should have it as long as they can tolerate it and there are no medical reasons barring its use Dear Dr Donohue relative tells me that if you take vitamins on an empty stomach they go through your body without being of any value Is this true also have heard that taking yeast rids your body of vitamins MBP Nonsense Both statements are untrue Probany more misinformation is available about vitamins than any other health subject Dear Dr Donahue Please comment on tension tremors My hand shakes when first start writing or when am tense am 52 years old Is this form of Parkinsons disease JA You may mean tension tremor Were you told this by doctor The tremor of Parkinsons disease occurs when the hands are at rest as when lying in your lap In tention tremor occurs during movement It tends to subside when the arm is held out stretched This tremor can be part of other general nerve or muscle problems cannot tell from your brief note what kind of tremor you have It is difficult for patients to describe such things and only firsthand observation by doctor settle matters There are distinct forms of tremors and each represents different cause neurologist can tell quickly what kind person has which is treatable and which is not Distinguishing tremor tells whether surgery medicine or both will help BED Oswaldeacoby and Alan Sontag Beautifully bagged bonus NORTH 82111 0A vQJ987 OAK 0AK542 wasr EAST 01652 VAKIOGSIH 901102 9874 01 010937 soura ¢KQIO98743 653 063 Vulnerable NorthSouth Dealer North West North Ea st South Pass Dbl Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag In this hand from Mas ters and Monsters we see the Hideous Hog at his best In explanation of Norths sevenspade bid Victor Mollo has mentioned that at Griffin Club large cash bonus would be given to the first pair to bid and make grand slam between the hours of 10 and 1030 and North was trying for that bonus After studying the dummy at length and reviewing the bidding such as It was the Hog decided that maybe his only play for 13 tricks was to score diamond ruff with dummys ace of trumps and to prepare for trump coup against East Once his mind was made up the Hog ruffed the heart led diamond to dummys ace ruffed second heart led diamond to dummys king ruffed third heart led club to dummy ruffed fourth heart led second club to dummy and ruffed dummys last heart Now he led his last dia mond ruffed with dummys ace and watched poor East underruff Then he led club from dummy and made the last three tricks with the kingqueen and 10 of trumps Ask the ExoaIts You are North and hold 821B K0653 IO 74 The bidding has proceeded South West North East Diamond Heart Diamonds Pass Spades Pass Diamonds Pass Hearts Pass Mississippi reader asks what we would bid We jump to five diamonds to show very good trumps but neither first or second round control of clubs the unbid suit dally crossword ACROSS 44 Celebration Answer to Prevrous Puzzle 46 Actress AntIseptIc qu Merkel Ind 47 Consume Greek sea 48 Spy group 13 Car part abbr wds 49 Arm muscle 14 Eastern 52 GIfted Speaker religion 55 Portuguese IS 15 State WIIhOUl lands proof 56 Imbue 16 Convey 57 Upper house 17 Prevarrcate of the 18 Numbers legIsIature abbr 58 Settled 20 Shame 21 Abominable DOWN snowman 23 Thus Alpine 24 Trek country 25 Let Slipperler 27 Saliva Remove from 30 TennIs stroke print 32 Over poem Indignatron 33 Measure of Egg drink land metnc Paradises 34 Old salt OSIrIS wae 35 Fools EIecIrIcaI uan 38 8nd Wee drink 41 Havrng pedal 10 BefuddIed 019115 wds 42 Afterthought 11 Heart abbr chamber IIII 12 Observer I10 Indolent MIN 41 Horns 22 59 mm 43 Greek phr050 surface 24 Paan 100 26 Matador 45 Havmg opponent nodes 28 FeY 47 To be Lat 29 Halter 31 Gamble 50 on 35 Polanze 51 Household 36 Ministers as anrmal 5mm 53 GeneIIc 37 Hot spnng 39 Pronounce ma me 54 Labor group KIWI III Ella all all 38 39 in Bernice BodeOsol August 22 1979 Big things could be in store for you this coming year through projects which you will develop through your own initiative Use your imagination advanta geously LEO July 23Aug22 You should be luckier than usual today in any area where you exert your best efforts It you dont settle for second best Dame Fortune wont either VIRGO Aug23Sept22 Cur Short Ribs TIN IN AND VOUQEE ggOPPED lWO MO rents you may not be totally aware ofare Stirring at this time However youll be very pleased when you discover whats happening LIBRA Sept23 0123 If there is someone in position of influence who could help you advance your selfinterests to day iS good day for you to have gettogether SCOR IO OCI2NOV22 Focus your efforts today on your largest ambitions and dont be afraid of competition or challenge Luck is your ally SAGITTARIUS Nov23Dec21 This IS good time for you to make plans for projects that could brighten your tomor rows That which you c0ncelve now has marvelous Chances for DID IHAT DAEN SAW PLAYER BEAT am no Ira r1 flag FEW BARS 01mm NIA Mr the leg us on WMEWWVEMEDKECI TOTHE ouszme Hag we THINK Web LIKE TO SETTLE milN HERE WHATS YOUR CUP1770M Bugs Bunny FIFTEEN FENCE F02 NALFO BEER 73773860 NORTHERN STATIONERY 29011r1op$tW ACCORDIN TH COMPUTER YEK LOAN9 BEEN IVE ONLY 601 Tm IFOOLJSMNOBUFHLWI BREAJlt7OLIR success CAPRICORN Dec22Jan19 Promising situations that could serve as second source to Supplement your income Should be fully explored You may discover something worthwhile AQUARIUS Jan20Feb19 Others will want to be associ ated with you today Theyll sense youre winner and be anXIous to get on your bandwagon They are right PISCES Feb20March 20 Dont be afraid to lake an extra responsibilities or duties at work today It will open your bosss eyes as to how capable you are ARIES March 21Aprll19 Mem bers of the opposite sex will ON THE KINGS LIST your ACT FINISHED ERNIE ILL IAIII HE TAKI=5 ALLTHE FLIN OLITOF HAVING WON YOUR HEAD find you more attractive than uSuaI today This should be come obvious because of the preferential attention youll receive TAURUS April 20May 20 Hold fast to your position today without being aggressive Things will come out to your Iikin if you dont rock the boat GE lNl May 21Juno 20 Your appealing manner and winning ways will gain you admirers today Let your sunny dispasi lion shine upon them CANCER Juno 21July 22 Something youve been Wish ing for that will give you greater sense Of weltbeing and security could come through for you today Be hopeful and positive JUST BELOW THE HEADSMAN WHISTLING WHILE HE WORKS NOW H55 fiIE THATSENTME HEIEE HOLD lTTHEEE ANOTHER ME69AGE COMIN OIINOrNtA UK III n1 WI VNQNI° I10 ALL RIGHT LAD Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanoul service AND For ANOTHER FIFTY IL TELL You WHAI 11 I5 FROM NOW 0NA1200Np HEREALL BE KNOWN A6 6000 OL 272 124 5595 Musmow Twwtfi 811 CWETTES WHILE YOURE AT IT JJ

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