Haze ru guv xe Hie lt it 424 as the 14 er xe 19 33 chic 1714Kl549 Communion sharing urged K53 ii sszWG Mainline Protestant and Roman Catholic churches now agree sufficiently on basic beliefs that they should begin sharing Holy Communion says prominent and provocative Roman Catholic theologian Rev Hans Kung His position runs counter to recent comments of Pope John Paul II but thats the outspoken style of Kung widely popular church writer lecturer and director of the Ecumenical Institute at the University of Tubingen West Germany He says numerous theological agreements reached by Roman Catholic and Protestant dialogue teams show that Featuring as or at there are no more divisive dogmatic differences about IllWAY CHURCH the ministry and the Eucharist 07 slito si la aoo Hwy the central Christian celebra tion of Christs last supper Consequently Catholics should be given general per mission to go to other chur Named cochoirman ches and share their Holy Com POpe acknowledges ClOWd munion and we should open Pope John Paul waving IO CIOWd outside the Basilica which contains the FoulEmile Cardinal Leger l5 IO be COChOlfIIIOn Of our doors for Others to come to Y1 us ouse Of the Blessed Vlrgln In TOP lIOlIOn town lTOIO Refugees Leger shown at Ottawa news con ference Wednesday returned home to Canada in August after working with handicapped children in West Africa for 12 years CP Photo BARRIE ONTARIO INNISWOOD UNITED CUNDlES HEIGHTS CIIUICII pimscosynl REFORMED cuuncn Points 10 Ponder 220 Steel St Barrie no sou CHURCH mil 09 Poster Johnson cm church Selim 13min airman SdlooI 03 Sdéool 11 am Morning Wors ip C0 pm Evening Service 49 Zmyfune CHURCH snwc 330 REV MICHAEL STRAIN MM MM 11 am on Church that P°° WNWMP umm CHURCH Worship Service mm lililvt Si cast Ell Coal and Sunday school about all Christian Science FAITH MISSIONARY REV ARTHURJ STOREY THE REVRANT ROLAND By DOROTHY KlllBURN 229 Crawford Street Barrie 7373062 1030 ASTOR Many young couples are having financial struggle tc Pam Rev Wayne 00mm 7268750 Sermzn 128s mama it Imi it are 159 Collier Street nine women am am en lSWlewaSl in 051a ewen OVISl eran noticed that in every room there were flowers gracing and 945 am sunduy scmo YOUR WHOLE FAMILY cheering the atmosphere all except his wifes There were no flowers beside her bed and it bothered him When he got home he prayed Oh Lord have no money Please send me some money to buy rose for her The next day on his way to the hospital there in front of CHURCH SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 am TESTIMONY MEETING 1100 am Morning Worship 700 pm Evening Fellowship Wednesday 800 pm Bible Study and Prayer CHURCH 156 St Vincent St Author of love Nursery and Sunday School Phone 7206035 himon the sidewalk lay $2 bill Leonard pounced on it re Second Wed each month pm This People have formed for myself lheY Shall REV BIERMAN Free JOlClng the fact that he could buy rose and that God had show forth my praise answered his prayer Reodlng Room open Tuesday 79 pm 432 nYï¬ed 90m Some folks have difficulty believing that God answers 7261602 50 Jom US for worshP 7267821 prayer particularly the prayers regarding the small details 019 and liram 900 Morning Worship of their lives Perhaps they had doubts because their con and 70pm 1000 Sunday school cept of God is that He is the impersonal Intelligence who can it cram into one tiny human fertilized egg information for the n0 0m 59W 00 Mornlng WOFSIIIP creation of human being so vast and detailed that it wonld 128 St Vincent Street Barrie Tel 7283017 05 Sunday 630 Evening Service require 1000 volumes of Shakespeare to contain it scientist the month Service of Holy communion giggieï¬iguggifiggy SH°h gm 39mg be vou ARE WELCOME to ATTEND All or our SERVICES History proves that He is concerned about every person SUNDAY AT Classes for all ages Opportunity for public worship in an uplifting Tune into the BACK TO con noun grimy tzï¬gogrï¬zï¬f13ipï¬gqgrothgzsgsofgrg 945 am Nursery and Classes for all ages Including mm mm gtmosphere of warm IeIIOWShIp and Christian man that was is and will be Jesus Christ is the image of the am of Bbllle Classes for SUNDAYS BVOIton invisible God being punished for wrongs that He did not 00 am WHAT IF YOU DON at 3Enigma chNJMO Pastor Assisan no commit showing by one great sacrifice of Himself His love now mumpn am form and or me BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH Bruce Swanson Toronto CHFH 930 am I030 If He went to such great lengths to prove His love will He 70 Informal Famly S99 not also answer the prayers of His children along WI1 message from the Ward of God Ask and ye shall receive seek and ye shall