Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Oct 1979, p. 4

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47flaflyummmlt Neighborhoods give special character sense of community has always been at the heart of what makes city better place in which to live Established neighborhoods give city special feeling sense of identity and security that comes with familiar things and places That Barrie has such neigh borhoods is an asset that works in favor ofa viable city Our city is for tunate to have several such areas Allandale is an example In corporated into Barrie more than 80 years ago many residents will think of themselves as from Allandale Allandale residents will tell you that their community has changed greatly over the years Gone are many of the distinctive buildings hotel fire department and post office that once belonged to the old village Yet the new Allandale somehow retains part of that established character that makes it special Sir Judging from comments and in fact ad missions by representatives of the provincial government regarding the annexation dispute page one Oct 23 it seems tragically obvious that Barrie and Innisfil have been and are the victims of cruel acts of commis sion and ommission on the part of the pro vince David Rotenberg parliamentary assistant to Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Thomas Wells was quoted as saying the figure of 125000 used as the projected popula tion for Barrie by the year 2011 was and still is government policy This is light of the recentlyauthored report used for projecting the demand for postsecondary education which shows Barries population will not ex ceed 65000 people in that magic year Where we go from there dont know said Rotcnberg in response to questions about attaining swift yet judicious settlement of this outrageously expensive bit of provincial demographic hijinks Aside from offering its services as catalyst in bringing Innisfil and Barrie together on negotiated settlement the pro vince has done nothing to endear itself to the voters of this area point which will hopeful ly be painfully remembered during the next provincial election Barrie is quite correct in not attempting to negotiate an empty solution with its Innisfil neighbors given the fact the province which was steadfast at the original Ontario Municipal Board hearings about annexation cant decide if its number are even close to letters to the editor Allandale is part of the neighborhood story both new and old to be found in Barrie area Other neighborhoods Tall Trees Letitia Heights Riverwood Farms and others all have their own special character As valued part of our city we cannot afford to take them for granted Preserving neigh borhoods became the rallying cry for larger cities such as Toronto in the 605 Just as Toronto fought and largely won the battle to retain these areas Barrie should keep close eye to preserve its neighborhoods into the 805 and beyond Our neighborhoods must survive but there will be battles ahead Hopefully those making the deci sions will not overlook the value of these areas which together are the lifeblood of our city accurate Even more frightening than the provinces current confusion about annexation is the prospect lindeed the certainty it will be in volved in other matters of import to Barrie in the near future to wit downtown revitalizaton municipal airport the Lake Simcoe Pollution Study and transportation issues There is some irony that while the pro vinces debate their divine right to autonomy with the federal government they disrupt the lives of their municipalities like so many powerdrunk feudal overlords The annexation yes all 14000 acres of it will occur Those who dont believe it need on ly to watch the traffic on Highway 100 each weekend and ask themselves why if the pro vince wasnt sure of its eventual plans for Barrie as designated growth area is there super highway next door As soon as one provincial minister deputy minister or insignificant private member has the guts to own up to the master blueprint for this area we will all rest easier albeit not happier Its not Barrie and Innisfil which are responsible or negligent in obtaining final solution to this problem folks its the Ontario government Perhaps King Billie and his court jesters would be more understanding it the peasants decide to storm the ballot boxes next time around Hopefully Mark Vinccr Barrie Ottowo schools toke step for monthlong holiday By STEWART MaclEOl Ottawa Bureau Thomson New Service Being primarily concerned with federal politics perhaps shouldnt venture into that AlicevinWonderland realm of education which has absolutely nothing to do with Parliament but since live in Ottawa feel some responsibility to help distribute the warning signs Brace yourselves There is sinister move afoot to create new monthlong winter holi day in Ottawa schools Its easy for you to argue that this is strictly local issue of concern only to Ottawa trustees teachers pupils and parents And you can also argue that education is even at the highest level