Diet tribute Former prime greatest parliamentary minister John Diefenbakers achievement was the creation of the Canadian Bill of Rights which he pou Lpvfl accomplished during his period as prime minister Diefenbaker died Thursday at the age of 83 CP Photo Tirades against opponents hallmarks of long career By THE CANADIAN PRESS John Diefenbaker was known as the master of barb one of the most adept at the art of slicing the political jugular His reputation for eloquence brought invitations by the thou sands from public groups seek ing keynote speaker Many of his speeches began with the famous my fellow CaA nadians but most of the re marks hell be remembered for were brief cutting tirades shot without warning at his oppo nents Following is sampling of some his comments about HIS IIONENTS Have you ever seen him kiss far mer referring to Pierre Elliott Trudeaus kissing cam paign of 1968 The master of osculation tkissingi called Parliament back so he could kiss it good bye when Trudeau dissolved Parliament for the 1968 elec tion In the days of King St Lau rent Pearson and this two predecessors and his succes sor we paid for our own cars objecting to the Trudeau governments purchase of two $80000 Cadillacs while the Lib erals called for energy con servation No party can stand for something when it carries banner carrying the design of me too of Robert Stanfield then Conservative leader on Diefenbakers 80th birthday in 1975 You cant have real Parr liament when you have third party with leader who belched fire and brimstone before this sitting then having met with his pride of lions in caucus becomes cooing dove September 1973 of David Lewis then NDP leader The House of Commons has become mental hospital oper ated by its own inmates June 10 1972 after procedural vwangles had halted most Com mons business that day He has been guilty of an ar ticulate lack of skill of Dalton Camp national party leader who sought leadership review Solid legislation marked tenure OTTAWA Harsh political partisanship marked much of John Diefenbakers period as prime minister from 1957 t01963 It was generation that played the game that way It was product too of the person alities of some of the main players And it was the issues The Diefenbaker years pro duced solid legislation ranging from resource development to social benefits penal reform and more money for the prov inces He fought with Joey Small wood of Newfoundland over money and the attempted use of the RCMP in bitter logging strike with the late WAC Bennett of British Columbia over power development of the Columbia River and with Tommy Douglas of Saskatchewan about lot of things CanadaUS relations soured once the young John Kenlt nedy appeared In fact the dis pute about accepting American nuclear arms on Canadian soil became the issue dominating the 1962 election and the final defeat in 1963 But from the start his most consistent problem as ma noeuvred by relatively tiny opposition was the economy relatively healthy by todays statistics Liberals cried foul in 1957 when the newlyelected man from Saskatchewan flourished what he called secret Liberal forecast predicting an the eve of its own defeat serious eco nomic troubles The ailment survived to plague him PLAYED TO WIN The early flamboyant act was Diefenbaker special of noholdsbarred politics by man who played to win and had oftenlost SHORT NOTICE UNRESERVED PUBLIC AUC TION Monday August 20m 1979 at 1000 AM 703 DOURO ST STRATFORD ONTARIO THE EQUIPMENT AND INVENTORY OF MAHLETTE HOMES OF CANADA LIMITED AS lNSTRUCT ED BY THE LIOUIDATOR mm 51m El SM that 51m iltuIW Pom Smsm vim tit dli Saws vet Limp Santa 011de Fades hf 513111 Saw Blades 111 to 1318 MitreSaws 51 Culol l1 EN nt Saw Powe Rip Saw iii JD 51ch ill Jr ii1lr tail1A1 lJOAlnflllS ileum 13 items Ar Huck was it was Eier at is by mg 5319 my SViir 11 Niel 02W ittiw Viiie Kitsollies 000 out new cw Saw Alans me any cistezlits 3n In Hm mu Sam 180A Mags 11 Ram 15 HAGUE Bute OLEL Sn hes it 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4I6675I 735 Telex 06989229 that led to the 1966 leadership convention Diefenbakers downfall When you have government that tries to turn banana into backbone you can un derstand some of the un certainties of the past two years in 1965 campaign speech referring to Lester Pearson prime minister at the time HIS CAREER am still making history after losing the Conservative leadership to Stanfield in 1967 Any accolades that come my way embarrass me in 1976 on his 36th anniversary in Parliament have not often been embarrassed man coming into Parlia ment should always clash with the man at the top No one ever made name by ex ercising his debating strength against the weak on his 69th birthday in 1961 He had many offers to return to work as trial lawyer but Ive appointed so many of the judges