harm mSept2S1DTD1D television guide SATURDAY EVENING VIEWING EVENING mo news REACH FORTNEToe cecuews AMAZING WORLD OF msInN sATunDAY REPORT FOLIIA DOT noon SPORTCITY 930 INOUIRY FACES OF SMALL PLACES CBS NEWS TIHS WEEK IN ONTARIO NEWS SNELOROVE SNAlL WILD ANIMALS OF THE WORLD SPORTS PROBE ulna AND NAROY 700 HEE HAW Guests 01 Billy Gflhlm Tennessee Ernie Ford Jimmy Rodgers Mi MD IIDHGO WRCREDIIILE NULII CONEIACK WORKING STIFF NEWS DJ AND THE BEAR BJ oats seven beautilul temale truck drivers to organize to combat gang of ruthless competitors and lawman Season Premiere so mine OER CAT FOOTBALL HIGH 70 DONT JUST SIT THERE LAWRENCE WELK SHOW CITY LIGHTS 130 SHA NA NA THE ROPERS HERE AND NOW DR WHO 000 CHIP threatened gang war between local teenagers and ring at car stripping thieves makes Malibu Beach duty dit Jon and Ponch so mine TIIE WORDSMITH WORKING STIFFS Mlka escorts mothertobe Nikki to the doctors allies and winds upgettlng dose of trouble in return when he comes lace to face with bank robber THE ROPERS Stanley takes hilarious measurestokeepHeieninthedark overthelact thatnothinoiacookingtorsgomnetlaastshea planed to impreaa her rich relativesbecause helorgot to pay the power bill NOVIE TITLE NANNOUNCED MOVIE Night To Remember 1958 DAD NEWS BEARS 830 BAD NEWSBEARS Buttermakerand MIOOIII900N001IOROIpaVODFOIGRDOITDWM the his first romance DETECTIVE SCHOOL The delec tlYe school class members masquerade as wealthyguesta at sfsncy draaspsrty whenNick meats an old flame and dlecovera she has lar my in her heart WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT 900 BJ AND THE BEAR BJ gets seven beautiful female truck drivgrs to organize to combat gang of ruthless competitors and mmwman Season Premiers 60 MIDI Bl SHAMUS LITTLE SHAMUS Brian Dnnnehy portrays Arnie SutA tar the streetwise house detective of the Aneonia venerable establishment which has obtainedanewIesseonliiethroughthelegaliza tion ol casino gambling in Atlantic City miere 60mins THE LOVE BOAT Three vignettes DanceWith Me Stars CarolLawrenceJohn Maehsrl Going MyWsy Starr Arlene Golonks Buddy Hackett Doc 30 Patient Stars Sun ivsn Bernie Kopell POINT BLANK 930 ADVENTURES HISTORY SOUNDS 0000 1000 ID MAN CALLED SLOANE Secretegentfhomas Sloane goes alloutto stop bizarre and dangerous woman who is using swarms of devil locusts to destroy grain crops and make America dependant onloreignwheat tar Edie Adams 60mins REBECCA Pm Ill ANIS James Earl Jones stars as Woo drovl Paris captain ol detectives on me tropolitan police force who also moonlights as professor of criminology at local university miere 80 mins HARTTOHARTIhoHsm Ioutholthe borderboating holiday turns Jonathan and Jen nlfarintodesperatefugitivesontharunlrornthe SUNDAY VIEWING Mexican policeand gang ofinternationaldruo lets do mine STARLO CONVERSATIONSWITHELWY YOST TIME TENTATIVE CELEBRITY COOKS FEEL LIKE DANCIN 1030 AMERICA mom 100 00 ID NEWS cac NEWS CTV NEWS MOVIE Hlslory Is Made AI nght 1937 LOTTARIO NEW MUSIC SPECIAL 1105 PETER APPLEYARD MOVIE WESTERNCOMEDY VI Zandya Bride 1970 1115 NEWS 1130 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE Host Buck Henry Guest Bette MIdler Repeal 90 aMOVIEMUSICALCOMEDY Gu sand Dolls 1055 MOV CRIMEDRAMA BIStor 1050 SOUND GOOD 1133 MOVIE UNANNOUNCED 155 MOVIE Wanled Mrs Sundance 