71help wanted 71help wanted LICENSED MECHANIC Fully experienced in all auto repairs Must supply references Telephone 7313142 NORTHTOWN SERVICE CENTRE 79auction sales PIEHER AUCTION SERVICE LTD 7264841 SUMMER RESIDENCE 14454884 ï¬lopublic notices 3°PUPEFRL£ 79auction sales Au17 11M CHINE F1 TTER Tottenham metal stamping plant requires Machine fitter with iig and fixture making experience PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY AUG 18th at 10 am sharp CENTURY FARM ESTATE Top hourly rate and benefits offered FOR INTERVIEW CALL 4169364245 START CAREER HYDROCULTURE LUWASA requires outgoing solespersons for home parties to demonstrate an exciting concept in growing house plants We will train you Car necessary No initial outlay Phone 7370532 am to Pm MWFAu31 BURGER KING requires people to work to hours per day starting September 4th Apply bet ween the hours of and Monday through Thursday Au20 NEE experienced in EUROPEAN CUISINE required immediately Contact Tom or Mike 726 3831 TF LEGAL SECRETARY requned for law office Must be experienced Apply Leonard Noble 246 Hurontario St Coll ingwood Phone 445 5551 705 EARN EXTRA MONEY by showing the Jeandron catalogue with over 500 items of Canadas finest line of Christmas cards wraps novelties etc For free catalogue and prompt serVice Jeandron Greeting Card Co LId1253 King St Hamilton Ont L8M lG7 EARN EXTRA MONEY by showing the Jeandron catalogue WIIIl over 500 items of Canadas finest line of Christmas cards wraps novelties etc For free catalogue and prompt serwce Jeandron Greeting Card Co Ltd 1253 King St Hamilton Ont LBM 167 ESTIMATORDRAFTSMANWOMAN reqUired for leading manufacturer of vacuumpneumatic conveying equip ment Posnion involves some customer contact proposal writing Reply to Con air Canada Limtied Highways 89 and 400 Cookstown Ontario or 458 4363 Mr Hamilton LOOKING FOR SOME do it yourself iob security in these uncertain times Local AMWAY distributor will show you how to get it With income producing part time business of your own Phone 726 9574 EXPERIENCED HAIR dressing assis lant wanted Apply in person at James Moray Hair Design 45 Maple Avenue Barrie WANTED IMMEDIATELY live in or out baby sitter Monday to Friday Call Michele after 726 4185 SU PERINTENDE NT Mature couple required to manage 53 suite apartment DUIIdIIIQ in Collingwood Salary plus free bedroom apartment heat hydro and telephone Applicant must have good work record with experience in general maintenance preferred An excellent op portunily to augment income Please send resume to Player Real Estate Box 338 Elmvale Ont BABYSITTER for year old and year old required for September Must be in St Monicas school area Reteren es ap preCiated Telephone 726 2086 PART TIME DINING ROOM waiterswaitresses required Ex perience preferred Please apply in per son to the Holiday Inn Barrie LEGAL SECRETARY reqmred lull time exerpoince necessary Telephone Eric Taves728 1770 BABYSITTER WANTED Hillcrest school area days per week coriimenc ing September Telephone Marie 726 6455 t04 30p CLEANING PERSON for professional office One evening per week or Wednes day afternoon Box 826 The Examiner Barrie Ontario BABYSITTER for one year old in my home days per week May bring own child Allandale area Telephone 726 5537 MANAGER WORKER Ior new Sub marine and Italian fast food sandWich bar Must have experience also part time help Participation profits con sidered Please call between daily 728 9151 OPPORTUNITY FOR young Person to learn useful and interesting career Applicant must have an interest in sew ing Send complete resume to Box 826 TheExaininor MORTON HOUSE Barrie requires group child care workers for shift work Maturity good character essential Child care traininq preferred Contact McPhail 737 2441 PART TIME day care required for and Syoar old Some Saturdays and evenings until9 30 Tall Trees area Call 737 3761 after 00p FARM EQUIPMENT MECHANIC With at least two years experience Telephone 7371400tor appomtment GENERAL MANAGE for farm and in dustiral dealership in Barrie Must be experienced in iiianaoerial duties and accounting Send resume to Box 829 The Examiner Barrie EXPERIENCEDBABYSlTTERwanted for four year old handicapped child in my home weekdays Base Borden Please telephone 424 1932 WANTED BY LADY in near future Mature person for comDanion housekeeper Willinq to live in Two bedrooms bathrooms centrally located Rotetiinces please Apply in writing to Box 811 The Examiner Bar rte WAITERWAITRESS required immediater for Talisman Resort Hotel in Kimberley Ontario Ex perionce preterred Please call Mrs Parrott for an appointment 519 599 2520 BABYSITTER REQUIRED starting September Days