the examiner FIIdaycht 25 1979 11 television guid FRIDAY EVENING VIEWING 800 ll NEWS PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 623 NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS RHODA JEREMY 645 READALONG 655 WRITE ON 700 CANDID CAMERA THE INCREDIBLE HULK PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS TIC TAC DOUGH HELLO LARRY STREET TALK KIDSWORLD FAMILY FEUD MAUDE In 0869000090 730 DANCE FEVER NEWLYWED GAME FLAPPERS May demdea to accept Sam McTaggarta next proposal of marriage only to discover that he is already engaged to acne alae 18 JOKERS WILD GRAND OLD COUNTRV Guest ryAnne Carriers the Oak Ridge Boys TIGER CAT FOOTBALL 79 HIGHLIGHTS Ill MAGIC SHADOWS TheGallOping war One ler Two 80 NEWHART SHOW ï¬t MASH 800 SHIRLEY Widow and her four children move from New York to Lake Tahoe to find their new house infested with Iermues and their furniture lost in transit Premiere 80 ARCHIE BUNKERS PLACE II aeems Archie Tnight have to take diva with Louie the Loan Shark II he want to finish his latest dream of adding maurant IO his 087 INCREDIBLE HULK FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE The Bibia 1960 Stars George ScottAva drier CAROL BURNETT HOUR IN SEARCH OF mu tora FANTASY ISLAND MOVIE COMEDY Fun With Dick andeJane 1977 30 FRONT CHALLENGE ID PERSONAL SPACES 900 III THE ROCKFORD FILES JAMES BAY SPECIAL REPORT film by Francou Floquet on the building of the largest hydroelectric plant III the world at La Grande Riviera which will eventually produce 68 billion kilowatthours annually Program ahowa how the SEBJ company prOVIdas aorvrcea 101 total work force of 17000 needed to divert rivers and El if WWMTHEM DUKES OF HAZZARD ID WORLD OF CONFLICT mm ina Terror Machine THE iOvE BOAT 1000 EISCHIED TRAPPER JOHN MD 09 DALLAS HART To HART III THE PALACE ID SEARCH FOR THE NILE Conqueat and Death Determined tO complete his great friends work American yournalisl Henry Stanley leads grueling expedition acrosstheAlricencontinentto aovletheriddle he Nile GLOBAL NEws UPDATE NEWS PAGE 1001 BARETTA When the daughter OI pruniinent banker dies of drug overdose Tony must arrest the iunkia responsible and also protect him from hit man hired by the fictimsa Ialhar 60 mins 100 NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEws JOURNEYS IN TIME MOVIE DRAMA Straw Doga 1120 NEWS 1125 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW CBS LATE MOVIE NIGHT STALKER KOlchak chases after bayou mentor who shrouds ita Victims In slimy swamp moss lck Repeat Lords 01 Flat buah 1974 Stars Perry King Sylvester llone MOVIE DRAMA Dead mger 1964 PARTY GAME ID OUESTION PERIOD ED MAC 1145 THE RETURN OF THE SAINT girl on train Signals drama tor the Saint Its journey into grim murder myatery with background of rape and vengeance 60 1200 MOVIE SUSPENSEDRAMA V2 FamII P101 1976 MOVIE USICAL Je Christ Su erstar 1973 MERV GR FFIN Guests Robert Stack and Mariette Hartley 1215 MOVIE MYSTERY Portrait in Black 1960 1245 DANCE FEVER 100 THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL 115 NICE SHOW LIKE VOU 130 NEws GONG SHOW MOVIE ROMANCEDRAMA Alfie Dang 1915 In MEDICAL CENTER ea MOVIE DRAMA In The Italian Job ma 225 MOVIE COMEDY The anaers OI Aladdin 1961 MOVIE COMEDYADVENTURE Arabella 1969 historically speaking today in history TODAY IN HISTORY By THE CANADIAN PRESS Oct 26 1979 Sir Robert McClure com pleted the crossing of the Northwest passage 129 years ago today in 1850 although credit for discovery of the northern route across the top of the continent went to Sir John Franklin McClure aboard HMS Investigator took route either through the Prince of Wales Strait or around Banks Island The expedition returned by ship in 1854 after travelling on foot over the ice to Beechey Island 1289 The schools of medi cine and law at Montpellier France united into univer sity 1813 small FrenchCana dian force repulsed American troops moving on Montreal at the Battle of Chateauguay 1901 The New York City subway was opened 1917 The battle of Pas schendale began during the First World War 1972 Igor Sikorsky in ventor of the helicopter died barries story Otlolltr 2611i 1910 Barrie citizens saw their largest parade of uniformed men all at one time since the war began