provincial matter and that the system lacks uniformity even bet ween municipalities But when it comes to school holidays it quite another mat ter History shows that when one school board manages to create new holiday that other school boards quickly follow suit and in total disregard of provincial boundaries the holidays turn into national epidemic Take those Professional Development Days as an example some teacher probably advanced the Idea in jest and now parents from coast to coast are forced to plan their lives around these most sacred of holidays NEWRREAK Anyway now that have successfully argued that school holidays are contagious disease feel ditty bound to warn you what has happened with the Ottawa Board of Education By vote of 86 the board sup ported resolution that would create new fourweek winter vacation incorporating the present Christmas break the March break and the It Protcss onal Development Days Now isnt that nice It hasnt become law yet and sortie of the embarrassed Ottawa trustees are saving that vveevveu1t your Opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it on original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let ters but if you wish pen name will be used include your telephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to Letters to the Editor The Examiner Post Office Box 370 IAIIIE Ont LAM 4T6 PARLlAMENT HlLL it probably never will but its frightening enough to think that the reSolution was even supported in principle In fact it might be the most outrageous contribution to education since the first day of school last year when one group of Ottawa students turned up to find their teachers having wine and cheese party to observe the opening The kids couldnt get in That turned out to be misunderstan ding am digressing here but one offensive gesture such as the approval of that ridiculous resolution tends to remind oneof other offensive gestures in the past In fairness should point out that the new pro posal did not come from the teachers although spokesman for one teaching association did not come frorn the teachers although spokesman for one teaching association did take the opportunity to say the elimination of the traditional March break would interrupt the flow of the cur riculum But presumably the curriculum would flow smoothly over the proposed new winter holiday VARIED lNllT This latest thrUSt for more holidays comes frorn the School Bus Operators ssociation of Ontario which now seems to be joining the teachers the trustees the janitors the Pro fesslonal Development Day coordinators and assorted winctasting organizations in deciding what school schedule is best for our kids The unity is quite incredible Remarkably no one has ever dared to suggest the addition of school days The School Bus Operators ASsociaton ob viously putting all other interests first says longer winter holiday would eliminate CIIIL ing during the most hazardous timcofyear it would cut down on schrxillieating costs it would take advantage of period noted for high teacherstudent absenteeism and it would finally bring together all those nifty Professional Development Days Without going into all the arguments one might suggest that selecting the most hazar dous driving period in Ottawa is akin to predicting the hottest week of the year in Death Valle We could also mention that Ot tawa schools dont tum off the heat during the present Christmas break And as for lumping together the Professional Devclopmcnt Days should dare suggest that they could possibly be squeecd into that nontumultuous June Septcmber period Perhaps together we can nip this latest outbreak in the bud Israels fortunes falling following Dyon resignation By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The fortunes of Israel at the end of the 19705 and in the embattled states third decade of existence are low and show little Sign of ear ly recuperation The resignation of Moshe Dayan after six months of personal soulsearching in the Begin cabinet over his stance on the West Bank the growing world role of the PLO and Israels deep staggering inflation rate are three signs of the malaise But these are not the only crises current and longterm which plague the Israelis The allimportant Camp David agreement is stalled over the toughest aspect of that docu ment the West Bank and Gaza strips political future Prime Minister Menachem Begin himself not well man prone to heart trouble and other organic ailments is in danger of ma jor political reversal since his Likud Party rules with coalition And the rightwing religious extremists in Israel have taken offensive action against fellow Jews and the police authorities who try to prevent them from taking illegal occupa tion of land Certainly the Israeli Supreme Court deci sion to reverse the land seizures by such groups at Elon Moreh on property which had belonged to neighboring Arab families since the days of Turkish rule was salutory and long overdue RLIE OF LAW FIRST democratic state like Israel run by the same rule of law which we know in this coun try