Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Aug 1979, p. 27

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cv HOME VISITOR SALARY SI30T300 SILBTLBO PER ANNUM LOCATION MIDLAND BARBIE Person required to conduct home visits with individuals applying for assisted rental housing Responsibilities to include visiting both family and senior citizen applicants in their present homes to determine priority of need assessing their suitability for housing ascertaining type and location of dwelling best suited to meet individual needs prepare comprehensive reports on each visit offer counselling of practical nature and refer clients to appropriate agencies for speicalized assistance provide information on Housing Authority policies and procedures as required QUALIFICATIONS Grade 12 education minimum with several years related experience in the social services field SKILLS Well developed interpersonal skills ability to prepare clear concise reports ability to communicate tactfully and effectively both orally and in writing valid drivers licence is essential Bilingualism will be considered preferential asset Written applications to be submitted to Mr McCann Manager Simcoe County Orillia Housing Authority 303 Midland Ave Suite 208 Box 608 Midland Ontario HR 4L3 MORTGAGE UNOERWRITERS REOUIRED challenging opportunity exists for bright ambitious in dividuals who have desire to grow with an expanding and aggressive Trust Company The successful candidates will have experience in all facets of mortgage underwriting including business development ap praisals and credit analysis We offer an excellent salary bonus and benefits package Please send resume in complete confidence or contact Mr James Burke Senior Mortgage Manager The Municipal Trust Company PO Box 147 70 Collier Street Barrie Ontario LAM 459 705 7267200 Effective Management through education Canadian Institute of Management Each year the need for men and women trained in the art of effective management is growing The ability to communicate with accounting prodpction and marketing is vital The certificate in management course is designed to enable you to use the tools of effective management to the fullest CM is an asset to the individual and the company Course registrations now being accepted For further information contact Canadian Institute of Management Lake Simcoe Branch Box 263 Orillia Ontario L3V 6J6 or phone Eugene Bemus 3256121 Graham Harris 3252781 Jy4l 18Au8152229 ttfimewvmsuuinieem re¥ienciéié EXPERIENCED mum MINISIHYOFHOUSING qu °P°V° ARIO HOUSING CORPORATION parttime will be considered DRWEWAY REPAIRS AND SW5 °°° WINDOWWELLINSTALLATION systems trial balanCIng BARRIEOHJ p°Y° °° elemn Reference TENDER BoaTs provided All replies confidential and will be answered Reply to P0 Box BIIco The Examiner 24 79 Ontario Branch of AU9 Housing CLEANING WOMAN wants work Four years experience Day or week 54 per hour Phone 728 4254 or 726 6365 after Tenders will be received for the above until 1200 noon Friday August 24 1979 by the Central Ontario Corporation 47 Sheppard Avenue East Suite 514 Willowdale Ontario M2N 228 do the Branch Manager OnoshalfethslnflqeodeekctHsAestlenSdoforMAXlimAR BEAUMONT BRACEIRIOGE ONTARIO Tue at Iverslde he eats OrivoJiiestoleesuofitfermluiyltslsasrflrosfittoCiadaby the losemt pioneers 1000 SATURDAY AUGUST II 1979 AT 1030 AM SHARP Dining room table chairs buffet Mahogany dining room table seats 14 last valuation $1000 Baking table oak chairs kitchen set oak press back chairs Victorian round oak table 54 cherry bed Jacques and Hayes hall tree beehive top 54 maple spool bed Victorian wash stand oak settee leather seat trunks brass and leather bound wash stands Victorian fainting couch walnut Wing chair Parlor fable upholstered chairs Jacques and Hayes dresser and wash stand Mr and Mrs Parlor chairs Victorian Upholstered balloon back chairs Pigeon hole cupboard pair kneeling stools pine tables bow back chairs nursing rockers miniature chests of drawers Victorian sewing baskef dolls cupboard collar mirror Vic trolas one table model one floor 78 RPM records wicker Morris choir pine clock shelf carved clock shelf Victorian love seat press back high chair old table radio early Vict single bed rounded