Ihe Barrie Examiner is member at The Canadian Frees CF and Audit lureau ol Grculattotte AK Only the Canadian Press may republish new stories In this newpaper credited to the Ananated Preu lemon or Agence France hem mdlocol new stories published in The lorrie Examiner COMPOSING ROOM Jecti Kerney foreman Glenn Kwan asst foreman Don Saunders Lorne Wess ADVE TlStNG Len Smock manager BUSINESS Marian cough accountant Delva Mills Vikki Grant Connie Hart Jean Bass EDITOHS Craig Elson managing editor Stan Didlbalis city editor Bill McFarlane wire editor SALES REPORTERS Wayne Hay Stephen Nicnons Aden Smith Dennis Lantnier Steve Stunner Nancy Figueroa Barb Boullon Lori Cohen Caivm Fetepcnuli Tony Panacci Peter Clark Richard Thomas Stephen Gauer Sue Bowen camera operator Terry Field Cathy Heather Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays WE LY by carrier will Cadoaan 95 cents Stan Wray yEARLYby carrier Bill Raynor $49 40 BY MAIL Barrie CIRCULATION Jame min $4940 Iheodvertiuer agree that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arming out Bill Halkes manager Susan Kiychm SIMCOE COUNTY of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied CLASSIFIED Steve White assistant manager Yvonne sic 53900 by that portion at the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such on Don rot is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise and there shall be no 2295 Chap supervsor 80m PIESSROOM MOTOR THROWOFF liobilty for non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid la Inch reoa Sninner Alva LaPlante 50 Janice Morton anyh em advertisement the examiner Ihe Barrie Examiner claim copyright on all original news and advertising material created by II employee and in Copyright registration number zooms register 61 Thursday Sept 20 1979 Serving heme and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Baytield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher CIRCULATION NEWSROOM 7266537 7266539 ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 72824 Tax credit step in right direction lcdiral Iinanrc Minister John rosbii value through with an oftendiscusle lrogrcssivo onsoryatiit cliirtion promise this week pvtn though thc incomi tax break for homeowners diffirs from ono originally pioposorl one till ago by his party asan ctoboi lflTh iil ion goodio The now plan to he brought in ovci four years bogining this year would rcducc by up to $1500 by 1982 thi fediral income tax paid by homeowners across anada pposing political parties have been quick to label the plan lostr In fart tho oiiicimpulai lory proposal has botn bat tend about by number of leading institutions and wonomists in til past ycai All liomiowncls will benefit from it so long as they pay iii lllllt la liut measuri of lil plans real success wont be known un til it has been in effort for few ycars lhi goal of miirtgagcdcdmtibility should be to make home buying an lissexptnsiic task and this should it is hoped lli some stimulation to the housing industry But II the president of tilt llarric and District Builders Association is skeptical of the plan Ray iaricpy wonders whelc the money will come from to inancc another give away llob Hollywood ircatcr iarric hanibcr of COIIIIIIOICO goutrill managcl says the goycrnmcnt plan is step in the right dircctioii but in the same breath suggests homoownirs should get an even biggcr tax break aiiadian homiowncrs should Xl to get up to $375 back from this years taxes as result of the program liut dont spend all your money You may have to repay the gmclniliclll in another form of taxation to pay for the sclicnic Dear Editor Re Downtown Revitalization Examiner Sept 12 Was it clear to your readers that this item was an unmarked advertisement When and how did City Council stipulate that this should be done Are your readers aware that the seeder project Amendment No to the Of ficial Plan and the rezoning amend ment await an Ontario Municipal Board Hearing There have been many objections to this seeder What was the cost to the taxpayer of this Cornwall jaunt courtesy of the Indiustrial and Business Development Committee Are your readers awre that this Committee receives its budget from Council Already the taxpayer has con By JOHN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The military establishments of democratic nations are in trouble these days both where recruiting and retention of men and women in uniform are concerned Those armed forces which rely on the compulsory draft face morale problems somewhat different from the ones which arise in volunteer military structures like the Canadian Armed Forces The West Germany army or Bundeswehr kingpin military element in NATOs European land defense is based on draftees They are young Germans who would rather remain in civilian life and pursue their in terrupted civilian careers They share deep sense of antimilitarism which carries over into their period of com pulsory military service The present American volunteer army is in trouble