Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Oct 1979, p. 33

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saturday tL sill MISADVENTURES OF SHER MORNING 558 FOCUS VARIETY BETTER WAYI CARTOON PLAYHQUSE HILARIOUS HOUSE OF FRIGHTENSTEIN SENECA TELECOLLEGEI 630 SUNRISE SEMESTER AGRICULTUREUSA SUPERHEROES 700 INFINITY FACTORY FARM REPORT BARBA POPPA UNCLE BOBBY SHOW DALE HARNEY PTL CLUBTALK AND 600 890000 000 El lt gt lt OVIE MACHINE CIRCLE SQUARE MUNDO REAL BATTLE OF THEPLAINEIIS ROGER RAMJET 800 DAFFY DUCK SHOW ALL IN TUBE MIGHTY MOUSEHECKLE AND JECKLE THREE STOOGESLITTLE RASCALS MIGHTY MOUSE HARRIGAN POLKA DOT DOOR MULTlCHINESE 826 IN THE NEWS 830 CASPER 000 0990 0630 AND THE ANGELS HARRIGAN in WILLY AND FLOYD 856 IN THE NEWS 900 FRED AND BARNE MEET THE THING BIRDMAN AND GALAXY TRIO BUGS BUNNYROAD RUNNER SHOW SESAME STREET PLASTICMAN COMEDY ADVENTURE SHOW BARBAPAPA SPIDERMAN JEREMY SOUNDS 0F ASIA 915 HATTYTOWN TALES 926 IN THE NEWS 930 FLIPPER LETS Go ANY WOMAN CAN FISH TALES MULTINATIVE PEOPLE 945 MATH PATROL 956 IN THE NEWS 1000 SUPER GLOBETROTTER WHATS NEW HOBBLEDEHOY SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON CREATIVE HANDS MISTER ROGERS BUFORD FILESAND THE ALLOPING GHOST 1030 08300 080 90090000 THE SHMOO BsWIDEWORLDOF SPORTS aid on Rommel 1971 Lb In Ihi ahth at II 133130 82 Witlglrmfristlinga Ontlzpslon MOVIE WESITIERN sliomzKansas City defeated 1969 AGRISCOPE 33 BUGSBUNNY SOUNDS GOOD UNTAMED WORLD RED FISHERSflow II READY SET GROW 15II30I 1133 DOWN TO EARTH THE IDEA MACHINE MOVIE ugasswoo IE FABLES OF THE GREEN UNANNOUNCED II FOREST 1100 gt YE 1200 NEW ADVENTURES OIF 2000 TOWARDS THE MOVIEDRAMA FLASH GORDON denburg CONLONS ONTARIO MOVIECOMEDY CANADIANS EVENNG ine 80 1975 WOODY WOODPECKER 6=°0 00 VERSATION STAR TREK NEWS ELWY YOSTI TIME TENTATIVE THE CHURCH REACH FOR THE TOP a3 MOVIE 7CIOME0YI SHAPE Up CBC NEWS Cle Beach Party 193 AMAZING WORLD OF PE GODZILLA KRESKIN 1215 1115 MOVIE SATURDAY REPORT CURLINGIII26 POLKA DOTDOOR UNANNCIUNCEEII00 IN THE NEWS SPORT 0330 ROCK CONCERT 1130 22 GODZILLA 400 WESTERNADVENTUREfa OCEANS ALIVE FACES OF SMALL PLACESI chukan 967 FAT ALBERT TIEEIIEEVETINONTARIO 130 WSOOOSBYEAND SCRAPPY NEWS CHALLENGE Doc SNELGROVESNAIL 200 INSIDE TRACK GE WILD ANIMALS OF THE IAIBCNEWE RLD Crocodle 10 BE$$BE°SELF spears tnoee none ROBIN HOOD LAUREL Cline Fall Of Birdwatcher ImI 56 HEE HAWG in IN THE NEWS Ford Cristy Lane JonuFsamllngeandnllfi 215 AFTERNOONI E353 Riddle and Phelps Bud CIIaiIi 60 RANNouxgEvgg SHIRLEY ONNY 0123 COMEBACK MOVIE CC2A2ltEDYMUSICAL WORKING STIFFS IN SMALL BUSINESS NEWS Sensations 1944 50 0F 57 BJ AND THE BEAR smucm COMMAND daughter Carol delial her Iathera order to WOW marryhladoputyanddecideltohelptheiailed the Glenuovglsg BJ IIb Ih tthe hl GHLGHTSBUFFALO BILLS ungadinq le oiiiilirmfiieommai UNANNOUNCED PINS IANI NEEDLES no 55 sees Seoeeo deeeee FLINSTONES MOHAWK PREsENTS CHAMPIONSHIP BRIDGE MOVIE SUSPENSE PTL CLUBTALK ANDIeIrtorinthe SII1011 INTO THE WI HING WELL 1226 IN THE NEWS 1230 RUFFHCIUSEI TRIVIA TARzAN ANDTHE SUPER SEVEN NCAAFOOTBAIL1 MAPLE1LEAFWRESTLIING 11256I IN THE NEWS 1100 TO THE POINT WILDI ANIMALS OFI THE WORLD REACH FOR THETOP Six MILLIONDOLLAR MAN IMEDIAI AND METHODS OF THE ARTIST CITY LIGHTS 126 IN THE NEWS 3130 STRAIGHTLINE BEST OF MOIRA MINTUES THEINVENTORS 11 SPORTSFLASHBACK IFF L080 DONT IUST SITVTHEREI LAWRENCE WELK SHOW IE CITY LIGHTS ITHE DEVIL AND DANIEL MOUSE Animated Special abOut out 730 SHA NA NA GueatazI wingteam who encounter the devil EYEON BUFFALO 69 DRWH0 CHIP phrauitot redmasked inOIDIrcyclaridgng tniel Jon wants toreactivato theICIIIP cable so II HOCKEY NIGHT INCAN ADA Detroit Red