end organ stool organ lamp stand wicker parlor and rocking chair Victorian pictures and frames Victorian sewing tables inlaid top dresser pine dressers small dresser with mirror Beaver hat in leather carrying case Victorian fire screens hanging corner whatnot corner whatnot cupboard bottom walnut tea wagon oak desk parlor table glass top fireplace back mirror and gallery top pine servers stocking bookcases rocking chair waterfall seat Victorian mirrors sets of scales brass trays wooden shoe stretchers deer head stuffed owl hanging light fixtures framed map of Muskoka Lakes circa 1900 walnut carved ink well beaded iewel box leather bound Webster dictionary 1909 Jugs and cracks gal blue flowered Victorian travel case complete Pewter tea caddy flatwear and silver serving pieces old flags napkin rings silver and bone childs tea sets condiment set silver writing set several platters circa 1890 collectible spoons silver pin trays wicker baskets silver Cup leather case brass pitchers and trays Toley tea set HP Nippon vases cups and saucers efc pair porcelain figurines tea set Royal Crown cups and saucers collectors books 18901910 clock in case cast iron English 1880 carnival glass end of day vase pressed gloss pieces mantel clock miik bottles sealers silver pitchers silver tea set pieces ink well glass and brass hand painted plates Doulton and Chelsea plates Bavarian plates sterling silver pieces hand carved cigarette holder inlaid tea and coffee holder inlaid writing set Dazey churn old tools saws blacksmith anvil and forge Many many other items Terms cash cheque with 10 Lunch available Owner and auctioneer not responsible for public liability or loss of articles LES RUTLEDGE Auctioneer 6873107 Gravenhurst Ontario the municipal tlLJSt compamg AUB ADULT CARRIER ROUTES NOW AVAILABLE The Toronto Star requires an adult for delivery of newspapers to subscribers homes in Bradford Must be available MondayFriday afternoons and Saturday Sunday mornings Small vehicle required Genero For more information on this pa us allowance plus route profit rttime endeavor please phone THE TORONTO STAR OFFICE BARRIE 7057287001 START CAREER HYDROCULTURE LUWASA requires outgoing salespersans for home parties to demonstrate an exciting concept in growing house plants We will train you Car necessary No initial outlay Phone 7370532 am to Pm MWFAu31 THE QUEENS HOTEL nevi liiing COOKS WALTERSWAITRESS PREP PERSONS BUS IOY GIRL Telephone 7282424 Mr Hamilton Experience Required TELEPHONE SOLICITOR Parttime Experienced Work from your home Appointment fee plus commissions For return call please leave your nane address and phone number at 7371368 AuI38 YOU CAN EARN MONEY Stuffing envelopes in your spare time Choose your own hours No experience necessary For details send stamp inquiry letter to MI MARTIN 77 PAIWOODS VILLAGE OR Suits 304 MILLS Ont MJA AU HOUSKEEPERCOMPANION LIVE in home atmosphere Liberal time off Telephone 725 4404 alter 12 noon EXPERIENCED PRESSER wanted to work in dry cleaning plant Apply at Wright Cleaners 103 Baylield Street Barrie 72B 5531 EARN EXTRA MONEY by showmg the Jeandron catalogue With over 500 items 0f Canadas finest line of Christmas cards wraps novelties etc For free catalogue and prompt service Jeandron Greeting Card Co Ltd 1253 King St Hamilton Ont LsM 167 LEGAL SECRETARY reqmrcd for law office Must be experienced Apply Leonard Noble 26 Hurontario St Coll ingwood Phone 445 5551 7051 DIESEL MECHANIC for construction business in Barrie area Telephone 726 0274 FULL TIME CAB DRIVERS andor Brokers interested in drivmg in Camp Borden area Telephone 17 0711 DAY CARE required afternoons Mon day to Friday commencing September for Syear old girl Anton Mills area Please call alterbp 726 2070 LOOKING FOR serious partner to go in to proiecl of worm farm ousinoslt Call after 00p 737 2427 EXPERIENCED GROCERY CLERK salary commensurates With ability Ex cellent benefits Apply in writing to Box 250 Elmvale or phone 322 3173 after In DRIVERS Iulltimo Must have good driving record and neat ap pearance Apply in person only United Taxi Maple Avenue Barrie WE REQUIRE mature part time sales woman man With flare for decorating Telephone St Clair Paint and Wallpaper 726 7307 DISTRIBUTION MANAGER earn