Qrowingmengce in our society Death By RICHARD THOMAS Of The Examiner Arson is one of the greatest threats we face in ur ban livmg and its perpetrator is growing menace in our society the local branch manager of large insurance company told members of the Georgian Bay Chapter of the Insurance Institute of Ontario Thursday in Barrie Philli Bellinger of the Royal Insurance Com pany Canada also told institute members that last year in Canada arson cost Canadians over $200 million dollars And if that dollar figure is shocking think for moment of the injuries and deaths the danger and the fear Bellinger said The lives and wellbeing of innocent people are at great risk because of ar son 12500 UNDETERMINEI FIRES Last year there were 12500 fires of undetermined origin of which many cases were suspected arson Bellinger said In fact some educated estimates from fire department officials across the country suggest ear products of arson that one third of all fires are caused by arsonists he said Bellinger said the number of known arson cases jumped from 2753 in 1971 to 7282 in 1976 stag gering increase of more than 265 per cent in five years In terms of insurance losses he said about 30 per cent of losses from fire in Canada can be attributed to those which were deliberately set There is much more to the picture however beside insurance losses he said and arson also causes damage to the property of innocent parties business can lose revenue as result of arson employees can suffer loss of personal income the tax base municipal provincial and federal is reduced when property with the ability to generate revenue is reduced or destroyed Bellinger said In addition fire department is very costly and absolutely necessary civic service but arson makes it more necessary and even more costly he said The main offenders Bellinger said are not pyro maniacs who deliberately set fires because they are emotionally or mentally disturbed An alarming number of fires are set for motives of profit malice revenge fraud theft and bankruptcy he said Arson is frequently the weapon in crime as well as being crime in itself ARSON MOTIVES Bellinger gave several examples from across the country of motives behind arson In Hull Quebec nightclub janitor steals the evenings receipts and sets fire to the building to cover the theft Saskatchewan elevator agent tor ches one of the prairie landmarks to cover up the inventory shortage he has created by issuing false shipping documents and an Ontario businessman sets fire to his former family home so his estranged wife cant live in it One of the unfortunate facts Bellinger said is that in Canada arson charges are laid in only about 18 per cent of the known arson cases No charges he added can be laid in case of suspected arson CONVICTION RATE LOW And of the 18 per cent of known arson cases in which charges are laid the conviction rate is three per cent he said In short conviction is obtained in only one of every 200 known arson cases The collective fight against arson however is hampered by several difficulties Bellinger said such as prosecuting an arsonist unless apprehended at the scene of the crime lack of professional ex pertise on the part of many fire departments to determine cause of fire insufficient public educa tion programs on the cause and effects of arson and the general lack of coordination among police fire de artments local government and the insurance in ustry Public concern and awareness is one of the most potent weapons against arson Bellinger said and one which we should utilize more in the future He said combined effort was needed because while insurance investigators police and fire departments can do much they cant do it all Until this coordination is achieved each of us runs the danger of being the next victim of the arsonist PHILIP BELLINGER Oneway street routes downtown Alternatives including par tial one way street systems for future widening of Dunlop Street East were discussed during Barrie public works session Thursday Residents will have chance to put in their views to the widening in public meeting Oct 29 at Barrie city hall Ther are three alternatives for future widening on Dunlop Street from Mulcaster to Blake Street Ald Alex Arthur Handicapped parking decision postponed The citys public works committee has postponed decision on providing special parking spots for the handicapped following meeting Thursday The committee said Ald Alex Arthur will wait until coun cil decides whether or not to provide special bus service to the handicapped committee set up by the physically disabled group in Barrie is now investigating that ossibility Id prefer to see special us service which takes them right to the door said Ald Arthur Special parking spots would probably be empty half of the time as well MPs paid visit study franc0phones The two federal Liberal members of parliament in the city Thursday to speak to school board officials were at tempting to gather informa tion on the francophone population generally and not only on the issue of the secon dary school for Pene tanguishcnc they told The Ex aiiiiiier After meeting with officials at lecole secondairc dc la Huronie at am Donald Johnston Montreal MP and JanRobert Gauthier of tawa spoke with Irving liar ris director and Lloyd Flct clier chairman of the Simcoe ounty Board of Education It is incumbent on us to find out how things are for francophones outside Quebec Johnton said before meeting at the Education Centre It is my impression that enormous progress has been made for French rightst in Ontario We are here to find out for ourselves what the situation is in the eyes of francophones Gauthier said The two said they were im pressed with the motivia tion and spirit of the students teacher and ad ministrators at the newly opened high school being sup ported by the French com munitv itself told The Examiner today ALTERNATIVES Ald Arthur chairman of the committee said all alter natives were discussed include widening the street to 36 feet down from previous recom mendation of 46 foot width One choice would be to have Blake Street one way oing west on Collier Street or limited distance possibly to Poyntz Street or Mulcaster Street said the Barrie alder man Or said Ald Arthur Dunlop Collier and Ross Streets could be used as one way streets Dunlop Street could carry eastbound traffic while Col lier and Ross would handle westbound traffic