feel it would be in discreet to appear before them when he turned 74 COLELLA DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC ronmm um DENTURE CLINIC 726472 149A DUNLOP ST BARRIE MEMBER DENTU RIST SOCIETY By THE CANADIAN PRESS Prom Queen Elizabeth to Harry Buller John Diefenba kers chauffeur during election campaigns tributes poured in all day Thursday to the former prime minister who died as he lived working for the Canadian people He will long be remembered in this country as good friend of Britain as Commonwealth statesman and as great Cana dian Queen Elizabeth said in message sent to Prime Minis terJoc ark The best man ever met said Buller from Prince Albert Everything he did was won derful and never disagreed with him As flags across the country werelowered in mourning poli ticians friends enemies and jost plain Canadians paid their tributes Prime Minister Clark de scribed the former leader of his party as great human force who changed the history of our country and became symbol of the resilient strength of the Canadian individual Former prime minister Pierre Trudeau now leader of the opposition and man who had many verbal scuffle with Diet in the House of Commons said that while it might sound strange from someone who was political adversary he could say they were political friends in the sense that they under stood each other and certainly stimulated each other CHILD OF HOUSE Donald Fleming Diefenba kers finance minister in the Enjoy The Canadian National Exhibition Avoid problems Travel the relaxed worryfree way late 19505 and early 19605 and now resident of Nassau de scribed him as child of the House of Commons and man devoted to the service of his country Dalton Camp man who spent many years as the object of Diefenbakers wrath said he will miss the former prime minister whom he described as an adversary of considerable mettle Camp was president of the federal Conservative party when he and other officials pro posed review of party lead ership in 1966 year after the Liberals were reelected to their second minority govern ment year later Rodvrt Stanfield Camps choice for leader won the leadership All remarks were not flatter ing for the man who always said what he thought Pierre Sevigny associate de fence minister from 1959 to 1963 who resigned over the Gerda Munsinger scandal said Diefenbaker was obsessively vindictive He could charm statue Sevigny said His delivery was such that he could read telephone book and make it sound interesting DIED IN ACTION Liberal Senate Leader Ray Perreault said the former prime minister died in action as he would have wished Die fenbaker had papers in his hand when he died working in his den early Thursday morning British Prime Minister Mara gret Thatcher said she was traffic and parking GO BY BUS TRAVELWAYS DIRECT DAILY SERVICE TO THE ONE ONLY $1050 lnchdes Ftemm Transportation And Gemml Admssm For schedules and fares cull TRAVELWAYS 7264545 Departs from Con tinental Inn PIERRE TRUDEAL political friends most distressed to learn of John Diefenbakers death The US government ex pressed great sorrow at the death and at the opening of the daily state department briefing for reporters spokeman Tom the examlner Friday August 17 1019 Reston read statement that praised Diefenbaker as statesman lawyer and party leader who led his country with greatdedication Ellen Fairclough of Hamilton who became the first Canadian woman cabinet minister when Diefenbaker became prime minister said Diefenbaker had the greatest impact on the Canadian scene of anybody since Sir John AMacdonald David Walker minister of public works and housing under in from across nation Diefenbaker said he was mat man He had deep abiding faith in great Canada Every action he took was governed by what he could do for Canada Hes the one who opened up the West hes the one who opened up the North and encouraged the idea that all men were equal Solomon Sanderson chief of the Saskatchewan Federation of Indians described Diefenbaker as champion for the cause of Indians across the country ONE CALL WILL TAKE CARE OF ALL Carpets Furniture CLEANING JOHN DUPAIN 7284761 Machine Rental Available SIMCOE CARPET UPHOLSTER CLEANERS 36 Elan $9 lurk sniunnnv ari Givu Mahdi IMO MONEIl 288 ONLY 100 ml CREST TOOTHPASTE Kmart Reg Price 117 NOW LOOK HOW YOU SAVE LADIES SWEATER COATS Sizes SML mint Reg Price 3998 CHILDRENS LUNCH KITS Assorted colors mart Reg Price 539 SMILES CHUCKLES MINT PATTIES 441 oz pkg mart Ron Price 53 NOW LOOK HOW YOU SAVE Remember yen car for sériiice muon PLAZA SAVEIIS August l8th TODDLERS PAMPERS Disposable Diapers mart Reg Price 359 SHAMPOO 150ml mart Reg Price 159 NOW LOOK HOW YOU SAVE 600 ONLY 312 TROPICAL PLANTS mart Reg Price 97 NOW mm HWY 27 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE ONT OPEN MON TO FRIDAY 510 SATURDAYS BRIO