S800 $1200 monthly spare time Train ing provided Call 425 0500 MATURE RELIABLE PERSONS need ed to work in children home dunno the night Several positions available im mediater Please phone 725 aw office hours EXPERIENCED PRODUCE CLERK wanted Fuda Foods 187 23102 CHILD CARE WORKERS energetic persons needed to work in residential treatment centre of emotionally disturbed children BA degree or equivalent preferred Challenging and personal satisfaction received through work with children 72a 8861 WaitersWaitresses wanted immediately for Talisman Resort Hatel Experienced waiters waitresses Call Mr Parron 519 599 2520 for appomtmmt A4 PART TIME CONCESSION help re quired at Imperial Theatres Please cann the Manager after 730 pm 728 4681 Suitable hours for students MOTHERS HELPER requrred to live in for the month of August Telephone A56 2917 EARN EXTRA MONEY by showing the Jeandron catalogue with over 500 items of Canadas finest line of Christmas cards wraps novelties etc For free catalogue and prompt senIce Jeandron Greeting Card Co Ltd 1253 King St Hamilton Ont LBM 167 EXPANDING BUSINESS requires ambitious people For appointment Phone 726 9574 77sales helpagents STOP ASK YOURSELF Where will be and what will be doing years from today if continue what am doing now We have sales positions to fill in Simcoe County which can develop into management for the right person You can expect to EARN $15000$30000 PER YEAR Attend weeks of schooling in Toronto at our expense Be trained in your area by qualified sales director Be given the opportunity to ad vance rapidly into management ToQuolify Must be active Must be of legal age AmbitiousDependable High School graduate or better Own good car and be bondable FOR THE RIGHT PER SON THIS IS LIFETIME CAREER OP PORTUNITY WITH AN INTERNATIONAL GROUP OF COM PANIES Equal Opportunity Company MIF Call today tomorrow IOom pm JIM SEABROOK 7053252787 Au78 TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part time full time sideline Calendars ad specialties printedlabels tapes bat pens otice supplies etc Our Ilth year New catalnaucavailablc Alco Box 3772 Ottawa NOTICE Deadline for classuieu word ads pm day previous noon Saturdov pm 774995 from whom details and NOTICE OF SALE speCIficatiozis may be obtained or telephone 2269150 quoting UNDERMORTGAGE Reference Number as above IN THE MATTER OF THE The lowest or any tender not 82 CANADA TRUST COMPANY PHONE72 If AND JACK LEON UHRYNIUK and MARGARET MARY UHRYNIUK AND IN THE MATTER of the sale of the property known municipally as 245 East Street Stoyner Ontario pursuant to the NOTICE OF SALE proceeding contained in the mortgage dated the 10th day of November I975 and registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Simcoe No 51 on the 27th day of November 1975 as Instrument Number 539749 The lands and premises known municipally as 245 East Street Stoyner Ontario more par ticularly described below will be offered for sale by Public Auction by the Vendor The Canada Trust Company by its agents at the hour of twelve oclock noon on Monday August 20th 1979 the said auction to be held at the said premises The property will be offered for sale subiecf to reserve bid fixed by the Vendor The land comprises ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Town of Stoyner in the County of Simcoe and being composed of the whole of Lot 58 according to Registered Plan 1636 filed in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Simcoe No51 Open for inspection by ap pointment eleven oclock AM on the day of the sale For further particulars for arrangements to view and inspect the property and to obtain the conditions of sale apply to THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY by its solicitors GLENN KRELOVE of OWEN BURGAR 26 Owen Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4Y6 Phone 7057261181 DATED at Barrie this Ist clay of August 1979 Au3B15 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE $600 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words So 00 Additional words cts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words $600 Addi tional words 11 ct per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES Na verse $600 Mth verse per count line 23 cents per line