Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Oct 1979, p. 21

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7thelp wanted EARN ETRA DOLLARS Required ambitious womenmen with positive attitude To sell or enlist others to sell unique new top quality educational toy Otrernendous sales potential Promotional material free easy no experience needed work from home in spare time be your own boss no risk INTERESTED For FREE in formation kit and sample of product send your name address phone number to TELE TOYS LTD PO Box 426 Brantford Ontario 029 CENTENNIAL Auto Body requires Yor year experienced BODY PERSON Telephone 726 048I VANDA BEAUTY COUNSELLOR Op portunity for management counselling products For appointment with no obligation call Mara 435 7923 after pm and weekends PARTTIME EMPLOYMENT Training Tuesday nights and one weekend month Grey and Simcoe Pores tersMiitia Barrie Armoury For fur ther information on Tuesday and Thurs dayeveningsAtetephone 728 37st FLEXIBLE HOURS Holly Hili needs Fashion Counsellors who want to earn $53 in exchange for evenings work Full training given no investment Use of car essential For appointment please call Pam726 9131 PART TIME diningroom waitresseswaiters needed Experience preferred Please apply in person to The Holiday Inn Barrie COMPANION to live in with light housekeeping duties Phone 487 390i LARGE FINANCIAL organization re quires sales and service representative for the Barrie area Starting income to $400 per week if qualified Three year training program Full benefits No overnight travel Opportunity for management in future Write brief resume to Personnel Manager Box 886 The Examiner Barrie COMPUTER OPERATOR typing 60 WDm minimum neat apearance Call Sigmatics Computer Corporation 737 20ft ACCOU NTS ECE IVABLE Local retail firm is in need of dynamic person to take complete charge of the ac counts receivable department Ex perience reqmred in credit and collec tions with knowledge of the MCBee rite system an asset Please sent hand written resume to Box 887 The Ex aminer Barrie CARPENTERS REQUIRED by con struction company located in Allislon Must be experienced in all facets of con struction Call for interView between and pm weekdays 435 4336 FRONT DESK CLERK Required immediately for year round resort Pleasant telephone manner some office experience must Ex cellenf Insurance plan For appointment call Talisman Resort Sl9 599 2520 OUTSIDE YARD person required Duties blending and packaging shipp ing and receiving No experience necessary Apply in person to 448 Dunlap St West 72sales helpagents FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY Earn up to $500 weekly and more as our agent explaining government insulation program Management potential MR NORTH l4I663l55 N24 TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part timefull time Sideline Calendars ad speCIallies printed labels tapes ball pens office supplies etc Our 27th year New catalogue available Alco Box 3777 Ottawa EARN EXTRA INCOME in your spare time Wholesale retail With established company For information write Extra Income Box 913 Oak Ridges Ont LOG 1P0 75trade schools APPLICATIONS NOW IEING CEPTED TRAINING Full or parttime training for AC TOR TRUCK DRIVER Placement application class licence assistance For and interview call ATA SYSTEMS 4162512275 MWFNI4 76employment wanted IRONING Picked up and Deivereif Daiy $250 per basket Call anytime 45l96I8 MWFNl4 DAY CAR centGrove 726 5623 CLASS in my home St vin Street area Telephone driver years experience on most types of equipment married 78 years old Cur rently driving tanker trainsfor maior Oil company in Toronto Seeking employ menf in Barrie area For details call Steve 436 4910 DAYCARE in my home Monday to Fri day loth line of Oro below tracks Kennedy Rd 48773547 YOUNG MEN IB I9 and 23 desire full or part time work Have drivers licence Telephone 726 6365 BOOKKEEPING and typingdone in my home Will pick up and deliver Phone 737 06l6 RELIABLE YOUNG mother Wlll babysn in her own home Letitia Heights Monday to Friday Stove and refrigerator for sale mths old Gold 72lv8895 BRITISH NANNY available immediate Iy until Christmas Live in Telephone 436 I737 INDEPENDENT EXPERIENCED night cleaners will clean Clubs offices factories etc Reasonable bendable references Phone 728 8037 More 77legal NOTICE To CREDITORS All claims against the Estate of ELSIE GEORGINA RAIKES late of the Township of Oro in the County of Simcoe who died on Or about the 26th day of March I979 must be filed with the undersigned on or before the I6th day of November I979 after which date the Estate will distribute the assets having regard only to the claims then filed DATED at Barrie Ontario this I2th day of October I979 STEWART ESTEN Solicitors for the Executors IWCollier Street BARRIE Ontario approximately O2026N2 NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday TDTOIIOOYS GENERAL CONTRACTORS