Viter 728241 mucx ALUMINUM 4361830 SAVE HIGH COST OF FUEL Order your storm windows now FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL TODAY OUR lOW OVERHEAD WILL SAVE YOU MONEY TThSTF DIAMOND VINYL ALUMINIUM soflit fascia shutters doors windows awnings eovestroughs 40year guarantee 4365645 siding D26 POLAR CONST Siding Soffit Fascia seamless eavestroughing Storm windows and doors FREE ESTIMATES 7262853 TThSN27 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorixed Sales and Service Free Home Demonstra tions Alliance Blvd Unit 197283392 APPLIANCE REPAIRS AUTOMATIC WASHERS dryers dish washers freezers frid es ranges micro avens any mgke any day 7371 195 COLOR and TV stereo and major ap pliance repair service all makes 4362429 4365414 CARPENTER experienced Renovations garages decks rec rooms etc Free estimates Bill Johnston 7268706 RANDY CHILLMAN CHIMNEY SWEEP Fast Clean Professional service REASONABLE RATES INSURED Bus 7282073 In 4073072 DRIVEWAYS PATIOS SIDEWALKS ETC ALSO All HANDYMAN AND REPAIR WORK CALL PODEWILS 7269559 TThSTF ï¬lmed help CUSTOM BUII ING HOME IMPROVEMENTS ISBRANDT BUILDER Quality custom building houses and additions For details phone 7283649 DISC JOCKEY Seasonal rates Book now Immdiate openings now available Call Paul after pm 7260834 DRESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions42 Eugenia 51 Phone 7266000 HAVE YOUR PANTS tapered to the new look Skirts tapered Suits and dresses mode7280801 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS roofing and roofing repairs Sheet metal work Martin Verstraten New Lowell 4241956 CUSTOM CORN COMBINING and plowtng Prompt reliable service Ellsmere Bros Custom Farm Services 7284956 FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats snowmobiles anything fiberglass Free estimates Low winter rates Workmanship guaranteed 4245802 FIREPLACES PETER HENSTRA 7372871 Custom built fireplaces patios home fronts in stone porches chimney repairLFreeestimotes VIC WATSON fireplaces and masonry For freeestimales phone 7281599 REWOOD DRY HARD WOOD SEASONED 16 FACE CORD $35 FREE DELIVERY 4872113 SEASONED MAPLE woodToi soleTPTickupr or delivery Telephone 728 I938 100 wooo SPLITTER for rent c3 BARRIE RENT ALL 97 Bradford St 7288585 Saturday til MIXEDTHAROWOODS for sale Chiope by the lull cord Split dry wood delivered 728I637 GENERAL CONTRACTING SPECIALIZING in framing trimming decks fencing rec rooms additions etc 737I588 alters pm mim FALL CLEANUP Storm windows cleaned and installed Lawn shrub care Trees trimmed and cut Basement garages cleaned Trash junk removed Small moving jobs Leaves raked PROMPT SERVICE 7284175 or 4873141 TF Just look over the ads below The od vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of thefinest job possible CONSTRUCTION House raising foun datiorts renovations additions Phone 4362955 after pm PLUMBING complete bathrooms some carpentry drywall and yard work Call Charlie at 7287594 or 7264299 NWTHERN CAPENTRY Specializing in in work terror Rec rooms kitchens bathrooms panelling finish work 7269w2 INTERIOR DESIGN REMODELLING decoration purchasing ad vice plans sketches Residential Commer cial call Joan Rouse 7286196 weekdays WEED SPRAYING fertilizing results guaranteed THE WEED MAN 7372721 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney re air Fireplaces specialty Free estimate 705 4245158 TRIO AVAILABLE for New Years Eve engagement SLINGER Phone Gary 7269098 MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel PONInAGuitot Studio 7261489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin ner and advanced Two months trial instru ment loaned for home practice Canadian Academy of Music 121 Bayfield 7281799 PRGESSIONAL GUITARIST giving lessons in classical popular and rock Call Gary 7397098 SIMCOE DRUM STUDIOS Lessons by professional drummer Exp in studio recording TV etc All styles any age Ken King 7262903 BARRIE SCHOOL OF BRASS Professional in struction trumpet trombone French horn