vo in vvfl motion llltltllt hit the escapiner Saturday Oct 27 1979 The County Chordsmen Borries mens barbershop chorus pre sent their annual concert tonight at pm at the Central Col legiate Auditorium Joining the Chordsmen are the Dukes of Har Barbershoppers perform at collegiate many from Scarborough the Top Heavy Trio The Whistlers the York Highlands Sweet Adelines and Conspiracy Tickets are $4 for adults and $250 for seniors children and the handicapped tTZomedians hit the road with Ia It StlllIlIIN tiAIJIIlt tit The Examiner ltnve Lucas and llob Everett the algary comedians who inzilte up twothirds of the Iwirtt and Lucas Comedy iIlt have spent the last six months establishing national iiputaliou the hard way by iIilli string of one and two lllIIll in towns and cities from Prince Rupert tottawa Ilw IlfIlIIIl arrived to IIIllt this neck and promptly Iiil up worl at the ltiookdale Inl lam Llltlt they perform irt lInr4ilcj mrl lliursilay iiilit in tlIIItI two members nl Iltt IIII troupe are Everetts mic llose who handles the quad and light ing tor the show uI llllllftlfl Irish Set on 1iwllhigiliii llw Hamil we made the tip says ItltII the more vIIiill of the tvn com If me to anlr rim IIIIII ottlEJIUH the act as Vmvvnum worked in Calgary but will it work elsewhere That qucs tiot has apparently been answered The act has been consistently successful right across the country As Everett and Lucas describe it the act mixes stand up comedy impressions music and satire Theres spoof of the Ed Sullivan Show that features appearances by Johnny Credit Lucasi and June Farter tEverettI and monologue by Sir Ran Bap Pakistans top comic Everett and Lucas also do impressions of John Wayne Liberace lticharil Nixon and Humphrey llogart to name few NET NET The two comedians first met in high school in Calgary They played together in Show bands and then formed the comedy partnership three years ago lheyre already made half hour TV special for Calgary station and put together radio entertainment wwrnm my inovie gives to iiillytitli ism Ivlllll has himself iYIVIIVIIlI almost every actor Inn for mliil common llcs Ihc tilittille which is scaring the Ir mt oil the public and making vtllltlll happy It is IlrIII Ile had his share of flops IizIt re the one and in the pro he has come to cytiical Int piohahly correct conclusion lieu movies and who goes to wc Ilam lheic are says Broliu to sit of movie viewers tiow who watch in the seven mung rooms in Malibu and tho ho watch in the rest of IIIt Ila talking about the lit lltlil in the movie business Imt used to be called the lie in circuit in the days of the moguls but the moguls are tone Instead today there are hunch of minimoguls the iicntz and studio heads who mmmlays live generally in talihu rather than liel Air run product of llollywowl mm mm says Jim ltrolin and luv Hollywood movies and Ive loved them since was ItiI and Ill continue to lore iii in tlt in Ilwioi traiin leverage easiest film them But Hollywood movies are changing and think for the better The young directors today most of them stand by their guns and wont settle for anything except the best When they say they want train with 40 cars and 1800 extras in the morning they wont settle as directors settled 10 years ago for bunch of miniatures and ltiextras 606 list Paper Cottitor at Diaiilopgl Molcomr VA vttllttu IflINISUM OCTOBER for persons wanting instruction level only and not wishing to take lull design program wins quot to nimble SllikrIIIS to advance to second year or nik tutuuls vliilwim Jeri tnL cit hit all tin no required to second year Imtwctmn times one Intruder erlithy JUVII Viaving Cora Bowman iimv ulny It II 30 nlm Desum Don Stuart ti toy it llJU Stitcheiy loom Marie Aiken for Htiiistmtinn contort Georgian College Design Arts Division AOI Dnckworth Street Davie Ontario tel 77349 gymmnr TEXTILES COURSE tor PARTTIME STUDENTS two or three subjects may be serial Rubin Boy Blunder for local FM station The current national tour began the first of May when the troupe left Calgary in their converted schoolbus for what they thought would be six weeks work in Prince Rupert But some of the bookings fell through thats when they began to line up their own jobs We found it was just as easy to book ourselves says Everett And we found there was ready reception for com edyacts But lining up work wasnt easy The comedians would check out local clubs and hotels in the mornings talk owners in to hiring them spend after noons promoting themselves by driving through downtown streets have dinner and then perform in the evening The hours were long often 14 hours day but Everetts convinced their national tour has been worth the effort Now weve established reputation and that makes it lot easier the next time we try it he says TAKE IIANLE Sometimes club owner were reluctant to take chance on comedy act Lucas and Everett were persistent When we ap proach club owner were like dog biting bone we dont let go until he says yes The comedians have been in Ontario for two months play ing small towns like Atikokan and Wawa and larger cities like ttawa where they performed at Andy and Flos the local comedy cabaret Both conic dians agree their best au Aussie band exploits variety By ROB PATTERSON Sure we were bit surprised at how quickly we were ac cepted in the States says Glen Shorrock front man and lead Singer for Australias Little River Band Not that we felt we couldnt do it but usually it takes little longer for group from Australia to get an au dience here In fact Little River Band does seem customdesigned to get the most mileage from some of the best talents from Down Under Shorrock guitarists Graham Goble and Beeb Birtle and drummer Derek Pellicci were all members of wellknown groups in their