23 tlie examiner Wednesday August 1979 l7houses to rent TAMARACK WOODS Uttls Ii Boyviow Drive NEW TOWN HOMES IN PLEASANT COUNTRY LOCATION BEDROOM UNITS FROM klchtdss IIIOI sharps Fully broadloomed Gos fired forced air heating Eorly occupancy Tennis court Adiocent Molson Pork Call 7373992 MTWT MIDLAND MEWS 778 William St Midland Ont 3bedroom townhomes Rent from $281 to $296 Available immediately Call 5269936 Au9 LANDALE HEIGHTS Availableim nildrawn bedroom Iully broadloom lid semi detached With garage year lease $375 per month plus utilities Call Harry Magill Rep Lou Goedemondt 728 4067 or 726 3864 SPACIOUS bedroom semi detached bungalow Wilh garage convenient to shopping schools and bus routes $330 Ayailablc Octoberl Telephone 728 9933 PRESTIGE TOWNHOUSE available August 15 one block from Johnsons Beach Three bedrooms rec room garage yard two bathrooms lJitcrlnces required 5385 Call 728 3255 BEDROOM FARM HOME newly renovated fridge and stove garage 10 ITTIIIS trriin Barrie in Oro $300 monthly includes hydrri Telephone 728 9833 HORSEMANS HOUSE available on larin south of Barrie Rent in exchange tiir rare and feeding of horses Applicant should have Iarm or horse experience Reply in writing to Box 816 The Ex anliner Barrie stating address and references SMALL HOUSE for rent one bedroom yard parking $220 monthly No pets Available immediately Telephone 737 2315 or 726 9859 THREE BEDROOM coach house behind 194 Dunlop Street East Available September S250 monthl pay own heat and hydro First and last required Call 176 0211Ior appointment ls POSSIBLE Rent on new home 1an no towards your down payment For IlfOTllRIIIlI call Mr Jarvis 726 6805 24 How Servrce 18apts wanted to rent APARTMENT or PARTIAL HOUSE ground floor urgently redoired Van rituver st ariia tor respectable elderly lady With small well kept doq 7281304 7r rtl Illhouses wanted to rent FAMILY LOOKING R0 RENT 4S nurtroonr house or tarmhouso tDlCITITtI or earlier Skilled han tynlalt superb reterances Telephone Fct Ciillcctl dlo 473 3355 PRIVATE 525000 cash tor house Price 1an detail Box BIS The Examiner Barrie IOrooms to let CLEAN BRIGHT modern furnished FllITIS Centralkitchen Downtown Ioca troll Trephone7371000 LOVELY CLEAN HOME furnished bedroom With sink rooms clearlycl linen changed weekly kitchen facilities free parking central gentleman preferred 728 0598 LARGE ROOM suitable tor two people AISO single rooms and shared kitchen Telephone 726 6392 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room kitchen and bed $1an room stove and Iridqe linen changed weekly parking Reasonable Close to buses and shopp ino Gentleman only 7263791 ROOMS TO LET by day week month year with or Without meals Savanna Lilclqt Cedar Harbour 436 3005 lroom and board ROOM AND BOARD for young gentleman in new budding available Immediately Lunches packed lightlun ches made Central location parking Telephone 728 7568 23ottices stores for rent 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE 54F Maple St Available anytime 72817431111 7pm 728 6899alter7pm MODERN OFFICE space Ior lease small or large soiles immediate 0c cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Andeloll STORE FOR RENT 1200 square feet parking facilities for more information call 728 1823 alter 11 1000 SQUARE FEET air conditioned ollice spare Ior rent With parking spots available immediately Telephone 7267130 OFFICE SPACE Small ollice on Dunlop Street recently redecorated only $150 per month Call Simon Beekhuizen representing Lou Goedemondt Real Estate Ltd 728 4067 OFFICE SPACE Large or small areas to soil your specifications Main tloor showroom area Dunlop downtown Barrie Rent reasonable 00 726 0988 weekdays OFFICE SHOWROOM Space 2000 so It Brock at Lorena Good parking Sprinklered Stew Emms or Bud Thomas 7260661 24space for rent FOR LEASE 0R SALE Industrial spaci and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Anoelott WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc 108 Victoria Street 1590 square feet Gross lease everything included 5475 men tth Apply StowartWholesale 728 3051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18 100 so It tiilly sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in tours 14It 18H clear partollarqeex pniidinginctuslrial ma 716 7130 STORAGE AVAILABLE Small or l1lQUfllfS Iflnlsfll St Jacobs Terrace Stiorl or long term 737 1606 124 1020 150050 FT STORAGE rpacelor lease large bright truck entrance I78 Tittin 51 Telephone 16 JJOO MI Armelpft