Tho Ionic Elomiriar in number of The Canadian Pro CF and Audit lumen of sorrows ADVEIISNG FUSNESS ngztgfr°nn Pubisheddaiiy except Crate Elson manaoinq editor L9 59 39 law Gough accountant Glenn Kwarrass oreman Sunday and lanMulgrewcity editor SALES Dew M5 statutory noiioays am McFarlane wire editor ZAZZELZ Lï¬ï¬mg we LY by Carrier REPORTERS Wayne Hay it wiItCadogan °5£t Dave Fuller Aden 5min an Bass StanWray YEARLYbyarrim satude serwng borne and Smcoe COUNY Claudia Krause Stechkinner Auflust 18 1979 Stephen Nichoiis Barb Bouiton WW 549 A0 Dennis Lanthier Canin releocnuk swig av MAIL Barrie Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Nancy Figueroa CIRCULATION Janie Huge 40 Lori Cohen Hollies manaqer SIMCOE COUNYV I6 BOYIIEId SITEEI Borne onlorlo L4M 4T6 Richard Thomas CLSSFED Sievewniie 359576 manaoei illzannnhssrrr $39 00 Stepheneauer 9999Vchape pews Bran Howzrolt Bruce Rowland publisher Betty Armencamera operator Freda sninner Alva LaPtante PR 555 ocw tviorcsmI TSSiROW or Terr Field Dana Homewood Ai Hanson toreman 67 Mm WSIOOM CIRCULATION Pete H5 Janice Morton Elmntapgrlyer Don Near asstioreman ngwpi ANADA mm 20 76 6539 726 6537 72824 7266537 Camt Heather Chcrvi Aiken FIN PYME 00a vtar Take action on issues Is stalling growth industry at Queens Iark Or have our incinhers of provincial parliament taken sab hatiials for the summer Frankly were beginning to wonder and become little impatient at how the gmirnment is handling or avoiding handling some of the issues ofthe day Take the Ienitanguishinc French school issue Youll remember the Simiix ounty Board of IIducation after endless debate decided it could not support an allnew Irinih high school It left decision up to the province on whether to go ahiail with the school using provincial funds What has happened since then Nothing The issue hit Queens lark on June and to this point all the Tory government has offered is no comment This kind of inaction is becoming all too frequent at tintens Park The iarrie police commission decision is another example That has also been on the burner since April and still no decision The proirastination is getting hard to take In the case of div rinih high school issue further delay can only lead to tlilltlltS within the community and educational uncer tainty for those involved Queens Park lls must realize they are in their position to make tlttlSliillS Trying to find middle ground ifthat is what lllt govirninent is doing ends up satisfying no one barrio landmarks Iï¬dlA 21 St Andrews Presbyterian Church When the congregation had outgrown the original small white church situated just west of the Trinity Anglican site the present church was built Commenting on the l883 opening of the church the Barrie Advance reported that some disappointment had been expressed by several judges of ecclesiastical architecture at the plain ap pearance of the exterior of the church but Presbyterianvlike the congrega tion have directed their attention toward the interior of the church Your business lly VINCENT EGAN Business and onsumcr Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The latest increase in the price of gasoline taking cffcct at the end of August by govern ment dccrec is another important reason to check your driving technique and your gasoline consumption and then improve upon them Another four or five cents gallon may not seem like much but the extra cost can be substantial to anyone who regularly drivcs even moderate distances Whats more important you might be able tooffset the cost increases altogether by re minding yourself of such factors as these Idling is wasteful It takes less gasoline to restart car than to allow the engine to idle for more than halfminutc Avoid those childish tiresquealing starts and screeching stops In traffic anticipate Signal chanch and try to adjust your speed so that you will catch the green Steady speed is best Naturally you have to speed up when passing or when en tering highspeed traffic lanes But dont dawdlc along the highway at well below the pace of traffic slowpokes frequently cause accidents to others When you have choice and conditions are favorable choose freeway Driving steadily at highway speed can be nearly lWlCt as economical as driving in traffic on roads with traffic lights and stop signs FILL Eit ll At the StIYlCi station dont allow the fillrup to go much beyond the cutoff on the automatic valve Topping up the tank usually leads to spillage at your expense Dont buy gasoline until the gauge shows quartertank or less By carrying around we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let ters but it you wish pen name will be used include your telephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to latter to the Edit The ulnar Pint Office In 310 Milli Ont MM AM Thrifty driving more urgent now the weight of full tank of gasoline much of the time you will use more fuel Nor should you carry unnecessary weight of other kinds such as golf clubs and the like Excess baggage of any kind IS an extra burden on vour engine While an airconditioner is meant to be used especially in hot weather or for the relief of allergy symptoms remember that it can reduce your fuel economy by as much as 25 miles gallon Use it judiciously Keep the spark plugs clean properly gapped firing efficiently Otherwise they could spew raw gasoline out the exhaust pipe Be sure that the aircleaner filter allows proper engine breathing that the ignition is set to factory specifications that wheels are properly aligned and that the cooling system is operating in the right temperature range IIECK TIRES Check tire pressures at least once month Soft tires can cost you one mile per gallon Radials give slightly better fuel economy than conventional tires but never mix thcmi Plan ahead so that you can consolidate number of trips into one not only will you save on mileage and parking but its better for the car Engineers say that cold engine used on short trips may burn 50 per cent more gasoline than when it is warmed up Similarly try to use carpools for commuting to work school shopping and so on On the question of maximum speed there seems to be no simple clearcut answer As general rule lower speed is more economical than faster but if that were the only criterion highway traffic would be moving at 30 or 35 miles per hour Highway experts say that limit should be set at speed that would be exceeded by no more than 15 per cent of the motorists using