Recruiting is down and there is dis tinct resistance to the military role in country still recovering from the deep psy chological and cultural shocks of the Vietnam war era The New York Times reports that all four American services army navy air force and Marine Corps have had reduced recruiting targets for the third quarter in row Signing up for the draft is like Signing up for KoolAid in Guyana was the recent very cynical comment from Daniel Ellsberg he of the Pentagon papers theft scandal of the Nixon years NO DRAFT NOW An effort in Congress to restore the draft has been defeated for the time being even we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it on original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let ters but it you wish pen name will be used Include your telephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense cr reiect letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to letters to the Editor the Examiner Post Office Box 370 IAIRIE Ont MM letters to the eitor tributed to Downtown Revitaliza tion and the seeder consultants study of over $60000 market study of about $13000 and traffic study of dollars unknown it was recently completed as the tip of the iceberg costs Did the travelling two note the successful revitalization in Port Hope and Kingston as examples which make use of vacant land and recycle old and unused commercial buildings We note with pride the im provements and renovatons of Downtown Barrie that demonstrate the confidence of business from hotels to stores round of applause to you from ABC CresswcllJones Spokesman ABC ilitary personnel difficult to keep though sentiment for its return mainly among veteranss organizations is growing In all the armed forces draftreliant as well as volunteer including the Canadian many recruits are joining up because times are tough and the jobs in civilian life they want arent there In the United States this has meant ac cepting volunteers from unemployables the disillusioned and the disadvantaged They go into uniform at time when old fashioned disciplinary methods in the mili tary are frowned upon both in the forces and in society This trend is not the case in our armed forces But critics of any need at all for Canadian military establishment base their case on the much more useful roles they claim which our highlytrained technical personnel in uniform could perform in civilian jobs If the Canadian Armed Forces cannot see their way to establishing their long overdue Arctic base for example why not use military people trained for the north in those state and private enterprises which are expanding in the north Inspite of its volunteer nature our military suffer too from morale problems Most of them relate to the fact the functions of the military person in this country remain dif fuse As result highlytrained personnel are wooed away year after year by commercial airlines hightechnology industries and firms needing managers welltrained in ad ministrative skills Perhaps some answers for morale problems and concern about selfesteem in the green uniform will emerge during the study on the unification process recently announced by the new Defence Minister In Halifax for example where the navy remains one of the largest employers in Atlantic Canada one hears such remarks as the navy doesnt count in this city anymore because we cant tell who they are in those silly uniforms bible thoughts lcsiis alisiicrcd and said unto him cIil will sziy unto lllll mccpi man he born again lic cannot scc lllt kingdom of God John lei The new birth is more than lcrm its iranslormaiion brought on by rcpcnlzincc of our sings and acceptance of our Savior ll any man be ill Christ He is il new creature old things are passed away behold all things are bccomc new new birth prayer Lord Jesus turn from my sins and turn to you as my personal Savior Please save me now ac cording to your word In Jcsiis iiamc Amen BUSINESS 7266537 Mary Delaney Lisa Warry Elaine Burton Cher Aiken Fred Prince Kim Pattenden tumour want to beat bodq in this bar poilfiom that Wm little psqueak on the end that Parliament Hill By STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service When you talk with Liberal party officials you are told that Pierre Trudeau is relishing his new role as opposition leader that he is working doggedly to revive the party that he is gungho to tackle Joe Clark in Parliament and that the caucus is solidly behind its 59 yearold leader So far as any potential successor is con cerned these officials wont eyen think about it publicly And Trudeau himself certainly does his best to support the official view that the Lib eral party leadership is not even up for discussvon Yes he says he is the party leader and has no plans to step down He intends to fight Quebec Premier Rene Levesque on his independence referendum and he will lead very lively opposition when Parliament meets on Oct quick glance at some of his activities since the May election would support the