COMING EVENTS S3 per column inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 24 word Minimum Cash Discount Rates apply if paid within days One or two insertions 10c per word Insertion Three consecutive in sertions 91 cents per word insertion total $684 Six consecutive insertions per word per insertion total $1296 Multiple inser tions may be ordered subject to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation set of nunbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion ordeis are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately after first Inser fion In order that any error or ormssion may be reported before in order that same may be rectified for the following day publication The hammer is responsible for only one incorrectly printed insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the misprint Er rors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for correcr ham by make goods The hammer reserves the right to classify revise or reyect any want ads Phone 7282414 necessarily accepted AUG 73 tenders Ontario Government Tender ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Replace Exterior Lighting for the Ministry of Natural Resources Ontario Tree Seed Plant ANGUS Ont NIT66989 GENERAL CONTRACTORS Plastering in the Washroom of Cottage at the Huronia Regional Centre ORILLIA Ont CM66840I Repair Exterior Stucco an the Main Staff Building at the Staff Development Centre KEMPENFELT BAY Ont CV667I9 Separate Individual Sealed Tenders will be received until 21 pm local time on Thursday August 301979 Combined Tenders will not be accepted Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services Georgian Bay Regional Office 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillia Ontario 13V 6K7 NOTE For further information regarding the Tenders please call Mr Mclsaac at the above address Telephone No 705 3257403 The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted Ministry of Government Ontario MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES Ontario TENDER NO CE29 Sealed tenders for the Construction of the Sturgeon River Lamprey Barrier Lot Concession Toy Township Simcoe County will be received by DIXON Regional Director 10670 Yonge St RICHMOND HILL Ont LAC 3C9 The work includes the supply and installation of approximately 1000 square feet of steel sheet pile weir Closing date is August 24 1979 noon Eastern Daylight Time Tenders will be opened at 1400 hours on the some day Tender documents are available at the above noted address Au9 Ontario Government Tender Sealed tenders WB795 will be received by the Ministry of Natural Resources Wasaga Beach Ontario until 1200 Noon on August 22 1979 for the supply and installation of 2Complefe Comfort Station Type Sewage Disposal Systems including septic tank pumping system and tile bed etc Tender documents may be obtained at Wasaga Beach Provincial Park Office 22nd St Wasaga Beach Ontario There will be returnable deposit of fifty dollars $5000 in the form of money order or certified cheque required for the tender documents and drawings Tender Submissions must be accompanied by $150000 bid deposit The successful contractor must furnish performance bond in the amount of 100 of the total contract amount Tenders will be opened publicly at 300 PM on August 22nd 1979 in Wasaga Beach Provincial Park Office For further information contact Dales or Burns at 705 429 2516 LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED Ministry of Natural Resources Ontario edgarclowes by MarionWrIght 7286797 Mrs Will Au iiin nl Ed miinlriii Allil is spending weeks holidays with her father inrtlnn Bidwcll illICl has renew ed many acquaintances in the illlil Jill Slcssor is patient in Viitoria Hospital where Shl has unilirgiini surgery Hir many friends wish her it speedy recovery During the month August Rev Bonner of West 0m Baptist Church who holds the rank of capltiin in Canadas Armed Forces will be serving as chaplain IPI Il CPS Holbcrg on Vancouver Island Their summer ministry will be con ducted as follows July 29 Rev Jim Manuel Aug Mr Frank Stevens Aug 12 Mr John Bell Aug 19 Gideons Aug 26 Mr Bill Ginnhlc Sept Rev Ru lllll AuB BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however