14 the examiner Thursday August 16 1079 televrsron guide THURSDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 OB III EB NEWS HOLLYWOOD SOUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS 630 Nac NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW caS NEWS CNE 101 ABC NEWS NEWS RARTY GAME TELL ME STORY 040 BARBAPAPA 645 ID LETS ALL SING 700 DATING GAME CHlPe CROSS WITs MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH ANGIE When Angie gets her bungling sister Marie job as receptionist in her hus band Brads office the newlyweds loving rele lionship starts to show more than few signs of $1 Re est NE LYWED GAME ID DOCTOR WHO GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 aONKERs NEWLYWED GAME BONKERS Guest Twiggy FAMILY FEUD CARTER COUNTRY When Sgt BakerwanlstoarrestBillyJoeegoodbuddy0l ChiefRDyMobeythechieffindshimsallcaught ween friendship and duty Repeal SERGEANT BILKO MAGIC SHADOWSKdeeansAna Dnete Part IV 808 NEWHART SHOW Whllelhe Harleys are on vacation Howard undergoes crash psychologicalprogremthal changes his personality entirer 800 JACK VAN IMPE CRUSADE MORK AND MINDY THE WALTONS MissEmIlyBaIdA win us under the delusion that her girlhood sweetheart who died has Corns back into her IIIB andbacomes upset with Erin when the man for her Repeat 60 mins LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY When Laverne finds that no one will behave her story that theres Spy alter secret formula at the Shothrewary hilaritybubblestothesurlaceas sheconvmces Shirley to stake out thevat room her one night to catch the spy Repeal STATE TROOPER COPE LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY WMOVIEORAMAu lThanka Fool 1062 830 KING OF KENSINGTON The Kingshomemaybetheaileollhemurdersoletl six husbands of the horrible Hannah Smith And the ghost has come back to haunt Lsrry and dye Ra eat ANG When Angie gets her bungling sister Marie too as receptionist in her hus band Brads office the newlyweds loving rela tionship starts to show more than few signs of in Repeat SOLDIER OF FORTUNE FOR THE RECORD ea WELCOME BACK KOTTER Woodman goestothehoepitalforabunionoper ation andislost byBerbarino somewhersinthe hoapilal 900 OUINCY LOU GRANT In HAWAII FIVE0 sm MCGar ratts desperate quest for maniac known as The Skyllne Killer is seriously hampered by writer who wants to reap big bucks by getting to mum to murderer first Repeat do mine EgWARD VII The Years of Waiting Theturnofthe centuryise momsnlousperiodfor EdwardBritains involvement in the Boer War Edwards disillusionment with his mistress Daisy an assassination attempt and his own of confidence in his ability 60 mins BARNEV MILLER Barneys recon ciliation dinner with his wife gets postponed when the men of the 12th precinct hsve to deal with plastic surgeon who thinks hes plagued by voodoo curse and assaults witch doctor Boast Prtngrams about the biological and cultural dimension of man Dr Lionel Tiger hosts this analysis of an nature Part 80 mins THE WAVWE ARE ArthurMsloneyA in the Law Part II WINTARIO 930 CARTER COUNTRY When Sgt Baker wants to arrest Billy Joe good buddy of Chief Roy Mobey the chief finds himsellcaught ween triendehi and dut Repeat CELEBRI COOKS Guast Maur sen Forrester 1000 MR5COLUMBOWhenachicBeverly HillscatererdiesinabizarreautoaccidentMrs Columbo uncovers tangled web of greed l0 andtwistedlove Repeat 80mins ENS DALLAS BARNABY JONES Betty Jones trades Hawaiian vacation for murder and mystery when she becomes emotionally in volved with married Client Repeat 60 2020 BARNABY JONES am Jones is witness to quarrel at the home of her neigh bour famous pianistcomposer and later learnsthatamurderhasbeencornmitledthere mins CIRCLE OF STARS Brenda Lee FAIRE ET DEFAIRE NEWS UPDATE NEws 1001 MERV GRIFFIN Guests Jack mug man Dick Cavett 1030 GRANDES RELIGIONSLIsIam 100 NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS It EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANUS MOVIE MUSICALDRAMA Csrouset105s 1120 NEWS 1125 NEWS 1127 NEWS 130 aTHETONIGIITSHOWRomuy aonGueslBudd tt90 cas LATE MOVIEu AsIIRa encouragedbyHawkeyegoastoSeoulonlesve to fulfill his manhood Repeat NEVER SO FEW 1960 Stars Frank Sinatra Gina Hob idl MOVIEMYSTERY Other II 1070 STREET TALK NIGHTMUSIC mm Simmonda 145 THRILLERAwomanhaving sufferedan attack byamanasagirl killsoutoflearofaimilar attacks Rapest60mine 1200 aMOVtEDRAMAIWI Wildln Country 1061 MOVIE COMEDYWESTERN 21 Rancho Deluxe 1015 MERV GRIFFIN CONTINUES Guests Larry Wilcox Helen Gurley Brown 1210 DUKES 0F HAZZARD 1230 DICK EMERV Guestsinclude Vivienns Martin Arthur English 100 TOMORROW ALL THAT GLITTERS Globalrons Board is in for rude awakening Bert takes giant step forward Glen Michael Marshall and Bert gather for consciousness raising ses sionndChristinaforcesNancytornakeapainful realizdtion about Glen 10 MOVIE WESTERN Rest less Breed 1057 130 NEWS MOVIE H0RROR Fall of of Usher 1050 