2A the examiner Friday Oct 26 1979 tonights tv $500 PROVINCIAL TICKET EACH WEEK LEAVII IS fa PROVINCIAL INSULATION 600 PPER JOHN MD an NEws DALLAS Sgwag PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED HART To HART TEXTURE SPRAY gnu BURNETT AND THE PALACE NILE FREE ESTIMATES RIEN 19 SEARCH FOR II POLKA DOT DOOR ConauoatandDaathDeterminedto complete For Informaion on 628 his great trienda work Amencan Iournallat CHPS Program Call NEWS Henry Stanley leads grueling expedItIon 630 acres the Atricen continent to aovla the riddle Nile NBC NEWS GLOBAL NEWS UPDATE MARY TYLER MOORE NEWS 262004 rovincial EdItor The Examiner WWWId SHOW Each week draws will be made and winners notified 1001 CBS NEWS ARC NEWS gmigflffllaax il1 av Cpoom CHEESE 53 ImamimitationRz 90 SALES BARN 6=45 news gabmcg EADAngS cac Mews WRITE out ME Great Selection of Christmas Ribbon OUR SPECIALTYAT 700 MoVIE DRAMA Straw Large Supply of All Calico Prints Provincial COLONIAL CANDID CAMERA Dog THE INCREDIBLE HULK 1120 WHILE SHOPPING STOP IN Wegusngenï¬orndd RESTAURANT AZINE ï¬rptyius FOR ONE OF 0UR DAILY SPECIALS WM9 IOIMto5pIelweah Home Baking ITIELIE LRRRY NEWS 1127 on JUST FOR on COFFEE $23 Exam Pmmmmu EESEVSEJlï¬K NEWS 30 HO Dunlop 7370599 Downtown Centre 7372431 an hm 728225 FAMILY FEUD THE TONIGIIT SHOW MAUDE LATE MOVIE 11 em 730 NORTHERN SURPLUS SALVAGE INc DANCE FEVER monster who ohrou its victims in aimy pggggggg 6335 3323tf$33113 ay llone Sam MCTaggarte next proposal at marriage OVIE DRAMA Dead only to discover that he is already engaged to Iron and Metal Dealer Structural Steel SENSERS WILD wggARTY GAME Warranty Service Depot BOUQIIT Illld GRAND OLDhcgukNJEY guaeta 3255 PEROD mom SPECIAL on no June Ca TIGERng Eooraitt 79 1145 mu C°mp°°RP° 5W WE BUY SELL USED CARS TRUCKS HIGHLIGHTS THE RETURN OF THE SAINT am rovnco To All Makes MAGIC SHADOWS The Galloping girl on train aignala drama tor the Saint Bags Parts YOU can find anyone who can gar Chapter Two Its ioumeydinto grim mzrder myezzry Aceswri match or befler our prices ea zoAésfEWHART SHOW anleng mp no m0 7267102 1200 MOVIE SUSPENSEDRAMA 800 1A Famil Plot 1910 SHIRLEY widow and her tour In MOVIE ï¬USICAL no Jo children move tram New York to Lake Tahoe WELL DROP OUR PRICE IO°o 157 ESSA RD 438 Dunlap Christ Su erstar 1973 Simon 1195 tldth Itdthtete FFNG Rbrt ITIdIIhOlf7lllrllII0 lzueIinIrariait Iremierrmelgo 3531 male on 10 Provincial 1215 ARCHIE BUNKERS °5 MOVIE MYSTERY V2 PLACE It clue mght have to Lake dive with II9iherLoan Slhark it he wants Portrait In BlaCk 196° EVERY MON TUES 1245 California to linish his latest dream ot adding i1ci1é3ii5ta HULK DANCE Fï¬vgg 0mm trnertt NE FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE The THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL NT WRECK Bible 1966 Stars George Scott Ava 115 7264 Daily from 583586 amie NICE SHow LIKE You Run MARKH Weekly Mommy Rmes Rum Cedflï¬mnm CAROL BURNETT HOUR 130 With no mileage charge For Home Cottage IN SEARCH OF Witch NEWS conNENTAL open Days tore In STYLING ny no or Some Price OPEN DAYS WEEK FANTASY ISLAND EB GONG SHow 8079 Io2 Hayfield 7372655 pmmm MOVIE COMEDY us Fun MOVIE ROMANCEDRAMA 165 WELLINGT0N WEST 726 4044 Rs we Dom Rem wrecks With Dick andange 1977 Altie Dazrlgtg 197s NT PAGE MEDICAL CENTER gALqueg no MOVIE DRAMA 15 The The World Famous Kree Method of ElectrolySIs PERSONAL SPACES Italian Job me 225 900 It THE ROCKFORD FILES MOVIE COMEPX The JAMES BAY SPECIAL ï¬nders Aladdm IWhOVIE REPORTAII Fl the we $91 mixeélifpler COMEDxADVENTURE the world at La Grands Riviera which will Arabella 1969 eventually produce 68 billion kilowatthours 300 annually Program shown how the SEBJ MARCUS WELBY MD company provides servucee tor total work IRENES ELECT ROLYSIS STUDIO Unwanted Hair Removed Gentle Safe and Best of All Permanent 726368 Prawnmol 58 Collier St FREE CONSULTATION 36 MARY ST AT DIINLOP IlNtt 400 7000 at rt cer IOIIver 2703230 we men an BEWITCHED THE DUKES OF 415 HAzzARD MOVIE DRAMA Angel Dusmumes ED WORLD OF CONFLICT lnside 30y 1961 Dhamswmm ina Tenor men OVIE DRAMA Angel es THE LOVE BOAT Unchained 1970 mamas SPECIAL 55 Electronc ll Prowncial harmlï¬c revscs Qualiled lic Our cover story Visit Our New Shop Wheel Balancing Prowncnal Lubrication do As Gideon Jackson CANADIANA ha 80 Hayfield at Ross aims1131 Muhammad Ali plays 728 85 man who rises from 205 Dunlap 7373940 I93 Nah 7267762 slavery to distinguish ed congressman on NBCTVs Freedom Road to be broadcast in two parts Monday and Tuesday at pm Ali is shown in various scenes cover as student Union Army soldier slave and as an elected delegate to the constitu tional convention Georgian Dr 7260893 INDUSTRIAL hundreds designer Immea available at low cost price contact lenses soft and hard Id 71744 Boot Cut Jeans SPECIALIZING IN Organ deadline changed 35 CUTS GUELPH Ont CP The Festival offers prizes totalling Edward Johnson Music Foun $ll000 with the $5000 first MENS NAIRSTYLING dtatflvon his cxéï¬ndefd to Nov 30 prize donated by the Perform my IS 0V ea Ine orreceIVIng in Arts Or anization of applications for national Cagnada gunman 74 organ competitlon next year Judges are to be Dutch Amuflzï¬fmm marking the 100th anniversary recitalist Piet Kee David of the birth of Healey Willian Craighead of the Eastman 32 no wellknown composer of organ School of Music in Rochester muSIc SMALL ENGINES and Raymond Daveluy The competItIon to be held organist of St Josephs Oratory the 1980 Guelph Spnng in Montreal 7266440