STORAGE AVAILABLE 800 square lilit Willi easy access ample parking Available Augustl Telephone 728 2210 Industrial Property FOR LEASE 450sq It oltice 24505q tt plant area Serviced by ton overhead travelling bridge crane Located on 12 actcS zoned heavy industrial open sloragel fenced Barrie 726 8026 WAREHOUSE 2100 so It Brock at Lorena Good parking Sprinkleroa Oilrhead door Stew Emnls or Bud Thomas 726 0661 9000 SQ FT industrial space for lease Ground level steel budding hiiihway 400 exposure at Essa Rd inter change 18 tuetclear drive in door 550V availalili Contact Omar Morrow Road Barrie OntarlOITOS 726 2681 26accommodations to share MATURE respoltSibIe working girl to share large bright apartment in downtown area All home privileges Telephone 726 3978 28cottages for sale TWO BEDROOM turnished cottage on Clear Lake Atmagum Highlands Lor ing area Highway 552 Parry Sound District For particulars phone 728 4668 or 728 6576 32cars tor sale 1978 FORD BRONCO Ranger XLT V8 power steerinq and brakes 32000 kilometres undercoaled excellent con dition certified 538500lirm 7288299 75 FIREBIRD cylinder stock shill radials mag wheels AM FM cassette tape deck 28 very gooo condl tion 53 200 726 921 429 2720 inncars for sale NOWS THE TIME Regardless of AGE OLD or EW your vehicle should be RUST CHECKED RUST CHECK Various working chemicals rust inhibitors in specially formlated 011 base Avoid the rainy sloppy weather so common in the fall Take advantage of the hot dry summer months Callus now at 4873220 MOST VEHICLES COMPLETE $4950 J8iD RUST CONTROL CENTRE Hwy II 5th Line between Barrie Orillia MonFri 85 Sat 83 Closed Wed Sun MWFAu10 1974 FIAT 128 stationwagon excellent candition 41000 miles one owner cer titled $1575 Telephone 424 0813 after 1976 PLYMOUTH FURY SPORT 318 good condition Call atterSp 726 2116 I976 CHRYSLER NEWPORT door radio power steering power brakes power Windows air condition good con dition Firm price 53400 424 6763 or 4245403 1976 MARQUIS COLONY PARK station wagon automatic power steering brakes and Windows radio air 57000 miles new transmission Asking $4100 certitied or best otter 737 4629 1954 FORD AMERICAN model door sedan 500 miles on new motor transmission wiring Snew Classm whit walls Asking $2500 or best offer 737 4629 1967 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS 81000 mles runs perlect no rust must be seen $1500 or best otter Telephone 728 7071 1971 PINTO radio speed lull price 5495 Good condition Will certify Telephone728 7267 I976 CORDOBA tor sale loaded in ex cellentcondition Telephone 424 547Sand ask for Ed 1976 PONTIAC LEMANS door maroon white interior AM radio power steering power brakes 350 V8 Spotless 7268026 1974 FURY 59000 miles owner $1800 Certified Telephone726 9554 1978 HONDA CIVIC speed excellent condition Call atter6p 436 5547 1977 M68 With overdrive rust prooled AM FM Telephone 737 2526 alter 1973 610 DATSUN STATIONWAGON in excellent shape Michelin tires recent ly painted tail pipe system new will cer llfy 51795 Call 726 2024 alter pm 73 VEGA GT silver grey $500 uncer tilied Telephone 728 1078 betoreBp CONVERTIBLE 1969 Boick Electra V8 all white blue in Yetlot immaculate condition power steering brakes windows Seats AM FM Certified $2995 7286481alter Sp weekdays I973 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME automatic power steering power brakes radio car 52000 miles cer titled Telephone 424 9820 1974 AMC MATADOR automatic power steering power brakes radio certified Telephone 424 9820 1977 DATSUN 200 SX one owner im maculate condition 20000 kilometres economical cylinder speed manual transmission AMFM radio and cassette deck undercoated velour seats Call 726 5404 or alter pm 728 1862 1978 CIVIC 45 mpg speed hatch undercoated radio tach side moulding $4000 or best 1972 BUICK SKYLARK power steering brakes radio 350 vinyl root 5600 or best 726 9445 1974 OLDS 98 REGENCY air cruise door locks trunk windows tape 51000 miles in lovely condition Will certin 52900 Telephone 726 6303 1974 VEGA standard transmission economical on gas can easily be cer titled Good second car Phone evenings 424 5595 1971 CHEVELLE door in good shape certified Price $1150 Telephone 7371225alter6p 1978 PONTIAC LEMANS cyl power brakes power steering 40000 kilometers Asking $5650 Telephone 728 8428 after pm 1976 PONTIAC LEMANS door maroon white interior AM radio power steering power brakes 350 Spotless 726 8026 1973 TOYOTA COROLLA mechanically sound but body rusted out will deliver to