CIA67056 Regional Centre ORILLIA Ont CM67087 INSULATION CONTRACTORS ANGUS Ont NR6699I 3257403 Ontao CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WEST GWILLIMBURY TENDER FOR FOUR TON TRUCK CAB AND CHASSIS Sealed fenders plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until I2 oclock noon Wednesday Ontario Government Tender Replace Terrazzo Floors and Floor Drains in the Pavilion at the Huronia Regional Centre ORILLIA Ont Repair Window Wells and Install Steel Grates at the Huronia Insulate Various Buildings of the Ontario Tree Seed Plant Separate Individual Sealed Tenders will be received until 200 pm local time on Friday November I6 I979 Combined Tenders will not be accepted Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services Georgian Bay Regional Office 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillia Ontario L3V 6K7 NOTE For further information regarding the Tenders please call Mr Mclsaac at the above address telephone no 705 The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted Ministry of Government Services tenders O27 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be mode to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding 79auction sales appliances November I4th I979 for the such replies however other supply and delivery of one four wise IF ton truck cab and chassis All bidders must use Township fender forms Tender forms and 79aucon sales specifications may be obtained at the Townshi Office Bradford Ontario Lowest or any tender not Auction e°ss°Y °°°P°d BARRIE SIMCOE COUNTY MILTON BOWLES iFarm HousehoId Rodd Superintendent 382 Holland Street West Anlques Appralsals PO Box 69 RR No BRADFORD Bradford Ontario ONT LOG ICO Phone 4167753659 or 02629 7054584589 FT PIFHER AUCTION SERVICE LTD 7264841 KNOWN FOR SERVICE AND EXPERIENCE AUCTION SALE SATURDAY OCTOBER 27 at l0130 pm for MRS EVALINE WEATHERALL I69 Patterson St Collingwoad Ont Sale of antique and modern house furnishings molar and small electrical appliances antique China and glassware garden and hand tools Partial list includes excellent piece walnut Duncan Phyfe dining room suite including corner china cabinet kitchen bedroom and living room suites Electrohome 2f portable color TV remote control Appliances IB chest freezer refrigerator Moffat 36 HD stove Simplicity Spin washer like new automatic dryer new 6000 BTU air conditioner full line of small cooking utensils dishes china and antique glassware oil lamps large quantity of bedding and linens garden and hand tools picnic table etc SATURDAY NOV 3rd in the Village of Creemore for MRS WILFRED WARDEN House furnishings inc antiques FARM MACHINERY AUCTION SALE MONDAY NOV 51h at pm sharp lo the Toronto Dominion Bank Sale being held under secion 88 of the Bank Act former property of Mr Bruce Kidd RR No Lisle Sale will be held at Somerville Farm Equipment Ltd Hwy 26 Stayner Ont Sale of all practically new corn equip ment farm machinery truck inc Behlin model No 380 corn dryer ser No 10070 John Deere tractor 2I30 loader only 900 hrs Int row corn planter No56 plate type adiustable ser No 487i Calsa corn sprayer ser No 802IIO model No 6830F Turnco grain bin ser Na 3955 model No 225M277 Gilmore Tatge 51 auger ser No 770I2 model No 8040854E Tate fertilizer spreader ton ser No 682 trail type Gilmore Tatge 486 auger ser No I0070 model No 380 with hp motor 20 stationary auger with electric motor TRUCK Dodge Fargo stake truck with large water tank portable pump Terms cash day of sale Nothing to be removed until settled for in full Also consigned to this sale will be Int No 47 boler Papec No 350 row forage harvester pickup IH row corn picker Bowman forage box with roof farm hand forage box with roof Continental Pt field sprayer New Holland IO ft swather with conditioner plus many other items too numerous to list AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY NOV 7th of lpm sharp for the estate of SUSANNA DERBY Lot 24 Can Sunnidale Twp in the Village of Brentwood Sale of all antique furnishings inc dressers washstands round oak dining table pictures frames antique Bell organ stool chairs beds oval glass china cabinet appliances inc chest freezer fridge etc dishes china etc Terms cash Nevitg an Auction look your auction III II advance with the auctioneer who knows the value and the buyers New booking sales for Spring and Suitnor 1930 min O26MP Graham Alleffltlm lQaiii Qliiiir under 7311 Big Jop 7265055 Barrie Ontario 737249I AUCTION SALE Saturday November IO am sharp FOR TN MUFFLER STOP SNOP Illl INNISFIL ST IARRIE According to the provisions of the LANDLORDS ond TENANT ACT and the PERSONAL PROPERTY SECURITY ACT have been instructed to sell the complete contents of The Muffler Stop Shop ramp style air hoist Blue Boy pipe bender Arc Welder DeVilbiss compressor office equipment sets of acetylene gauges and torches grinder vise hand tools related to service stations and