I2°3°TL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 200 In MEDICAL CENTER 230 MOVIE COMEDY0RAMA 11 Time For GIVI301969 MOVIE COMEDYDRAMA 76 Touch aadsgo 1050 THE TROUBLE WITH TRACY historically speaking canadas story Brock And Tecumseh Won Quick Victory The story in this space on Tuesday described the dramatic meeting at Fort Maiden between General Isaac Brock and Indian Chief Tecumseh before they decided to attack Detroit during the War of 1812 The US fort was commanded by General Hull who had 2500 troops to defend it Brock had 300 regulars 400 militia and Tecumseh had 600 Indians To get across the river and attack Detroit was daring venture but Brock decided to do it Tecumseh was pleased and said Ho this is man Tecumsehs warriors crossed the river during the early morning darkness on August 16 When daylight came the guns at Sandwich and those ofthe armed schooner Queen Charlotte opened fire on the fort Brock Tecumseh and the remainder of the troops then crossed the river and began to advance Brock and Tecumseh rode on horses in front of them The 600 Indians in the woods began screeching eerie war cries The Americans were terrified Then shell exploded in the fort and killed several of Hulls officers Hull had his son married daughter and two small grandchildren with him Many of his men had also brought along their wives and children because they thought that the capture of Canada would be picnic The situation was too much for Hull and he ran up the white flag of surrender before the ground attack began Great quantities of supplies were captured The Americans were allowed to return to their homes on condition that they would not fight again in the war Brock took off his tassled scarlet sash and gave it to Tecumseh Tecumseh then returned the compliment and wrapped his arrowpatterned sash around Brock who wore it until he was killed at Queenston Heights two months later Tecumseh was killed at the battle of Moraviantown about one year later OTHER EVENTS ON AUGUST 16 1637 Duchess dAiguillon donated 22400 livres for Hotel Dieu hospital at Quebec 1756 Major Lawrence began building Fort Lawrence at Chignecto Peninsula near present Nova Scotla New Brunswick border 1827 Captain John Franklin later Sir John famous Arctic explorer laid cornerstone of one of locks of Rideau Canal Ottawa 1857 Imprisonment for debt was abolished in Canada 1858 Bank of Canada not todays received charter 1897 Yukon Judicial District was formed 1910 Prime Minister Laurier attended opening of Pacific National Exhibition at Vancouver 1963 Canada and US agreed on nuclear warheads 1965 Canadian jockey Johnny Longdcn rode his 6000th winner at Vancouver Our leadership topic CALGARY CPI In far away Romania next month thousands of the worlds top petroleum experts will be listening with keen interest to reports of Canadian technological leadership Although it is too early to say that this province base for Canadas OlI industry is world oil centre The world is becoming increasingly aware of Alberta says George Govier One sign of that awareness came three years ago when Go vier former chairman of Al bertas energy board wxb elected to the prestigeladen chairmanship of the scientific program committee of the World Petroleum Congress Other recognition comes Sept to 14 when Canadians will present nine papers and chair several sessions as the congress is held in Bucharest Romania The congress held every four years is expected to attract 5000 participants In an interview Monday 00 ncr said the international Oil community will seek to learn advanced Canadian methods in automated oilfields computer simulation of oil recovery tech niques and operations in hostile Arctic environments Although Canada is not leader in most fields of refining technology he said new lm perial Oil Ltd process for refin ing lubricating oil will create tremendous amount of inter est when it is described at the congress In addition to research re sults Canada would have valu able practical experience in largescale application of oth ers technology in the Alberta oil sands and in secondaryre covery methods that increase the amount of oil oilfields can produce Canada is recognized as one of the leading users of the tech nology for secondary recovery Govier said We havent been leading developer of that technology but we apply it in an effective way barries story August 16 1930 Efforts to secure wharf for Barrie were renewed at special meeting of the town council when the clerk was in structed to write the Depart ment of Public Works Ottawa regarding the construction of two new docks and to write Simpson MP to urge his support of the movement The motion was introduced by DeputyReeve Charles Lowe Outstnding military men of Ontario and Legionnaires from the various branches of the county attended the Canadian Legion banquet given in the Ar moury bu the Ladies Aux iliary of the local branch Dur ing the meal the Simcoe