1200 MOVIE coMEDY Ill Never Forget Whats ts Name MOVIE DRAMA V2 Gris nGan 1971 MOV COMEDYMUSICAL 95 Beach Blanket Bingo 1965 1220 ID NEws TITLE 1230 CONVERSATIONSWITHELWY YOST TIME TENTATIVE 100 ROCK CONCERT MOVIEMYSTERYDRAMA Doberman Gang 1973 The Doctor Says Tooth problem strikes infants By PAUL DONOHUE MD Dear Dr Donohue have just read about the effects of tetracycline on the teeth of un born babies My twoyearold shows the effects from it Could you please tell me if his perma nent teeth will be white Is there anything to help correct the problem This is of great concern to me MB The antibiotic tetracycline is deposited in teeth during the period when they are being caICIfied This may happen before birth when baby teeth are being calcified if the mother is takingthedrug The rmanent teeth may be stain if tetracycline is taken while they are being formed The front ones incisors begin to form six months after birth The back ones molars form after three or four years Thus the antibiotic should be avoided until child is at least five preferably eight years old If your child has not had any tetracycline from six months after birth to age five these permanent teeth should not be affected You must remember that there may be compelling reasons for doctor to want to use tetracycline drugs in early childhood even with full awareness of this unfortunate side effect There are life endangering illnesses that call for their use If this is the case then the teethstaining is con sidered relatively small price to pay Dear Dr Donohue Three years ago my doctor said had familial tremors At that time seemed to work better than anything Now even alcohol doesnt seem to do any good would appreciate any sugges tions you may be able to give me JGH Familial tremor is fine shaking of the bands which in creases with precision work trying to thread needle for example Alcohol does stop the tremor temporarily but it is not longterm help as you learned Inderal propranolol is sometimes useful If that is not helping there is little else to do medically Anxiety worsens such tremors One other thought The tremor that comes from an overactive thyroid gland is very similar to familial tremor Your thyroid status should be checked if that has not been done Familial as the word implies means the tremor tends to occur in members of the same family It has nothing to do with Parkinsons Disease to ansWer another readers question on the same subject Dear Dr Donohue My oldest brother had an annual physical and polyps were found during rectal checkup Later they were removed and found to be cancerous Our doctor does not give rectal examination dur ing physicals Are such polyps hereditary cm polyp is growth of the lin ing of the intestines Some are hereditary Most are not rec tal examination is good idea for the annual checkup Dear Dr Donohue Is 43 too early for the onset of menopause Mrs RD Its earier than the average AShOGra BemIooBodoanI September 30 1979 This coming year you will be greatly intrigued by that which is new or different lnvolvernents in progressive ventures could prove very profitable LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Today could be day of recovering from overindulgence of too much of the good things in life All things in moderation must be your motto