cannot condone these continued ex WrasuN propriations of Arabowned properties even under the alleged rationale that such areas have value in military defence Finally Israelis are acutely aware that the apparently unlimited fund of goodwill in the West for them has been whittled away not only by the actions of extremist Jewish groups on the West Bank but on larger scale by the need of great industrial states to woo the oilrich Arab world In turn the spokesmen of the major oil producing Islamic states in particular SaudiArabia are saying openly the future decisions on the amount and price of oil available to the West will depend on an early solution of the Palestinian homeland And that means purely and simply for one to be created on the West Bank and in Gaza regardless of legitimate Israeli fears that it would pose the largest threat to date to their state Nor does it appear possible that the Israelis can expect the understandable psychological boost they very much need right now if country like Canada moves its embassy to Jerusalem Canada does not have large Islamic population to hhelp make the point that Jerusalem is just as much holy city to Islam as it is to Judaism Province gives cool look to exploding bottle story By DEREK NELSON Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO The hysexploding bottle phenomenurn that made headlines this sum mer has received very cool look here from senior provincial civil servant The federal government first asked for voluntary withdrawal from the marketplace of the 15 litre soft drink container on the grounds it was dangerous and then on Aug 28 banned it outright When tipped over the bottle might explode Provincial environment deputy minister Graham Scott told the annual convention of the Ontario Soft Drink Association that the ban was accompanied by considerable over simplification In the diplomatic tradition of the civil ser vice he didnt come right out and call the federal approach to the bottle business rash but the implication was certainly there Scott noted for example that Ontario has sought to build steady and responsible relationship with the soft drink industry as compared to the uncertainty faced at the federal level ENVIRONMENT TOO He assured the industry that we are doing what we can to see that Ottawa doesnt work in isolation on the soft drink safety question unlike their actions on the 15 litre issue We have urged upon our federal counter parts the virtues of patience and time in deal ing with this complex issue We have asked them to avoid abrupt disruptive measures be said He pointed out that Ontario is interested in environmental as well as safety concerns and that refillable containers are the only solution to reducing the solid waste burden Before the 15 litre ban refillables had ac quired 67 per cent of the soft drink market well on the way to provinces target of 75 per cent We did not spring any surprises We acted firmly and deliberately Scott said not stating the obvious contrast with federal ac tions FROM THE LEGISLATURE RARE ATTACK In response to Ottawas ban on the 15 con tainer Ontario temporarily exempted the in dustry from the 75 per cent goal since such bottles accounted for 20 per cent of gallonage sales at the time But that is now again in force Public knocking of brother government is rarely done by civil servants even the restrained kind of criticism that Scott delivered which goes to show just how upset Ontario was by the banning act ion Although he didnt say it outright good case can be made that the ban was totally un necessary OTHERS IGNORED About one out of each eight million soft drink bottles filled are broken in consumer accidents but survey of producedrelated in juries in the LS showed soft drink bottles number 39 on the list of causes well behind opening cans or falling out of bed And it is interesting that Ottawa has ig nored exploding wine and beer bottles pro bably more common hazard than exploding soft drink bottles But all that is past What worries the Ori tario government are rumors out of Ottawa of new impact test for bottles This would mean dropping them from table top height on the floor process Scott says it is unlikely that any glass bottles will Lllh land If it happens the federal authorities will just be compounding their initial error and the Scott speech may be aimed at helping head oft such mistake Kim Pattenden It Bureau at coMPosNG 00M Published daily except The Examiner Is member of The Canadian Press CPI and Add 5W0 DVETSW 5W Jock Kernev toreman Sunday and Circumions ABC only the Canadian Press maypreovbgshmrflgrlzsné2 Craig Etsonmanaqmg editor Len sevick manager Maran Good acc0un Gm KW 35 0an gawk holidays this newspaper credited to CF The Associated r233 Ddlbals edto SALES Dgtvg Mills Don Saunders Francerresse and local ngwsstones publLshed in Tn Exgmwner McFarland wire editor Adm 5mm VikkiGrant Lorne was WEEK VJ The Examiner claims copyrighton alloriginal news andirfitertlslng material SEPLEII Wayne my Conne Hart 093 EARLYC cream by mempioyeesand published lnIhIS newspaper 99 lt