the examiner Tuoedey0¢t30 1m to tlevision guide TUESDAY EVENING VIEWING EVENING 600 NEws TIC TAC DOUGH CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS ID POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS 630 Nec NEws MARY TYLER MOORE OW CBS NEws ABC NEws NEws RHODA FABLES OF THE GREEN FOREST 655 WRITE ONI 700 CANDID CAMERA LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS TIC TAC DOUGH WHATEVER TURNS YOU ON Ruth Bum Lea Lye and the kids epoot horror we and TVe endless reruns STREET TALK PEOPLE AND PETS ChIldren and FAMILY FEUD MAUDE 730 MUPPETS SHOW Arlo III it NEWLYWED GAME CONLONS ONTARIO JOKERS WILD STARS ON ICE Guests Terry Kubicke Spour and Robert Lainie Kazan ry Head Gisela LIVELY COUNTRY MAGIC SHADOWS Cell of the Part BOB NEWHART SHOW MASH 800 CASPERS HALLOWEEN SPECIAL Atter Hairy Scareya mean practical okea ere blamed on the friendly ghoat Casper ha switches tactice and iorna Iorcee with Casper to make the Halloween HAPPY DAYS CALIFORNIA FEVER ANGIE TUTANKHAMUNS EGYPT WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT New boots tor cowa that report on their diet and weight eoggy lettovera tram brewery that make for beautiful rec rooms and ï¬tment work at noiae IlutIon lab MOVIE COMEDY Next Stop Greenwich Village me 830 ANGIE Angie and Brad decide to spend romantic weekend alone at home but econ find their privacy invaded by bungling bur lar 88 TIIE RAES Robbie and CherrIll introduce Stonebold and Grace Jones with Jon Hyelop The Jamea Hibbard Dancers and Tommy Banks Orchestra OUNICY THE REAL STORY CCLOUD McCloud investigated on exploelon in which fellow otIIcer was lulled while doing him favor 900 In TUESDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES Freedom Road 1979 Stars Ali Kria Krietofferson EwTHREES COMPANY TUESDAY NIGHT MOVIE you On One 1917 Stars Robby Benson Annette Dale THREES COMPANY bump on Chriuye head eenda her to the hospital leaving Mr Furleya imagination whirling with hte of tenant hankyponky no VISTA The FiahI to Male 9230 THE FIFTH ESTATE wnn Adrienne Clarkeon Eric Mailing and Ian er TAXI Bobby and Tonya friendship is on the line when they became embroiled in love trlangle and attempt to outdo each other in vying for the affections of beautiful young MY TAXI 1000 HART TO HART Jonathan and Jennifer are on Opposite end at murder cue as they try to eolve battling mystery in which their best Inenda are the accused QWEOPE Violence and Vandelrem GLOBAL NEWS UPDATE NEws 1001 re STARSKY AND HUTCH sum and Hutch are deceived Into helping longloot buddy who in now proteeaIOnaI killer 80 mine 1030 MAN ALIVE wIIn Roy ieteel III IOYs or COLLECTING 1100 NEws CBC NEws Ii CTV NEws ID THE REAL STORY MOVIE SCIENCEFICTION Westworld 1973 1120 NEws 1125 NEws 1127 NEws 1130 THE TONIGHT SHow ew or Careon Guests Tony Bennett Bees Arm ang David Horowttz Re eat 90 mins CBS LATE M0 IE BARNABY JONES The Deadlrer Species comptroller embezzles funds and then kills the men who discovers his crime Repeat LOVE AFFAIR The Eleanor And Lou Gehrig Story 1976 Stars Blythe Dunner Edward Imam MOVIE DRAMA The medians leer PARTY GAME ID QUESTION PERIOD ED SPORTS PROBE 145 NEW KIND or FAMILY 1200 MOVIE ADVENTURE old 1974 KOJAK 22 MERV GRIFFIN historically speaking barries story October lth 1970 With onequarter of the year remaining the county board of education had spent only two thirds of its 1970 operating budget comparative sum mary of operating expenditures tabled at regular meeting showed expenditures and com mitments to Sept 30 of $19438000 from total budget of 329373543 The largest single budget item was salaries Some degree of integration of trainable retarded children into the general school population was recommended to the Sim coe County Board of Education report dealt with what it call ed the integration segregation issue The report said the type of integratIon lacing school boards involves bringing trainable retarded children into the same building as regular children but retaining separate classes The report listed several advantages of total in tegration and stressed that the attitude of those involved was crucial The Ontario Municipal Board approved the citys proposed rezoning bylaw and official plan except for portions dealing with commercial development in the Bayfield StCundles Rd intersection The Board was satisfied that all three proposed sites were suitable for shopping plazas but did not agree that they should all be rezoned at this time consultant had pro jected population of 40000 for Barrie by the year 1986 with an estimated 100000 people by the year 2000 The majority of Barrie residents were informed that they would not have to face tax increase due to reassess ment The reassessment was done on market value system based on the housing market at that time Banting Memorial High School Alliston finished up the regular football season on their home field by defeating Barrie North 130 The loss eliminated North from playoff action with 32 record crying time again Nick Bastaia of Toronto Argonauts cries as he joins other downcast Argos on the bench after