only Codrington St School area One preschooler one half day Telephcvte 72b 3153alter 4p rn SALES REPRESENTATIVE required tor local root truss manufacturer Ex perieitced in budding materials field preferred Caiiipany paid benefits Ex cettent opportunity for sell starter Remuneration open Reply to Box l90 Barrie Ont RELIABLE LIVE IN Housekeeper corn panion light duties Home atmosphere liberal time off wages negotiable Phone 725 4101 alter noon 72sales helpagents TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part time full little SidPltne Calendars ad specialties printedtabeis tapes ball pens ottice supplies etc Our 27th year New catalogue available Alco Bm 372 Ottawa Tbemployment wanted RELIABLE MOTHER will give day careinhome Telephone Linda 436 2733 WILL MIND toddlers one to three years old My home Five days week Allan dale area SIS weekly Telephone 728 7525 79auction sales ALLEN HDRNER Auction Sewice BARRIE SIMCOE COUNTY Farm Household Antiques Appraisals RR No2 BRADFORD ONT Phone 4167753659 or 7054584589 FTF 77elegal NOTICE TOCREDITORS AND OTHERS IN the Estate of DONALD HECTOR SUTHERLAND Retired Truck Driver Widower deceased ALL persons having claims against the Estate of Donald Hector Sutherland late of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe and Province of On tario who died on June 18fh 1979 are hereby notified to send particulars of some to the undersigned on or before August 3lst 1979 after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the un dersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice Dated at Barrie Ontario this 2nd day of August 1979 Eric Leigh Executor by his solicitors WESSENGERMcCREARY Box 544 Owen Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T7 Au101724 79auction sales EVENING AUCTION SALE MONDAY AUG 20th 1979 500 PMfor OLAV Ii ISABEL DANL No Bradford miles north from Bradford on Hwy No 11 to on 13 West Gwilliinbury Twp west ml to 10 Iidcroad than south tiiilo to sale Watch for sale crew on was 11 89 day of tie Sale of home furnishings some old and antique furniture and articles Model 1930 Ford car door restorable not operating Sea Flea boat 10 hp Johnson motor Honda mini bike I979 XR75 Simplicity 16 hp Garden Tractor with all attachments chain saw rota tiller pony harness saddle furniture includes colonial Chesterfield pc Chesterfield suite both good tables oak library table oak dining room extension table matching bow back type chairs beds round oak single pedestal table buffet chairs wall clock Bell Howell movie proiector 8mm These are only few of the many useful interesting items for the homemaker the antique enthusiast with the treasures from the garage sforerooms Home is sold owners moving For information contact owners at 14167753119 Terms cosh cheques with 10 Nothing to be removed until settled for Allen Horner Auctioneer 7054584589 SCL No Au1017 AUCTION SALE AUGUST 18th 1979 at 1100 am atthe ALLENE FARM COUNTRY AUCTION CENTRE RR No BRADFORD West from Bradford on Hwy No 88 to Sideroud north to Cart 10 Watch for sale arrows on Itwys No 88827 Sale includes old and antique furniture chest of drawers dressers walnut mahogany tables Williams Sons piano reconditioned Washstands kitchen cupboard pc dining room suite in cluding console table pc walnut bedroom suite oak single pedestal dining room table oak buffet with mirror china cabinet with bevelled glass door needing some repair walnut high beds some electric propane appliances brass trimmed electric lamps brass candle holders pieces of brass copper china glass coal skuttles electric guitars amplifier 19 Traveldire house trailer fully equipped In clusions from Miss Clare Bell Ewart Campbell Bros of Bradford Gambles of Schomberg good selection of items in good condition and some in the rough sole worthy of your attendance with the unknown treasures from the storerooms Terms Cosh cheques with ID Nothing to be removed until settled for Allen Horner Auctioneer 7054584589 SCL No Au1015l7 EVENING AUCTION SALE MONDAY AUGUST 27 1979 at5200pmfor JOHNSTON RR No Beeton south from Cookstown on Hwy No 27 miles to Newton Robinson west on Con 108 miles to sale Sale of home furnishings appliances some old antique furniture including an oak hall stand with mirror pc walnut bedroom suite riding lawnmower roto tiller farm high wheel wagon with box set of bob sleighs with unknown treasures from the storerooms Terms cash cheques with 10 Nothing to be removed until settled for Allen Horner Auctioneer 7054584589 SCL No8 Airl724 91 Ross St Barrie AUCTION SALE for the ESTATE OF THE LATE JOSEPH LEACH at Lot 22 Con Nottawasago Twp miles south of Collingwood on Hwy 24 or one mile south