Winasys Montreal Can adienaor Vancouver Canucks vs Washington Capitala Region Will determine namely be 800 When Pan mins Viacom your Inca SPECIAL MOVIE PRESENTA TION The Shootist ne Lauren Bacall ti FAMILY FEUD MOVIE UNANNOUNCED 19 vMOVIE Dead of Nloht 1945 22 BAD NEWS BEARS SHUILMAN FILE 830 ch in iniured in V1916 Istare JohnI DETECTIVE SCHOOL 93 WHAT WILL THEY NEXT THINK OF 900 BJ AND THE BEAR Shenll Cains MENOF IDEAS LQGICBI POSIVIS daughter Carol delies her latheIS order that and Its Legacy Sir Altreo Mar Prolessor She marry his deputy and dIeCIOES to help the ed BJ 60 mins THE LOVE BOAT Three Vignettes OI logic Oxtord UnVLeYSIIy delineates the pIrInCIples hi the 19205 Vienna Cilcle the lust ullrlledaed school dl modem philosophyi Cindy Stars Melissa Sue Anderson Frank Whose Lwork homtioducey Io England In Sinatra Play By Play Stars Ciirisiopher GeorgeLynda DayGeDrge WhatsABrothei 100 HUNTLEY STREET GALLOPING GOURMENT 2500 DRAMA fit MOVIE arwnsanarv BEAT THE CHAMP CFL FOOTBALL Montreal afiuettes vs Ottawa Rough Riders hrs OUAA EaEMIFINAL MARITIME COUNTRY FOOTBALL 230 You CAN DO IT it UNDERSTANDING BEHAVIOR IN ORGANIZATIONS YOUREIBEAUTIFUL 300 SPORTSWEEKEND Canadian Open BEUMIHIORI Championships from Calgary World Cyclmglrbm Holland and Saucer Hdree Race 13 hrs MARCUS WELBY MD PERSONAL SPACES SPORTS PROBE TROUBLE WITH TRACY 330 COPE KIDSIWORLDI CELEBRITYIREVUE 400 FBJ ITS ACADEMI NCAA FOIOTIBALL BIGBLUE MARBLE BARBAPAPA SUPERSTAR WRESTLING 430 TURF CLASSIC ANY WAY YOU WANT IT SESAMEISTREET SECIRET RAILROAD 5300 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE SPORTS SPECTACULAR James Scott VSJGHY Celestine In IlOround Plight heavywmght houl2IWorlds Strongest IMeIn Part VIeaturing relngeIratorIrace 60 For Stars PEle Wayne Tom Hallick 60 $5 POINT BLANK 930 SOUNDS GOOD SLOANE 945 I1000 AIMAN CONVERSATIONS WITH FOR THE LOVE OF SPORT ELWY YOSTTIME TENTATIVE CALLED PARIS WOooy Pans locks horns with lederal agent when he trIieS to question man who may have witnessed syndicat dor 60 nuns FANTASY ISLA ND Don Adams stars as locksmith Irom Milwaukee who lantasues OI being World War llcombat pildt but gets inore than he paid Ior whenhe Shares the aky WIIII the Red Baron 60 STARLOST 93 CELEBRITY COOKS cram Russell iomsBruno GerusSI the menu Ior tonight is God Blesslthe Child Chili amaretto FEEL LIKE DANCIN Cream and Pear dessert 1030 MOVIEiTIME TENTATIVE can 01 Spades1946 AMEIRICA 2NIGHT 1100 90 NEWS CBC NEWS F0rce 1973 PROVINCIAL AF NEWS NEWS CTV NEWS LOTTARIO NEW MUISICISPECIAL 1105 1115 1120 1130 TITLE the examinerII Frifgy 09 29 1979 3A entertainme Martin Sheen in Apocalypse Now opening Wednesday in Barrie movies AltICALYPSENOW Francis Coppolas $30 million film about the Vietnam War opens in Barrie on Wednesday at the Imperials Martin Sheen stars asILtdWillard an Army hitmIan sent downriver from Saigon to terminate the com mand of Col Kurtz Marlon tBrandol aCreen Beret officer whos been driven mad by the horror otthewar ANDJLSTKEIEOR ALL AlPacinoI stars in the new Norman Jewison film about the Amj0rican legalsystcm Con tinuesatfthelniperial3 IIlt2TER AIdisaster film starring Sean Connery and Natalie Wood among others ontinues until PETERIAPPLEYARD ED MOVIE CRIME FAIRSI lucsday at the Imperial IIIEN AISTRANOERALLS IThe first2tilm1nutes of this lIIm Visitowing Carol Kane as babysitter psychotics phonecaIIs arc IMagnumI frightenineg nasty but the rest of the filmdoesntmaintain the momIcntum Instead the au licncc is dragged through tedious chase involving private eye Charlcs Iurningl SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE MOVIE ADVENTUREz The TlTLE WITH IIMusé MOVIE and the psychotic