Winthrop WHATEAVORD maormsamv BELIEF lN THE PRACTICEOF DEPRMNGA PElasou onoedscr SCORPIO Oct ZANov 22 You must be careful today lest you do something unthinkingly that could disrupt domestic tranquili ty Wrong moves could upset the ntire household SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Forcing your views or beliefs on others today will have deleteri ous effect Everyone has right to his or her own opinion so live and let live CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Prized possessions should not be loaned out today to persons who wont treat them as carefully as you do Dont be tightwad but do be realistic AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 If at all possible avoid companions today who are too selfish or set I115 FIXEDGZ Eï¬TABLlï¬HED 5TATLI5 OR CHARACTER Glenn NEA In IM use us flat on upon having their own way Such associates could spoil your fun PISCES Feb 20March 10 Taking on more than you can competently manage could cause you extreme frustration today Be sensible about your limitations ARIES March 21April 19 You have little patience with those who display the slightest infrac tion of what you consider to be socially correct Take care your behavior isnt worse than theirs TAURUS April 20 May 20 It wont take much to ignite sparks and turn things into blazing fire on the domestic scene today Dont be dictatorial or tight authority figures GEMINI May 21June 20 Trying TRY MNTIDIszAeusII munlemme IVE MENTARIANIaM toacttoosrnartoracttoowtse could inluriate others today and cause some petty quarrels not your style to be knowltdl CANCER June 21July Dont try to borrow trom anyone today You could place yourself as well as another person in an embarrassing position when he or she has to say LEO July uAug You might be mite too pushy for your own good today and try to dominate persons who wont be dictated to Dont butt your head into brick walls VIRGO Aug adept 22 You may not be your usual sell today and may actually cre ate problems where none exist ed Take day of rest LE MONDE DES pEl group ABBA withKateBush andRoxy Music he prescribed Inderal There The rang ls from 45 55 03mm NAIFS NTRES onlocmomsmumn¢ mas llttle or no rellef as far eajs gaitIs w1t the averagea out 130 ARCHIEBUNKERSPLACEEGM Fe remors were concern enopause prior Is con 115 AGNNST THE AW HA We AT Ts stdered uINO mus geï¬moosmsr spom mamas2253attainment a°°° mm 10 922 gLDED OVER EVMWPTRI 483 135 id CARTOON PUYHOUSE Fin SING MONIEAND MINDVMotk playsdoc GU IN WN IIILANIOUS HOUSE OF torloanailingrobotnamsdChuckwhoiaheaded FflIGHTENSTEIN FLINTSTONES for the lunk plle and the two new buddies FOREST RANGERS proceed to drive everyone around them Crazy CANADIAN CAVALCADE 200 mm mlss NFLFOOTBALLBulfaloBillsvsBal ATOUTE VTESSE Oswa Jaco and an ontag CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP $6le 3275 saueclmecouaae oonromanw 830 Taklng that extra chance 700 Ya Ottawa RoughRiderstShraGsma willbe ONE DAy AT TIME Faehng OUNEOIA NEWS Duct WI CIOAYI om Id inadequate andthlnking shes missed someth re II id lI mgggggqgggom is wood moo it°2°7 2222 22222 mom °2ue°satie$3oiÂ¥lï¬r°ddd ii FAITH FOR TODAY Epoms SPECIAL cw WGZIHE ASSOCIATES 810 ey break 32 and go down PROFESSOR KITZEL Sports presents coverage of the Grand Prix ol LAPIERRE one If