of Duntroon Ont Sale of all farm machinery hay and all antique house furnishings from large storey stone home incl AC WD45 tractors one with loader plus full line of older farm machinery all in good condition and some horsedrawn equipment Mount Forest 28 45 threshing machine etc 4000 bales of choice mixed hay hp riding lawnmower House furnishings Excellent Heintzmon upright piano rocking pressbock captains Jacques Hayes and living room chairs excellent piece oak dining room suite round glass chino cabinet no glass several valuable pine and assorted wood chests dressers woshstonds blanket boxes cupboards etc brass and iron beds valuable paintings prints frames and engravings lamps parlor tables rare drawer antique chest circa 1850 belonged to the Hamilton family books full collection of licence plates from 1919 1973 violin luggage bedding lovely handiwork quilts crocks copper boilers granite sod irons wood range antique glassware china and brass etc color TV etc Terms cash No reserve farm sold Remarks genuine clearing auction from one of this countys pioneer families Everything is in excellent condition SHORT NOTICE AUCTION SALE MONDAY AUGUST 20th at pm sharp at 129 BRUCE ST THORNBURY Ont Sale of modern antique house furnishings handymans supplies etc also three bedroom home plus an extra lot 50 ft 135 ft on Leeming St Sale includes beds chairs of all sorts TV typewriter chino glassware hideabed tables folding chairs dressers woshstonds bedding curtains refrigerator HD stove vacuum cleaner bicycles 1901 White sewing machine lamps bookcase rocking chair 19 TV pictures frames captains chair record player toboggan skis humidifier auto clothes dryer wringer washer Hoover spin washer snowmobile Snow Jet snow machine Miscellaneous items cedar posts 100 apple boxes space heaters maple syrup equipment sap buckets pipeline spiles stainless sinks Massey Ferguson mower disc building supplies Plywood trim tables barrels old barrel butter churn hardwood planking new ft steel stakes skis number of spruce 200 gal gas tank window wells filing cabinets propane hot water tank 200 amp hydro service rubber hose skid tongs glass 500 ft of plastic pipe 100 apple boxes quantity of new brick 10 blocks tile etc plus many more articles too numeroustolist Also bedroom home extra lot on Leeming St will be offered for sole subiect to reasonable reserve bid deposit day of sale Terms cash IMPORTANT ESTATE AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY AUG 22nd at 1130 am sharp the Estate of the late PAUL in the Village of Nottawa miles south of Collingwood Ont on Hwy No24 Sale includes very clean antique living room dining room bedroom suites valuable pce oak dining room suite with round pedestal table with claw feet an outstanding oval glass china cabinet buffet combination parlor end lamp tables woshstonds dressers chests bookcases dolls bedding linens feather tick oil lamps document boxes rockers vanities new Westinghouse FF refrigerator excellent Moffat Fiesta HD range large quantity of antique glassware china collectibles flowered crocks large quantity of carpenter handymons tools etc car 1974 Monte Carlo cyl auto door green only 22000 original miles Terms cash LARGE ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE SATURDAY AUG 25th at 10 am sharp for CARL GOWAN 113 MILL ST CREEMORE Ont All contents of the old Creemore Creamery inc antique house furnishings collectibles inc elaborate highly carved sideboard with bevelled mirror leaded colored glass very rare Copp Bros Hamilton box stove pat 1888 very ornate with flues 49 ft tall ft probably one of the oldest stovesin the county in excellent condition plank bottom chairs captains chair circa 1860 pine cupboards milk bottles iugs cream cons all descriptions some new ones barrel churn pc antique sofa with wing choir antique butter ladles rollers apple peeler antique bicycle circa 1890 pressback choirs dressers woshstonds collectible bottles sealers inc Beaver pine chests Coskie safe antique cash register plus much more Terms cosh property sold Remarks The contents of one of this countys oldest buildings several museum pcs well over 100 years old Plan now to attend AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY AUG 29th at pm in the LIONS DEN 84 Huroritario St Collingwood for MRS ARNOLD YOUNG Sale of all very clean modern antique house furnishings collector items Color TV new living room suite cedar chest kitchen bedroom suites china glassware many collectibles also consignment of antiques from Collingwood estate Terms cosh AUCTION SALE SATURDAY SEPT 151 at 10 am sharp for the estate of the late CHARLES SHERIDAN in the Village of