CHURCHILL The con church on October 14 will gregation of Churchill United celebrate its Centennial with Churchill United Church above marks its IOOth year with special service October 14 religion roundup HAMILTON OF visitor from Pakistan who needs surgery to arrest cancer of the tongue is getting financial help from the Muslim community here So far about $2000 of the $4000 needed for the operation has been raised for Mushtag Khan who has been staying at the Stoney Creek home of his brother Abid The 53yearold bank savings officer had been treated in Karachi but the cancer reappeared shortly after he emigrated to Canada The people have responded very well and Im sure we will get all of the money said Dr Mohammad Ashraf president of the Muslim Association of Hamilton WINNIPEG iTP Many people dont start to think about death until its too late says Doug Walton University of Winnipeg philosophy professor who has writ ten book on defining death Walton says people often put off trying to deal with the question of death When they do deal with it their minds may be clouded by illness or pain But Walton who has studied death and dying for almost decade says that while society as wliolc tends to deny death more people are accepting their own mortality find that there is far better response to courses teach that deal with the concept of death now than there was number of years ago he said in an interview It has become quiet clear that young people in univer sitie who deal with philosophy subjects are no longer as apprehensive on the subject of death as they were at one time GANAOQUE nt CP Rev Ken Van Allen wasnt expecting to conduct services on high school stage with borrowed organ and hymn books when he arrived here in early August to take charge of the centuryold Grace United Church But after the churchs interior was destroyed in $1 million fire of unknown cause Aug 31 services were swit ched to the gym of Gananoque secondary school Van Allen and his congregation are making do with everything from salad bowls as collection plates to steel chairs as pews The congregation has started rebuilding project but it will take at least year before the church will have its own facilities again Other town churches had offered facilities but it was decided to make do with the partitioned gym You must be in your own place said George Scott 102yearold congregation member ff It is bright and cheery people can see you and hear you Van Allen said ORILLIA dream is coming true for the 110 members of group building school with formal Christian cur riculum The Orillia Christian School Society is putting the finishing touches on the fourroom building while 95 students have started classes there The school will be of ficially opened Oct 20 One of 70 such schools in Ontario it will cost total of 8200000 NORTH BAY Ont CP Rev Caleb Lawrence 41 of Great Whale River in the Diocese of the Arctice was elected coadjutorbishop at the 32nd and 33rd synods of the Anglican Church Diocese of Mousonee in Timmins Ont recently Lawrence will understudy the current ar chbishop James Watton who retires in October 1980 ORILLIA 77 Members of the Christian Fellowship Council near here are feeding the Third Worlds hungry with love loaves small containers made of styrene shaped like loaves and filled with dimes quaiters and dollars Learn from peOple minister TORONTO tCPi What is possibly mans utimate salva tion his survival on earth may depend on how much he is willing to learn from the native people says Rev Peter Hamel consultant on national affairs for the Anglican Church of Canada Hamel says mans days on earth are numbered if he does not respect the rights of crea tion because if our support system goes so do we When environmentalists talk about crises in the environ ment we tend to carry on as we have always done Welcome to two special serVice at 11 am former minister Reverend Thomas Page now of Napanee will be guest speaker An invitation is extended to former members and friends to attend the Centennial ser vice and the fellowship te to follow The first congregational meeting of Churchill and Hunters Corners Knock Presbyterian churches took place on October 14 1879 For 10 years the Churchill congregation met in Wycliffe Hall the upper apartment in the north end of the store building The outside