highest bidder Telephone 728 0293 I976 OLDSMOBILE 455 Ninety Eight Sedan tour door regency average mileage powered extras with heavy du ty package and air conditioning Telephone 705 728 9868 after 30 1969 RAMBLER in excellent condition 40000 original miles Pioneer and Jensen sound system Will certify Call alter 726 2888 1978 LE BARON certified Two door hardtop automatic power steering brakes windows track Rustprooted Best offer Telephone 737 0825 alter I972 MONTEGO runs well Best offer over $200 as is 17051445 8332 HONDA GENERATOR model E300 us ed once 110 volt 12 volt $250 7051 445 8332 1977 VOLARE Premier Wagon many extras only 20000 kms Like new condi tion 737 3751 or 726 6431 Ext 50 I971 YOTOTA CORROLLA for sale low Mileage 49000 original body like new good running condition Must sell 5695 Telephone Bill 726 5990 1974 M68 AM FM cassette excellent condition Telephone 728 1305 COBRA JET 1971 Ford Mustang 429 Ram air ps pp track stereo $1950 Call 728 7322 or 7267680 TRANS AM Loaded 1978 gold Trans Am litre engine speed transmiSSion air condi tioning power Windows root 58500 certified 728 5226 9a to 5p AUTO INSURANCE and home in surance Competitive rates Call John Nelson Insurance 728 9571 9a 9p 33ca rs wantedto buy WANTED Cars for wrecking Cars for scrap ALL scrap materials Best price paid Tonnage price scales available SHAKELLS Hwy No 11 Stroud 436367lilfwF017 URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 MWFTF COLE BROS Cars and trucks WANTED tor wrecking Fast pickup Phone 435 6322 days 424 5949 evenings JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7269711 TOP PRICE tcr top cars Toke Motors Limited 119 Bradford Street Barrie 7288111 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Freepickup Telephone726 8487 Sitcars wanted to buy WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon as Auto Sales17 Gowan St 726 6488 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Freeimmediate pick up any time 4362900 34trucks and trailers 1977 FORD 350 tan rust prooted radio spare 12000 6716 12 ll flat bed With racks 36000 miles $6000 firm Telephone 726 5035 1978 FORD BRONCO Ranger XLT VB power steering and brakes 32000 kIlOmEIVeS undercoated EXCEIIETII C0 dition certified 58500117 728 8299 1975 DODGE 600 truck 14 stake box With tarp 360 speed speed rear 170 Good condition Telephone 728 2474 1971 DODGE VAN six cylinder dard 5950 as is Telephone 728 8220 930 am 30pm Monday Friday 1976 FORD TON F100 302 power steering standard transmission 33000 original miles new tires needs body Stan work and clutch as is must sell 728 40898 30a to4p 1975 CHEV SCOTTSDALE 350 vs pickup automatic full power cap ex tra custom gas tanks complete body paint lob From Western Canada $3500 tirrti 728 8398 to 30 Monday to Friday 1978 DODGE TON with insulated cap automatic power steering 22000 kilometres Asking $4700 Telephone 424 5492 alter 1967 FORD TON With cap good condi tion Phone 424 5301atter 76 FORD PICKUP clean no rust 46000 miles Sunroof power steering radio tape deck Phone 737 4343 days 487 3117 evenings libauto accessories KAE METALS HIGHEST PRICES for SCRAP BATTERIES METALS 7181742 7264306 Barrie 7743155 Bradford MWFAu24 37motorcycles 1972 HONDA C8350 electric wind shield good town bike Excellent cond tion $550 Telephone737 3054 TS 185 SUZUKI 74 Silver Iconditon Telephone737 4536 1970 250 YAMAHA excellent condition 5400 or best otter Telephone 7264161 afterSpm I977 HARLEY DAVIDSON Dresser classic show chrome $5000 lirni Telephone 526 3279 Midland I976 HARLEY DAVIDSON 175 street bike 1400 miles excellent condition Telephone 737 2903 alter 1972 350 KAWASAKI new top end new rear tire Low TTTIICCIQL and in good can dilion Must sell Call alter 530 728 4086 38snowmobi les 70 IN STOCK NOW I980 GEMINIS Ii APOLLOS TXS Ii GALAXYS IN THE CRATE SPECIAL Aug Sept Up to $300 value in clothing or accessories with each machine BARRIE POLARIS CENTRE 7261059 57 40articles for sale $AVE Reupholstering DOLLARS Recover it Yourself Wide selection of discount fabrics Foom cushions Tools both amateur professional Needles threads twines Buttons mode to order 9A complete line of upholstery supplies UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP Div of Fabric Drapery Mill outlet Just north of Georgian Moll 7371510 SONY STEREO Sensational AM FM receiver custom turntable $343 Get free speakers Under S5 wkly starting October 79 KRAZY KELLYS now next door to Meotmdh One hour delivery Highway W8Ferndoe7371182 TF FINAL CLEARANCE