when about two thousand Officers and men of the First Canadian Armoured Brigade which had been recently organized marched through the business and residential sections of Barrie Two thousand school children lined the streets to cheer for the canaaa stogy Northwest Passage Was Discovered From Pacific Many great explorers tried to find the Northwest Passage beginning shortly after John Cabots voyage to North America in 1497 But the man who was eventually successful in 1850 was former Great Lakes sailor who wasnt looking for the passage when he found it He was Captain Robert McClure of the Royal Navy who made his first voyage to the Arctic in 1836 as mate of the Terror in Sir George Blacks expedition McClure then served on the Great Lakes until 1839 In 1848 he went to the Arctic again as member of an expedition trying to find Sir John Franklin It was not successful but McClure was given command of the Investigator in 1850 The ship was aptly named Near 50 expeditions had searched for Franklin fol lowing his route across the Atlantic but McClure decided to enter the Arctic via the Pacific He sailed through Prince of Wales Strait until blocked by ice at Melville Sound On October 26 1850 he was able to look across the ice from the northeast tip of Banks Island to Melville Island and this was the longsought Northwest Passage Actually Sir John Franklin had discovered the route but neither he or his crew lived to tell the tale Although McClure discovered the Northwest Passage in October 1850 he did not arrive back in Britain until OTHER EVENTS ON OCTOBER 26 1854 1678 Brandy parliament met at Quebec 1774 US Congress invited Canada and Nova Scotia to join 13 colonies opposing Britain 1813 Canadians led by Colonel de Salaberry defeated US force at Chateauguay 1818 Trial of Lord Selkirk opened at York Toronto 1848 Ottawa University was opened 1908 Liberals led by Sir Wilfrid Laurier won general election 1934 IIH Stevens minister of trade and commerce resigned from government 1950 Canada and US agreed on economic principles for joint defence production neigthrly news hillsdale by Ruth Lea 835231 Mrs llorccn Riiilcy was hostess for the October iiicctiiig of Hillsdiilc Womciis liistitiitc recently The pltSldttll Mrs Marion Dreiiniiii was In chargc of the meeting Motto Remember that all nations smile in the sonic languiigc was explained by Mrs Iliiilcy Roll call Bring soniclliing from another country was auswcrcd by ninc mcnibcis It was iiitcrcstiiig to scc the dif fercnt articlcs pcoplc brought from home The program was on Citizenship and World fairs Thc convciicr Mrs Maureen Welsh showed liipc of Robbin Hoppcis pottcry while they were in IIIIISdiIIt Mrs Louise Rumblc read an ar ticlc on the priccs of Oil Mrs Ruth Lou gave report on the area convention hold at Stay ncr Presbyterian Church tlciobci 1516 Meeting closcd with 10 Sister Dora Prayci Lunch was served by the hostess Mrs Bailcy OHallarii and sons Maurice and Paul spent very cnjoyiiblc din at the ploughing match at hathain Congratulations to Jerry and Paul Whitton who Itlt mar ricd it the Anglican Church at toldwatcr on Friday Octobci lll Rose and Gordon Frost and daughters Saiilt Ste Marie spcnt last week with hcr parciits Mr and Mrs tlllalliiiii Mr and Mrs Larry Drciiiiiiii and childrcn Ottawa spciit Thanksgiving weekend with his parcnts Mr and Mrs Alvin Drcniiiin Mrs lrcric MacDonald and tarlylc enjoycd wccks visit with her niece Mrs iracc Lil lie of lhoinhill Tlic congrcgation of thc llillsilzilc licsbytcriiiii thurcli hcld ils 12th anniversary Stl vicciit 11 last Sunday I110 iiiiig There was liirgc turnout iis miim of thc surrounding chilrcliis and tricnds came to men wearing the black berets Along the route of the march the Union Jack was everywhere in evidence and the town had the appearancc of gala occa sion Camp Borden was hive of construction activity as workmen rushed to complete the program before winter sets in It was estimated that about 750 individual buildings had been erected in the Camp Borden army area during the year and that another 90 would be built before the completion date in November With population of9391 ac cording to the Assessors figures Barrie was the largest town in the County of