stairs in use then can still be seen to this day It was not until 1889 the fine brick building now the United Church was opened for wor ship wants greater womens role in church By BOB DOUGLAS OTTAWA CP Cathy Wil liamson is handling jobs that only priests used to do in Roman Catholic parishes Miss Williamson staff member at Holy Cross pansh here welcomes this recent change but she wants wider role for women She says there are more spiritual tasks women could do without making them priests hot issue in Chris tian churches think one of the difficulties is that so much has been left to the priest she said of the op osition to Women in key church jotis People were accustomed to male priests doing most of the work Miss Williamson is part of growing number of women act ing as parish assistants to priests It is in these spiritual tasks that Catholic women have made the biggest inroads in re cent years However some church jobs are still virtually closed to women says recent survey by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Apparently church organ izations still feel men should handle the money and the top administrative jobs Nonpriest named pastor MOUNT UNIACK NS tCPt Douglas Clarke is pastor of the St Francis of Assissi Roman Catholic parish but only his children call him Father Hes deacon not priest Hes also married with six children Clarkes appointment is landmark for the Archdiocese of Nova Scotia It is the first time nonpriest has been pastor of Catholic church in Nova Scotia Clarke became pastor Sept 16 when St Francis of Assissi was established as its own parish to serve 150 Catholic families in this village mid way between Halifax and Windsor Previously the 22 yearold church had been operated as mission under neighboring parish Clarke 45 is one of six Roman Catholic deacons in Nova Scotia native of Halifax he was an air force supply technician for 20 years before retiring in 1971 to work for medical supplies com pany He says charismatic renewal was gaining strength in Nova Scotia at that time and he was moved to embrace his faith more strongly In 1973 he began diaconate studies at the Atlantic School of Theology later adding bachelor of arts studies at Mount St Vincent University He was ordained deacon in 1975 271h ANNIVERSARY St James United Church Victoria Ave Stroud 1115 om Post Present and Future Guest Preacher Mr Douglas Kingsbury President Toronto Conference 730 pm The East York Golden Choir great services of celebration View from the stands Sister immaculate from Dublin convent gets view from the stands of the distant altar being CUNDLES HEIGHTS REFORMED CHURCH UNITED AT CUIIIIIES Heights Public School CHURCH Cundles Rd mm Timothy Christian School Worship Service Im and sum s°h°°l PoltorO Johnson 7232353 THE REV GRANT NOLAND PASTOR Sunday Fornil Ho 1000 Tell 7285869 EvoningyWolrsrhip 70 COME AND grams The church that is different YOUR WHOLE FAMILY EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 128 St Vincent Street Barrie Tel 7283017 JOIN US FOR OUR MISSIONARY CONFERENCE SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 30th 945 om Sunday School 1100 om Missionary 700 pm Meetings Tuesday ot730pin Wednesday ot730pin Thursday ot730 Fridoyot730 pm Sunday Oct 7th 945 om 1100 om 700 pm Rov and Mrs Doug HarrisAfrica inlond mission Dr Howard Soorlo Bangladesh Miu Morion Dollinger Jopon Preach the Gospel every person Free Methodist Church Boytield Dalton 7267821 900 om Morning Worship 1000 om Sondoy School 1100 om Morning Worship 630 pm Evening Service Come be part of our growing congregation We have doubled in the last four years Nursery service is provided morning and night Pastor Carl Bull Assistant Pastor Bruce Swanson 11 ï¬g hflnhunrannnl SACRD and GOSPEL MUSIC SUNDAY Anne Street at 400 Hwy garrrrrrrrrrrgrrrrrrrrr Lutheran INNISWOOD Church BAPTIST 175 YONGE ST 220 Steel St Barrie No 11 South Pastor Johnson 10 om Church School SUNDAY SCHOOL 830 11 om Morning Worship CHURCH SERVICE 830 pm Evening Service REV MICHAEL STRAIN The Church that is different Pastor FAITH MISSIONARY 229 Crawford Street Barrie 7373062 Pastor Rev Wayne Domm 7268750 945 om Sundoy School 1100 om Morning Worship 700 pm Evening Fellowship Wednesday 800 pm Bible Study and Prayer This people have formed for myself they shall show forth my praise isaiah 