losing to Calgary Stampeders 28l2 in Toronto Sunday The loss eliminated the Argonauts from the Canadian Football League playoffs for the second consecutive season CP Laserphoto ugmmuma Mammography helpful here By PAUL DONOHUE Dear Dr Donahue Please print some information about fibrocystic disease of the breast Is there anything to stop it or the pain BT selected your letter as one of many get on the subject of fibrocycist disease of the breast would like to answer few of the often asked questions about it in general way Fibrocystic disease of the breast is also called chronic cystic mastitis mastitis meaning inflammation of breast tissue Since breasts have many different kinds of tissue there many types of cystic disease The term can mean cysts of the milkproducing glands or changes in ducts that carry milk to the nipples Or it can mean scarring of the tissue that supports the breast Lumps are the main symp tom and the chief concern is to make sure these lumps are not cancer Pain softness of the lumps and the fact that there are more than one help in rul ing out cancerous conditions Mammography is helpful as well as the noting of changes in the breasts from one exam ination to another The peak years for fibrocystic disease are the 305 and 405 although cysts may appear earlier or later than that Breast pain associated with the cysts is eased by good supporting bra worn day and night In answer to another question hormones do not seem to help Cancer is more frequent in fibrocystic breasts than in nor mal ones but fibrocystic dis ease of itself is not cancer Self examination and periodic eval uation by physician is good policy for women with fibrocys tic disease of the breasts This brief review may answer many of the letters get on this sub ject Dear Dr Donohuc Why do so many elderly people like my self have constipation prob lems Ive had mine since my husband wonderful person up and died on me cant find any connection but have had this problem since have ac cepted his death and remain ac five as can Mrs TS As you can guess there are many causes of constipation in the young or the old But would say chief cause in many older people is that they dont eat enough or enough of bqu foods Muscles get weak with age and that includes those of the intestinal tract The muscles need every bit of work out they can get Bulk helps provide that It is not uncommon for males to change eating routines upon the death of spouse Meal regularity is the first to go dont have to belabor this point only make it to suggest that that might be your problem Continue to be as active as you can and try to get your three squares day Dear Dr Donahue When go underwater while swimming get cough the next day am fine when swim on top of the water Is there anything wrong with my lungs am 15 years old Miss LI dont think theres anything wrong with your lungs Water is probably getting into the back of your throat causing you to cough You may just have an ex tremely sensitive response to this reflex Stay on top of the water BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Greedy declarer devoured NORTH 1030A 010965 VA9 OAKQIH 82 WEST EAST 003 018 l087i32 9962 011053 OAIO KQJQH SOUTH OAK742 QJSS 07 +765 Vulnerable Both DealerzEast West North East South Pass Pass Pass 19 Pass 10 Pass 20 Pass 40 Pass Pass Pass Opening leaszt By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Four spades by South is very normal contract At most tables East was stuck in twoclub overcall of Norths diamond opening bid West led the ace of clubs and the suit was continued with West get ting to ruff the third club with his queen of trumps The nine of hearts would be discarded from dummv and South would make the rest of the tricks for his contract At the table shown East failed to overcall and West ned the four of hearts ost South players would be happy with the lead and rise with dummys ace in order to draw trumps and get some discards on diamonds but this South was really greedy He called for dummys nine and the roof fell on him East returned the nine of clubs West cashed the 10 and ace and led second heart which East ruffed East led third club which West ruffed with the queen of trumps for defen sive trick number five West led another heart and East made his jack of trumps Down three and if South had called for dummys ace of hearts at trick one he would actually have made all 13 tricks ASK IE EXDCIIS You hold OQ854 K2 9J32 AKQB New York reader wants to know what we respond to partners oneheart opening We favor the unusual response of two clubs We can show spades later if we think it advisable We definitely do not respond two notrump 10308 dain crossword ACROSS 45 Pecan Answer to Previous Puzzle confection Show 49 Man WEBIIIBE DEBBIE displeasure 52 Small bills Jumping stick 53 Year Sp Gridder group 54 Make eyes at I2 ChrIstmas 55 Roman date 13 scent 56 Transgress 14 Caspian 57 Leered 15 Skin ailment 16 Lore 18 Break Into DOWN many pieces Burmese EgiIlIary verb Exrzricgain 22 0330 Arm bone 24 alugwave It Cuts incisors amphher Pushed boat 27 FlexibIlity 312 river 