Special attention to beginners Arthur 61084 SSONS TeRperienrced teacher will teach all ages popular or conservatory music Reasonable rates 737I468 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating ln terior exterior Work guaranteed Es tablished 30 years 7262225 7269002 PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 TF DON SIESLINGWPROFESSIONALV PAINTING interior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteed 7266808 PAINTING PAPER hanging experienced Free estimates JACK RICHARDSON 7268341 VAN7 rTBAnkEv PAINTING Interior and eterior References available Free reasonable esti mates Telephone 7371087 JOHNS PAINTING Interiof and exterTor painting paper hanging Senior citizen dis count Phone 7281035 after prn SPRUCEUP for Christmas Also wallpaper ing panelling carpet installation Written estimates Work guaranteed 7261484 after 5pm PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes Phone 7283270 PORTRAIT PAINTING PORTRAITS PAINTED in oils or water colours including your children or family group Phone 7263607 BATHTUBS REGLAZED In The Home Without Removal Metal Office Patio Furniture SinksAppliances ACE REFINISHERS 7282811 TTHS SHARPENING SERVICE BILLS SHARPENING SERVICE hand or power saws lawn mower blades Re loothing and setting done Albert St Hillsdole 8352313 DQJGS SNOWPLOWING Residentul and Commercial Snow removal service radio dispatched trucks 7288460 MBH SNOWPLOWING Commercial and Residential Reasonable rates Coll Larry 7264599 coMMEnciAL IOT or small Alsa Haulage Call an AUCTIONEERS Pro mpt service 7370879 rm 5ch TREE SERVICE All types of tree work including problem diagnosis Fruit trees our specialty Fre estimates 7374490 after TFHSN8 TV RADIO REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color black and white TV stereos etc All makes mdmodels 4246181 SHAKESPEARS REUPHOLSTERING Sofas chairs bedsofas Factory prices 7373665 WATER HAUIAGE SIMCOE WATER SERVICES Pools wells fill ed 2000 gal capacity Barrie and area NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday 40articles for sale COOPER Itli If miliuiiiinltmli FURNITURE SAVE 20 17 MULCASTER ST BARRIE Two floors of used appliances andlurniture CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS TRADEIN WAREHOUSE is now located at the rear of the Discount Store 40 Bayfield St Good stock of used refrigerators stoves automatic washers and dryers wringer washers black and white TVs dish washer gossip benches baby cribs arborile top kitchen tables Vchesterfield sets space saver dovenports bed outfits headboards rollawoy beds etc N3 SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER has new 1978 Aluminum Pools regular price $2190 now at our all season special of $1355 Pools come with walkaround deck patio tencing pump motor and litter Delivery arranged to your convenience For best selection and information call toll tree 800 26819445 SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER OVERSTOCKED Musl close out all 1979 models and sizes Huge savings on above ground and In ground pools ot steel and aluminum No monthly pay ments until 1980 Call toll tree 1800 268 5970 SWIMMING POOLS to lease complete with large patio walk around fence tiller ladder on 2dr year basis tram $60 per month with opton to buy Catt collect 519 621 4351 for tther details IANO NEW PC BEDROOM SUITES including double dresser and mirror door chest bookcase headboard foot board and rails In elegant satin walnut finish only $29999 No money down Free delivery In store financing BARBIE NEW AND USED WRE 202 Dunlap St 7374774 Closed Mondays N3 WHITE COTTON SALE Barrie Fittmiture Ito AAHAALAAA 4oarticles for sale 7260561 N15 NEW 20 INCH COLOR TVs by Admiral and Sanyo with full year warranty are now selling for Special Sale Price of $47999 while supply lasts or rent to own 55 week No money down Free delivery In store financing BARRIE NEW AND USED FURNITURE 202 Dunlap St 7374774 Closed Mondays N3 RECONDITIONED TVs fully guar anleed Huge selection