4321 erected for the visit to Dublins Phoenix Park Saturday of Pope John Paul Ii AP Photo FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH 24 COLLIER ST 156 St Vincent St Phone 7286035 REV BIERMAN Next to the Post Office Canon John Spoon Jom us for worship Rm 019r and Hum Rev Sorn Obol Assistant and 710pm no om service on last Sunday of the month TRINITY XVI MICHAELMAS om Holy Communion 10 om Mottins Sermon Tune into tho Proochor Rev Sorn Obol BACK To GOD Sunday School in all departments RADIO MESSAGES 750 SUNDAYS Boptismol Preparation Midweek Eucharists Tues 730 pm Thurs 1030 om Toronto CHINFM MUOGJII Toronto CHEN 930 om 1430 Christian Science Society 159 Collier Street Barrie CHURCH SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 om TESTIMONY MEETING Second Wed each month pm Reading Room open Tuesday 79 pm 7261602 First Baptist 37 Clapperton St REV STEWART LIDDELL Minister 945 SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL 1100 AM FAMILY WORSHIP LIFE THAT IS lOVELY BECAUSE IT IS LOVED PM PRESIDENTS DAY SERVICE AT FIRST BAPTIST ORILLIA Wheelchair Rolnp 7289790 for transportation Westminster Presbyterian Church ESSA ROAD 110 Steel St noor Pu et Presbyterian Church MINISTER PAULMILLS 59 in ad 5mm at Burton Ave 10 om Worship Service GMinidsf THE KEEPING ogonisl Io POVLER 0P 62D Mrs Vortl Diamond om rimory unior Church Nursery Provided 1100 om Church School Next Sundoy Sacrament of the for olloges Lords Supper will be colobrotcd ot WEDNESDAY moo 830 pm Bible Study Church School for oil ogox and PMer at tho some time cud Mad minim Intont Nursery Core Provided Ior ol pooplo All WELCOME saintmnttraus Owen and WoSEy 82 The Presbyterian Churcn in Canada Anglican Churches the examiner Saturday Sept 291979 Worryshows lack of faith By DOROTHY KILBLRN Worry in the final analysis is form of atheism denial of the human need of God It is like saying shall never get the better of this for there is no God to help me said AJ Cronin We discussed this statement during our Bible Class ses Sion and one young man said that you had to worry about your job your family responsibilities If you did not worry nothing would get done he said Thers is difference between concern sense of responsibility and worry Worry has shades of anxiety and fear concern is the motivation for responsible acts Wonv is devoid of faith So often we seesaw between worry and faith becaUse we fail to pray and to grasp the meaning of Gods word for our particular situation In hospital in Leeds England before one shift of nurses leave and the other shift starts they bow together In prayer for their patients Prayer prepares US for faith and faith in the word of God brings peace of mind The word of God tells us how concerned God is about us how He got so involved with our iritual need that He was Willing to be imposed upon an to suffer for crimes that He did not commit your sin and mine When we grasp the magnitude of His love for us faith and trust in Him are generated within our hearts and we can put our problems our lives our souls into is keeping knowing that He will take care of them for us Happy is the man who can say with the Psalmist of old igh Lord will perfect that which concerneth me Psalm St Giles Anglican Church 95 Cook St Barrie St Georges Anglican Burton Granville Th It 900 AM 8530 st HARVEST HOLY connumon 1000 AM EUCHARIST HOLY connumou 1030 AM HARVEST EUCHARIST St Thomas ANGLICAN cnuncn Saar Rev Kaye BA 1030 AM All Welcome MORNING PRAYER Jewz United Churches Burton Avenue United Church 37 Burton Ave Borrie WORSHIP AT 1030 AM Sermon Theme FOLLOW JESUS THE GRACE TRUTH ABOUT GOD AND MAN UNITED CHURCH Church School Ii Registration Mum REV APIHJPJ 510in Nursery care provided Minister I030 om REV PAULO MORROW sermon Music Director GOD THE CREATOR MR DOUG GARRAWAY source of Power You Are Welcome Nursery and Sunday School United Church Ross and Toronto Streets Next to RVH Barrie Ontario invites you to Celebration of Worship at 1030 AM Message AN ALLIANCE WITH LIFE Rev Ashton The Church Schools meet at the some hour except the Youth Bible Study Class and Confirmation Class which meets at the some hour Welcome to Joyous ChristCentred Fellowship Collier United Church 112 Collier St Neat City Hall WIN OVER FEAR FOREVER BUS SERVICE AVAILABLE 7261511 730 Christian Singles LIFESTYLES