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CANADA NO GRADE ORANGES HEAD CANTALOUPES mm 20 FL 02 811 ONTARIO GROWN GREEN CAULIFLOWER WAX BEANS ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO GRADE CELERY STALKS 248 98i99 78 48 48 EACH EACH EACH am ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO GRADE RAW AND CHEESE SPECIAL mm as 31 Available at Georgian Mall Only SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL ï¬igï¬wl lemon 601k Anniversary ASSORTED RAISIN CAT roan 3139 MEIEIEEUE COOKIES BUNS PERSONAL 5125 BAR spscmu 105 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES DOMINION STORES LIMITED 112 Rhodesia Canada may help Rhodesia LUSAKA CPI Canada may be asked to help supervise elections in Zimbabwe Rhodesia if new Corn monwealth proposal leach to peace and political settlement in the territory Prime Minister Joe Clark said Monday The part in whih we would be involved woulo be role as observers of supervised elections leading to genuine blackmajority rule in the former British colony That might involve troops it might involve other kinds of personnel Clark told reports ers But British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said she does not anticipate use of any troops only civilian observers External Affairs Minister Flora MacDonald said later that there is no question of the use of Canadian troops She said Canada might be helpful in other ways such as providing civilian personnel to observe the elections to make sure they are fair and free At the same time Clark and others made it clear there are formidable hurdles to be over come in translating weekend Commonwealth agreement on principles into detailed cease fire and blackmajority politi cal system The summit agreement on principles for Rhodesia settle ment calls for genuine black majority rule under new con stitution removing power of the white minority to control secur ity the courts and the adminis tration and block any change It says there should be undefined appropriate safeguards for the white minority As the former colonial power Britain is responsible for organ izing an allparties con stitutional conference and su pervising any ceasefire Any removal of the 14yearold eco nomic boycott of Rhodesia is coupled in the agreement with ceasefire following the con vening of constitutional con ference HAT MODEST SUCCESS Clark said Canadas role in developing the outline agree ment was to try to be helpful and We had modest success in that role in talks with other summit delegates He paid tribute to Mrs That cher as the single most im portant actor whose under standing made it possible for the African nations to relax some of the sterner conditions that they might have imposed He said Nigeria joined in the agreement although think there was pressure brought to bear Nigerian agreement also was helped by inclusion of the provi sion that any removal of eco nomic sanctions depends on ac tion toward blackmajority constitution On the possibility of the com batants agreeing to the peace process Clark said he believes the present blackwhite part nership government of Bishop Abel Muzorewa would find it difficult to resist pressure for agreement by Commonwealth governments and probably also the United States The key question is whether the Patriotic Front guerrillas based in neighboring countries including Zambia will go along with the settlement process Clark said He added he is sure the bordering frontline states including Commonwealth members Tanzania Zambia and Botswana are determined to work for positive response from the Patriotic Front President Julius Nyerere of Tanzania chairman of the frontline states Angola and Mozambique are also involved obtained from these countries an explicit undertaking to do what they can to ensure that the Patriotic Front participates positively Clark said Investigation called after dog licenced TORONTO CPI The is suing of licences to hunting and fishing guides in Ontario has been called into question following the discovery that dog holds one such licence issued last month Guide licenceNo 1391 was is sued July 26 by the Ontario ministry of natural resources to Kelly Breeson John Power Toronto Star outdoors columnist reports that Kelly Breeson is an Irish Setter owned by Peter Breeson of Mississauga The fact that dog can eas ily obtain guide permit is funny Power wrote in The Stars Saturday edition But the ramifications are no laugh ing matter After all many US tourists and Ontario urbanites are pre pared to accept at face value any socalled guide able to pro duce government endorse ment Power said the incident shows that anyone wishing to acquire guide licence is not required to provide any proof of ability ministry of natural re sources spokesman said the li cence issued to the Irish Setter is void because the dog was unable to sign its name and its age entered on the licence 21 is wrong