they break 51 sartorialtzt3 0N6 muggy tiff Kelsey ints out that there them is no yea endenge is comp icated play to bring CHURCH INVIrATON OIIVOhVDIRIIIOWOIIUIRCIUOIIIDGIIIDBVIIIIBROUVQOI BAGIFTTO LASTJohnTavely 130 °°°°°° 3°l llwih d1 the contract homea ainsta this W666 OF DISCOVERY TOIREIBWSEI RA ONTANT LHIS 20dIn£32mtonlhrhénophrfne spade break if tITe trum Jllgggï¬lgasemm TERRY WINTER SHOW gig xi iaIlre placed nicely for you faxe DI 230 ALICE points out it cost nothin IAWE WET DR JOHN WESLEY WHITE SUNDAYNIGHTMOVIEMurdoray to try this play CIRCLE SOUARE 300 ElSGmAgasrsTetAerFaéhMaggi Smith Here it is Wm the diamond 00330 ORCHLEESSTREGMNDS CHEFS mm to hop unlit $7 £31o221°$ gig In yémr bland Cash the ace of Th ddi mmgmeem com wows won me sizesswat 39393 egg ggngggdhgg WORLD ill MOV 49 MULTISPANISH SOCIETE NATIONAL GEO Spade from dummy ounlr 0M 54 330 gAPHIC LesGrandsFelina Vulnerable Neither East can ruff but he has atlgflggngngE GOOD NEWS THE EDlTogts30 Dealer South ruffed one of your losers and on can ruff our other losin THE BEIAN NFL FOOTOBOALL THE JEFFEREONSGFTKlaflfgi We Nomi E9 South pade with gne of dummyg WUWZESQO wonLo SERIES OF GOLF aifliiélï¬eifzï¬iil5221gt trumps East discards you Bugs Bunny OLD TIME GOSPEL IIOUR $33225 57 VSGES THE JEFFERSONSORLD $885 £855 wln ruff low spade in INCREDIBLE 835 853 dumm anteater mam Pass Pass go iuéï¬Ã©téoiiu° uiéwiuï¬sgz ame $SIEIIIIIIFSJSIISII SPORTSHOTSEAT PRIMETIMESUNDAV ï¬nanceaias iienshvli2 32522 ka CATCH HIM IM IN V55 WILD KINGDOM MARKETPLACE Hosts Joan Opening lead CHMooeLE MERTS LATELIER DEs PISSENLITS Paul one $313 22THEDRAL KDswonm TRAPPER JOHIIMDIMT am vet an irasci poe an aIILTtBULGARIAN CBC NEwssoo gcgéflaï¬llzdoagbgzp pégemtgzgper and Gonzo 900 BUILDING DECENT WS Helen Hutchlnson tells how foreign oswald JaCOby OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR FUTURE mm bumping Cam mg and an Sontag are as mg 15 question SUNDAY NORNING cuesON PERIOD University spaces JIm Reed probes the night OUFSCIIES YOU how the West DEPUTY DAWG mares aboard our passenger trains Henry hand todays article What IT Is WRITTEN Champ goes on the rind with the rock group In hIIgS hand fromt IThe should you ead against four ortramp80mins oug ame you MTRETIVAIDEAST REVUE w°RL° SURVVAL PARLONS ONEMA beam he Sim heIIltsthree of hea is OUM LE DATIFIIEIIN ple way to play the himd is to want 10 get rid 0f 5111111 gal£14k Annowggagues 56305 ND TREA 1030 draw trumps as unlckly as trumps as fast as you can oltnnyWuMIemslwc OF TIMET MB OMBUDSMAN Hosl Kathleen ORAL ROBERTS ran an rnes Ex UHBARD RTEOSDRTIEQWOTigNMMKhamw CINEMA Smlc Smac Smoc 1972 UNTAMED WORLD Into CBC ACROSS 407 EveIgreen tree Answer to Previous Puzzle tile in the Canadian Rockies tapes ARCH THE QUIET HOUR NEXT STEP BEYOND II news 47 Greek slave SE 1000 ID AVENTURES DE BABAR cw laws Ideal gas so Exploding BEBE EBB ARD 535 22 GLOBAL NEWSWEEK condition stars 350 CHURCH gluARgATURNIN LES PETIT SngNEss Eabbr 54 Shristmas gain gunman DI GET YouR WAtER Anew NATI BU rgo ecoratlon um Ema KIDSWORLD 550 1120 Female salnt 55 Netherlands Gunman an RAMA ID TIP ET TAP News abbr city gIgIINSIEIm EVENING 3° 333°52on I553 3301155 ï¬ggzï¬gï¬gï¬ THINK ABOUT MULTIHUN news 030 oo MARCUS WELeY MD Embrace 61 Swelling ROBERT SCHULLE NEWS MOVE MYSTERV up 15 it Is