MORNING 558 FOCUS 600 CARTOON PLAYHOUSE HILARIOUS HOUSE OF FRIGHTENSTEIN as CANADIAN CAVALCADE 630 THIS Is THE LIFE CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP SENECA TELECOLLEGE 700 ECUMEDIA NEWS CROSSROADS PUBLIC POLICY FORUM FAITH FOR TODAY PROFESSOR KITZEL NIVEN MILLER 715 CHURCH INVITATION 730 DAY OF DISCOVERY JIMMY SWAGGART DIRECTIONS ROGER RAMJET CIRCLE SOUARE HISEY HOUSE 800 828 JIMMY SWAGGART BLACK FORUM MOVIE DRAMA 12 aountr Girl1954 SUN AYSURPRISE =1 MIGHTY MOUSE FATHER MEEHAN MULTICzECH 830 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR DAY OF DISCOVERY BY THE PEOPLE COMMANDER TOM SHOW TKE FUNNY COMPANY ORAL ROBERTS POLKA DOT DOOR EB OUEENSWAY CATHEDRAL MULTIBULGARIAN 900 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR SUNDAY MORNING DEPUTY DAWG in IT Is WRITTEN JEREMY MULTIMIDEAST REVUE 915 HATTYTOWN TALES 930 ORAL ROBERTS RH HUMBARD HISPANOVISION SESAME STREET SEARCH THE OUIET HOUR 1000 REx HUMBARD PEOPLES CHURCH WATER MARGIN KIDSWORLD ITALIAN PANORAMA IE GREEK SHOW MULTIHUNGARIAN 1030 ROBERT SCHULLER KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO DAY OF DISCOVERY BARBAPAPA ED PORTUGUESE SHOW MULTIYUGOSLAV 1040 FISH TALES 1050 GET IT TOGETHER 1100 OPEN RAP RH HUMBARD CORONATION STREET PEOPLES CHURCH KIDSWORLD MULTIPORTUGUESE 1130 REV JAMES ANDREWS FACE THE NATION ANIMALS ANIMALS PEOPLE AND PETS 1145 or FESTIVALITALIANO ANIMALS AFTERNOON 1200 MEET THE PRESS GREAT NEWS FOR THE WORLD TALES MEETING PLACE MOVIE WESTERNADVENTURE an at and the Badman 1947 LBUM TV ITALIAN PANORAMA CONTINUES LE TEMPS DES INCERTITUDES wASIAN MOVIE 1230 CHUCK KNox SHOW HERALD OF TRUTH NFL TODAY in NEWS 1245 AGRICULTURE REPORT 100 WILD KINGDOM SUMMER COUNTRY CANADA NFL FOOTBALL Washington Reds vs Atlanta Falcons ITALIAN COOKING In ADVENTURES IN RAINBOW COUNTRY IE LE MONDE DES PEINTRES NAIFS 130 GREATEST LEGENDS SPORTS OB HYMN SING FLINTSTONES in FOREST RANGERS 200 NFL FOOTBALL ammo am 31 are Colts MOVIE CFL FOOTBALL MontreaiAlDuattes vs Ottawa Rough Riders hrs Game will be blacked Out in Calgary Ottawa and WWW MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL CW SPORTS SPECIAL cw Sports praaente coverage ol the Grand Prix at CanadalromthelIeNotre DameGrandPrix race Circuit in Montreal The race leatures the beat drivers inthe world includianillea Villeneuveol hierville Quebec hrs 30 miha EN SE RACONTANT LHIS TOIRE DICI e2 TERRY WINTER SHOW 230 DR JOHN WEgoLEY WHITE LES GRANDS CHEFS DORCHESTRE GREAT NEWS FOR THE WORLD MULTISPANISH 330 GOOD NEWS 400 era NFL FOOTBALL WORLD SERIES OF GOLF ED VILLAGES ET VISAGES oz GEORGE 430 CFL FOOTBALL SPORTS HOT SEAT En WILD KINGDOM ED LATELIER DES PISSENLITS ED KIDSWORLD 500 CBC NEWS BUILDING DECENT FUTURE QUESTION PERIOD COMEDY SHOP COLARGOL ED WORLD OF SURVIVAL 515 IE OUM LE DAUPHIN 530 OF TIME TOMBS AND TREA RES The Treasures OI Tutankhamen TODAYS WOMAN UNTAMED WORLD look at the Me In the Canadian Rockies Repeat NEXT STEP BEYOND AVENTURES DE BABAR 535 SATURNIN LES PETIT CANARD 550 TIP ET TAP EVENING 600 NEWS DISNEYS WONDERFUL WORLD scrence prolessor envrsrons hrm sell rich man when he discovers that his pet duck Is Capable 0l laying eggs wrth solid gold ks Partl60mrns REPORT ON BUSINESS in WILD ANIMALS OF THE WORLD PASSEPARTOUT ED GLOBAL NEWSWEEK 630 CONVERSATION WITH FAMILY FEUD NEWS NEW FACES LA PETITE LULU 700 DISNEYS WONDERFUL WORLD The 1100000 Duck SCIence researchprolessorenvrsronshlmsallanchman when he discovers his pet duck lS capable Ol Wuthering Heights Monday at 900 Emuly Brontes claSSIC comes alive Ill this brIIIIant new live part BBC production starring Ken Hutchinson as Heathclill and Kay Adshead as Cathy Earhshaw Earlier at 800 watch the IlrSI the series Roads to Contlict BBC documentary that traces the gtowth the struggle between the Jows amt Arabs lrom the late nineteenth century to OKIJV Canal Céble TVOntario Its your network mm Hm rum wt wt or mm mm arm sunday lvmnmswithsodcontrolStarsIDran ID SOCIETE NATIONAL GEOm THE SWEENEY 1130 J°°°v°lP°°i APHIC mammm SHULMAN FILE NEWS ï¬g 60 mums THE EDITORS 1030 MARCUS WELBY MD THE BEACHCOMBERS Me 930 99 OMBUDSMAN