ch Fatal crash regrettable accident coroner ST IIYAINIIIII Que itli Quebecs third fatal bus crash Within year was regrettable accident coroner Stanislas Der ruled Tuesday Winding up twoday inquest into the deaths of it senior citizens whose chartered bus careened off the lransrtanarlii highway near here June ti Ilery said there as no firm iwrlrnce ol criminal responsibility It remains an accident pure and simple Dery said firmly to packed courtroom mart Sale Price 97 PARSON TABLE Made oi washable rilastii assorted UltiilS Sldfkdble Approx 16x16 16 mart Regular List Price 547 DISH DISH PAH 72 FLOZ ORAINER IN THREE COVERED OR TRAY COLOURS PITCHER Your ch0ice Almond Gold or Chocolate Gold Chocolate or Almond mart Sale Price DOOR MIRROR Reflect on now much you Sme frame 1248 Testimony showed the bus carrying 49 members of ic toriaville Que golden age society back home from an evening at the harness races in Montreal went out of control on the rainslicker highway and slammed into concrete pillar supporting an overpass Dery said he would make specific recommendations in written report to be submitted within month said he would call on government authorities to im mart Sale Price 33 FRAMED unpainted wooden molieyrsaver mart Regular List Price 1049 Kmart Kmart Kmart Special SpeCiel Spectral Price Ea Price DoubleAdresser rumor has unpainted lrame 38 26 mart Regular List Price 3699 plement the recommendations of inqumes which followed two other fatal bus accidents in Quebec last August one in Eastman in which 10 died and another lll St Sauveur that left three children dead The recommendations drawn from other coroners in quests and government report on bus safety by lawyer Robert Jodoin generally call for tighter safety measures for Quebecs intercity and chartered coaches SCREENPRINTED GOWN Cute brushed 80 Acetate20°C Ny lon 46X Pnntsmclude puppy kitty girl gown 15 mart Regular List Price 454 mart Special Price Pamper your feet 66° Cotton 20 Nylon 85 Polyester Spandex mart Regular List Price 163 Kmart Special Price Pr Testimony by the 17 witnesses at the St Hyacinthc inquest centred on the com petence of driver Jacques Sauvageau the condition and maintenance of the 1966 General Motors coach owned by Autobus Drummondville Ltee and the safety of the Trans anada Highway 50 kilometres east of Montreal where the ac cident occurred Hode Keyser an engineer ing professor at the University of Montreal who specializes in Each Nylon suuc ITTIHG BIKINI BRIEF Antron III Nylon DIlel comes in White or Beige SrML RengM mart After Sale Price 197 mart Sale PRINTED LONG DOWN Brushed gown printed wrthlambgirlorgarden 814 80 Acetate20 BOYS 6X COTTON BRIEF White elastic waist taped front fly and assorted prints road deSign said Tuesday the slight curve through the over pass lacked sufficent drainage when the pavement became wet Keyser using highly technical terms also said the asphalt was not rough enough to give tires firm grip when the surface was wet from rain as it was the night of the acci dent Rodrigue Labrie the first provincial policeman to reach the scene said there had been mart Regular List Price 564 mart Special Price Sizes SML mart Regular List Price 966 mart mart Special Special Price Price LADIES BOY 3PACK corroii BRIEF Each 3pack has one Blue Gold and Green brief mart Regular List Price 297 an average of one accident month at the curve during the last two years colleague of Keysers Ray mond Gauvin testified that scientific analysis of the road conditions skid marks and the bus wreckage indicated the driver was travelling near the lookilometreanhour speed limit when the bus slipped out of control Gauvin also said welding job on part of the coachs right rear suspension was of general Two covered sauce pans skillet dutch oven Silverstone non stick coating mart Alter Sale Price 5897 mart Sale Price Blue Gold and Gree brief SizesSML mart Regular List Price 377 33 78 Special Pk Price at 7PIECE COOKWARE SET COTTON BRIEF Each 3pack holds one 1y poor quality but doubted it could have caused the mishap An inspection showed it broke only when the coach hit the pillar In our opinion the break did not occur before the instant of the accident Gauvin said Sauvageau 42yearcld photography buff who had been driving buses parttime for Autobus Drummondville since 1975 had record of minor mishaps on the job none resulting in serious injuries the inquest was told NONSTICK Set MENS 2P TSHIRTS Canadian made short sleeved Wtirte Cotton