Heath cote miles south of Thornbury on the Beaver Valley Rd Sale of all house furnishings antiques collector items huge quantity of machinists carpenters mechanics handymans garden tools riding lawnmower etc etc Terms cosh home sold MONDAY SEPT 10th at1230 pm sharp for MR MRS JAMES McLEAN in the Village of Nottawa Sale of antique house fur nishings collectibles garden tools etc Terms cosh Property sold WEDNESDAY SEPT 12th ot12 noon sharp for MRS MEL WRIGHT MRS MEL WELDON of 24 BIRCH ST COLLINGWOOD Ont Sale of all house furnishings electrical appliances tools antiques etc Terms cash both homes sold Booli your Auction well in advance with the Auctioneer who knows the Value and the Buyers Qualified Recognized Authority FARM SALES FURNITURE ESTATES ANTIQUES REAL ESTATE SELING SUCCESSFUL SALES SINCE 1957 ANTIQUE FARM AUCTION furniture housewares collectibles tools and fixtures SATURDAY AUGUST 18th at 1030 am for Hewetson of Lot 11 Concession 11 Medonte Township located midway between Orillia and Coldwoler Directions Take Mt St Louis Rd west off Hwy 12 to Con 11 Medonte then north mile or miles south of the Moonstone Rood Sale of antique and collectible furniture household wares horsedrown machinery electrical fixtures tools etc Refer to August 15th issuefor full inventory Au17 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR ANGUS ROSS BA JESSIE BRTSON Registered Music Teacher Teacher °l Planoi Singing nsywmon piano Theory Pupils prepared for and Theory examinations of the Royal Conservatory of Music Toronto All grades and ARCT Studio 27 Bradford St 7284718 Also tutoring in French Latin and other school subjects 7285775 ROSE ROSE Chartered Accountants Samuel RoseC Trustee in Bankruptcy 49 Collier St Barrie 7284949 POWELL JONES Ii CO Chartered Accountants 24 Dunlop St East Barrie Ontario Telephone 728746 The Planning Board for the Township of Innisfil wishes to on nounce the dates for two public open houses to obtain com ments concerning the amendment to the Townships Official Plan to provide for the conversion of cottages within the existing Au17 CHER COL WEL AUCTIONEERAPPRAISER designated resort area to permanent residences August 23 1979 from 730 PM to 1000 PM at the South Innisfil Community Centre in Lefroy ond August 25 1979 from 130 PM to 500 PM at Goodfellow Public School Robert Lemon SecretaryTreasurer Planning Board Township of Innisfil Stroud Ontario LOL 2M0 4363710 séccm NOT AuIO17 CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks $600 minimum 40 words additional words 11 centes per word Births $6 00 In Memorial no verse $600 Verse per count line extra 23 cents Coming Events 81bitths Mondays Child is fair of face Tuesdays Child isfullot grace Wednesdays Child isfullof woe Thursdays Child hasfarto go Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day Isfair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only $5 50 PHONE 728 2414 GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth of your child in The Ex aminer clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement after birth Call The Examiner Classified7282414 CRAWFORD Mr and Mrs Philip Crawford nee Linda Oberer wish to an nounce the birth of their daughter Jeri nifer Lynn born July 30 1979 in Flint Michigan Sister for Shaun Proud grandparents Mr and Mrs Oberer of Barrie and Mr and Mrs Norman Crawford of Flushing Michigan 83fengagements BAIN RODGERS 77 Mrs Pearl Bain of Barrie is pleased to announce the engagement of her daughter Marie to Mel Rodgers son of Mr and Mrs Mel Rodgers ot Barrie The wedding to take place on Saturday August 18th at 330 at Faith Missionary Church Crawford St Barrie 85deaths HODGINS DarViIle Henderson At the General and Marine Hospital Coll ingwood on Thursday August 16th 1979 Darville Hodoins in his 86th year belov ed husband oI Rosalee Cummings Dear father of Wilma Jane Mrs Norman Bannerman of Barrie Also survived by grandchildren Rosemary Cuculick Also Kenneth and Norma Bannerman Great grandchildren Wayne Cuculick Jeffery and Derek Bannerman Predeceased by four brothers and four sisters Friends may call at the Mathers Chapel of the Robinson Funeral Home Stayner after Thursday Servtce will be held at the Church of the Good Shepherd Scott Street Stayner on Saturday August 18th at pm Interment Stayrier Union Cemetery McKAY Helena Adelaide At the Soldiers Memorial Hospital Orillia on Wednesday August 15 1979 Helena Hunler beloved wife of the late Alex McKay of 48 OBrien St Orillia in her 91st year Loving mother of Hugh and Helen Mrs Palmer Hart both of Mississauga Allister of Toronto Marion Mrs John Hill and Mrs Doris Kent both of Orillia Grandmother of 14 grandchildren