Clarks HOITII Furnishings Warehouse Annex Buildino sold everything must no now Used chesterhelds space savers S35 him out tits from $28 99 headboards lrotn S4 Odd beds new and used from S9 95 um breIIa tables 51 95 kilclien sets 349 95 collee tables bldroom SIIS refrigerators stoves washers 31 Bayfield Streel downtown FREEZERS Woods chest and upright fully war ranted delivery tree Trades accepted Speoal low pricing on this one final truck load for the year Finanan available Callor visiISiiliciieCo 012w lnnisli17266531 SENSATIONAL 20 GXIOO and got free 12 RCA XLIOO for Orly 400 wkly starting October79 One hour delivery Nut door to Moatman HIGHWAY 90 EERNDALE 461 DUNLOP 737Ill Need hélp Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you DIAMOND VINYL ALUMINIUM soffit fascia shutters doors windows awnings eovestroughs 40 year guarantee 4365645 siding D26 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized Sales and Service Free Home Demonstra tions 18 Alliance Blvd Unit 19 7283392 APPLIANCE REPAIRS AUTOMATIC WASHERS dryrs dish washers froazors fridges ranges micro ovoris any make any day 7264381 CARPENTRY Patios Decks Fences Rec Rooms and Additions Free estimates Coll 11693195 7263853 EDSCARPENTRY Renovations etc No iob too small Telephone 8352410 CARPENTER experienced renovdfidhs garages decks rec rooms etc Free estimates Call 7268708 mm MANIERI PAVING PATIOS SIDEWALKS STEPS CURBS GARAGE FLOORS Workmonshlp Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 7260081 DISPOSAL Ii SALVAGE RUBBISH and iunk removed Attics garages basements leaned Cash for used appliances furniture 4362429 4365414 DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Eugenio St Phone 7266000 FALL COLORS are becoming Dresses Pant Suits Alterations Prompt service Phone 7780801 DUPLICAYING SIIUII Tlll 1V IISE 011 PRINTING with print like qualities COPIES PRINTED $4 COMPLETE II per original PHOTO COPIES white 10 color 15 TYPING WDLIPJCATING SERVICES 7260955 17 PPICE LIST SENT ON REQUEST Aulb TIIIC REPR11IIN CENTRE iilllli IIIINIS 111111 Iltlli uIIliIl ll llilllIli Tlil llxlullz 705 7269708 Au27 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS roofing and roofing repairs Sheet metal work Martin Verstroten New Lowell 4241956 LICENCED ELECTRICIAN looking for small obs around homes Telephone 7265997 CUSTOM COMBINING Prompt reliable ser vice Coll Chas Ellsmere Custom Form Ser vices 7284956 TIFFIN FENCE Fences supplies and install ed Specializing in residential chain link Work guaranteed 7264131 HURONIA FENCING chain link and wooden privacy fence For free estimate call 7235609 WORK GUARANTEED 40articles for sale COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phose water cooled with dual compressor $1 500 Cal JIM 7372432 TF DRUMS tor sale Westoery pro cussion toms 22 bass 22 ride cyln hal 18 crush 14 HiHat Rodgers spced pedal 14 snare stands includ ed Cymbals all Zilolit 5650 Phone 72f1 7758 alter 71 INDOOR SHOWROOM full Sized pools on display nlYlt in today or call 716 1606 Ior tree 12 pailn biOkIll nl inoround and iii orac 1U pools Pinniir Pools lll Plant SWNE rOOIS TO RENT will anti install for homeowners family iliiilliniiiri swilirmlnn pools Witli I1ltl1ffll meeting all IIIIC lliillltiiiiii inn one two or throw 1r rcntal bits1s with Option to own Try belle you oilyl Call toll Ifll 800 768 59711 BARRIE TENT AWNING CO otters IIIDIlll riipam sllvni on tarps tents iilnr rovirrs awnings etc Also zip tf TTILillIJITI or heavy weights Foam Iilosizi 12 11 451nrhthicknliss 31 Blytield St ncvxl Clarks Home Fur nishinosrtowntown RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT tor Salli Meat cniilwr upricm rltke nlt nine cash register ITT1livr ice cream frneziir ratirinizonii pmull 916158 FRALICK ALUMINUM soffit fascia Siding seamless eovestrough shutters doors windows awnings ciill JIM HEPBURN 7288212 REUPHOLSTERING SPECIAL 529900 reuoholsters chesterlield and chair Labour and Fabrc included up to 15 ydfds Syr guarantee or workmanship For tree inhome Whales 710 today service STONES UPHOLSTERY sunum unioniii im vimmidti WFTF of thefinest iob possible 7282414 mumm FIBREGIASS REPAIRS pictuitr FRAMING FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats snowmobiles anything fiberglass Free estimates Low wintor rates Workmanship guaranteed 4245802 PETER HENSTRA 7372871 Custom built fireplaces patios homo fronts in stone porchs chim oy opoir Fro ostimcltes VIC WATSON fireplaces and masonry For free ostimatbs phone 