other wise 4oarficles for sale VOLUME SALES 21 Mary St Barrie DISCOUNT WAREHOUSE 11 cu r9or Used Double T109 24H Double 159 Chrome Vinyl Stnttllrrgnairr $1699 Over 20 $1599 New Salesmaii W109 89 Swivel Secretarial $3795 Secretarial harks Left grunt Used Drawer Cabinets riotlor 15m New Hotel SOO PAIRS SUMMER SPORTS IIIIDES it CASUALS Most sizes Variety of styles BIG DISCOUNTS Fall Rolls our per yd SHOPANDSXIVE DOWNTOWN WFAu10 Graham Allen Auctioneer Graham Allenmu Quin it Qliiiie undo glitz 5Big 36p 7265055 Barrie Ontario 73724 AUCTION SALE for MARSHA WEBER miles North of Orillia on Hwy No 11 across from Burger Chalet ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES SATURDAY AUGUST 1979 IOom sharp NO RESERVE NO RESERVE Jenny Lynn bed Jacques Hayes beds 42x42 table w6 leaves matching set of chr Windsor chr from Windsor castle treadle sewing machines solid walnut dr chest Old Man Wind round corner Chair tea caddy walnut oval parlor table captains chr Mission Oak plant stand late 1800 mahogany arm chr horse hair wicker doll carriage Duncan Phyfe Victorian arm chr Duncan Phyfe solid mahogany table Sheraton side server solid mahogany I920 fumed oak writing desk pressback nursing rocker Vs moon oak table Queen Anne writing desk lamp table Simcoe County Ash i870 circa door hutch 1820 blind hutch pine Oak pigeon hole desk press back rocker Sleigh bed sm pine tables Victorian couch Pine lam cupboard hand carved ladder back rocker blanket boxes pail bench style dry sink camel back trunk library desk oak Kelvinator ice box 42x42 table w2 leaves walnut chest of drawers pine dry sink Prince Edward County Candle stick East Lake dresser Oak combination desk china cabinet Empire Birds Eye Butter Nut Mans chest of drawers smokers stand butternut cherry circa 1840 chest Maple East Lake washstand oak sidebrd w3 drawers Claw ball foot fern stand ald toilet wwooden tank sm box stove chestnut corner cupboard butternut sideboard Walnut display case with glass doors small upright oak combination desk and bookcase balloon back chrs buffer bowls Gingerbread clocks CROCKS Hart Odgensburgh blue flower salt cracks al gal hanging lamp Art Nouveau brass hanging lamp car ide Dough boards wash boards brass glass hanging lamp old reverse painting electric fixture very old pottery iardiniere childs scene possible Wedgwood dark blue iardiniere Vic torian green miniature oil lamp moustache cups wsaucers basin set hand painted cruet set celery holder Austrian candle sticks Carnival glass bowl Victorian bisque hand painted figurines very large Walker spinning wheel Haviland limoges dishes Gibson Girl chocolate pot listed in No Units Book page 64 Goddy ironstone iug lmari pattern thunder mug also others green Bristol wines Hand blown ruby plate old gin bottles applied neck rare Germany wine bottle wscene of cat several pcs of Copper lustre flow blue pcs Royal Nippon set of SBP hand painted Nippon SBP stag horn Creamers meat platters wheat pattern meat platter crystal water set silver deposit bowl bakers dozen of old toys trucks etc set of Jackfld pitchers demitasse CBS souvenir pcs moulds glass Dahlia pattern water pitcher Cdn thistle sml pitcher wheel comma covered comport non flint pc set of band pattern cream sugar spoon Crystal sugar creamer Wedgwood Co covered vegetable bowl cake stands RCA original one of the first magnetic tape decks Belgian solid brass ink well hand painted bisque dresser set souvenir spoons bisque crm sugars salt cellars crystal glass Sudlows barslem cookie barrel metal biscuit barrel pcs of silver plate napkin ring holders costume iewellery coral cameo ring 10k gold amethyst rings ivory fan amethyst furq ring 14k gold mens sapphire rings 10k gold Azurite Israeli womans ring sterling ring wgreen stone approx 25 nice frames prints orange lodge picture William Prince of Orange crossing the Boyne 1690 old bottles sampler circa 1840 copper fire finder oak fender clock shelves walnut mantel scatter rugs assort of old tools matching old store lights I837 from Reeves Jewellery store Barrie hand made quilts Dresden plate flying geese baby quilt and others ONE OF THE BEST ANTIQUE AUCTIONS TO BE HELD THIS YEAR Au8 ARCHER COL WILL Qualified Recognized Authority AUCTIONEERAPPRAISER FARM