and four great grandchildren Dear sister of Maude Fred and Frank all predeceased The late Mrs Helena McKay is resting at the Mundell Funeral Home 79 West St Orillia Service in the chapel on Satur day August 18 at 30 Interment Knox Cemetery0ro Township McNElCE Susan Registered Nurse on the childrens ward at the Royal Victoria Hospital former librarian at Essa Centennial Library Suddenly at the Wellesly Hospital in Toronto on Thurs day August 16 1979 loving Wife of Wally McNeice of Angus Dear mother of Gor don and Barbara of Angus Dear daughter of Mrs Mary Richardson of Gravenhurst and the late Dr Gordon Richardson Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford Street Bar Visitation from Saturay at rVice in the chapel on Monday August Di at 30 pm Interment at Mickie Memorial Cemetery in Gravenhurst at 100 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 728 2414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by day preceding publication Wlfh the exception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE $6 00 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAOES DEATH NOTICES 40words S6 00 Additional wards ltcts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words 3600 Addi tional words 11 cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse S600 With VEISE per count line 23 cents per line COMING EVENTS S3 43 per column inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 24 word minimum Cash Discount Rates apply if paid Within days One or two insertions 10lt per word insertion Three consecutive in senions cents per word insertion total Sb 84 Suit GHSGCUIHE insertions 9c per word per insertion total 51296 Multiple inset lions may be ordered subiect to cancellaiion when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 wards Each initial abbreviation set of hunters etc countos separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone ITLETTIOTT orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Adveiiigmg Department re quires advertisers to kindly re check their advertisement mviediotely after first insei lion ir order lha an ever or arriission may beteported below in crder that some may be rectified for the lbltcwing day publication The hammer is responsible for Otlv one incorrecly piined insertion of any advertisemert and then only to ihe external per0 of ad that lnGles the rnisvrmi ors which do not lessen the value of he odvevisemen are eligible lav catiec liens by make goods The hammer reserves thetigh lats evise reieci any want ads PHONE 778 2414 column inch GUERGIS George At the Toronto General Hospital on Wednesday August 15 1979 George Guergis in his 69th year beloved husband of Bertha Nordine Loving father of Edward Karam George and Conrad all of Angus Loving son of Tartan Guergis of Angus and the late Rev Karam Guergis Dear grand father of Natalie Edward Jr Helena Christine Todd Michael George Rox anne and Dwight Dear brother of Fran cis lrrgang Esther Kennedy Sargon Guergis David Guergis Victoria Guergis and the late Helen May Guergis and Rose Guergis Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford Street Bar rie visitation from Thursday at pm Service at Zion Presbyterian Church Angus on Saturday August 18 at pm Interment Angus Union Cemetery Masonic Lodge service under the auspices of the Kerr Lodge No 230 AF and AM will be held Friday evening at MILLS Minnie at Kempenfelt Manor Barrie on Thursday August 16 1979 Minnie Gee beloved wife of the late Charles Mills in her 93rd year Dear mother of Charlie of Barrie Raymond of Trenton and Irene Mrs Frank Elphick of Utopia Loving grandmother of eight grandchildren and 10 great grand children Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Bar rie after pm Friday Service in the chapel on Saturday August 18 at 330 pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery If so desired memorial donations may be Foundation 86C3td ofthan ETHIER The children and their grandmother of the late Anne Ethier wish to extend very sincere thank you to all of our relatives friends and neighbors for their thoughtfulness and kindness flowers donations and cards of sympathy shown to us at the time of the loss of our dear mother Special thanks is also extended to Dr WD MacDonald the nurses and staff on the 7th floor of the RVH the V0N the Canadian Cancer Society and Rev Ashton for their concern help and understanding Michele Randy Wayne Dale Paula Chris Mrs Olga Black ROBERTS The family of the late Douglas Roberts wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives friends and neighbors for floral tributes cards and donations special thanks to Rev Reeves and the