7281599 EIREWOOD FIREWOOD Mixed hardwood and birch Sunnidale Road between 9th and 10th Vespra Phone 728 9367 100 DRY MAPLE SEASONED YEARS 16 FACE CORD $30 FREE DELIVERY 4872113 ROSS DINSMORE HEATING Furnace Sales Service Combination Wood Oil Furnaces Oil Forced Air Furnaces FURNACES CLEANED SERVICED 7286841 $16 SUMMER FALL CLEANUP Lawn shrub core Trees trimmed and cut Basement garages cleaned Trosh junk removed Small moving iobs PROMPT SERVICE 4873141 TF HOME IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION House raising foun dations renovations additions Phone 4362955 after pm Waillan CARPENTRY Specializing Ihin torior work Rec rooms kitchens both moms panelling finish work 72679002 CARPENTER FULLY EXPERIENCED With renovolions cedar decks bathroom tiling rec rooms etc Telephone 726l 271 IRONING Picked and delivered daily S150p9r basket Colronylime 4589618 MA CDONALI JANITORIAL SERVICE Residential Commercial FREE ESTIMATES REASONABLE RATES Small renovations or carpentry labs CALL DAVE 4362637 REICHEN LANDSCAPING ResidentialCommercialIndustrial Serving 50 mile radius Specializing in SODDING EERTILIIING Rpilwuy tie retailing walls Evcrgrsens LAWN CARE ROTOTILLING PAINSWICK 7265666 MWFO26 FERTILIZING weed spraying mowing sod 0119594111WINEamaze 7787299 WEED SPRAYING fertilizing results guaranteed THE WEED MAN 7372721 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney re oir Fireplaces specialty Free estimate 7054245l58 rtearticles for sale NEW AND USED building materials for sale Lumber shingles furnaces Win dows TelephonetN 1627 ATTENTION CONSUMERS BARRIE NEW AND USED UR NITURE has been torced to clear out everythiqu We are featuring Kitchen soiles and 5pc sets starting as low as New 588 Used S35 Livmq room su1tes starting at New 5719 99 Used 599 99 Bedroom su1tes starting at New $299 99 Used 3149 99 Stereos component sets and consoles brand new starting as low as $199 99 TV brand new startinu as low as 590 toll warranty Used color 20 inch console 850 guaranteed Assort monl of stoves and refrigerators both new and used Please hurry WIIIIL selec tion lasts No money down in SIOTt tinanc ino tree delivery Barrie New and Used FUFHIUTI 20 Dunlop Street West 737177 Closed Monclays IENITH 20 PORTABLE COLOR 100 solid state only $598 Under $6 wkly Starling October 79 Order tonita get tree 12 black and white One hour dullvery KRAZY KELLY now next door to Meatmdn Highway 90 Forndale 7371182 TF YARD SALE every weekend beginn inq August until November 15 HDUSITIOICIIILITTS antiques tools Simcoe Road 10 Antlus SE COLONIAL BUNk BEDS 11 glutrl Ii111 condition all anytitiv 729 08K1 HAMMOND ORGAN like new antidul rtllnii cabinet and desk combination DICTUItS glassware sliiio and other household arllCIlS View at 261 CtKlt ingtilrt Stleiil 111 Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday altil in ANTIQUE BRASS BELL for sale sold hrass SHIPS BELL fltKIIUITI sizi 701001101111 4161942 for tiirtttot it1Iirma tion ANTIQUE VERANDAH AND LAWN Sill Cltirttl Linloile Royal Hpnrla All English etc Glass Depression Carrilval Canadian Cranberry Lamps tables tour red velvit chairs live piece parlour sel etc ALSO tlowers silk dried trash housii plants PICK YOUR OWN FLOWERS Ever Illnl 100m cen olIFiday Saturday Sunday August 12 11 and 12 noun 11 p111 Country Treasures liriile beliiw Highway 11 Ori LIOET KITCHEN CUPBOARDS top and hot IOIT aroorite counter Slainless slotI sink 385 OITIIT items Telephone 7785117 3PIECE SECTIONAL COUCH mm condition s80 Telephorw 737 2158 GUITAR centura LtS Paul Olly with case 111111 anmlilier pliis airessiriiis 5500 complete or hi orli Tellphoni J24 5977 nitmiiilt Sand BICYCLE tor sali Ian lt10 sowed Afllirillsfllll $8 TCUDIIQ 728 91v1 HONEY Hull liiiirt in orilV nuri antral 85 53111 ytri 14 rw GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel Polvin Guitpr Studio 7261539 ACCORDION goitor piano organ begin net and advanced Two months trial instru ment loaned far home practice Canadian Academy of Music I2I Bayfield 728I799 PROFESSIONAL GUITARIST giving lessons classical popular and rock Call Gory 7769098 BARBIE SCHOOL OF BRASS Professional in struction trumpet trombone French horn Special attention to beginners Arthur bulgin 726 1084 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In turior exterior Work guaranteed Es PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed W7371295 TF DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING interior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteeli 72668w PAINTING PAPER hanging experienced Free estimates JACK RICHARDSON 77213 13 BARKEY PAINTING inlaiér and exterior References available Free reasonable esti mates Telephone 73717 51 PETERS PAVING GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD Hot Asphalt RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL usphalt sealing parking lots tennis courts ANY TYPE CONCRETE WORK patio floor etc EXCAVAYING pond pool etc CARPENTRY rough finished ROOFING TREE SERVICE 24 hour service 7261451 53l PAVING ODRIVEWAYS ocoMMIllciAl RESIDENTIAL ocoNcam won Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Estimates 31111er 7370179 MANIERI PA VIN TD Irflllly OIarlcing Lots Tennis Court umrcll Work FREE ES TIMA TES If If TTILXV it 21 RA NTEE 7260081 Srrling SIIIHIH riullly VSfIltt 96 SIMCOE INTERLOCKING PAVING YI wpply and install UNISTONE for PATIOS DRIVEWAYS SlDEWALKS POOL DECK hrftss estimator col 0110 41173550 BUSINESS CARDS VERCOTYPE Raised Letters 521 95 1000 Logo Graphic Design ANSCOT PROMOTIONS 4363220 40articles for sale TITANIC TOSHIBA InCTOdlbIG 50month warranty Electronic tuning now $849 Order tbnito get tree 12 portable Under 57 wkly starting October 79 KRAZY KELLYS now next door to Meotmon Highway 90 Ferndolo 737l l82 TF CONTENTS Stove Iridgcdishwasher washer dinino ronrn suite tools and more 35 Jills Court 726 6294 GARAGE SALE Saturday and Sunday August llth and 12th to Moving ever ythimi must go iGrove and Nelsorll IS lills Court FENDER SEEPER REVERE ampHiir Roland phase shilter bio mutt tun box double sound wah petal shiire mth and dollar stand Priced reasonably Telephone 726 0094 TWO ELECT ROHOME Sterros one console one portable Both in good con dilion Telephone 726 8481 alter pm DRIVEWAY SALE Wednesday August to pm iRain datel Thursday Auun 88 Punvl St SDOWDITIWIT car seat etc SMYPHONIC FIREPLACE Stereoand bar track turntable AM PM In ex cellentcnnditirin Asking 5300 Telephone 720 4196 COLDSPOI DEEP FREEZE ll 8cUtllc feel in excellent innditinrt Telephone 436 4458 CUSTOM MADE yin and dining room wall to Wall drapes BTTVLII WIIII beige stripes IDtlwllt1t iiist zleiinilrl syso Tellplieiiii 97M 21 DAMAGED Collage Windows 39 68 Call 78 0674 allylllt SIEP LADDERS tool and I2 lee lieayy duly Baker rolling scallolo wheels heavy duty extension cords innslrlicliorl inti boxes telephone 436194 1971 BUICK ELECTRA all power ex ciillent condition W11 ti Ciirtilied male DormrnnaI 11m yilar purebred whit $511 CULT ind ha coon condition 575 726 2491 CLARK HOME FURNISHINGS TRADE IN WAREHOUSE Now located at the rear ol Tht Discount Store 40 Baylield St entry through 40 Baylirild St or Clarks Home Furnishings Main Store Good stock at used retriqrrators stoves automatic washers and dryers quaranliirl tor 30 days bed oultits com plete Irom $1995 vinyl headboards from 55 011 lllVl seat Chesterfield sets ha is MAPLE Waterioo AND BEECH lirewood Iaden lractor aolens lawn tractor 1977 Ski 000 300 Olympic mini Dike Garden tractor disc plow and cultivator and lawn mower parts 1618 altrrbp SWIAMNli WOOL MANUFACTURER has mm 19711 Pools regular prile ll Wm 11 1111 lill siasrin spot 31 nt El 15 111 it imi win walk around gill tin trill Hut Iiiitor and 31 itJfllli IO rCUT Ullvl trio and irttnrna 41 1i 11 lv ones 82 Dunlop sl Eost Custom framing of all typos We stock many sins Phone 7203270 BATHTUBS REGLAZED In The Home Without Removal ANY COLOR GUARANTEED Metal Office Patio Furniture Sinks Appliances ACE REFINISNERS 7232811 MWFAu24 mII SUPERIOR noormc svsrms Specialists in REROOFING 8i RECOVER Aluminum Siding Eavestroughing also done INQUIRE ABOUT OUR RestoreARoof SYSTEM for under $100 For Free Estimate Call 7263896 All RUBBER sums RUBBER STAMPS Made To Order FAST SERVICE BILLS RUBBER STAMP SERVICE RR No SHANTY BAY ONT LOL 2L0 PHONE 4873035 MWF iSIMLFJEIE SIGN and Display Company lelted fld vaz MANUFACTURERS or PLEXIGLAS SIGNS SIUREFRDNT f1 PLYLUN SIGNS OILLUMINAILD NONIIIUMINAIED CUI OUT LETTERS LUGOS RENTALS AVAILABLE DESIGNED AND INSTALLED TO YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION an HURONIA 110411 UNIT 7374453 MWFTF IV RADIO REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color black and white TV stereos etc All makes gndrnodels 4246181 umolsmt CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY and carpet installa tion Large line of fabrics Workmonship guaranteed Kris 726I408 WATER ICE RICKS WATER SERVICE SPECIALTY Swimming Pools Above ground In Ground