Foresters Regimental band provided stirring war songs After the banquet neary 6000 people gathered at Agricultural Park to watch stirring night attack put on by the members of the Simcoe Foresters under Major Gordon Longman Disappointment came to several hundred citizens of Bar rie and district when only three scaplanes in the Great Lakes Air Cruise landed here The large number of planes which it was hoped would compete in the first International good will flight was cut to three when manufacturers cancelled their cruise arrangements shortly before the start of the trip at Detroit More than 100 persons made rush for Bayfield Street wharf when word passed along that steamer was entering the bay the first in eight years With some little difficulty Capt Wood tied the steamer Couchiching to the end of the dock while the crowd gathered Only 20 passengers made the trip from Orillia to at tend the reunion of the legion members Beulah Barr 8355865 All those who attended or taught classes at Hobart School are requested to gather on the former schoolgrounds for grand gettogether on Sunday August 19 Commencing with icnic lunch at 12 noon kindly ring picnic lunches cutlery dishes chairs etc the after noon will be spent socializing Tea and coffee will be supplied Mr and Mrs Drury now the owners of the former school and grounds have thoughtfully donated the same for the occa sion Mrs Harold Hill and Mrs Bill Pottage rocently motored to Whitby to attend their sisters shower Their sister who is to be married in September was passenger in car that was involved in an accident afterwards and she suffered broken arm The Doctor Says Get Opinion on Chelation Dear Dr Donahue have heard so much about the treat ment called chelation It is supposed to do wonders for hardening of the arteries It is expensive sometimes costing $35 to $60 for treatment The series of injections recom mended is for up to 40 to 50 weeks and then once month forever am in my 70s will look for your unbiased opinion have no family doctor and thank God for doctors like you So many elderly people who can hardly afford this treatment are going for it thinking it will prolong their lives Mrs lV hope not too many are With the rising costs of health care its all most retirees can do to keep up with necessary medical attention Chelation treatment has been touted for about 25 years as medical fountain of youth chiefly in treating arterioscle rosis hardening of the ar teries It isnt yet hear from readers who have been treated this way for heart disease stroke even leg circulation problems Some of the in jections cost between $20 and $100 each Such letters are sad dening Chelation is legitimate medical term It means the use of one substance in the body to rid it of an undesired sub stance Nothing has been groved effective in ridding the ody of arterioslcerosis causmg substances There are limited experiments going on They involve patient consent and are free Otherwise depending on the substance being used Chelation may be dangerous for person using certain heart medicines Chelation has been tried as way of removing calcium from hardened blood vessels good idea which unfortunately has been shown to be ineffective The problem is that occasion ally patient may actually feel better even though they have not been helped medically They become neighborhood evangelists making good sales men for bad ideas The best rule is to accept such claims cautiously and get an opinion from your own doctor or sec ond doctor Dear Dr Donohue During the past year Ive had recur rent swelling on the right side of my face There is no pain or discomfort and it disappears within an hour sooner if rinse it with cold water It does cause sizeable lump My dentist has not seen any thing like it and was in his office when the swelling was present and went down It only occurs when chew food and the kind of food doesnt matter soft hard etc There is no dental problem so what do you think this is From your artistic ren dering enclosed with your letter it would appear to be salivary salivaproducing gland swelling Occasionally stories may obstruct such glands Special tests by an eye nose and throat doctor might pinpoint the problem Many readers enclose sketches to try to explain their problems to me Some are quite good in fact BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag One mistake defeats game 816 QXQJSH J1097 0105 Oil Vulnerable Neither Dealer East West North East 10 Pass South Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 0Q By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Easts opening bid was light but he did have three quick tricks Souths two spade bid is popular conven tional bid called the weak jump overcall used by tour nament players It has also spread to lots of rubber bridge games It shows good six or After the opening lead and the club continuation declar er ruffed Trumps were drawn and then