find knock WEDNESDAY AT and it shall be opened untoyou Matthew 77 730 Pm Share Bible lesson Prayer IA former minister of our church OUR MEETINGS ARE HELD FOR on CU the Rev Jim Cullen will be SENIOR CITIZENS CHILDREN guest speaker and music by SACKVILLE NB CPI Tom Parkandthechurchchoir YOUNG PEOPLEFAMLES The authority of the Roman Catholic Church in Quebec has Breakfast been reduced by questioning of 37 Burton Ave Barrie good time to get ready for the falll 1030 AM FAMILY SERVICE Theme FOLLOW JESUS Celebration of Christian Baptism Nursery core and supervision for children to years of age JOIN US YOU ARE WELCOME Anglican Churches TRINITY ANGLICAN St Giles St Georges Anglican Church ttdzl sacon against 35521915 planned Oct Pres feman CHURCH Anglican escootstsame says pastor of the Union of Worshlp with lnsplrotlonal music TRINITY XIV 330 AM French Baptist Churches in Bame Thrd Annual Pray 00 no Gram HOLY COMMUNION Canada Maurice Boillat also Bfeaklm be hilid 71 am AM told the Baptist Convention 730 am at the HlplltayJ an Ho Communion HOLY 1030 AM held here recently that Protcs The guebl Spfa tr flthr 1000 MORNING pun We g°g Eï¬ï¬eéiréiiistiiétitl Westmmster ESSA ROAD Cent rat Lnltcd Cbu rc choral Eucharist EUCHARIST am Que Court He is an elder in the Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church em 1030 1132 170 Steel St near Puget 59 Essa Rd Ross and Toronto Streets 700 BAPTISMAL St CelebrOIIODS Park United Church for five MINISYER=PWL ms at Burton Ave Next to RVH Aid° ANGLICAN cnuncn years and was sccrtgtary 0f the 1000 AM Barrie Ontario SM °IT Shanty Bay official board for rec years 15 91 Youth Mission eam He is the son of the Very Rev mommy wonhlp RN 50d1 athfld 530 Recmr SERVICE Anten Mills is continuing its Jesse Arnup former Organist anles YOU celebralon Ol WOFShP ks Rev KOYe BA 1030 AM Centennial celebrations with moderator ofthe United Church 830 PM MrsVoro Diamond 1030 Flier anniversary services at the of Canada BIBLE STUDY Ih Sh Midweek Euchartsts welcome MORNING PRAYER United Church on September 16 Prayer breakfasts which essage an alt ove trues 730 pm at 11 am and 730 pm began in 1935 in the USwere Nursery Care 1000 AM WITH All YOUR STRENGTH Thurs 1030 The guest speaker at the ll orlglnated to brlng bustness TRY Rev Joy am service will be the Rev men and polltic1ans together to r°V Church School for all children To all who are looking for church home we welcome you to Joyous ChristCentred Fellowship Martin Jenkillson of King City discuss Christian principles Special music will be provided Tickets for the breaktast may by the Millcsillgmbassadorcs be purchased by contactlng male quartet and the churchs Jean Morton 7262546 Judge own choir Morton 7281221 local 35 or At the 730 pm service Bruce Owens 7201181 Everyone Welcome to Christ Centred Ministry Church School for all ages at the sometime Infant Nursery Core Provided All WELCOME FIRST BAPTI 37 CIapperton Street Minister Rev Stewart liddell FAMILY WORSHIP 1100 AM 1100 AM AIR CADET PARADE MESSAGE GREAT llFE EXHIBITS GREATNESS 700 PM THE ORDINANCE OF THE lORDS SUPPER SUNDAYS Family Church School 945 AM Elective courses for adults Classes for Young people children of all ages Nursery Sunday Evening Fellowship at 700 PM WEDNESDAYS Prayer and Bible Study 700 PM Senior Choir Practice 815 PM FRIDAYS Junior Choir Practice 700 PM 611 Whirly Birds 730 PM Boys Girls grades 12 Alpha Teens 730 PM Boys Girls grades SATU RDAYS Kings Kids Young People using the Omega program PM The Pesbytera Colitis in Canada Saintï¬ torcwe Owen and Worsley Sis Collier Untth Church 112 Collier St Near City Hall SERVICES AND SUNDAY SCHOOLS 930 II AM Holstw Rt m1 Pastor BilI Fritl John Howard SC Message CAST OUT Sermon HE COULD iF HE WOULD HE WOULD iF HE COULD HiWAY PEE 0n Anne at 400 Hwy 950 AM EXCITING SUNDAY SCHOOL WEIC ME Mediator sum 00 AM WORSHIP SERVICE PLUSYoung Adult Fellowship times to be announced Gerald Emmett Cardinal Carter has accepted an SEPTEMBER 700 PM GREAT WATER BAPTISMAI Orchestra Practice three times per month inmaï¬on from Metro Toronm Board of pence SERVICE cordial invitation is extended to you to join with us in any or all Commissioner to mediate an attempt to alleviate Rey any Running our Sunday School Buses would be pleased to stop by arid pith of these opportunities for worship racial tension resulting from recent police kill Ing of black man in his Toronto home The com mission also asked Ontario SolicitorGeneral Roy McMurtry to institute review of firearm use by police CP Photo PCS MUP iOFSWdOY WWI05 N0 For transportation andor further information please call 728 9790 Wheel chair ramp available at the side door