particular highway The trouble with low speed limit such as the 55 mph that former US President Richard Nixon evidently pulled out of hat or the 60 mph that Premier William Davis chose for Ontario freeways equally arbi trarily is that the majority of drivers will violate it Expressways such as the US Interstate system were designed to be used at speeds of 70 mph or more Such roads have long been known to reduce accidents by permitting steady longdistance driving they also promote gasoline economy bible thought And the Lord answered me and said Write lhl iision and make it plain upon tables that he may run that rcadeth it llahakkuklz Whatexcr we give out in the name of God ought to be plain and painted No more than He said and no less Parliament Hill By STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service There was the public John Diefenbaker familiar to every adult Canadian He would stand there his blue eyes blazing his ac cusing finger stabbing the air denouncing the horried Grits the antiMonarchists the rebels in his own party In full flight he was an awesome orator one of the most per sonally powerful personalities ever to dominate our political landscape Even at 83 he stood tall around Parliament still lashing out at they the unnamed enemies and reactingn often in anger to prime ministerial pronouncements He managed to make his detractors appear small kicking them out of his way as he churned forward in isolated splendor We all saw him in action We have had an opportunity to read millions of words on his political history And for years to come political scientists will be assessing his proper niche in history What the final con By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO The promise by Prime Minister Joe Clark to reduce the cost of running the federal government follows familiar pattern In recent years several governments in Canada including the one in Ontario have publicly dedicated themselves to such program Based on the results they have achieved the prognosis for the Clark operation being un dertaken by Treasury Board Chairman Sinclair Stevens is not good What he must really develop is new technique Without exception the other governments have taken the same approach They have en deavored to cut down on the annual growth of the civil service If it had been expanding at the rate of 10 per cent year they have held the increase to five per cent This approach at best goes only part way In fact it can be argued whether it actually represents reduction at all Ontario has perhaps had the best record For one period it had negative growth Through attrition the size of this provinces civil service dropped thousand or so FAT REMAINS Yet in two most important directions the government here and governments elsewhere have failed They have not stopped un necessary growth and they have seemingly been unable to eliminate unnecessary ser Vices SOMETHING TELLS ME MEXICAN OIL ISNT GOING TO BE THE BARGAIN WE EXPECTED if TO BE but simplu Mean our decision elaqs that ages Ithink Kim Pattenden Ifcgaesl gt ingest clusions will be on his political stewardship remains to be seen But what the historians will never capture and its pity is that personal offthe record side of John Diefenbaker the side that was visible only to those who could drop in his office to reap those remarkable remarks that were never meant for repetition These visits could be an incredible ex perience once sense of trust was established and The Chief felt comfortable chatting about the controversies that con stantly burned around him shouldnt be saying all these things he would remark as he barely concealed giggle But Ill leave it to your judgment You know what shouldnt be saying NOT EASY It was always difficult situation Here he would be perhaps reclining on the couch of his cluttered office unleashing devastating attack on everyone from they to them and the listener was expected to decide what Much of the fat in governments service has been left undisturbed Some years ago with the emphasis on women in the work place the labor ministry decided it should have an adviser on women on its staff Today every ministry and many government agencies has womens ad viser There are at least 37 listed on staff For quite some time Ontario governments have had protocolofficer For years it was parttime job In centennial year 1967 with its great volume of social activity it was made fulltime Now there are 11 officers plus the office staff in the Protocol Services Branch Are these people essential Of course they arent Not that they wont justify them selves Any civil servant as Northcotc Parkinson said can make work necessary to fill the time available With govemment on restraint program they are unnecessary they are fat But will they be eliminated No govern ment so far has been willing to do so The test of the new federal govemments effort could well be whether it is willing to break new ground tand give leadership by really getting into the cost of govemment problem by eliminating the excess It was former federal AuditorGeneral Maxwell Henderson as recall who said that the cost of govemment could be cut by at least 25 per cent and probably more if fat were eliminated Trimming the fat from government RHNATYSHYN ENERGY MINISTER mom VA Diefenbaker as personality will never be replaced the former prime minister should have said Id never say this myself of course he would begin Then he would go on and on and on It was like having access to constantly updated encyclopedia highly per sonalized version that colored events with every conceivable emotion He wouldnt always finish his sentences not because he was lost for words but because his own definition could better be served bya Chortle or perhaps his majestic snort Ah youre not going to get me to comment on that particular situation he would say obviously enjoying the shadowboxing But since youre here anyway could tell you what many Canadians are thinking Now you knew you were getting the straight goods He loved company both at his office and in his comfortable big home Surrounded by books in both places he talked mostly about politics although in the last few years he devoted good deal of his conservation to his late wife Olive Despite all the praise she received she was even more remarkable than most Canadians realized he would say For the record his most memorable out bursts were reserved for the Grits and how Trudeau and company were