297 the examinerrvteéne99w A090 1979 Relaxing Godfrey Bindisa one time lawyer who is now preSIdent of Uganda Sits on an African drum during oneday tour of the Victoria Falls region CP Photo Uganda seeks aid from Canada IIfllfl lganda lresirlent thullre liinaisa said Iiiiiila lie is Itssltlfl anada I0i an urgent Lirant ol nostrings rash aid to Iielp his iairavaged liast Iriean country He also Iants tanadians train poliee Prime Minister Ioe laik here tor the ommonxiealth summit eonlerenee is expected to resp0nd this week with an immediate payment of 8100000 and promise ol more help to to mine am still plugging Mr tlark Binaisa said in an iiiteriei Illl The anadian Iress iaiit Iiiiii to eommit Iiiiiiselt would like lump sum 0t m0iie cash you kn0 united to anything to eiiahle me to purchase goods h0useh01d goods hare essenr Iials tanadian Ml Douglas Itiiehe ehairman oi the LItUlItlllIlll eatietis 0n external atlairs and an aid specialist said in later interie that the prime minister assigned enmniittee 0t aeeompanying 0ttieials Monday to put together an aid progreiii urr izeiitl Iietails aie exiweted tlltttlltttltlttgt tillltl put into play 00000 iminediateh through the taiiadian hiin eommission t0 aanda in he said will 01 I0nger term ie Ilt0elie said this tllllil1 01 $3 air iiieiirred In iiider previous intermentd in the eliiset flttaiileil stiliiirlian illa pr0ided In his Zambian hosts for the tiiininiiiniealth sum mit oliseried that Australia has already pledqu one million ustralian dollars in im mediate aid and eu Zealand is MIILIIIIL priieessinii atid storage equipment tor lair produets IlSllil II The stoek Titi year tiltl lawyer as installed as president six neeks 1in in plaee 01 extled Yiisutii liule Ihe upheaval eame in the wake ot war waited mainl li troops Ironi neighboring Tanzania that ousted dietatiii Idi vmin alter eight years 0t devastating gov einiiient under hieh hundreds 0t thousands at Igandans ere reported to have Iieeii eweuted and the onee llillVlttll eeonoiii ias Iett sliaiiihles Itiiiaisa said there is urgent need tor help t0 e0niliat Iiialiiu tiitieii get iiidnstr tilllllL llllllll and overeome lilaek market Italian financier missing NEW YUIIK li Miehele Siiidona an Italian Iinaiieier under iiiilietnieiit in UIIIIWIJH Illl the largest liank tailiire in liiited States hist0r is miss Hill and his ltit sins he he limes Siiidoiia has lieen kid nappr Siiiilenas lisappearanee eame inst more than month lietnri lie to Lin on trial in Iederal eenit 0n eharges he IlllMtllllttitlltllttli stole or inis Illl iised Ma million tram Iranklm atiiiiial hank Long Islazidliased hank that eol lapsed in 1974 Sindona Bil was last seen lhiirsda alkiiig on Fifth Ave iiiie after leaving his luxiir apartment at the Hotel lierre News at his disaptwaianee as Withheld In police and FBI agents iiiitiI Honda llis seeretar here said she last talked to Sindona at In Thursday and that he did not keep business ippaiiitiiieni Friday On Monday Sindonas la yers iii Rome issued state Iiient saying the Ne York see