Lawn Sod Watering Road Construction Farm Needs 7261059 Au25 mm ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING Commercial and Residential Free estimates Telephone 7281914 41boats and motors 0w Clio An Just Littfs lit Mar WI Ah RIM nu Sport NIVII Merino sunk Shanty Bay Rd 7261001 Aula BOAT REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES wood and fibreglass TOLLENDAL MARINA 7264950 BARRIE TF GULL ROCK MARINA miles north of Barrie on Lake Simcoe between 5th 6th of Oro Covered slips available $200 to Oct Isl CERTIFIED MECHANIC 0H DUTY Your authoriud Morcury Outboard Msrcruiur Doctor Brokerage Boats for Solo Bus 4872122 TF SALE PRICES lobmi Outboards Asialulu sun Sonia MI for bills lvbmds GothII Sport Haven Merits lurk Shanty Bay Rd 726 1001 CANOES or POITIOO Stern Kevlar Fibreglass Roynlox Csnvu Aluminum Kayaks Complete stock of Accessories Trades occupied HOLLAND BOATS LTD Orillla Ontario 705 3255141 530 I958 EVINRUDE 5071 outboard motor excellent running lnTIITlTT risk no $15 Tellptgncdjh S941arl tinti 191116FT siLJFRLINE 1974 Its Vler on and Explorer IVflltT unwr rile top sl trp gtlt1 padrtlirs burpirr litin T1in rinriitiln Tiiiriphivv in liver3534111319 Fs EL $81 50 197918 ft PETERBOROUGH boat wlth 140 hp Johnson SkiBar Builtln tank Sloopor not Butt wall SPORT HAVEN MARINE BARRIE Shorty Bay Rd 72610111 USED retinished adiustable steel dock trestles tor dock It 36 ft also lad der 5185 Will build and install complete dock top Price on looking at location also used marine railroad in good con Jition tor Istt boat $195 Call 737 0067 16lootFBERGLASS SthMERCURY ilectric start with alternator gas tanks trailer Complete with water skis and accessories $2000 or best otter 7264120 1976 GREW 2106 load trailer $10 500 3000 lb BOAT LIFT 5500 1978 140 EVEREST SNOWMOBILE $1900 double Wiscot TRAILER $300 726 3795 atteropm 423 rticles wanted CANADIAN SILVER COINS betore 1967 American before 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 726 1663 evenitlgs726 3162 CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 728 8234 LOGS WANTED PineSpruceHem10ck etc with large diameters Building the Logs Ltd 726 1966 eveningsna 5800 GO CART WANTED in running condi tion or in need at minor repairs priced reasonably Phone 728 7758 after 44dogs and pets TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aquaria 143 Ardagh Road 726 0094 MAY POODLE PARLOR Profes slonal clipping and grooming Chargex accepted PhOne 726 0061 DAFFON KENNELS Specializing in Boarding tor Big Dogs Coulson On tario Telephone 705 835 5223 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 726 4141 GERMAN SHORT HAIRED POINTER Pups tor sale CKC registered male and female See themat 15 Grove St Bar rieatter6p 726 48119am 6p SMALL BLONDE and WHITE DOG lost Saturday in Georgian College area Answers to Dutty REWARD Telephone 726 3853 DOBERMAN PINSCHER Pups for sale black and tan nine weeks old CKC registered German sire tails docked Call 726 5217 anytime DOBERMAN PUPPIES black and tan dewormed and docked Telephone 7283775 PUREBRED REGISTERED COCKER SPANIELS born May 51h CKC registered needles Telephone 424 1262 POODLVE TR IMMI NG professional grooming all breeds pick up and do livery 726 8798 Pet Studio 477home improvements 68 HANDYMAN PLUMBING CARPENTRY Anything Reasonable rates 7264827 Gary 7371140Jiln MWFAu15 UNIVERSITY PAINTING The organized student painters Trained stall ongoing supewlsmn and quality paints Backed WIIII twoyear wnnen guarantee 117370502 Au15 HANDYMAN AVAILABLE Home im provements repairs fencing garages decks lawns gardens tree removal No iob too small 835 2400 or 835 5960 no toll from Barrie sogardern supplies CHOICE TOP SOIL Evening and Satur dayidelrivery Phone726 3928 or 726 1117 54service and repair CROMWELL CARTAGE and Demoli tion garbage removal John 728 9319 Pete424 0711 56camping equipment 1975 LIONEL Tent Trailer six sleeper with table and light In excellent condi tion $975 Telephone 726 2804 ET SLIDE in TRUCK CAMPER bathroom way fridge stove furnace sleeps6 Telephone 726 4636 1971 ROAD RUNNER cabin trailer 13 sleeps tour stove sink and ice box 110 and 12 volt lights Asking 51400 7261905 57Iivestock tor sale STALLION PINTO PONY very quiet 3125 Telephone 487 5600 TWO PUREBRED YORKSHIRE BOARS tested 141 days 128 137 days 134 Born February 22nd 1979 for sale by auction Thursday August9thEmvae Sales Barn REGISTERED QUARTER HORSES price to sell broodmarc in foal to AQHA champion Otoes Goldenrod yearling lllly