and and col or $49 and up 28 Essa Ra 7372533 OIL FURNACES tor sate 110000 In excellent condition Telephone 728 5406 alter ALUMA HOT TUBS buy direct Irom manufacturer and save Hydro iet massage caresses tired and aching limbs Enjoy therapeutic relaxation and tun tor the entire tamily Call toll free 800 768 5970 LAVERYS OUTDOOR CENTRES Landscaping garden centre corner of Blake Grove Potted trees and shrubs ready for planting 7209542 TThSN3 USED RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Liqumation 8319 Ice cream freezers merchandisers hot chomlatu micro wave hot dog CthlkLlT barbeaue lots more Best otters 728838I ILoave phoncnumber SNOW TIRES LR7815 S35 each 15 rims $15 each Also one new summer masts Telephone 737 2443 COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phase water cooled with dual compressor SI 500 JIM 7572432 BARRIE TENT AND AWNING CO at lers complete repair servrce an tarps tents trailer covers awnings boat covers etc Also zippers medium or heavy weights Foam cut to size 12 Sincn thickness 34 Bayfield St next Clarks Home Furnishings downtown POLY FOAM cut to Slle Barrie Tent and Awning Company has great stOCA of poly loam to thickness Pro mot serylce reasmiable prices 34 Baytield Street downtown FREEZERS WOODS CHEST FREEZERS speCIal pricing on IS and 18 cubic toot units in stock Free delivery Frnancrng available Trades accepted Callor ISIT SIMCOE COOP 259 Innislil Street 72665 40articles for sale riREwooo FOR SALE seasoned s35 ncu cord $100 lull cord delivered 18 mo REWOOD S25 lace cord beech and mlack 7261114anytime HOT TU ES to rent Will lease and install for homeowner tamin size hot tub at Iering therapeutic hydro iet massage for tired aching limbs Lease for 12 or years with option to own Call toll free 800 2685970 FUR COAT COGNAC Muskrat and leather racoon collar size 14 Worn only twrce Present value $1000 Asking $700 Alter 4p 7371897 20 oxioo $254 and get free 12 RCA XLIOO for Only 400 wkly starting January80 One hour delivery KRAIY KELLY 461 OUNLOP next to Hwy 90 Meat Market 73171182 TF SINGLE BED antique kitchen cup board 67814 brand new snow tires on GM car rmc avocado 30 stove ex viit hndition 726 7919 NON JENSON car stereo $100 Tuiupnow 424 6695 alter 30 LO COLAmachine in good condition Armies cans S250 or best otter cephonena9151duringday fABINET MODEL sewing machlng awr by White Excellent condition ittir 487 2644 TITANIC TOSHIBA Incredible 50month warranty Now S789 Order tonite get free 12 portable Under S7 wkly starting January 80 KRAIY KELLYS now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Femdole 737 II82 TF POOL TABLE with all accessories needs minor repair $400 or best offer 728 1213 FIREPLACE SCREEN opening srze 27 htgh and up to Wide automatic phone mate telephone anSWEftIIg unit Call 737 4720 evenings MORE THAN 40 CHESTERFIELD Sets from 5269 Trade ins welcomed Clarks Home Furnishings 38 Baylield St Downtown no or COLOR Introduces MAGNAVOX TVs 20 up 7372533 zlEueRd TThSJ24 EAA EILEEEIEEEES BRAND NEW SANYO COM PONENT STEREO SYSTEM complete with turntable AMFM tuner amp cassette deck speakers and stand for only $575 Limited supply No money down Free delivery In store financing BARRIE NEW AND USED FURNITURE 202 Dunlop St 7374774 Closed Mondays N3 STOVE Kenmore harvest gold roars ald ADMIRAL REFRIGERATOR white both good vorkmg condition Moving must sell inll 728 2105 after TTENTION HORSEWOMENI Ladies heavy black hunting iacket beige breaches black hunting boots black bowler and hunting cap tweed riding iacket beige iodhpurs brown iodhpur boots Size 14 Bootslitnarrowleet 10 Inches long Numerous small tack items Phone atter6p 728 4099 FIREWOOD Seasoned hardwood Pickup or delivery LAKESIDE TREE EXPERTS 7260015 or 7283465 M26 MORE THAN 100 MATTRESSES and box springs from $59 95 Brand name makes Free delivery from stock Clarks Home Furnishings 38 Bayfield St Downtown 777 GREAT CHOICE of bed sofas from $299 Trade ins welcomed Clarks Home Fur nishings 38 Baytield