SALES FURNITURE ESTATES ANTIQUES REAL ESTATE SKIING SUCCESSFUL SALES SIC 1957 SATURDAY MORNING AUG Ilth of IO am at EMBASSY HALL 386 BLAKE ST BARRIE Extensive auction of contents of Barrie homes Antiques collectibles for Elton and Mrs Lockie Parker 68904 with inclusions Inglis washer dryer like new Moffot Refrigerator HD electric stove pc walnut dining room suite French Provincial Chester field suites 3piece bedroom suites Jacques Hayes chair wneedlepoint box of dolls drawer filing cabinet office desk chair clipboards and dividers for students childrens books sealers cornflower crystal water goblets other crystal old record player records new 20piece set of dishes iewellery fishing equip ment Boy Scout tent other tents lawn equipment hedge trimmer string of puppets Dominion educator set walnut wardrobe cedar clothes closet assortment of costumes polar office or van refrigerator new hall trees quantity of carpenter garden tools Singer sewing machine wicker sewing basket Victorian chair wneedlepoint drop leaf Duncan Phyfe dining room table lyre back chairs maple dinette suite numerous dishes platters cooking utensils blanket box sets bowling balls several chests of drawers dehumidifier pair birch semi finished end tables thick fruit cabinet assorted cracks Coleman stove humidifiers metal crib mattress large skin divers wet suit Underwood office typewriter stand plants planters several occasional chairs picture frames ring binders drapes double spread pair living room lamps Viking portable TV magazine rock piece dinette suite in limed oak finish tuxedo style gold Chesterfield roll awaybed round oak table w5 carved oak chairs press back rocker wall clock old kitchen couch Partial list only An exceptionally interesting sale Plan to attend Lunch available TUESDAY EVENING AUG I4 at 630 pm for MRS NORM STODDART on Can Ora Twsp Sale of contents of home SATURDAY AUG 18 at 1030 am for HEWETSON located on Con 11 Medonte Twsp Sale of household antique collectible items Aug anui It Slime under gig 30p 7265055 Barrie Ontario 737249 AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY AUGUST 15 I979 PM for MRS MART BATES MILES WEST OF IAIRIE ON SUNNIDALE RD between MI 9th Con Vespra Twp Chesterfield chair shelving table stand bed dresser desk book shelf lazy boy TV trays Ontario chairs 88W TV oak library desk high chair chest chest wdrawers iron bed dressers parlor table oak round table sets 12 antique high boy good cond antique pine flour bin deepfreezer2 wringer washers Viking stove small Westinghouse fridge Frost free fridge Viking Viking dryer Vacuum cleaner elec organ chrome table Chrs lawn mower records gal crock wflower INCLUSIOIG from the ESTATE OF ERMA MINTT formerly of Aleuoed riser EInveIe Vacant Street I4 place setting of dishes Hoover spin washer oak side server Westminster chime clock set of matching cane seat chairs pc bedroom suite whigh back bed never been cut down lots of press on dresser bed excellent pce dressers scatter rugs hand made copper boiler trunk Singer treadle machine old scales wooden egg crate granite ware Edison cylinder player complete wbooks 60 Edison cylinders pc Chesterfield approx 50 yrs old mint cond small china cabinet wicker planters rocker over 100 yrs old Aug 10 1492fi9flfid wanted 75trade schools 757tradescrhtiols 77aTIctidnsalesmm 7133921 jilgs 79faUCIion sales Zijgclgnsgl9 the oxmm 27 fimfi HM If AN WednesdayAuguatB107O EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MINISTRY OF HOUSING HAs VACANCY FOR AUCTION nu Announcements SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Notices Engagements Cards of MI SA minimum 40 words additional wort 11 cents per word Irths Sim Abrnoriern no verse woo Verse per count line extra 23 cents Gearing Events 8343 per column inch BIbirths Mondays Child is fair of face TuesdaysChildEsfuilofgrace Wednesdays Child is full of woe ThursdaysChild hasfartogo Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day Is fair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only $550 PHONE 728 his GOOD NEWS STORY when you an nounce the birth of your child in The Ex aminer Clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement after birth Call The Examiner Classified 7282414 CROSSLAND Rev Edward At