3l Cleans floor crocodile 32 Hat crown Gridder 33 Auto club Jimmy 34 Compass Huge 00 continent 35 Translation 10 swamps 36 CarnatIon 11 Endoswe 37 Made tranqml 17 College 39 Pack animals athletic group 40 Consume 19 Pitch 41 Tune 22 Unite 42 Ram 23 Who measure ulnar unilateral Emumfl DIIEB mu 21 Mesdames 38 Air prefix abbr 39 Actress 25 Firstrate Farrow comp wd 41 Carrying guns 26 Went quickly 42 Va tabl 27 Carps home ge 28 Tack II pre Ix 44 Atop 29 Rattan 45 Whlmper 30 Eastern 46 beasts of burden New 32 Writer of 47 Ck verse 48 Being Lat 35 School Organi 50 Small deer zation abbr 51 1957 scIence 36 PlagIarIze event abbr Iksflrcr Gra Bernice Bede Osol Your cBirthday October 31 1979 Unusual conditions will develop this coming year to introduce you to whole new social circle Take care that you dont forsake old and trusted pals Friends are priceless SCORPIO Oct 24NOY 22 The best way to overcome difficult relationships with persons who are causing them is to do the unexpected and smother them with friendliness You can turn things around SAOITTARIUS Nov 23000 21 Make it point it at all possible to repay Indebtedness that obli gates you to pal Shell be blt ter if you dont CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Your ability to act as you need or want to could be somewhat restricted today because the one youll be counting on will be toot dragging AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 10 Provided you didnt spend your income or earnings in advance your material outlook appears to have adequate strength to meet your needs PISCES Feb 20March 20 Take things as they come today and be ready to adjust when necessary Dont feel obligated For Better or Worse GIVE Dramas goon PLPNET ls SURROUNDED 39 My RABBIT wAE DELICIOUS IAsT YEAR as HALLONEEN DIDNT BUYANICANWAT ALL SOMETIMES lTlIINK IVE FORGOTTEN How To FaNTRSIzE HHVENT you EloHN to tumll commitment if you see nothing can result from it ARIES March 21April 10 Today may not be as productive as It could be You have tend ency to place emphasis on satis fying whet pleases you rather than doing urgent tasks TAURUS April 20May 20 This Is one of those days where you cant please everybody so dont even try Do what you can for those who appreciate your kind ness GEMINI May 21June 20 Something you want to achieve ls apt to slip through your fingers today because youll not be as persistent as you should be in pursuing it CANCER June 21JulY 22 Your ISNT HER HOLIDAY Elanarr arr EARN or woman Inc in WHERE DID YOU 951 TOLD THE LIIILE WEET0651 THEY WIPED our THEIR 50H OFFMYIKDFEKW INCEKPEN TALLY WHAT ENTIEE MAEIuUANA cm first thoughts are your best ones today yet making quick deci sions wont rest easy with you You cauld make mistake because of overanelysis LEO July 23Aug 22 Yester days extravagance may cause you to hold back on doing what is right today Allow your instincts and love for your family to guide you VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Be sure that all burdens are Shared equally in partnership arrange ments today or the greater por tion Of the liabilities will fall on you LIBRA Sept 20ct 23 You could be looking for pets on the back for something nice youll be doing for another They wont be coming much to your chagrin lidsw nity WAS HOPING your7 RKOGMZE BEETHO VENS MOONLJ6HT 50NAT FLITT Born Loser wwwmmsm IT THERES SEVERAme or LaokIN an IT YOU ANY IDEAS on TlIESUBJECT PSYCHIATRY alleli allI NEW COURSE OFFERED MILTON Ont CPI The heavyequipment school at Sheridan College is offering new program to train crane ope erators says school spokesman Lloyd Spalding The eightII eel course to begin Oct 29 Is open to licensed hoisting engineers who want to improve their skills II VI ork on Tllllr complex Holmes presume Sherlock Holmes expert JO Bennett Show of Santa Fe imitates the lamous sleuth in deerstalker hot and Holmeshead pipe Show will speak Thurs day in Moriarty NH at the annual meeting of the Brothers Three of Moriar ty AP Photo be Am up an um hII II Am sv Iun howa equipment Spalding says that there has been lack of such programs in the provmce de spite industrys need for trained operators NAZI STLIH READY GLIJLPH Ont lCI Lnryersity of Guelph history professor recently completed 10year study of the SS the CIlit HE DIDNT GOMPLEIELY 40 MY DELOJIGN OF GRANDEUR Bul OllbyNEA In Tu Reg us aoarzv PERCY GET THE DlzINKs IN AN WELL DISCIISS IT FURTHER Tamas Iolo COMFOUDD IT MAM IF ID WAISTED TOMATO 900 WOULDNT IM NOT mount THIS BLOKEIS so FLIpoI somesz IS wHIppETaoT OF AN Iowa IT Nazi guard Gunnar Boehnert who reviewed the files of 61000 German officers for the study was the first academic granted authorization by the state department for access to SS files held in Berlin Boehnert says that the study will be pub lished by the Institute for Con temporary History in Germany in Munich CARRIED LMBHELLAS For many years English walkers carried umbrellas to indicate that they were gen tlemen and not tramps WALKED ACRESS US In 1972 Englishman John Lees walked across the United Statesfrom osAngelestoNew York in 53 days 12 hours Is mInutes