official view that Trudeau is in fact rejuve nated party leader He has reorganized caucus into new more effective committee system he has had several hardheaded meetings with defeated ministers he has met defeated Liberal candidates and he has even sought out ideas from veteran Liberals who experienced defeat back in 1957 In many respects the former prime minister has left few stones unturned to prove From the legislature By DEREK NELSON Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Just few years ago rural areas of the province made dramatic turns around and began showing population growth rather than decline for the first time in dec ades But what the statistics didnt reveal is that the nature of rural Ontario is changing as result Farmers are becoming strangers on their own lands More and more people taking advantage of lower rural costs and our superb highway net works work in the city and live in the country Unfortunately number have taken their townhouse mentality with them One MPP summed it up this way during debate on resolution he fathered Too SCOOPS WHERE WILL ANDREW YOUNG GO NOW his determination to be good opposition leader Yet these nagging doubts persist SOMETHING MISSING You cant always put your finger on it but there are times when Trudeau doesnt appear to have that enthusiasm perhaps its the royal jelly that former finance minister Dori Macdonald used to talk about thatis expected in fighting opposition leaderhThere is casual almost disin terested air about the man sometimes Per haps its that lull before the Commons con frontation but he doesnt give off sparks like he used to There is also that beard which by common consent makes him look older perhaps bit like weary guru And amid his oftrepeated proclamations that he will be fighting opposition leader Trudeau sometimes hints at bigger perhaps more venerable role think the member of Parliament has prophetic role he must see the kind of Canada in which Canadians will be more happy more satisfied more imbued with respect and brotherly love And he recently told reporters that what my longterm future Is should be as mysterous to you as it is to me now as it was in 1968 Then as interested Liberals began plan ning next months think tank apparently to decide how the part should move in the future Trudeau boa ed jet and headed off for today trip to China many of them have their heads ï¬lled with romantic visions of workwom farmer trudging behind his horsedrawn plough For that reason MPP Ron McNeil PC Elgin had introduced his resolution It said bluntly that anyone buying rural lot shall be deemed to be aware of the farming practices of that area and no government organization should give effect to complaint filed by such person con cerning these farming practices In other words manure smells at planting time or noisy tractors during harvesting are not legitimate grounds for complaint Thats the difference between the real agricultural world and the pastoral dream that some people seem to have McNeil said Ontario Federation of Agriculture President Peter Hannam gave an even more dramatic example during the federations Don Near assttoreman WHEN MAN IS INWBORDINATE TELLS FALSEIIOOD AND TOTALLY IGNORES U$ FOREIGN POLICY THERE l5 ONLY ONE PLACE FOR HIM ELSEWHERE IN CANADA $4100 year mm Trudeau as opposition leader is his heart really in it Since Trudeau is being deliberately ex cluded from the Winnipeg meeting suppose there is no need for him to remain in Canada to prepare for the discussions And there is certainly nothing wrong with Liberal leader going to China in fact its difficult to find politicians these days who are not going to China but the underpublicized junket nonetheless fuels the speculation about Trudeaus interest in the Liberal trenches There is no doubt that he has had miserable summer He not only was defeated loss that does not sit lightly on his shoulders but the change also resulted in disruptive housing situation and then there was the continuing serial involving his wifes confessions or whatever and these obviously caused him distress And doubt whether he is particularly impressed by that for hcoming Winnipeg meeting on the partys uture The organizers can argue all they want that this meeting is not leadership review But when 150 Liberals gather to talk about the partys future and deliberately exclude their own leader wonder what Trudeau is sup posed to think Perhaps when Parliament meets and the Liberal leader decides to throw few hay makers in the direction of Joe Clark that an doubts about his leadership capabilities wi be eliminated In the meantime however there is this funny feeling that his heart or perhaps the partys heart is not quite in it Nature of rural Ontario undergoing drastic change annual policy presentation to the provincial cabinet We find ourselves fighting in 1909 for the right of one of our members to build barn in farming areas that is zoned for agriculture hesaid Indirectly this is the result of the population growth