It fracombe North Devon England on Thursday August 2nd 1979 Father Crossland former Pastor of St Lukes and Professor of St Augustines SeminaryDear brother of Mrs Ethel Clifton of Barrie Ontario Mrs John Genevieve Holden of Shan ty Bay and Dr Alfred Crossland of Bar rie Funeral Mass and interment in It francombe North Devon England KNOX Julia at Barrie on Monday August 6th 1979 Julia Knox beloved wife of the late Alexander Knox In her 100th year Dear mother of Bill of Kit chener Victar of Barrie Elsa Corbett of Barrie Judy Smith of West Hill and the late Morton Knox Survived also by 10 grandchildren great grandchildren and sister Elizabeth Tyrell of Edin burgh Scotland Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie after pm Tuesday Service In the Chapel on Wednesday August 8th at 330 pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery If so desired memorial donae tions may be made to Canadian Cancer toria Hospital Barrie on Monday August 1979 Annie Sutherland belov ed wife of the Late Joseph McGowan Dear mother of Helen Mrs Harry Smethurst and John both of Barrie Grandmother of Cathie Tulloch Madeline Taylor Joe Bob and Gwen Smethurst Nancy Kelly Linda Shulfz Tom and Jim McGowan Survived also by five great grandchildren Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie after pm Wednes day Service in the chapel on Thursday August at 130 pm Interment Alliston Union Cemetery If so desired memorial donations may be made to HELP co Corinthian Masonic Lodge or to any favorite charity STARR Reginald at the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Sunday August 1979 Reginald Starr in his 64th year beloved husband of Mary Isabel Halbert Dear father of Earl of Toronto Garnet of Markdale and Angus of Alliston Grandfther of nine grand Chidren brother of Ed Tom Harold and Joe Starr Carmen Cowal and Muriel Anscambe Friends may call at Steckley Funeal Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie until Wednesday noon Funeral service in the Hiway Pentecostal Church Anne street North on Wednesday August at 30 pm Infermentat Edgar Cemetery UNDERHILL Ross Hamilton at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Mon day August 1979 Ross Hamilton Underhill in his 90th year survived by his wife Agnes Gilchrist and his sister May Underhill Predeceased by brothers Stanley Charles and Blake Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie after pm Tues day Private luneral service on Wednes day August at 11 am Interment at Barrie Union Cemetery Elicard of thanks ROSE The family of the late Murray Ivan Rose of Napanee Ontario wish to extend most sincere thanks to our dear friends and relatives for their thoughtfulness and kindness shown to all of us at the time of the loss of dear and wonderful son and brother Thanks for the cards llowers and donations Murray and Shirley Rose and family LENNOX Kathleen The family of the late Kathleen Lennox wish to thank friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness flowers and cards shown to us during our recent bereave merit ailcoming events OPEN HOUSE on the occasion of the 40th AtlllVERSARY of MR MRS WILFREO FIDLEY Friday August 10th pm to am COOKSTOWN TOWN HALL Au4a9Io ORO LIONS 7th ANNUAL OROFEST Saturday Aug 18 Oro Community Arena Hwy at entire Continuous music Iiy STEAMER Ilth III Chambers formerly of Lisle and TRINITY pm 1aip $400 per person Refreshments Food Spot Dances Age of meiority card must lie present Tickets available from ADANAC LOCK ft SAFETY CO LTD 34 Mary St Barrie OBRIENS SPORTS it MARINE Ridge flit Ora RIDGE HO IEXACO DAIRY BAR Ridge Rd at 5th Line IllWAY MOTOR Hwy II at lstLine0ro or any LIONS Member Au481 115 WATle YOUR LANGUAGE WASHINGTON IAPI The labor department says the de gree of youths success during job interviews rests on their manner of communication both verbally and with body language Some interviewers feel certain body mannerisms indicate hostility or closemind edness it says These include crossing ones legs or arms tightly particularly holding the arms across the chest The de partment adds that firm handshake and maintaining eye contact are important EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414

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