St Downtown SONY STEREO Sensational AM FM receiver custom turntable 5343 Get free speakers Under 55 wkly stoning January 80 KRAZY KELLVS now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Ferndale One hour delivery 7371182 TF MORE THAN 40 KITCHEN and Dinette sets on display in our lower showroom tram $72 95 Trade ins welcomed Clarks Home Furnishings 38 Baylield St Downtown KOOL SPRAY room humidifier like new Kng Coil queen size mattress and box spring lirm like new Ladys winter coat size 14 blackwhite fur trim 737 0451 FIREWOOD $25 PER FACE CORD Picked up mixed hardwood We also sell Wood Stoves and Fireplace Aids TIIE NOODBURNER PHONE 4589636 N30 GOVERNMENT INSPECTED Sides at young beet tor lreezer SI 45 per pound cents pound extra tor cutting and Wrapping Particulars phone 487 2642 487 2775 ANTIQUE BRASS BED double gueen Size 537Sor bestotter 726 3789 KROEHLER Chesterfield and chair for sale in good condition Telephone 724 3556 alter ANTIQUE CHAIRS rocker and arm chair antique writing desk antique Gingerbread clock II month old Sheep dog puppy lemale papered 728 3298 anytime IIboats and motors I4 PLYWOOD BOAT windshieldmotor and new trailer Accessories included 5700 or best otter Telephone 424 I951 BOAT STORAGE Stll available by ex Derienced personnel at SPORT HAVEN MARINE Shanty Bay Road Barrie 736 1001 41DOOTS and MOTOIS IOAT REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES wood end fliregllu TOLLENDAL MARINA 7264950 BARRIE TF GUll YACHT BASIN MMIDGMAIIIA miles north of Barrie on Lake Simcoe between 5th 6th of Ora Book now for winter storage WEWTLI TRAILER YOUR IOAT UP TO 22 FT FROM BARBIE TO OI INSIDE STORAGE 14 to 10 $150 161010 517518 to 22 ms CERTIFIED MECHANIC 0N DUTY Your eutltortxed Mercury Outboard Mercniiur Dealer Brokerage Beets for Sale 4072122 etc with large diameters Building the Logs Ltd 726 I966 eyenings728 5800 CANADIAN SILVER COINS belore 1967 American before 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 7261663 evenings 726 3162 CANADIAN SILVER C01 belore1967 American before 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 72611162 CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 728 8234 ALL ARTVICLESVNEEDEDV Appliances needing minor repairs Call The SALVA TlON ARMY 728 3794 TOP PiiicésPAioiérgdod ciéaii use turniture appliances Barrie New and used Furniture 737 4774 OLYMPIC cows wanted will buyTsets or separate 353 per set 737 0923 any time 487 3090 evenings or weekends TOP PRICES PAID for gold and silver Dental gold iewellery watches also coins and paper money and stamps 7288895 Buying tor metal content only 2479995399 99 TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edgehill Aquaria 143 Ar dagh Road 726 0094 MAYS POODLE PARLOR Proles Sional clipping and grooming Chargex accepted Phone 0061 DAFFON KENNELS Specializingfliin Boarding tor Big Dogs Coulson 0n nTsiilairiSobiiig and clipping of all breeds 264 St Vincent 517264744 POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pick up and de liveï¬ryr772687798 PfLstudio Wing PUREBRED GREAT DANE puppies for sale harlequin and black Telephone 7056458292 MALE DOBERMAN live months old black and tan registered cropped and docked Telephone 728 4572 50gardeh supplies CHOICE TOP SOIL sand gravel driveway and septic stone 7263928 or 7276 1117 SItrees and shrubs NURSERY STOCK TREES Dig your own White Spruce 510 County Road 31 1st left all Highway 27 7269295 SIScamping equipment 1975 AQUARIUS 22 motor home low mileage sleeps six lots of extras ex cellentcondition13900 Call 4240875 57Iivestock for sale HORSES BOARDED large new box stalls feeding daily turnouts stalls cleaned minutes west at Barrie 11th of Vespra $70 monthly 728 6574 25 CHuNks OF Pigs Large quantity or well saved straw and hay Apply Lorne Wilson7281286 59poultrychickrsr DEKALB READY to lay pullers Farm fresh eggs Laying cages for sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms 436 1811 60teedseedgrain FOR SALE First cut hay 904 per