in rural areas Non farmers by their numbers eventually dominate rural councils and impose bylaws that hurt farmers There seems to be growin number of peoéile who expect to live in par Hannam Their apparent aim is to sterilize the land for farm use removing what they consider obnoxious smells noises slow tractors blocking roads and so on Perhaps the solution is for the government to change the code of practices or even bring in legislation lli Ihe Publisher reserves the right to edit revue cloudy or reject an advertise Your business 01 cultuée and cash By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The arts have always looked to government and business for support By their very nature the performing arts and the visual arts can never be fully selfsustaining In the st year government support which he never been excessive has been cut to the bone Business is bein asked to come up with greater share the cash needed by artists In some cases business is responding to the requests Thats fine for the artists the art organizations and the communities that catch the eye of the corporate executives who have Iargesse to dispense Others etally deserving but less for tunate may left out in the cold What criteria do businesses use in deciding upon the extent of their support of the arts PERFORMING ARTS One seems to be distinct reference for the performing arts as oppos to the visual The performing arts receive about $3 out of every $4 in cultural donations from the Cana dian corporate sector However many of the larger businesses are prominent collectors of fine art among them the major chartered banks and the larger integrated oil and gas companies The Bank of Nova Scotia is one such collector In its 1977 annual report which was ornamented by reproductions of 12 Canadian paintings that it owns the company said The fineart collection reflects the banks interest in providing pleasant atmosphere for employees and customers and demon strates the banks commitment to Canadian arts and artists One can easily imagine the amount of writing and rewriting by committees that finally produced that bland statement QUALITY OF LIFE typical policy statement is that of Sun Oil Co vicechairman Robert Donahue in ex plaining that Suns supper of the ars refects ncrttttt ncern for the quality of life It is in Suns best interest to support the arts Cities gain their reputations through the vitality of their orchestras museums theatres and art galleries Theyre also source of strength and pride for the people who live in and near those cities Its definite morale factor to have imployees who feel good about where they me Sometimes the morale factor as it affects the top executive seems to be predominant Executives obvioust feel good about playing the role of corporate Medicis enlightened patrons of grateful painters in contrast to their being cast as moneygrubbers frequently by vocal critics of business RISING VALUE At the same time they find it necessary to rationalize their support of the arts on economic grounds in case some shareholder should rise at an annual meeting to complain that company funds are being wasted on abstracts My threeyearold could have done better than that or worse still on nudes Pierre Trudeau seems to be man who can take art or leave it alone As prime minister he is re acted to have spent some $300000 in refur ishing his of ficial residence and to be nding another $70000 currently on refurbis ing the official residence of the leader of the opposition but his avernment indiscriminately slashed the fuhging of cultural and artistic groups last ear This was the governments perverse way of responding to the outcry about waste in public spending as illustrated by the lifetime indexing of parliamentarians and civil servants incomes and huge payments of Canadian public money to terrorist groups in Africa nuclearreactor salesmen in other areas etc The result has been to hasten the erosion of the economic life of Canadas creative people the kind of people who under an enlightened government would be proudly supported as part of the countrys treasure write your mp mm It you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Parlia merit printed below are their mailing ad dresses It you send us copy at your letter it might be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns After all it there is matter of concern that makes you want to write to your MP or MPP if it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors too EEOEIll IIISTEWAIT MPSimcoe South Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont MNHGES MPGraySimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont INS MPSimcoe North Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont PEIIIN IEAT MPWellingtonDulterinSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont man View mSimcoe Centre Mario Leglsloture Queens Park Toronto Oetdee Hi MPPSimcoesEasL Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Coup leave MPPDutterin Simcoe Queens Park Toronto