the examiner Friday Sept 28 1979 Thursday The re failure the report said 60kiled in raid Kunene province Hunnicutt dies said danger Prisoners freed VERSUS ov needed for Ex TORONTO CP Forty years of neglect has left the Ca nadian National Exhibition in immediate need of major fi nancial and administrative overhaul says report released erhaul The report prepared for city council notes that the CNE has lost money in six of the last 13 years even thou attendance figures continued slow but steady climb John Kruger Torontos chief administrative officer led the team that prepared the study LONDON Reuter South African planes bombed southern Angola Wednesday killing 60 and injuring 126 the Angolan news agency ANGOP said Thursday ANGOP said four Mirage bombers hit furniture factory at Lubango in Huila province while six others bombed and machine gunned school fish store and houses at Xangongo in HOLLYWOOD AP Arthur Hunnicutt mcharacter actor best remembered for his roles in the Academy Award winning movies Cat Ballou and Harry and Tonto is dead at age 68 He died Wednesday of cancer at the Motion Picture and Television Hospital in Woodland Hills where he had ff been patient since August 1978 hospital spokesman Grqntsqmnesty to 75 DUBLIN Reuter The Irish government announced OAKVIllE BLADES lUB gh annual port points to uneven concession rates sloppy con tract policies and poor land utilization as the source of some of the financial problems at the exhibition is not crisis we face but rather very visible and the end of the year They were selected on the basis that their early release was not believed likely to pose public MANILA Reuter Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos granted amnesty Thursday to 1602 people held under martial law regulations many of them facing sub version charges defence ministry sources said BARRIE COlTS JUNIOR HOCKEY troops in Cuba Thursday Both men told reporters that talks were serious and no further discussions were planned AP Photo Slain man fought twice with bikers LONDON Ont CPi Wil liam Matiyek had two fights with members of the Satans Choice motorcycle club about year before his death last Oct 18 in Port Hope Ont hotel an Ontario Supreme Court mur der trial was told Thursday An employee at the hotel teslt tified that in both incidents one or more of eight Satans Choice club members on trial for first several members of Satans Choice Charged are Jeffery McLeod 24 and Gary Comeau 26 both of Toronto Larry Hurren 27 of Bowmanville Richard Sauve Z7 and Murray Blaker 33 both of Port Hope David Hoffman 31 of Kitchener Armand Sang uigni 28 of Mississauga and Gordon Van Haarlem 23 of Oshawa OTTAWA CP Retired Gen JA Dextraze former chief of defence staff says he sees no useful purpose except political in the new govem ment study on armed forces unification Dextraze said in telephone interview from Montreal on Thursday that we have to do the right thing and stop playing with the emotions of the sol diers Sixty to 70 per cent of those in cepted at the 2001 Eglinton ceptable Hillsdale HARDWOOD Offers to purchase will be ac Ministry of Correctional Services borough Mll 4P1 until 1630 hrs Ihursday October 18 I979 maple beech cherry split and cut to 16 lots of 24 cords Offers for less than iob lots not ac Forestry Camp Simcoe County Road I9 For tender documents and further information contact Mr Devitt Manager Camp Hillsdale telephone 7058352004 uniform today Jotned the forces after unification and know nothing else he said It would be expensive to turn the clock back to preunification days Dextraze retired from the armed forces in 1977 after head ing the unified services for five years He now is chairman of Canadian National Railways His view is bound to carry weight in the unification study recently ordered by Defence Minister Allan McKinnon But Tenders Office Ave Scar lengths in iob Located at Ivan Says retired chief of staff No paint in unification study there are others such as re tired rearadmiral Robert Tim brell for commander of the countrys maritime forces who think differently Timbrell who retired in 1972 said he favored integration of support services to eliminate duplication but he opposed uni fication which blended the navy anny and air force into single unit The three services particu larly the army and the navy liked their separate identities he said The unification crisis of the mid19605 hurt morale Bill Ritchie executive secre tary of the unification study team said the fivemember group is already interviewing senior officers and top officials at 19797105 headquarters ART SALE 100s of original oil paintings will be on display at the BARRIE Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko ar Thursday that 76 prisonerfs will be released fromkjaiés ï¬ves the UN Plaza hotel for talks with US APPFOXImOtelY 100 Mon ay to mark the visit Pope John Paul this wee en so fat The prisoners involved were due for release between now Secrelary 0f Slate Cyrus vance CU cords N0 hordWOOd SUNDAY SEPT 30 10 am pm MOST PAINTINGS PRICED FROM $995t082995 including framcs degree murder was present al though the main protaganist in Successful 10 Up PM eachdfight is not among the ac THOUSANDS PERISHHI cuse More than 215000 people per DUNLOP 51 1qu Randy Koehler 28 parttime ishcd in one of the worst storms from Store MP RON STEWART WILL bartenderbouncer at the in history when cyclone and CHARGEX Queens Hotel where Matiyek was shot said that from what he saw of the first incident in the early autumn of 1977 Mati tidal wave swept 3000 square DROP THE OPENING PUCK milesof India on Oct31 1876 MINISTRY or CORRECTIONAL SERVICES Ontario Personal chcqucs accepted SPONSORED BY El IIIIIIIESI BEST IIIIIIIE II AllANDAlE DRUGS Ykappfar9ddl°e Passive °m°A°°°3W° VlClImO anin IV UH assau The second tncrdent occurred ADDIES CONFECTIONERY that December and Koehler tes eant insurance IOO Ball Farm Rd Donia Ont tified that Matiyek 28 mem ber of Golden Hawk Riders mo torcycle club was the aggres sor until he was 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