garages large quantity of exhaust pipes tailpipes cross over pipes large quantity of shocks and mufflers large assortment of new brake drums and parts Many items too numerous to list Neither the auctioneer or the landlord will be responsible for accident or property loss day of sale TERMS OF SALE Cash preferred Cheques will be accepted with proper identification We reserve the right to refuse your cheque Buyers coming from any distance kindly have letter of recommendation from your bank 0263 N2 PICKERS AUCTION OF ANT IOUES AND COLLECTIBLES Saturday October 27 pm miles south of Stoyner Absolutely no reserves Auctioneer NORM MARPLE aftpublic notices aftpublic notices THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY or BARRIE NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF Bylaw Number 79453 of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to close Part of the road allowance known as Hart Drive situate upon Part of Lot 24 Concession in the Township of Vespra now in the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe designated as Part on Reference Plan Number SIR9034 TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Barrie will after the publication of this Notice at least once week forfour successive weeks in The Examiner at its regular meeting to be held at the Council Chambers at the City Hall Barrie Ontario at the hour of seven oclock in the afternoon on the 26th day of November I979 consider and if deemed expedient pass Bylaw Number 79153 to close and stop up and convey Part of the road allowance known as Hart Drive being Part of Lot 24 Concession in the Township of Vespra now in the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe more particularly designated as Part9 on Reference Plan Number 5I R9034 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who claims that his land will be preiudicially affected by the said bylaw and who applies to be heard shall be heard by the Council of The Corporation of the City of Barrie either in person or by his Counsel Solicitor or Agent THIS NOTICE was first published on the 26th day of October I979 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE by its solicitors BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE I3 Owen Street Barrie Ontario ANY PERSON interested may see Plan of that part of the road proposed to be closed in the office of the City Clerk City Hall 84 Collier Street Barrie Ontario during regular office hours O26N2916 OF We kg THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU TO PARTICIPATE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF BARRIE The Striking Committee of the Council of the City of Barrie will be recommending appointments in November I979 to the following boards and commissions BARRIE PLANNING BOARD COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT PROPERTY STANDARDS COMMITTEE MARKET COMMITTEE LIBRARY BOARD CENTRAL SIMCOE AREA PLANNING BOARD Applications marked as to what board or commission an ap pointment is desired with brief resume attached are requested from an individual or sponsored application with the consent of the proposed person attached and will be received by the undersigned up to 500 pm on November I979 STRAUGHAN AMCT CMC City Clerk PO Box 400 BARRIE Ontario L4M 4T5 O2630NI PUBLIC NOTICE The Council of The Corporation of the City of Barrie will be holding PUBLIC MEETING on MONDAY OCTOBER 29 I979 from 700 pm to 900 pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall for public input relative to the design for Blake Street and Dunlap Street east of Sampson Street At 900 pm Citizens Forum will be held to review Councils activities since the last Citizens Forum Interested persons are invited to attend to discuss their concerns and opinions with their elected representatives STRAUGHAN City Clerk BARRIE Ontario 02426 FefieLTIun GARAGELIJI of STUFF Place an examiner WANT AD 72824 PROFESSIONAL DETECTOR ANGUS ROSS 8A Registered Music Teacher Instruction in Piano and Theory Also tutoring in French Latin and other school subjects 9I Ross St Barrie ROSE Ii ROSE Otter Accountm Samuel RoseCA Trustee in Bankruptcy 49 Collier St Barrie 7284949 7285775 JESSIE msou Teacher of Piano Singing Theory Pupils prepared for examinations of the Royal Conservatory of Music Toronto All grades and ARCT Studio 27 Bradford St 72847 POWELL JONES CO attend Accountants 24 Dunlop St East Barrie Ontario Telephone 728746I alliston by Jean Hand 4355378 Seven babies received the rites of baptism during Sunday morning worship in St Johns United Next Sunday October 28 Rev Robert Trimble of lslington United Church will be guest IIIIIIIIIII speaker at St Johns Anniver ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES sary service at am Sandy and Mary Ellis invite friends neighbors and relatives to join them in celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary Reception on Sunday October 