he said split road is Dunlop said WIDEN DUNLOP The other possibility would be to widen Dunlop Street and leave the traffic flowing as is he said Ald Arthur said he can still see the concerns of Blake Street residents who forsee widening possibility there in few years Ald Arthur said he can understand those concerns He said Blake Street could pro bably handle increased traffic flow in the future as it now is but that widening would likely follow if all of Dunlop Street was also widened Following residents input in October the committee will likely meet and submit recommendation to city coun cil The widening of Dunlop Street from Mulcaster to the Lakeview Dairy was com pleted in the summer For example also possibility in this formula he said Two of the lanes on 33 Street could go east while one lane would be open in the opposite direction he Watch me draw Chambers very pleased mediation being studied ByIENNISlANTIIIER The Examiner The Innisfil and Greater Barrie Chambers of Com merce are very pleased that Barrie is moving to find solution to annexation past Barrie chamber president Peter Howden said Thursday Howden speaking on behalf of both chambers was com menting on Barries potential interest in mediation between the two sides Barrie is meeting with its annexaton lawyer Tuesday at 730 pm to discuss legal im plications to mediation MEDIATION ASKED FOR But in saying the chambers were pleased Howden said he also wanted to make two points clear regarding letter by Mayor Ross Archer reported in Thursdays Ex aminer Three months ago said Howden Barrie and Innisfil were asked by the chamber to consider mediation Its clear said Howden that Harrie three months ago would not agree to participate in this effort Howden said The mayor told us in July he would not reply to that re Sylvia Wainwright left looks on as Grade student Nancy Holt centre takes the time to show twoyearold Tom Donnelly some basic drawing skills David Holt far right and Sylvia are both in Grade at Allandale Heights Public School parentteacher night was held at the school Thurs day Examiner Photo 14 obiect two favor French education study group home for children will recommend change The report by committee studying the quality of French courses in the Pcnetan guislicne are will likely pre sent its findings to both the Simcoe ounty Board of Education and the countys separate school board in Oc tober its chairman says Established jointly by the two boards with members of each taking part the commit tec was charged with review ing French instruction pro grams found lacking by an evaluation committee of the said separate ministry of education Donald DAoust board trustee We are looking to improve over the long term the quality of French being taught in the schools DAoust told The Ex aminer today The committee will be recommending some specific changes in the curriculum employed at schools in the Pcnctanguishenc area he said The second responsibility of the committee was to examine the history of cooperation bet ween the two school boards and demonstrate ways they may share services and save some money by avoiding duplication DAoust said Evaluation of the courses was done initially by the ministry team which was primarily concerned with the French secondary school issue It concluded that secondary school should be built and that courses in French at the elementary level could be im proved By NANCY FIGUEROA Of The Examiner BARCLAY The score is now 14 against and two in favor of the controversial group home in Churchill for emotionally disturbed children Meanwhile the township has not yet received word from its solicitor on whether the home is in contravention of zoning bylaws The report was to have been discussed during Thursdays council meeting The 14 letters opposed to the home were all received last week The two in favor were received this week Reeve Gibbins however he has said received An extra pair of hands with parentsinclassroom By TERRY FIELD Of The Examiner ln increasing numbers Barrie parents are assuming an ac tive role in the process of educating their children by moving into the classroom and performing variety of nonrteaching tasks Their presence affords them an opportunity to witness first hand what the school system is attempting to achieve which helps them understand the process But they also aid the teacher by freeing him or her to spend more time doing the job they ha been trained to do teach Gareth Thomas Simcoe Count Board of Education superintendent for the Barrie area says the practice of using support role is extensive and becoming more popular It is something we can certainly draw on III the future and Id like to see it more developed he told The Examiner Thomas said many of the elementary schools have already begun initiating their parenthelper programs by inviting par ticipation ALLANDALE GETS HELP Among operated at the larger parenthelp organizations is the one Allandale Heights Public School and ad ministered jointly by teacher Pat Jenner and parent Helen Doherty Last year the first the program was monitored closely some 25 parents volunteered to work halfday providing an additional pair of hands Mrs Jenner said in an interview They performed some clerical work classroom maintenance inventory control pupil supervision cleanup helpet children with clothing and obtained materials from the library among other tasks Mrs Jenner said Val Brucker principal at Allandale Heights said the teachers federation will allow parents to help the teacher providing they do not teach plan programs or evaluate stu dent performance The other requirement is the individual teachers desire to have the helo ENTIRELT VOLUNTARY Its entirely voluntary Mrs Jenner said If the teacher doesnt want the parent in the classroom the parent isnt in the classroom year ago she said three teachers asked for help and this year eight have said they want the extra pair of hands parent provides Parents have been coming into the schools to help for several years and the Allandale Heights program has simply evolved and become more extensive Mrs Jenner said Having the parent in the classroom gives the teacher more time to teach and the children really enjoy having their mothers at school Brucker said It creates closer relationship between the school the teachers and the parents Parenthelp programs are run independently of traditional parentteacher associations schools