Steve Skinner Stan Wra 53 deay Oct 30 1979 senmg qme and ma couny Dennis Lanihier Manon Hardy Ray 549 40 Copyright registration number 203815 register 61 Nancy Figueroa Calvin Felepchuk Ron Gilda By MAIL Barrie National advertising offices as Queen St Toronto aumo Mo Cothcart Puolrsned by Canadian New5popers Company Limited L0 can We om Ed Allen who Mom I6 Boyfield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 7° MC CRCULATON Janie Hamel SWCOE downy The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall notbeliable tcr damages aris by 315333 CL 555 Ellwllgstjhiginzgffsiani manager swan when $39 00 inglwl °I rpgsg fgvfrisflnenf°y°gd mm agile 93 IS er Yvonne Sierps tua ly occupie per ion ver use en in oc uce on DU SUP Bowen meta operator 223 sumrvso 0W9 50 PRESSRQOM MOTOR THROW OFF curred whether such error is due to the negligence at its servants or other ZW Janice Morton first2 Al Hanson foreman 503 year wise and there shall be no liability for noninsertion of any advertisement Ewsgoom CIRCULATION ADVERTISING CLASSIFIEDS BUSINESS Ma DNMW Ian MacMurchv Elaine SUI Don Near asst foreman LSEWHEEO IN CANADA beyond the amount paid tor such advertisement when an Mr Fred Prnce $41 year the ri ht to edit revise si 7266537 7266539 7266537 7282414 7266537 cm The Publisher rese tisement Deoth ofPetroCon like the Avro Arrow revisited By LEONARD NOBLE The trial over the life or death of Petrocan was held last week on our Federal Parlia ment in Ottawa Petrocan lost the verdict when the Conservatives were able to defeat two motions of nonconfidence one by the New Democratic Party and the other by the Liberals respectively Petrocan Crown Corporation was created in 1975 for the purpose of directly in volving Canada in the search for oil and gas so vital to the carrying on of our country The concern at the time was that oil companies might not be prepared to put up risk capital for the expense involved in new oil and gas wells Consequently rather than be wholly dependant on the oil companies the Liberal govemment in power at the time decided to get into the field itself by the creation of Petrocan From its very inception Petrocan gave notice that it was force to be reckoned with In four short years it has become the sixth largest oil company in Canada and the largest Canadian owned oil company It became the prime source for exploraton of oil and gas in Canada shortly after its crea tion with its more than $300 million in the pur chase of Atlantic Richfield Canada Limited in 1976 FRESH SOURCE Through Petrocans endeavours in the field of exploration along Canadas Eastern seaboard we are fortunate to have potential ly discovered fresh source of gas and oil Since then it hs gone on to take over Pacific Petroleums Limited better known as Pacific Pete and in so doing has spent one and onehalf billion dollars for goodly por tion of oil claims in Alberta In additon the Federal government made Petrocan viable force in northern Canada By KEN WALLS The growth small telephone agency in Barrie from the 1800s to the present thriv ing exchange makes quite story in municipal history The first exchange in the town of Barrie was opened in 1885 Looking through old files the writer discovered phone direc tory dated December 1900 almost 80 years ago Douglas was manager then The pamphlet stated continuous ser vice Call 27 to the residence of Mr Douglas on Dunlop St That Would be East of Five Points in those days because west of that was named Elizabeth St First number in the directory was 53 five three please operator for the Ad vance Sam Wesley proprietor Dunlop St Only six numbers were listed under letter Allandale Restaurant at the railway staton with FM Warde as manager Andertons Brewery one of three in town in early days Joseph Andertons residence was on Louisa St now an extension of Dunlop East Mrs Ardagh residence Worsley Atkinson residence John St Letter interested this typist Barrie Examiner It was number five one 51 with Alex MacLaren as proprietor Dunlop St south side very close to Mulcaster Other names which interest Walls there was no name of that vin tage in Barrie 1900 were Ball Planing Mill Rodgers and Gallie proprietors two banks Toronto Atkinson manager and Commerce Grasett manager Dunlop and Owen east of present location by short distance Then there was Barries third weekly newspaper of those good old days Barrie Gazette Kine proprietor Post Office Square tnow Memorial Square OTHER NAMES Other names under Barrie Hotel Dunlop Barrie Meat Co Simon Dyment prop Campbell ave Barrie Tanning Co John Sinclair manager Barrie Water works Mary St Brown and Co seedsmen Dunlop tJJ Browns residence was listed Louisa St Boys residence Bayfield Bryson Bros bakers Bradford Burton Bros lumbermen office Owen James Burton residence William St in Allandale area Martin Burton residence Toronto St Grand Trunk Railway had numbers listed for Barrie Station downtown at Post Office Square dispatchers and superintendents offices at Allandale Station Simcoe Brewery was listed as 43 Simpson proprietor Mary St down near bay