28 from to pm in the Shillon Hall The Huronia Svmphony Or Death Notices En ements Cards of Thanks 00 minimum 40chgtgrds additional words It cents per word mafia will present POPS con Births $600 cert onsunday OCtOber 28 $600 pm In Banting Memorial emorlom verse cafeteria The 0r Verse per count line extra 23 cents Coming Events illbirths Mondays Child is fair of face Tuesdays Child is lull of grace Wednesdays Child isfull of woe Thursdays Child hasfar to go Fridays Child isloving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for its living And child that is born on the Sab bath DaY ls lair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only so 00 PHONE 723 2414 coop NEWS STORVNWhenAyouan nounce the birth of your child in The Ex aminer clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement after birth Call The Examiner Classified 728 24 85deaths CULBERSON Edward Leo After lengthy illness at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Thursday October 25 I979 Ed Culberson in his 68th year beloved husband of Laura Cutberson of Barre Loving brother of Ethel Liezerit of San Francisco and Russell Riber of Ottawa Dear uncle of Roddy and Joyce Culberson and Kim and Corey Andrews Resting at the Jennetl Funeral Home I52 Bradford Street Barrie Visitation from Friday at Service and com mittal complete in the chapel on Satur day October 27 at followed by cremation In lieu of flowers donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated GRAHAM Laura Marie Passed away suddenly at Calgary Alberta on Tues day October 23 I979 Laura Marie Graham dear sister of Pearl McArthur cf Barrie predeceased by four brothers and two sisters very dear friend of Ruth Russell and sadly missed by her nieces and nephews Friends may call at the steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie on Friday from pm Service in the chapel on Saturday 0c tober 27 at pm Interment Oro Station United Cemetery SCHNELL Frank At the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Wednesday October 24 I979 Frank Schnell in his 73rd year beloved husband of Jessie Schnell of RR No Lelroy Dear lather of Francis Burton of RR No Lelroy Dear grandfather of Bryan Bruce and Brent Dear brother of Hans Schnell and Margaret both of Switzerland Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home IS Bradord Street Barrie Service in the chapel on Saturday October 77 at 30 Interment Glendale Memorial Cemetery Toronto In lieu of flowers donations to the Ontario Heart Founda tion would be appreciated TAYLOR Olive At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Thursday October 25 I979 Olive Taylor widow of the late Victor Taylor Sister of Earl Faulkner of Barrie Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie after pm Friday Service in the chapel on Saturday October 27 at 930 Interment at Prospect Cemetery Toronto at approximately II30 86ca rd of thanks POTTS For the kindness shown dur ing my stay in GA at Royal Victoria Hospital My heartfelt thanks to Dr Porter Dr Beaten Dr Turnbull the nurses my wonderful neighbours and friends iMarie Potts SAUNDERS Mr and Mrs Faragher and family and Mr Saunders and family wish to thank friends and neighbours for floral tributes and kind ness shown during the time of the loss of our loved one Norma YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOO EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 TORONTOHIGH ST DUNLOP COLLER ALBERT ST AREA VlCTORlADUFFERIN CODRINGTON NELSON SHANTY BAYSHOREVIEW PUGET ST PlNECEDAR PAINSWICVK TlFFN ST NO 2005 before 400 Bridge 7th LINE OF ORO EUGENlAAMELA DUNLOP WPERRY EUGENlADUNDONALD PENETANG ST CODRNGTON ST Yes would like more information about on Examiner Carrier Route NAME ADDRESS PARENTS SIGNATURE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Some L4M 4T6 AGE PNONE $343 per column inch libcard of thanksfl MAW We would like to thank our friends and neighbors for the cards plants and food sent to our home during our recent bereavement Your thoughts will always be remembered Del and Helen Priest and family MAW The family of the late Olivia Maw wishes to express our heartfelt thanks to our relatives friends and neighbours for the many kindnesses floral tributes and charitable donations during the recent loss of our dear mother Special thanks to Rev Kemp Minesing UCW and Steckley Funeral Home iTheMawfamily MONEY would like to thank my many friends fellow employees relatives and especially my children for the lovely party they had in my honor Thank you Sid STEVENSON The family of the late Sandra Stevenson wishes to thank their many friends neighbors and relatives during the recent loss of loving daughter and sister Your floral remembrances and charitable dona lions acts of kindness shall always be remembered Special thanks to Rev Bob Baden management and staff Canadian Tire Store Barrie Police Drs Baxter and Green From thefamily with gratitude 