Host mom MOVIE MYSTERY Is meetshismatchwhenhetakesona12yearold THE JEFFERSONSQSOVOOFIHWO toughnamedPat0Gormanwhoiacaughtplller been Chosen as The Midtown marina all Businessmen at the Year 56 OUT OF THE BLUE When 12 THE JEFFERSONS domtrieatoconvinceLauratocornehornealter INCREDIBLE WORLD OF she runs away and becomes truck stop ADVENTURE waitress he linda himsell surrounded by hard 1000 drivingbrawlingtruckerswhohavesorneother PRME ME SUNDAY 34090351 MARKETPLACE Hosts Joan Bill Pa magaigjgï¬f TRAPPER JOHN MD der anged Vietnam vet an iraSCIble poet and 710 cynical bulldog cop give Trapper and Gonzo IE BOUCANIERS DEAU DOUCE Erwinmum swans 730 Helen Hutchinson tells how loreign 98 MORK AND MINDY Morkplaya students are bumpina Canadian has lrom University spaces Jim Reed probes the night mares aboard our passenger trains Henry Champ goes on the road with the rock group ertrarnp 80 mine PARLONS CINEMA doctor to an ailing robot named Chuck Who is headedlortheiunk pile andthetwonewbuddlas proceed to drive everyone around them crazy their antics NEW KIND OF FAMILY Kit Flan nagan and Abby Stone lose control at their emo tionawhentheir 13yearolddaughtersbacome Is tor school cheerleader position THE WALTONS John agonizes Over studying tor his longdelayed high school di ploma while MaryEllengetsa lessoninlite by her kwoods atienls 60 mine ON RA TOUT VUI THE PROVINCIAL 800 THE BIG EVENT The From Lell Field 1979 Stars Gary Coleman Robert El SUPERSPECIAL Robbie and ZheIIIIlRae areCanadIan hostslorthrsrnterna tronal Superspecial leaturrng the world super group ABBA wrth Kate Bush and Roxy MUSIC ed on location In Swrtzerland ARCHIE BUNKERSPLACE Edith wantslogeaIobandMurrayconyrnceshershe can dOII but Archreslirst last and trnalword to ï¬rdeais NOl MORK AND MINDY Mork plays doc POlkarOO lrt III bl dChkhhdd lgr friaETuanrgpï¬leo gigfhe tLvVco efvlzuzadigs proceedlo drive everyone aroundthem Crazy theIranlICS ATOUTE VITESSE OUIz KIDS SHOW CITY LIGHTS 830 At 830 the Polka Dot Door ONE DAY AT TIME Feelrng Inadequateandthrnkrng shesmrssed somethr mgbynotgongtocollegeAnnconsrdersenroll Ing tor couple Ol courses Season opens wrde and 00 that lovable teddy bear Jeremy bows in followed by Hatty town Tales at 915 Sesame awenï¬ ASSOCIATES Street starts at 930 At 1030 LAMERRE there is Barbapapa then Fish Tales and the kids howt0 ONE DAY ALQJIME show Get It Together Kids 09 AGIFTTOLASTJOhnTreIelyan world eports on Worm CVCWS nowverysuccesslulwrthmailorderIspersuad for has at 1100 ahd Peope edrntoa Dusrness venture which could splitthe and P915 On al 11330 lamrly and lead to lmancral ruIn Chapter XL 21213 aSUNIIJLASINIGHTMOVIEMurderBy Canal cable Nomano Its your network th 1976 Stars Peter Falk Maggie Smith VEGAs Sister Alica Cordon hires Dan lanna to help lrnd the stolen cross 01 Caceres The Sister suspects young drug addIct who vrI wvvtston servrti llI the tlriltihn lummml CtVllWlleflllllS Aul hascometoVegastosellthegoldlealcross 60 min the examiner fFriday Sept 28 1979 5A akedEd 01951 WHATI TRUTH CINEMA Smrc Smac Smoc 1972 0° LIVELY SPECIALS CBC NEWS 133 30 NEWS MOVlEDRAMA Sunset CTV NEWS Boulevard 1950 GLOBAL NEWSWEEK 150 1115 MOVIE ADVENTURE NATIONS BUSINESS Lawrence or Arabia 1m 120 1200 NEWS SECOND CITY doniodown it is SOOOO hard to leave Daniadown takes pride in the quality workmanship and Wide selection of their continental quilts You can turn down the heat and still keep cozin warm on the coldest nights and tree yoursell from tedious bedmaking forever Choose covers accessories and drapes from large choice of rnIKmatch colours in perma press labric The decorating pos srbilrtias are endless and makes the ideal gift Drop In and see why Daniadown is the most popular quilt in Canada Dealer list and colour brochure on request Established 1967 bubbe CJÂ¥r HJ The Downtown Centre 728362I ta 1I4II Bolens Snowblowers II HORSEPOWER STAGE 2432 INCH LIGHTWEIGHT PRESEASON PRICE INCLUDES ELECTRIC STARTER AND CHAINS ORDER NOW BOLENS QUALITY SNOWBLOWER PRICED FOR TODAYS ECONOMY SALES CAL MADILL BOLENS NWT NO II SOUTII 0F 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