bale 1000 bales wheat straw 90 per bale 1000 bales barley straw 80¢ per bale 726 5813 67fruits vegetables APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession Ora Closed Sundays 728 8489 GEORGIAN BAY MACINTOSH AP PLES 5499 per bushel Bring your own containers Cancilla Fruit Market 17 Clapperton St 68personals WOWE IS IN IARRIE Ask eboiit WOMENS OPPORTUNITY NITN ELECTIOLUX 7283392 TTF RIDING INSTRUCTION Horses boarded Barrie live minutes Windy Haugh Farm 726 0192 BOWLERS WANTED for leagues form ing now Men women singles couples teams Call Kempview Bowl 728 9761 Indoor arena TELECARE Why fight your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 726 7922 anytime AUTOS to Florida and all points in Western Canada gas allowance Toron to Driveaway Service 416 226 4616 BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday 100 430p and Thursday 630 30 737 4222726 9300 Ext 236 BIRTHRIGHT Are you pregnant and distresed Birthright really cares 166 Baytield Street Barrie 737 3550 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 6581 if you drink thats your business It you wenttoquitthats ours Callanytime JAMES Psychic Artist Private con sultation psychic parties Aura por traits 726 9512 ELTON JOHN TICKETS available Call 2652 ROBY GEORGE NOON of 143 Collier Street Barrie will not be responsmle for any debts contracted in my name from this day lorward October 27 1979 without my written consent RIDE NEEDED URGENTLY From Angus to Tottenham and back For the alternoon shift at Techonics lnds Will share expenses It you can help call 424 6446 SUNDAY COMPANION retired person who likes to drive his or her car or mine Expenses defrayed Box 884 The Ex aminer Barrie 70tost and found REWARD BLACK and tan dog male lost in Essa Township 8th line between 20th and 30th side road Answers to Wiener Telephone 424 0572 FOUND RAINCOAT Hospital Aux iliary October meeting have your size 16 beige hooded raincoat you have my size 12 Please call Henrietta 728 2825 CHILDS GLASSES LOST in Queen Street area on Saturday Boys brown rims Please telephone 726 9717 SIAMESE CAT Lost in Daphne CrescentCundles Road area Answers to Chang Old family pet Reward 726 9902 days 728 8169 evenings 71help wanted CENTENNIAL Auto Body requires or year experienced BODY PERSON Telephone 726 0481 PART TIME EMPLOYMENT Training Tuesday nights and one weekend month Grey and Sirncoe Fores tersMiIiIia Barrie Armoury For tur ther information on Tuesday and Thurs day eveningstelephone 728 3761 WAITERSWAITRESSES for dining FUI rnn shen and banauets Full or Ddll time Apply In person Not tawasaga tnn Hwy 89 Alliston ROAST BEEF and SEAFOOD HOUSE opening in Coltrngwood early December regurres head chef and short order cocks year round employment Reply in contdevice giving complete resume and salary desired to Box BEE The Examiner Barrie vavi rivcvw 71help wanted 71help wanted 71help wanted IMO Donalds Li TIME ON YOUR HANDS WHEN THE KIDS GO BACK TO SCHOOL McDonalds Restaurant Bayfield Street has openings for PARTTIME DAY STAFF SSbeerspenkift4deyspereeek No experience required Complete training Regular pay reviews Uniforms supplied Food discount Candidates should apply in person at McDONAlDS RESTAURANT Ieyfield slim Barrie WANT CIIRISTMAS BONUS Earn extra money selling Avon Be your own boss and set your own hours OPEN TERRITORIES MlDHURST AREA LITTLE LAKE AREA OOROWEST or HWY GUTHRIE AREA BARRIE ANGUS WASAGA BEACH FLOS Phone today and find out how easy it is to get started Highest commission Call 7289652 MTTF START CAREER Hydroculture Luwaso requires outgoing sales persons for home parties to demonstrate an exciting concept in growing house plants We need help over the Christmas season We will train you No investment Cor necessary Phone 7370532 9om5pm NI BUILDING SUPERINTENDENT Ex perienced mature couple lor main tenance of apartment building Wages and apartment included Must have references Telephone 728 5273 RESPONSIBLE TRUSTWORTHY live in housekeeper for family