Lawyers barristers in the booklet John Dickinson Hewson and Creswicke Lennox bockgrounder Telephone directory reveals fascinating his tory of Barrie The CAVEAT EMPTOR by providing it with Canadas fortyfive per cent share in Pan Arctic Oils Limited which company was the prime mover in the ex ploration field in the Arctic As result of Petrocans own endeavours having been assisted by the Federal govern ment as aforesaid our country is richer in that Petrocan owns Approximately 300 million barrels of oil and natural gas reserves Some four trillion cubic feet of natural gas reserves in Western Canada Potentially huge gas resources in Alaska 375 retail gasoline outlets 55 bqu gasoline plants An oil refinery in British Columbia Its joint venture interests in Panarctic Syncrude and liquid natural gas plant in Alberta Interests in British Columbia pipeline companies and host of other interests too numerous to mention So why does Joe Clark want to dismantle one of Canadas vital and important Crown Corporations IMPORTANT FACTOR After all even the other major oil companies have come to agree that Petrocan has been an important factor in providing part of the risk capital necessary in order to persue exploration projects by way of joint venture agreements PE Barrie Scene Ardagh Cowan and Brown McCarthy Boys and Murchison Ross and Brokovski Strathy and Esten Grocers Bothwell Essa Rd and Dunlop St stores Thomas Hobley Elizabeth St Peter Kearns Collier William McDonald Bayfield Ness Dunlop Charles Perkins DunIop James Vair Dunlop on north side at west comer Owen Hotels Wellington Wm Kennedy prop Elizabeth St still at present site Clarkson House Dunlop at Mulcaster Jas Goodwin prop Physicians in the phone book Dr Broad Dr McCarthy Dr Arthur Ross Dr Smith Dr Palling Broad Dr Ross Dr Wallwin Dr Morton Royal Victoria Hospital was No 36 Druggists MatLaren 103 John Woods 923 Wismer George Monkman 35 Veterinary surgeons Dunlop Alf Morren Collier Butchers listed were Richard Powell Hisey Bros George Guest Brennan John Bingham ONLY THREE More names which deeply interest the Walls John Scott coal and cement Dunlop 36 Johnston and Sarjeant coal and wood Elizabeth and Mary Sts 33a and Reverend Dean Egan Mulcaster St just north of St Marys Church of 1900 days Since grew up on Mary St notice that on ly three telephones are listed for that historic residential area one for brewery one for coal yard and town waterworks But then my parents never moved from Elmvale to Barrie until 1910 spent one year on McDonald St and then took up residence at 92 Mary St west side close to Ross St What telephone system was developed by Bell in Greater Barrie since 1885 An in teresting story which gleaned from an Ex aminer file was that the first longdistance call from here went out in 1920 Barrie Calling Winnipeg Connection to Winnipeg was made over circuit built up from Barrie to Toronto Detroit Chicago Min neapolis Grafton North Dakota Total distanCe covered by this route was 1600 miles approx Bailey Different life for Pierre now CALGARY tCP There are no govern ment jets waiting for Pierre Trudeau as he travels the country Neither are there throngs of wellwishcrs beaming municipal politicians or hordes of reporters to greet his arrival at local air ports Instead the 60ltyearold former prime minister queues up shoulder to shoulder with hundreds of other travellers luggage in hand as he moves from checkin counter to bag gage carousel Life and lifestyle have changedfor the Liberal partys most prominent politician just five months after being turfed out of of fice Gone are the phalanx of officials stern security officers and motorcades of sleek black limousines They have been replaced by startled glances from fellow passengers hcsuant handshakes and station wagons that crawl through rushhour raft ic But the mercurial Trudeau appears to take the transition in stride When reporter sidlcd up at Calgarys air port to needle about the scarcity of adoring female admirers to greet his arrival Trudeau shot back tcah only crumbs like you Although still protective of his privacy Trudeau willingly signed autographs posed for pictures and pumped hands during his twoday visit to Edmonton and Calgary last weekend While airport onlookers did doubletakes Trudeau hammed it up for the cameras hop ped on moving baggage belts and joked with airline personnel Wearing widebrimmed western stetson he appeared to enjoy the relative anonymity and freedom of movement that marked his fundraising visit to the province Trudeau once outraged MP5 in the Com mons when he told them they were nobodies 50yards off Parliament Hill The sight of him and principal secretary Jim Coutts jostling for seats on packed air bus here lrom Edmonton may have brought that realization home to observers But Trudeau is unlikely to receive much sympathy from two veteran travellers who have logged months in airports and lineups Prime Minister Joe Clark and Ed Broadbent leader of the New Democratic Party would only welcome him to the club

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