Jennett Funeral Home for their kindness Townspeople loved him PRINCE ALBERT Sask CP He was pretty good guy That sums up the response of most Prince Albertans Thurs day to the passing of John Die fenbaker their member of Par liament for the last 39 years The character of the man overshadowed his political ca reer for most people in Prince Albert Many were born during the Diefenbaker era and have never known another federal politician in their riding His political career in Prince Albert was almost like reign no replacement could be imagined Mr Diefenbaker was damned good man one elderly woman said fiercely He did as much as anybody for Canada said her friend He was working on our rail way for us She explained that Diefenbaker was helping to re tain railway branchline whose future was uncertain met him several times he was real gentlemen said city resident He did quite bit for Prince Albert and al ways voted for him visitor to Prince Albert from Stayner Ont said she didnt know too much about him but her mother used to talk about Diefenbaker frequently and said he was good man holly bv Mrs Downing 7285614 stag was held at Holly Com munity Centre for Mei Rodgers Mel will mary Marie Bain of Ardagh Road at Faith Mis sionary Church on August 18 Sympathy of the district is extended to the relatives of the late Joe Halahan Holly resi dent for many years Joseph Charles Halahan passed away at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on July 29 Rev Don Rice conducted funeral ser vices at Hughes Funeral Home in Cookstown and interment was in Thornton Union Cemetery He is survived by his wife Mary son Joseph Jr his father Charles Halahan of Holly brothers John and Bill of Toronto Jim of Nova Scotia and sisters Peggy iMrs Roy Davis Toronto and Dorothy Mrs Jack Kenny ofHolly it By DENNISIANTIIIIZN OfThr Examiner Canada Day activities in Barrie turned wt to be great success sa urganimrs About 400 persons turned out for The evening of activities at the park started Wllh the cutting of the mammoth birthday cakr the alderman said It was mount to serve about 350 persons mostly senior mums and children Aid The entire new by number of bo Ald ODonllnid Next year well ceremonies sponsored by city counctl at about 51m id Am ODoml Centennial Park Sunday evening Then iiius Mayor Kim Arrher and various city La perm even INSET WWI 31 Ham 13 aldcrinrn shared in cutting of the cake she TIII ounda In flli CKB Miriaqu The attic cvetiu drew about 1500 the Examiners Idv Other activities It ounds for the second annual Examiner 53m gusts Canada Day celebration The Same Central Collegiate Band per The Gilt5901509d ml COUIdnl hat formed until 10 They were followed by lumfd 011 any bell 531d ll Offliinlltl 0f fireviorks display lasling about 20 minutes the evenl Ald MegODonal the alderman said 115 your No 150 Tueday July 1979 15 For Copy the Its matter of conviction Church defies In to operate bible Mr Pennell met in Toronto Friday with Elwood Wenig president of the Assamlion of Independent Christian Schools for Canada Summer Vacation Bible School even though and with about 35 pastors of various Innisfil Township says they are not allowed denominations mm across Ontario my Wenig who flew in from Vancouver for Rev LeRoy Pcnnell pastor of the church the meeting Indth pastors were par nid Saturday he will run the school today ticularly incenSed by the township letter mtil Friday as matter of conVictiori said Mr Pennell We have nyit to teach the Bible it we They could hardly believe municipality want to said Mr Penncll If they ilho in Canada would make UCCISlon that you township want to take us to mun for cant teach the Bible in church said Mr leichin the Bible then they can do so Parnell 11w mmer Vacation Bible School in The letter came only two weeks BIIEI the valves so students in Bible studies from 30 Suprtme Court of Ontario ruled the church to It in the church budding Thr week could not continue operating day school on long school which was to have operated the Church property The day school June 25 to 29 was cancelled June 13 after Herilage Christian Academy operated since Mr Pennell received letter from the Sept SI 19711 was ruled in contravention of township solicitor Marshall Green township wning bylaws Former deputy reeve iuu rum iremtienn By NANCY FIGUEROA Of The Examiner Heritage Baptist Church Wlll operate their Theres something for every member of the family entertainment ideas hints on better living and budgets new hobbies and pastimes all covered in the wide range of features appearing regularly in the examiner Make your evening reading worthwhile by subscribing to THE EXAMINER DAILY the examiner