of adults and boys aged 12 and Must be capable of maintaining home and some meal preparation Two days off per week Drivers licence preferred but not essential Experience and references necessary Salary and benelits negotiable to right person Call 737 0026 EXPERIENCED SUPERINTENDENT wanted to clean and maintain Bpt building Send resume to Box BS9 The Examiner Barrie 024252630 ORDER DESK CLERK Barrie based distributor of recreational products has on immediate opening for an order desk clerk Duties to include expedition of orders warehouse liaison inventory control and must possess typing and clerical skills Past experience in traffic or related pasition preferred We offer competitive salary company benefit package and pleasantworking environment Please reply in writing stating past experience to PENTASTAR INC 92 Davidson St Barrie Ontario MM 353 Attn MR GALLAUGHER PERSONNEL MANAGER Reporting to the General Manager the incumbent will manage the total Personnel Function for this established Plastics Moulding Plant located in Barrie The successful candidate will be generalist with to years experience knowledgoble in labor relations and will ideally have been involved in recruiting training safety and salary and benefits administration If these criteria apply to you and you are interested in joining progressive organization please forward your resume in con fidenceto THE PERSONNEL MANAGER EXPERIENCED SALES help required zppjyain person Mamselles Baylield arrie DIVISION OF CONSUMERS GLASS LOCAL BUSINEfsgleqijeshpartners i3 53 E5 managmen eXI OUFS 900 benefits Phone for appointment 7269574 51 °h Shea DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT Earn Deltie OMOHO rslzoo Sign TomiIv pin timgégiryqysosgz me or In EFVIEWD OTIC O31 alter CLEANING PERSON required to clean prolessional couples apartment One day weekly Anne and Edgehill area Telephone 737 4657 alter CARPENTER andor carpenters Helper required with interest in log building Cal7361966 PART TIME MATURE Babysitter wanted in my home during the day One child one year old Cundles area Please call 726 6673 BOOKKEEPER up totrial balance also reception duties and some typing Call IL for appointment 726 3220 at URGENTLY NEEDED Reliable per VICTORIA wooo DEVELOPMENT iï¬tiétélillï¬slifiisl°léflé T232233 CORPORATION INC housework Main concern Is childrens 4490130 care Call 435 4075 Ext 273 BRICKLAYER CREWS WANTED Residential PERSON To TRAIN as assistant manager for retail record store Apply in person at Music World Georgian Mall Barrie 80public notices Canadas leading manufacturer of cosmetic con tainers requires qualified TOOL AND DIE MAKER Applicants must be fully experienced in precision work on injection moulds Excellent opportunity with good fringe benefits including medical and dental For appointment call Evelyn Nicholson theoxamhor TueedevOct 30 107 11 mwï¬vvwvwvw for student weekdays 345 pm Allen dele area Telephone 7372581 RELIABLE LIVEIN housekeeperoom panion good wages Ilberat tlme oft Telephone 7284404 7775319509193993 AFANTASTICOPPORTIINIIT Earn up to $500 weekly and more as our agent explaining government insulation program Management potential MR NORTH 14166361551 N24 TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part timelull time sideline Calendars ad specialties printed labels tapes bell pens otlice supplies etc Our 27th veer New catalogue available Alco Box 2177 Ottawa FLEXIBLE HOURS Average $600 58 00 per hour showing our beautitul Christmas line to Your lriends and neighbors For personal interview call 705 3221704 ask about new phone plan ï¬nPiivmsmwsntsd DAY CARE in my home St Vin centGrove Street area Telephone 95673 INDEPENDENT EXPERIENCED night cleaners will clean clubs offices tactories etc Reasonable bendable references Phone 728 8037 Marg MATURE LADY wishes position wlth older couple or lady Light housekeep ing has drivers licence Live in References avallable Telephone 325 5894 evenings JANITORAL OR DOMESTIC work wanted Relerences