Tony IBchklcyIfILs not until the final 13 minutes of the film that the terror returns Continues at the Imperial TIME AFTER TIM II WeIlls Malcolm IIILloWelll chases lack the Ripper DaVid warneri from t9thjcenturyIlIond0n to 20th cen tuiySan Franciscocourtesy ol TlTLE time Inachlnetoiitinucsat Ttie the Hayfield lVlallCincma III itIIthc funniest scenes to hit thc screen this yearDudley Moorc plays middle=aged songwriter who becomes Obsessed Will beautiful young bride playedIby the ravishingBo Derck Julicl Andrews plays Moores girlfriendian opéraIsinger wilhl sharp tongue and shortl temper The plot is silly bur Moore proveshisskill as film comedian Continues at the lmr pcrialBackstage TIIE RUNNER STLIMBLES new film starring Dick Van Dyke and Kathleen Quinlan Starts tonightat the Baytield COMEDY 00 De Mi Cinema ITITLE TITLE hightscene BAYSIIORE MTOR IIOTEI Recorded disco music in the lounge Monday through Satur day $1 cover charge on Satur MOVIE DRAMA Trouble days 148 Dunlop St BRtKIKDALEPARK INN Recorded disco music in the lounge Monday through Satur terrorized by from day $1 cover charge on Fridays and Saturdays 148 Dunlop St LIFION IIOTEL This week Slingcr Saturday matinee from to pm No cover charge ash prizes awarded every Wednesday at the Cliftons amateur talent contest 257 Bradford St ONTINENTAL INN This week in the Mark IV Lounge Captives Next week Norris Vines Sylvia Tyson begins oneweek engagement Nov Two shows nightly Cover charge Exit Highway 90 west oil it ighway 400 HOLIDAY INN This week in Woodys Lounge music by the East Coast Riders No cover charge Highway 400 at Essa Road TIIE LOFT pen nightly Recorded disco music with DJ in the lounge Thursday through Saturday 94 Dunlop St QITEENS IIOTEL Recorded disco music in the lounge Monday through Satur day cover charge on Satur days 941unlopSt ROBlZRIOS IIZZERIA Live entertainment Fridays and Saturdays from pm to ant No cover charge I47 Dunlop St StIINITZEI Ill Live entertainment upstairs the Schnitzel Haus restaurant Monday through Saturday 2591unop St SIMCOE IIOTEL This week Variety Shoppe Next weck Bobby Barns No cover charge Tuesday is amateur night at the Simcoc Ill Bayficld St at the Five Points IIIELIJNIITON HOTEL SIII An adult comedy with some This week music by llltu 110 Bill FARM RD BARRIE 7372266 ROLLERSKATE AT THE ROUNDABOUT Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Evenings Double Sessions First Session 700 930 Second Session 1000 midnight Sat Sun Matinee 130 pm Max No covcr DunlopSt concerts BEST OF BERLIN he ounty Chordsmen pre sent concert of barbershop Inusic at cntral Collegiate Saturday at it pm Featured guests include the Dukes of Ilarmony thc Iop Heavy Trio The Whistlers the York Highlands Swch Adelines and Conspiracy Tickets are $4 for adults and $250 for seniors children and the handicapped LOLISIAILOR The Canadian classical guitarist pcrlorms in concert at charge the rillia Opera House Satur daystartingattlpm YlRE iOOI IIARIJE BROWN The Eastview Players pre sent the musical at the col legiatc Thursday throgh Satur day artscene MARGARET ARIIIlIt Sculpture and graphics by thc Barrie artist arc on display in the gallery of the Barrie Public Library for the month of tobcr JOAN LAYIEN Watercolor paintings and dawings by the Barrie artist aic on display in the Barrie Art Clubtiallcry l1tilunlopSt in the Downtown Centre for the month ot October The gallery is open Monday through Friday from to pm The monthly art rental service run by iltc art club is open this Saturday from to pm ltctrcslnncnts will bc scrycd MAN Sun Evenings 730 10 pm 16 year at ago over Closed Mon

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