by AQHA Champion Barley Riker and weanling liIly by Otoes Goldenrod Telephonel 686 7416 TWO FRESH second call Holstein Heifers and two Springers Four calves tor vualing 487 2642 or 487 2725 59poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Farm tresh eggs Laying cages for sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms4361811 60teedseed7grain CUSTOM COMBINING Drying and Trucking Available PAPP FARMS 4365515 WHEAT STRAW clean good quality Also barley straw and mixed straw 436 4220 BALED ST RAW tor sale loaded on your truck or delivered Telephone 487 2725 or 487 7642 66larmers market FRESH HONEY unpasteurized white clover honey in own honey container Biclb Containers available Closed Sundays 8352308 Hillsdale 67truits vegetables RASPBERRIES Pick your own 51 10a quart boxes supplied tree Laverys Outdoor Centres Ltd Landscaping Garden Centre corner 01 Blake and Grove 728 9542 liepersonals RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie live rriinutes Windy HaUghFarm726 0192 TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 726 7922 anytime MONECA psychic and card reading counselling Days and evenings Monday through Friday Phone 728 8868 JAMES Psychic Artist Private con sultation pyschic parties Aura por traits For appt 7269512 BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday 100 30p and Thursday 30 30 737 4222 726 9300 Ext 236 RIDE WANTED lrom Painstick to Georgian Mall Monday to Friday to rn Will share gas expense Ca17370624 WITNESSES URGENTLY REQUIRED re auto collision between Brown Volare and Chev Impala intersection ot Tittin and Essa Rd Wednesday July 4th1979 Telephone7281325 GEORGE HAMILTON or 10 John Street Alliston WIII no he responSlble Ior any debts contrarted in my name from this dau torward August 1979 Without VJTIICI consent ALLOHOLCSANONYMOLS 728 658111 yr or has your ms was It you wills11w Itsours Callanytimi ispersonals Ask for fro homo demonstration todoyl ELECTROLUX 72 3392 wt 70lost andtound GOOD TRIPLE CHARM BRACELET lost great sentimental value REWARD Telephone 728 92176 71helpiwanted SELL THE BEST KNOWN NAME IN BEAUTY Avons top quality products find receptive customers everywhere At present we have openings for sales representatives in BARRIE ANGUS °ORO TWP OINNISFIL TWP FLOS TWP OWASAGA BEACH TINY TWP Phone today and find out how sy it is to get started Highest ommission Call 7289652 Avon you make me SMILE MAINTENANCE LABOUR PERSON Applications will be received by the undersigned until Friday August 24 1979 430 pm for the position of maintenance labour person The applicant must possess refrigeration certificate or 4th class stationary qualifications This is permanent fulltime position involving shift work at one of the Township of lnnisfil Community Centres Applications must be sub mitted on forms available at the municipal offices Lorry Morrow Director of Parks and Recreation AU8 FURNITURE APPLIANCE SALESPERSON Needed for mdior furniture outlet in downtown Barrie Salary and commission 39 hoursweek Send details of qualifications to Box 812 The Examiner Barrie All inquiries confidence held in strict AuB LOOKING FOR WORK Present yourself the professional way with one of our individually prepared resumes COME IN and see us for fast reasonable and professional service The Secretarial Bureau DUPLICATING AND TYPING SERVICES 89 DUNLOP BARRIE 7289819 MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT Established management development organization requires an ambitious person to assist in and assume the management in the South Simcoe area Management experience an asset but not essential must be ambitious and have desire to become successful leader in their field For an interview call 416 7753801 Au8 25 EMPLOYEES NEEDED Sl20wk PARTTIME $240wk FULLTIME MALE OR FEMALE Students are welcome Commission available Cor necessary Cal 7283482 or visit 18 ALLIANCE 8LVD Unit 14 Barrie WANTED STUDENTS to delivir Ex aminer routes as suhslitutes LIUTIHQ summer Flat rate per mute Pieter those wIlh bicycles Call 736 6539 Mr White NEEDMONEYFullerBriishColnuany prowdes 811111 hours field support top commission Cameron Bower 7269725 BABYSITTER WANTED starring AquSI271hfrOm to TAIIY WIIIt light housekeeping also itli Iurted In PainsWick 726 2473 DENTAL OFFICE RECEPTIONIST wanted immediately Must do consclell tlous With pleasant personality oltice experience essential dental experience not necessary bul preferred Please send resume to Dr Harney Box 21 Stayner Ont LOM 150