Tshirts SVXL mart Regular List Price 396 Pit 012 F7 mart Special Price the examiner Wednesday August 1979 in Actor dies at 65 Kurt Kasznor Viennaborn actor who appeared in 60 m0vies and in the l96869 television series Land of the Giants died at the age of 65 spokeswoman said Tuesday AP Photo Manoeuvres scared him LINDSAY Ont tCPl An Ottawa man testified Tuesday that he participated in private military exercises with Michael Robert Fraser who is on trial for various weapons charges Frank Schilder 24 told counA court that he took part in our manoeuvres but quit after he fourth one when other members of the exercise fired upon him and another man Fraser who has pleaded not guilty was charged with possession of weapons and ex plosives dangerous to the public peace after raid last year on his familys Ottawa house and house near this community 40 kilometres northwest of Peter borough Schilder said his final manoeuvre was interrupted when woman began walking into the area The witness said he set out flare to warn the others and stop the exercise But he and another man were trapped under rifle fire for 15 seconds before they could sent up another flare Later the other members just laughed when they heard of the mistake he testified ANOTHER DISILLLSIONEI Another witness Sean Riley 21 of Ottawa told the court that he became disillusioned about the group when he also faced gun fire during groun dhog hunt The man said he laid faced down while bullets went around him and another man for about two hours But when he looked around 15 minutes later his partner had New in Town Youll find friend where you see this Sign out Hirithi ltIrllfll For more information call Phone 7286758 disappeared and Fraser dress ed in military clothing and holding rifle was standing near him He Fraser said he wanted to see whether would fight or run away was too scared to say or do anything Schilder said Fraser who carried military Ml carbide rife during all the exercises supplied him with firearms and ammunition during the manoeuvres Both witnesses testified that the exercises occurred in desolate areas near Ottawa often near Richmond 25 kilometres southwest of Ot tawa Both men also said they met Fraser after joining citizens band radio club in Ottawa The trial continues lnuits seeking injunction TORONTO CP The sensi tive issue of extinguishing aboriginal rights is one that should be decided by Parlia ment and not by Canadian courts lawyer suggested Tuesday during landmark na tive rights case Aubrey Golden representing 113 Inuit residents of Baker Lake NWT told federal court justice that the Canadian government has not turned its mind to the question of ex tinguishing aboriginal rights and should not ask the courts to make the decision The Inuit residents in fight to preserve centuriesold tra dition of hunting caribou their main food source are seeking an injunction to prohibit the federal government from is suing mining permits in the Baker Lake area While they seek to establish Inuit ownership of the land the federal government and several foreign and Canadian owned mining companies argue there are no aboriginal rights and the government is free to issue land use permits As far back as you go you dont see anything but basic ally Inuit occupancy Golden argued adding that Inuit were in the Baker Lake area before the first Hudsons Bay Co ex plorers arrived in 1762 URGES DISMISSAL Golden urged Mr Justice Patrick Mahoney to dismiss written arguments made by mining company lawyers who say government statutes and regulations made over the years have in effect ex tinguished aboriginal rights STUDY ANCIENT MAN Paleoanthropologists are anthropologists who specialize in the study of fossil man save 43 rocu rpm12 Poumn Saile Hum on SLIPOH suoes 12812 COLOUR 20p COLOUR EIXLMO Ladles casual shoes in Tan Avaid traffic and parking PRINT FILM SLIDE FILM OS es er pack White Black 0r dark Brown Sizes problems ex 129XDOSU95 99 POessng ncmded entire 14 mfifsictiégninllfnifi Edgy 10 Travel the relaxed worrytree mart RBQUIST Cadn top and mildew Regc way pi 24 mart Regular mart Regular gTa List Price 1529 List Price 593 prise Kmart so 3v BUS TRAVELWAYS DIRECT DAILY SERVICE TO THE CNE lnchtas Return Transportation And Carnal Mum ONLY $1050 m0 PLAZA Advertised Merchandise Polic acorn 21 BAYFIELD sr BARBIE ONT so warm mum 71 3ifélt5°oé°pZLL2Y7213 as 21 AI PI PI tr rot wt im cmuroi Ou Quail wwfé 1o TO Saiiitaton°ias Di to ar€areoatLtnlvaes Departs from Continental Inn