established at most Barrie Thomas said the parenthelp programs should always be run by the school drawing people from its own area and not cityayide with lists of prospective helpers who go from school to school This year Allandale Heights is specifically asking for some males to volunteer for the program In years past those par ticipating have been women though men were not prevented from taking part Brucker said numerous phone calls from residents horrified with those opposed to the home The home run by James and Lois MacVichie is in an area zoned for residential use only Those opposed to the home say it is in contravention of the bylaw which says the area is for families only The home does not fall within Innisfils definition of family Reeve Gibbins who was away when delegation of 50 people opposed to the home met with council said however dont know where we would be if we didnt have homes that would take in thesechildren Simcoe County has very severe problem finding pco ple who will care for children like the four children three boys and two girls ages to 16 the MacVichies for Crossing overhaul The railroad crossing at the intersection of Baytield Street and Lakeshore Drive gets complete overhaul including all new rail ties and plates as Gunter Janczik of CN in Orillio stops momentarily to make sure all plates and spikes are in their proper position The whole job was done in one day Examiner Photo quest Howden said Until Postal routes changing Effective October the Bar rie post office will have rear ranged postal route throughout the city and most of its residents will be affected says spokesman for the agency Every four years we re route the city to make the workload on the letter carriers equal and include new sections of town in our planning Bar ries letter carrier supervisor Wes Robinson said today In most cases the public will have new letter carrier and in some instances areas that had morning delivery will now get mail in the after noon he said threatof arson now we had not received any further reply Mayor Ross Archer said in the letter Barrie would wait for direction from Ontario Premier William Davis before considering any further course ofaction GLAD ABOUT MOVE Were very glad to see major move being made towards talks to find satisfactory solution to the problem said Howden Im equally glad to see Mr Rotenberg David with the 30 entries for soap box derby The wheels of organization for the Optimist Club of Bar ries annual soapbox derby All entrants will have at are already well underway least two time trials to and about 20 entries for the familiarize themselves with Sunday races have been received so far says Peter Frans the clubs president Frans says he expects closer to 30 entries as final tally for the races scheduled to start at 11 am on the Cundles Road hill east of Sunnidale Road Competitors can still enter at the time of registration just prior to the races he says and there will be four different classes for cars The senior division ages 11 to 16 and the junior division ages to 10 will each have races for class wheels and class wheels Frans says Class wheels are the real fancy wheels with ball bearings capable of lot Shanty Bay trip Public School are preparing next month December St Suite 104 Show 79 national Centre on Ai films The show is the perfect explained it had been over for new evaluation town country Forty grade four and five students from Shanty Bay They leave Oct for Lake Rosseau Haliburton and Camp llollyburn and will retum Oct Visit resource centre Seventyfive girls in grades seven and eight at Oakley Park Public School will visit the Leslie Frost Natural Resources Centre at Dorset for three days during They will leave Barrie Dec Offices moving Oct North American Life Insurance Co 189 Dunlop St East will move to new location Oct As of that date the company will work from 136 Bayfield TV station represented Hosts of CKVR televisions Ski Base and Ski Watch will be involved with 150 other exhibitors at Toronto Ski The Show Oct to will be held at the Toronto Inter ort Road Other attractions the show include skiwear fashion show crosscountry and alpine ski demonstrations and ski hosts of Ski Base and Ski Watch More than 50000 people are expected to attend the show Police investigation The Penetanguishene town police will go under an evaluaton by the Ontario Police Commission in the near future request for such an evaluation was made by the public safety committee at the recent meeting of council There is no axe to grind with the police department chairman of the committee Frances St Amant said She tion had been done on the force and added now it was time think this will be of benefit to the town and the alike She added the survey would help the police and the town resolve some areas of disagreement and help each group in solvrng some problems She also said that there had been number of delegations appearing before coun crl and complaining of inadequate protection in number of areas such as parking enforcement and patrolling This survey will show whether some or any of these com plaints arejustificd she said The motion requesting the survey was passed by coun Cl Deputyreeve St Amant said that at this point she did not know when the survey would be done or how long the process would take before report could be expected ministry of intergovernmental affairs hs been appointed to assist in solving annexation Howden said The mayor did rule ou public debate in letter sent to both chambers Innisfil Reeve Bill Gibbins said he wasnt surprisedat the move by Barries mayor The matter is still before the Supreme Court of Canada and barring mediation solu tion Innisfils appeal should be heard early in the new year expected more speed he says while class is for standard wheels the course and at least two runs during eliminations before the final heat Frans says This year is the first time the race has really been sanc tioned Frans says and all specifications laid down by the Canadian Soa ltbox Racing Association will efollowed Winners will receive trophies but no money because the club feels the event is there for the enjoy ment of the kids rather than anything else says Frans The derby now in its seventh year has this time at tracted entries from as far afield as Toronto Mississauga and Oakville he says for three day trip to camp time to personally meet the 11 years since such an evalua police