contr 62 EnVISIOn TH KDsgglgggï¬gm DISNEYS WONDERFUL avwï¬d gémh 239 we DAY vl hl BARIAPAPA limitation $332373 531 an LIVELY SPECgAaLS 18 psych 65 Blackhead REALLY MATTER PORTUGUESE SHOW duck is capableollaying eggs with sell on 11 elgn comp Mm MOVIEDRAMA sunset wd 19 iIse collect Reg on Tm IL 1040 WILD ANIMALS OF THE Boulevard1950 20 We up 21 Moï¬mams 43 TroIan hero FISHIIALES 1150 fortune Schooner 44 Duo 1050 wogkgsE mom MOVIE ADVENTURE g2 lEn the know Eagerlna 23 Sag 47 Phonograph of Arabia 1962 xplosive GETTofï¬gE CLoaAL NE6W3WEEK t°°° 1200 am Nulsance le adsample or 48 323 SECOND CITY 25 Fumes Publlsher mg OPEN MP CONVERSATION WITH 28 Affirmatlons Hu gr eVIce nec agargfoflISTREET FAMILY Faun 32 possess Rather than 26 Shakespflws 49 Actress NEWS co oet nver 50 RC NEW FA ed arclowes 33 Run rsound spean 27 Coin of WORLD WY 51 Passport zgfmonweuase LA PETITE LULU by 35 Topee New Deal Memo 700 36 Mayday Signal program 29 Close door Olsemem =30 DISNEYS WONDERFUL Marion Wright 37 Who In Gaseous 30 Allevlate 52 Beers REVJMES ANDREWS WORLD ThaSl000000 Duck Ascience m6797 38 Our country compound 31 Hollywood 53 Squeezes out FACE THE NATION reaearchprolessorsnmionshimseltarichman abbr New Yo mman 56 Oklahoma cit ANINALS ANIMALS when he dlscovers hIspetduckis capable of 39 Ample stadum 34 sound of 57 AMMLS who Swtiwgh °°$I7I5$I3i3l°$ Clowes Womens Institute are 42 More obese 10 Yanks hesnatlon 58 PEOPLE AND PETS Jon me sponsoring 4H Clubs this fall 45 Automotive 50 ll Selfesteem 4O Entertalnrnent Baseba FEanALérflANo WMNUTES Clowes One Nifty Needle Cler abbr pl group abbr oflICIal abbr It pointer meetsaglthre hggsgg AFTERNOON toughnamedPatOGormanwhalscauohlmlfl bvargfrl tr themarlna 1200 our OF THE aLUE When sm members l2 13 THE ï¬gstoconvmcaLauratocomehomealter as they YOU WANT GREAT NEWS EON THE runs away and becomes truck stop Cl es Tw 17 WIT IN ToUcH pLL 8E MIN WORLD Waitresshefinds himaell surrounded by one are Juniors ow KO RY ABOUT ME AT THAT plACE THAT TALES drivinobrawllnotruckerswhohaveaomeo NeedIeIS meets at the home of ILL sumIVE OVERme flung pucE ï¬ancee Karla McKee on Wednesday FOOTEALL MOVIE Tnousseflnounï¬ with 10 members and Will be WESTERNADVENTURE AND JENNY learning the many stitches of HI Bellman 19 710 DOUCE nfegleptliilge titn gouge the It DEAU cu SWI on In leve fldlw at all llama KAND MINDYM lay 11 LE TEMPS DES £3013an robotnsmed Chugk wphms aumthy Sï¬intmttxrifrigï¬ylgéd NTITUOES headedlorthaiunkpileandthetwonewbuddles ASIAN uovE proceedtodriveevsryonearoundthemcrszy plRgCCISSd bee 37 38 1230 is Inner as CIIUCk KNOX snow ï¬lifhflï¬Sï¬fotdhwith Siting her son In Grande 39 HERALDOFTRUTH tionawhentheirtSyearolddauohletlbecome Parlrle Alberta and attended NFL TODAY nméwhflgafllgmmmfhm his graduation Albebret was gd news mitted to the Al rta ar 1245 Sfllflllfdfléilfflzï¬l382133n1 Association and hgs accegtred 53 Your weddlng lnvltatlons wn wmiiiom iii iiiéiiiiw an we loom 33 33 Announcements He 3333 COUNTRY THE nofo General NORTH ERN ll luar ers number from the communi TT Fr Etoomuwmm Rm atIJIIngIgFXEycoIogzwou attended 25th wedding an pr Amhm PECIAL Rob nlversary celebratlon for Mr 29 Dunlop COOKNG Rsupglï¬litlnROBIBIOIIRIIIRIOMI and Mrs Ray cuppage 7373860 mwmns RAINBOW muaxecialleatunngthe world super Hawkestone gt COUNTRY