letary received telephone eaII from an unideiititiixl man ho said We now have Michele Sindona as prisoner You xilI hear tioiii us PRODUCE OF USA CANADA NO GRADE contoloupes ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO GRADE CIIIIIIH wer ONTARIO GROWN EACH PRODUCE OF USA CANADA FANCY GRADE Bartlett Pears LB ONTARIO GROWN 69° BUNCHES FOR ONTARIO GROWN 99 32313232 99¢ lluii lairihlivl IIItIMWlItNlxUAY 0N IlKINCAItJRDAV Aw iitw mm lood store coupons EVERSWEET OR COUNTRY MANOR RINDLESS SLICED IRllii IRICESEEFECTIVE FROM WEDNESDAY AUG BIN IWQUNTIL TIOSING TUESDAY AUG NIH I979 IIITEPI BAKESHOP PRODUCE PRICES FHEtHVE WEDNESDAY AUG 6TH 1979 UNYH CLOSING SAIUROAY AUG IITH I979 ALL ITEMS AVAILABLE ONLY AT LOCATIONS LISTED means at st RN iMiI iiIANIiiIEt MAPLE LEAF COOKED PREVIOUSLY FROZEN Ila chicken OUR REG PRICE135 LB OUR REG PRICE5155 LB OUR REG FRESH PRICEHAS LB CUTUP FROZEN TO 3LB AVG stewing CUDDY la LB FROZEN turkey$5 FRESH CHOP ECONOMY PACK RIB CENTRE 1TENDERLOIN pORTIONi 1LB CTN PF ASSORTED BOURBON CREME GARDEN CREME AFTERNOON TEA SWIFTS PREMIUM Wieners pxa$149 1LB FOOD CIT STARKST ASSORTED FLAVORS ASSORTED CREME 0R FRurr CREME soft chunk Peek Freon swwrs PREMIUM SLICED 6m $119 light tuno biscuits Cooked SHOPSYS Potato Salad or 2m $119 Cole Slaw rua 6V 702 mo IIN PKG PAN REAOY FROZEN $119 an Sand Pickerel 102 AVG LB OUR REG PRIcE s104 OUR REG PRICE 81 s°ss BRSKETVAcuuM was $219 Corned Beef PACKED Avof LB LAYS REGUEASIAR on LIBBYS IN TOMATO SAUCE KLEENEX ASSORTED COLORS SHOPSYS aao SALT Vi SOUR CREAM ONION FLAVORED deep browned Oid Vienna Salami 1cm beans pork PAN REAOY FROZEN 49¢ or vegetarian styie ISSUE Boston Bluefish OLAussEN WHOLE OR HALF 32 02 $179 Dill Pickles JAR 14FL SWIFTS PREMIUM 69 goég 01 80233 Pork Sausages 332 Tm SWIFTS PREMIUM sucEO VARIETY PACK Ml $169 Sandwich Meats pm OUR REG PRICE68c OUR REG PRICE99 OUR REG PRICE 54 ORANGE PEKOE Tetley tea bags CINDY PINK OR DIMPFLMEIER bran 221 bread °F biscuits from Holland BOX OF 72 CATEILI LEMON 32AFL mocoron l1 cheese mm dinner Box detergent FROZEN BEEF CHICKEN TURKEY OR DISPOSABIZ CANADA SALISBURY STEAK white Suva 11 $519 $169 gamers oz vernite 49 PLST pm Wench 30 Batter or eiergent oox Diapers BTL crynsa 023 996 5332 32 79c Jouqu BONIMARIiANCV Newpor 01 Baby 69 gimmemmmmmwsiwwwawawmmmmq is 79 mm 89 mm powder main is Cocktail ASSORIEDILAYOIIS WC YOASIMAsiiN 65¢ ASSORIIOYARiiiiis 3° Crumpets 55 Cream Rinse mm to Tomato as 89¢ we Style 00 89¢ or Shampoo bur 79¢ hit 23 1232 iwiiummcis k9 Prepared we 59¢ 92 poms 53 69c BIICII or $23315 119 Wizard Owl BAG Mustard Colby Choose Air 19 mpmmsnmn DUIIIIPOII mu Roman Fresheners if Maxwell Kiltth gummm 49 PERSONAI Sill House 59 Garbage we Ivor CUP can Bags 97 893 53 $033 99 WITH THIS COUPON AND MINIMUM 5500 FOOD PURCHASE EXCLUDING CIGARETTESI nus COUPON BARRIE FOOD CITY Bayfield St North Barrie NOW OPEN AT AM ON SATURDAYS LIMIT ONE kg BAG PER COUPON COUPON VALID AT FOOD CITY ONLY UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY AUGUST 14TH1979 EPSIEQE££££S£ SISISA uuookkhoo 3030000000