native land Sharrock credits this for giving us all bit of experience that has been very valuable Thegroup has four different songwriters which means we can offer tremendous varie ty says Shorrock That is what attracted us all to each other in the first place Usually an Aussie act will have to go and make it in England before they maybe go on to make it in America ex plains Shorrock but their first release simply dubbed Little ughs travelling comedy show Dave Lucas left Rose and Bob Everett Ex aminer Photo diences came in towns with and getan offerofthreemonths populations between 5000 and work from an agent 10000 This trip has convinced me theres market for com edy in small communities says Everett Everett and Lucas also visited Toronto where Mark Brcslin owner of Yuk Yuks Comedy Cabaret asked them to perform for free The come dians refused But they did stay in Toronto long enough to talk to people at the CBC and CTV US influence attacked OTTAWA CP CBC presilt dent Al Johnson said Thursday pay television should be allowed only if it contributes to more and better domestic programming that would be shown on free channels Johnson told onelay con ference sponsored by the Cana dian Broadcasting League that the number of US channels available to Canadians amounts to national disgrace It is national disgrace that 75 per cent of the television viewing time of Englishlan guage Canadians is spent watching US programs he said The figure for FrenchCa nadians is 40 per cent Johnson said the sole test for new television services such as pay television should be whether they lead to an in crease in viewing of Canadian programming He said that when pay tele vision is introduced it should be on payforprogram basis and not on payforchannel basis Earlier Communications Minister David MacDonald said applications for pay television licences will be considered after the Canadian Hadi0television and lelecommunications Com mission holds hearings on the shape pay television should take in Canada CORBETT MONTGOMERY Er ASSOCIATES BARRISTERS SOLICITORS Carry on General Practice of Law in BARRIE BRADFORD NEWMARKET AURORA BARRIE OFFICE ANGUS BEETON KESWICK STOUFFVILLE JOHN HERLIHY BA LLB MICHAEL SHOEMAKER BComm MBA LLB THE DOWNTOWN CENTRE no DUNLOP 51 sum 32 73701 COUNTY CNORDSMEN present THE BEST or amt BARBERSHOP SAT OCT 27 800 PM BARRIE CENTRAL AUDITORIUM FEATURE ATTRACTION SCARBOROUGH DUKES OF HARMONY International Championsf TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR The comedy troupe returns to Calgary next month where Everett and Lucas will evaluate the new material theyve gathered on the trip and plan their future Everett says theyr still struggling financially paying the bills and staying alive but theyre committed to what they admit is tough line of work Comedy such huge market says Everett Youre compared to the big comedians like Steve Martin and Robin Williams because theres no local level in com edy Its tough because youre competing Eventually Everett and Lucas want to develop concertstyle act complete with live music films and slide shows Theyd like to do more TV work Theyd also like to perform at the Comedy Store in Los Angeles which they credit with starting the 19705 boom in standup comedy Everett and Lucas want to ride the crest of that comedy boom Everett is optimistic about the results of the current tour We work 14 hours day but eventually what were do ing on this trip will pay off Lucas is more specific One thing weve learned is that we have to raise our prices BILL IRWIN Originator of Magic Study Series VISITS BARRIE OCT 29th Dont miss this rare opportunity to attend Workshop Pop Organ Concert By this leading Recording Artist Arranger Educator Radio TV Artist Special invitation to all organ teachers students and organ owners in general MONDAY OCT 29th Free Workshop 230 to 430 FREE POP CONCERT to 930 OF MOONST NE BAYFIELD MALL BARRIE 7373572 River Band caught the ear of the American public With proud string of hits since then Help Is On Its Way Happy Anniversary Reminiscing and their latest Lonesome Loser Lit tle River Band members are LOUIS lAWlOR CLASSICAL GUITARIST ORILLIA OPERA NOUSE SAT OCT 2779 pm $550 nmoooo 50 mum AVAlAIll OI 01 ON INIILS 00 III MD IAN DUNIOP WRITE TORI RICNMONNRODUCTIONS 10165 YONG ST RICHMOND Nlll ONTIAC 3H EEEEESSEiï¬ ICUHIIID AS NIAI Illlllllfll grateful for the warmth shown them by US audiences Its almost like very nice dream in way says Sharrock Its gratifying to be wellknown and ORilliA Thekmcs ENEVA IbWESTST 326633 liked in Australia but to make it her really means something After all this is the biggest music market in the world NELD OVER SHOWS AT PM Its five miles wide its coming at 30000 mph and theres no place on Earth to hide nun trrnn Itll EU ADULT ENTERTAINMENT DRESSUP PARTY WED OCT 31 1979 Prizes for the Best Costumes Pumpkin Cutting Contest No cover charge Woodys at the Holiday Inn Barrie Hwy 400 on Fairview Rd Telephone 7286191 Entrance and ample parking at the rear of building ss NSN ï¬rmmmmï¬mmomarina mumms 7269944 fl TIMEOFYOURLIFE MOVIE film that is refreshingy different Fiex Reed Vogue Will win plenty of accolades and fickle alof at fancies In the springhe knew he was in love her 56 Eros RUNNER STUMBLES Forbidden Love Based on True Story Ncw York Times iii 7269944 Aims 915 pm CINEMA At pm IOIIILAIAU AS RI tllfllAtlltlf MELVIN SIMON PRODUCTIONS Presents STANLEY KRAMER WNW ilil RUNNI ll SIIIMIII DICK VAN DYKE KATHLEEN OUINLAN MAUHELN SIAPLL TON RAY BOttJlIl IIIMvtv tiltht am Bl AU litIIH Sereenotay by MILAN STITT Based on His Broadway Play Drectov oi Pintogiaohy LASZLO KOVAts Assoctate Prod Executive Palmer MELVIN SIIVDN nut Ploducud and Ousted by STANLIY HIMIt It ucer MARIO ISCOVICH MUSIC by ERNESI Kl