87in memoriams COCKBURN Wilfred In loving memory of dear lather Wilfred Cockburn who passed away October 26 1976 And while he lies in peaceful sleep His memory we shall always keep Always remembered by daughter Eunice son in law Arnold and grand Children aftcoming events TURKEY SNOOT to be held at the RCAFA properties Highway 90 across from Allan Cook October 27 under supervision of Barrie Hunters and Anglers IO pm pm I2 gauge guns All welcome O26 PRENATAL CLASSES far UNWED MOTHERS To register please phone SIMCOE COUNTY DISTRICT NEALTII UNIT 7269300 Elf 236 WFTF CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 72824I4 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by pm two day prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE $600 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40wards $600 Additional words Is per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words $600 Addi tional words ll cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $600 With verse per count line 23 cents per line COMING EVENTS $343 per column inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 21 word minimum Cash Discount Rules apply if paid within days One or two insertions l0c per word insertion Three consecutive in sertions cents per word insertion total $684 Six consecutive insertions 9c per word per insertion total SI296 Multiple inser tions may be ordered subiect ta cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation set of nunbers etc count as separate words ERRORS ANDCORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately after first inser tion in order that any error or omission may be reported before am in order that some may be rectlfied for the following day publication The Examiner is responsible for only one incorrectly printed insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the misprint Er rors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for correc tions by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or reiecl any want ads PHONE 72824 WHICH DAY IS BEST MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to advertise in The Examiner Classified Section Phone 7282414 cheslra will be conducted by Arthur Bergin of Barrie Paul Shillon son of Rev James and Jean Shilton of Allislon will be guest soloist Paul attended Queens University He graduated with degree in music in 1976 student of Vowden Earl and Verna nee Curpey Tapp of Wingham visited Monday afternoon with Jean Hand They were on their way to visit friends Mr and Mrs Frank Morrison in Beeton Mrs Irene Green of Goderich was weekend guest of her parents Cecila dn Grace Lloyd Sunday they visited with Art and Janet Lloyd and family at Markham bell ewart Goorglna Mitchell 4563232 The Bell Ewart Senior Citizens Club 308 had special birthday celebration at their the examiner Friday Oct 26 1979 31 meeting Oct 16 It was the clubs 10th Anniversary the first meeting in the hall on Nov 1969 It was also member George Burgesss 80th birth day Others having birthdays this month are Audrey Waygood Pearl Chapple Flo Watts Flo Torrens and Charlie Ruffetti also Rose Newlove who was unable to attend Members and four visitors welcomed by president Hadley were Elsie Fullerton Hubert Preston and former president of Lakelands Senior City Bud Parker and wife Alice When the club first opened it was call ed Cedar Grove and was really formed by George and Pearl Baxter in their home in December 1968 The first meeting was in the hall November 1969 and it was read by Lily Curtis who was secretary then Minutes of the first meeting made also read It was October 1973 Two poems were read After lunch was served Joyce Sheppard played piano for the birthday boy George to lead in singsong for all Some danced and of course we had to have little step dance by Roy Davis Next meeting at old original time Novemberfi at 130pm lefroy by Georgina Mitchell 4563232 The Ladies Auxilary of Branch 547 held their meeting in the Bell Ewart Community Centre Mon Oct 15 They reported having group go to attend the zone meeting at Woodbridge Mon Oct 29 at pm Volunteers wanted to sell poppies on Poppy Week If available call 4562441 Jack Baxter Send in your application in L0 these many days we have preached the values of newspaper route management For boys How it helps boy learn the principles of business Builds him niCe bank account Teaches him to deal with people Even helps him do better at school Now not for boys alone girl too can have route of her own with our newspaper Some already do And enjoy the same advantages of fun and profit boy can get from route manage ment Equal rights it is So phone us today young lady and talk There may be route open to you right in your neighborhood The Examiner 16 Bayfield St Barrie would like to talk with you about managing newspaper route Hail ca PARENTS SIGNATURE 7266539

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