South led the jack of hearts from his hand West ducked the eight of hearts was playcd from dummy and East won with the ace East led high club and declarer realized hc had made serious error lie was forced to ruff with his next to last trump Declarcr could no longcr establish second heart trick He needed two entries to his hand one so he could drive out the queen of hcarts and the second so he could cash the remaining hcart trick Because the king of hearts was in dummy by itself thcrc was an unfortunate block that declarer could not hurdlc Conservation of assets is very nice but this was one time when South could not afford to conserve dummys heart king It was dcclarcrs own fault When he played the jack of hearts if he had played dummys king losing to Easts known ace East opened the bidding there would have been no defense East would have played club forcing declarer to ruff but dcclarcr would then have forced out Wests queen with his 10 and still would have had the sevencard suit with very trump needed to return to his tie additional outside hand to cash the two cstah strength lishcd heart tricks daily crossword ACROSS 53 Indefinite In Answer to Prevnous Puzzle order Setups 55 Length unit 57 Attention getting sound Third person Short period st 58 Collection of 12 Suitcase animals 13 Haunch 59 Regretted i4 Baltic river 60 Naked 15 Bird 61 It Is contr 16 my in 62 Fraternal Oklahoma membels 17 No longer are 18 Thought DOWN 20 Plateau Fast plane gesponse Part of list 24 Stretch out 41 Greek letter 91123 Splllluai 25 9le 43 Character of 28 Erotically ï¬fdjfles Jnfedc people 32 Relative of gok 29 44 Greenblue bngo ancealed Toylng com 33 gm Shoulder Fr 30 Fee 45 Hawaiian 35 5900115 Cheek renc Island 36 Animal nail Inspiranon ETIDOSN 46 Ran from 37 Aqua IO Leafless plant mesa 47 Gas mammal 11 Dance currenc 49 Circular 41 Victrola for Astana 34 Snake eyes mono 510 19 Rather than 33 MW 50 mag 42 Bad habits poem mankind 51 Lluueur 21 Communion 39 Wagneropera CUISand flavoring vessel 40 Georgia 54 Smal 48 snug 23 Afterthought nEIgthr 56 College 52 River in China abbr abbr degree abbr III IHII HEW Ilflflfl III AShOGra Bernice BedeOsol August 17 1979 Positive thinking will be your co partner this coming year giving you that added ingredient youll need tO go altEr some Of your more secret desires Your chanc es for success are excellent LEO July 23Aug 22 Youll be amazed at how much you WIII be able to accomplish today if you withdraw to quiet place The fewer people who are about the more youll get done Winthrop VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 per sons you assocrate With today could have conSIclerable Influ ence on your overall OuthOk Seek out your more stable pals LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Every thing you do today Will be done With conSIderation and care for the Other guy Youll Win admira tion These qualities WIII not go unnoticed SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Your logical evaluations are flavored with sensmvrty today making you an excellent person to give advrce Dont hold back your thoughts SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Things y0u get Involved In today shOuld eventually work cut You know how to use advantageously OF COURSE ITS ETTIMO Frank and Ernest PAINT LETS llt°ollt Orr FOR TbDAY MR5 VANDERBILIH HAVE 10 Go 801 some MORE aw 75 15W ADVICE LLMN Que no Bugs Bunny 3c arms wmmam 29 Dunlop St 737 3860 THIRTYNINE AN FEW MONTHS NORTHERN STATIONERY WMWQ Margaux6Q flflyflc 417W Wmél ï¬féf didAC all the resources available to y0u CAPRICORN Dec 22Jen 19 You should have good luck today getting needed cooperation from your mate or any partnership Situation Dont try to work alone AQUARIUS Jan 21Feb 19 Look for this day to be both pro ductive and rewarding Youll settle down to busmess and wont let frivolous Interests srde track you PISCES Feb 20March 20 Others will show Sincere Inter est today In catering to your needs and dorng what they can to please you Be appreCIative and reCIprocal ARIES March 21April 19 Gen eral conditions that affect you are fairly stable today so do what you feel has to be done with sellassurance and confidence TAURUS April 20May 20 You have good powers of concentra tion today Use them construc tIvety on things requrring keen mental Or Creative attributes GEMINI May 21June 20 An excellent day to go shopping for household items You tend to deal with life on practical terms today It Isnt likely youd make foolish purchases CANCER June 2tJuly 22 Make plans today to take care of personal desires FOr once It looks like you may be able to do what you want Without too much outSIde interference BUT HOPELEï¬Ã©Y INARTICLJLATE 1M Reg usvuon um Nu CAMERA DAY Your wedding invitations nnoun cements Headquarters We provide loanout service MONTMOI NCY9 HAVING ii in new in be In gt01 vsulnueio 0w STAWE famï¬ MY DUCK CALL NEEDS SOME WOQK AN EIGHT