Fully experienced Telephone 726 2194 79auction sales IlGuNll AUCTION SALE For ALAN lATIMER of the Town of Alliston The sale will be held in the Cdn Legion Hall 111 Dufferin St Alliston on FRIDAY NOVEMBER at pm The sale offers number of antique collector primitive and some modern rifles shotguns and muzzle loaders from various countries of the world shell loading tools hunting acc many old lumber and wood working tools blacksmith tools cobblers and harness making tools few pieces of ant furniture prints and old picture frames NOTE You must produce your Firearms Acquisition Certificate to purchase any rifle An ap plication must be made for some at the OPP or some municipal offices TERMS Cash day of sale cheques with identification ACCIDENTS Neither the owner hall nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents or property loss Ernie Severn Auctioneer RR Alliston Tel 4354878 SCL No 10 030 sofpublic noti mes THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU TO PARTICIPATE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF BARRIE The Striking Committee of the Council of the City of Barrie will be recommending appointments in November 1979 to the following boards and commissions BARRIE PLANNING BOARD CANADYLET LIMITED COMMITTEE or ADJUSTMENT 137 John St Barrie Ont PROPERTY STANDARDS COMMITTEE MARKET COMMITTEE no 65 LIBRARY BOARD ARE YOU on Opportunist 0HAVE YOU been in sales more than years ARE YOU now earning more than $20000 yrly ARE YOU career minded If yes please send resume to 1979 CENTRAL SIMCOE AREA PLANNING BOARD Applications marked as to what board or commission an ap pointment is desired with brief resume attached are requested from an individual or sponsored application with the consent of the proposed person attached and will be received by the undersigned up to 500 pm on November STRAUGHAN AMCT CMC LINDA GREEN ngBCle2le 920 Yonge St Ste 320 TORONTO oiii M4W acz WEIR O2630N1 YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOO EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 TORONTOHIGH ST DUNLOP VICTORADUFFERIN PUGET ST NELSONSTEEL BMPF°RESL TIFFIN ST NO 200s before 400 Bridge EUGENlAAMELIA DUNLOP WPERRY EUGENIADUNDONALD PENETANG ST SHANTY BAYSHOREVIEW PlNECEDAR PAINSWICK Yes would like more information ob0ut an Examiner Carrier Route NAME ADDRESS PARENTS SIGNATURE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie LAM 4T6 JGE PHONE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by am day preceding publication with the exception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $600 Additional words 11 cts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words $600 Addi tional words lIcts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $600 with verse per couni line 23 cents per line COMING EVENTS S3 43 per column inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 24 word minimum Cash Discount Rates apply If paid within days One or two insertions 10c per word insertion Three consecutive 1n sertions cents per word insertion total $684 Six consecutive insertions 9c per word per insertion total $1296 Multiple Inser lions may be ordered subiect to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation not of nunbers etc count as separate wards ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classiï¬ed Advertising Department re quires advertisers lo kindly recheck their advertisement immediately after first inser lion in order that any error or omlulon may be reported before am in order that some may be rectified for the follole by publication The Examiner is responsï¬le for only one incorrectly printed insertion of aly advertisement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the misprint Er rors which do not lessen the value of advertisement are not eligible for correc tions by make goods The Examiner reserve Ihe right to classify revise or reject any wail ads PHONE 7282414 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise TF