systematically destroying his beloved Canada But privately he had this hankering to talk about his own party always tossing out an odd assortment of compliments that somehow left the clear impression the Tories have been going downhill since he was forced to resign the leadership in 1967 Oh would never want to criticize my own party he would say with that twinkle in his eye am sure they are on the right track but of course have no way of knowing since am never consulted Its lonely being the only living exprime minister was another favorite remark When was prime minister would have valued the advice of Conservative predecessor had there been one His message was clear Even privately there was nothing self deprecating about John Diefenbaker and he would seldom even joke about his own mistakes History will prove me right was frequent comment even in his lighter mo ments But he also loved being needled providing he was satisfied there were no sinister motives behind it He did not for example like being needled bh Pierre Trudeau and God forbid that Conservative successor ever try it but on personal basis it was all good fun When are you going to get rid of all this junk from Sir John Macdonalds office reporter once asked him Ah the junk just keeps coming in he said to the entering journalist His body would shake with laughter Historians will eventually pass judgment on John Diefenbaker as prime minister and politician but in the meantime its not difficult to decide that as personality he will never be replaced Circulations ADC Only the Canadian Pro may ropublish now storm in this Wpoi croditod to The Associated Pius Router or Agonco Franco Pro and local news station publistwd in The Barrio Examiner Tho Barrio hummer Iorm copyright on all original now and odnrtiung material unth by its employees and published in this novapopor Copyright registration numbct 200815 vaginal Th odvoriiur our that ihc publlihlt shall not be llabl tor domopos arising out at anon in advertinmnnts bayond the amount paid lor the Ipoco actually occupiad by that portion of tho advortiumcnt in which the orror ocmrrad whaihor such or ror dun to the nogligonu at nrvants or othorwiu and there shall be no llobllly for non innrtion of any odvnrlinmont bayond tho amount paid lor such Tho Publishor running thy right to odrt ust classin or Mind an odyortiu Dief helped shape Canada By JOHN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The measure of John George Diefenbaker was not only as giant among parliamen tarians but his role as Prime Minister of Canada between 1957 and 1963 He saw the Westminster model with its continuance of monarchy as instrumental in helping set the course of Canadian identity in hemisphere of uneasy and unruly republican governments In his alltoobrief period as Prime Minister Diefenbaker helped articulate Canadas distinctive national character That was short period of Conservative rule which both the historian and political scientist have yet to assess fully In the contexts of postwar nationbuilding since 1945 Mr Diefenbakcrs populism and sense of the Canadian identity were as essential as both the formation of an in dustrial democracy and the creation of Canadas international role had been for Liberal governments in power prior to 1957 But the Liberals immediately after the war and in time of gowing prosperity did not raise up politician or leader who could communicate needed message to rich na tion Confident in our material success and of our therHarge role in world affairs Mr Diefenbaker nevertheless warned that all was not well with many Canadians nor with the Canadian identity Mr Diefenbaker was suspicious of the emphasis which had been given to the max imization of gross national product and of growth for growths sake SAW OTHER VALUES In time of apparent plenty and in society of builders and achievers he insisted there were still too many deprived Canadians socially and economically He was concerned that traditional values from the land from our faiths from our many cultures which he saw more clearly in populist terms than did eastern Canadian politicians were being lost or trampled upon in the midst of our prosperity While he was Prime Minister he increased the existing federal transfer payment mecha nism by about $1 billions calling them Social Justice Payments Old age security blind and disability allowances unemployment assistance such as the Winter Works program were all advanced by Tory governments between 1957 and 1963 The traditional Conservative policy of government as participant in economic development rather than functioning itself as developer was put into practice for example with his Roads to Resources pro grams These supplied government rail transport and related infrstructure to Pine Point in Western Canada in the early 1960s They made possible the success of private enterprise there in the natural resources in dustries in the early 19705 Speaking on CBC radio near the end of Expo year 1967 perhaps the most difficult year for him in his very long political life he told us we have heritage of one Canada one nation one national idea one national dream In the much more stressful conditions of this decade these things are still perhaps what most Canadians want to achieve NEW CANADIANISM In his time John Diefenbaker has given Canadianism new shape much purpose His Bill of Rights which he considered to be his lifes major accomplishment remains legislative thrust to help set us on our future national course write your mp 99 If you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Parlia ment printed below are their mailing od dresses It you send us copy of your letter it might be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns After all if there is matter of concern that makes you want to write to your MP or MPP it it is not personal matter it should be at interest to your friends and neighbors too FIDEIAL RONSTEWART MPrSimcoe South Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont GLISMITGES MILGreySimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont MG LEWIS MPSimcoe North Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont MIN IEATTY MPrrWelIingtonDuiIerinSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont PROVINCIAL beryl1 MPPSimcoe Centre Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Gordon Smith MPPASimcoeEast Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto WNW MPPDufterin Simcoo Queens Park Toronto