Simcne exceeding that of Orillia by 223 Barries contribution to the Canadian Red Cross Society in its 1940 drive far exceeded the objective and all expectations It was anticipated that the total would exceed 311000 when all the returns were in far ex ceeding the previous years total of $6500 With the arrival Of 20 addi tional United States Army tanks at Camp Borden the total reached 197 all sixton vehicles actually weighing 73 tons each It was the fourth shipment with 16 more tanks scheduled to arrive It required ten days or more to put most of the US tanks into shape for training purposes Their main role at Camp Borden was to train drivers and mechanics It was the third win for Bar rie Collegiate Institute senior rugby squad when they defeated Midland 112 The team was in second place closely following Orillia in battle for the southern cham pionship worship with them Mr and Mrs Saunders Toronto pro vided the music David Archer was the organist Drew Stricklcnd Toronto assistcd the minister Mr Dain browit7 Mr Damliowitrs scr mon was on roots llc explanch how pcoplc had to have dccp roots in thc church to stand tlic ups and downs 01 so many yours The flow crs on the com munion table were placed thcrc in memory of Fred Dunn from the Court liotlsc in Biiiric Lunch was scrvcd iiflcr the ser vice Mrs Ruth lci Itlcndcd lhc Wl Itil oiiicnlion hold at Stayiici Presbyterian Church onilct 1316 Sorry to losc Mr and Mrs Alex Martin and boys who IlilH sold their honic on Mill Slrcct ii Ii arc moving to Meadowuilc closer to his work SHSSIIH SMOOTH In March 19013 the Albcita legislature licld ils lirsl scssioii at in iccskiiliiig rink The Doctor says Vitamin timing Often important By PALI DONOIILE MD Dear Dr Donohue Vitamin bottles tell the amount to be taken but never when to take them as to time of day or before during or after meals Recently heard that the tim ing can be important Please comment Also when should blood pressure pills Diurili be taken for the best results MW Food sometimes may in terfere with the absorption of medicine But vitamins are not affected by food and are well absorbed on an empty or full stomach This is especially true of the watersoluble vitamins and Cl Vitamins and are fatsoluble vitamins If you were to take fatty or oi ly substance such as mineral Oil part of these vitamins might not be absorbed But with any ordinary diet there is no appreciable absorption pro blem Diuretics like your Diuril ichlorothiazidel can be taken on an empty or full stomach The timing can depend on just when its action increased urination is most convenient for you Generally peak effects occur about four hours after taking the drug Thats why it is usually taken in the morning If it has to be taken twice day the second dose should be as far removed from the first as possi ble but not so that it causes sleepdisturbing need to urinate If patients have questions about foods interfering with specific medicines it is good practice to ask the pharmacist He can advise if it is necessary to take medicine on an empty stomach Too the doctor may specify timing instructions for specific reasons Dear Dr Donohuc When wake up each morning the third finger of my right hand is bent at the second knuckle When try to straighten it out there is considerable pain None of the other fingers of either hand are like this What causes it and what can be done about it Iis IAW It sounds like not uncom mon condition trigger finger The tendon that flexes the finger catches at the second knuckle That makes it im possible tO unflex the joint The name trigger finger comes from the fact that when the ten don does release it does so with little pop as when trig ger of an unloaded gun is pull ed If it is trigger finger somewhat simple operation can cure it Nothing to do for it yourself WV Dear Dr Donohuc Ive heard that surgical clip is sometimes left in after gall bladder operation Is this possi ble 118 Sure metallic clips are used all over the place to seal vessels in the brain to mark tumors so the radiation therapist can zero in on the area and to close up incisions They are sterile cause no harm and do not rust Clips allow surgeons to do many things without the need to go back in later to remove them BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Vi Shortcircuiting defense NORTH 0Q1096 VA 010987 4AQ53 EAST 9A2 VJ432 O2 J98762 SOUTH OKJIIISK V7 OAJ654 +K Vulnerable NorthSouth Dealer North West l026 WEST 04 vxoiogiss OKQS +104 South 10 49 50 East Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening leadK By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Because of the vulnerabili ty this hand became fierce struggle East judged correct ly to compete to five hearts contract that would only go down two tricks South with his strong distri bution and 12 highcard points would not be deterred He bid five spades The contract was good one requiring only that South hold his diamond losers to one This appears impossible with the diagrammed distri bution In fact declarer made the contract by losing no diamond tricks feat that appears even more impossible The Opening lead was won by the ace in dummy and declarer attacked trump East stepped up with the ace ad returned his singleton diamond South guessed the diamnd situation correctly after all West had overcalled two hearts and he took his ace of diamonds Declarer cashed his king of clubs led trump to dummy and played dummys ace and queen of clubs discarding two diamonds from his hand Declarer now knew that East had started with six clubs two spades and at least one diamond and presumably from his competitive bidding four hearts Accordingly declarer played dummys remaining club and allowed East to win the trick discarding diamond East could now only pay heart or club they were all he had remaining giving South ruff and discard South would discard his last diamond and ruff in dummy South lost trick in suit in which he possessed no losers and lost no tricks in suit where he had two losers daily crossword ACROSS 38 Water enCIrcled Government lands agent 40 Conditionally comp wd 42 Diurnal Electrical mea periods Sure 43 Pat 12 pm in 44 Candy flavor bunches 47 YOU Fl 13 Piano keys F1995 marriage 14 Auspmes 52 City in Kansas 15 Biblical sea 55 P°ndel°us 16 Sperm or egg 57 Law Of 18 Mental Command component 58 Palng pl 59 Dry 19 no 60 Swul toe 20 Singer Torme DOWN 22 Blue tin Gmnd 26 Ltome of Eve Lava 28 Skewered Each 65 Aerie 29 Slams Artificial hair 32 Disagree mace 34 Compass To be of use Win Said to 35 Footed vase Sad Fr 35 Moribund Be ill 37 Act0r Steiger 10 Gosh an Answer to PreVIous Puzzle ATE 12rnimirnirn loo gtlm BEE iods 3T 11 Compass 39 Old Testament DOint book 12 Joke 41 Flattened 17 Polishing 43 French stone phySicIsi 21 Machine 45 Stand on 23 Over Gey edge 24 Onebillionth 46 Fobeaance 48 Lubricates prefix 50 EXISIEHCG 25 Not up 51 Female saint 27 Fathers bb 28 Barrels 52 Soaked 29 Tobacco chew 53 Ger 30 Celestial bear 54 Greek letter 31 Nothing but 55 Indefinite 33 Federals number Bernice Bode Osoi flour cBirthday October 27 1979 Periodically this coming year opportunities will develop in very unusual ways Friends and con tacts you have made and Will be making are the keys to Open new vistas for you SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 The way you handle others today Will do much to solidify friendships New acquaintances lucky enough to be with you WIII want to become your pals Wizard of Id THE STABLE HANDs HAVE NE GM STRIKE ©rie camp inc in Ninthrop HOW WA6 TE DDY BIRTHDAY Lack THE 34ml AND 6411 oUT THE NATiaNAL 60420 SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Two avenues which could help fatten your bank balance may be available to you today One Is an old mute the other is brand new CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 unique Situation could develop today where you will be in posi tion to do friend favor it could have surprise tWIst and benefit you as well AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 You have some rather staunch SuppOTIETs working for you behind the scenes today to help you fulfill an ambition Only part of what they do may be made known to you PISCES Feb 20sMarch 20 Youre midi study today and can find ways to solve your prob lll ti Mae WHO WON THE BIG FlaHTZ For Better or Worse DO HPPREClHTE WW 5500 DO HROUND HERE 737 3860 NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St PM 5677 Mab7dekt5 lems by obserVIng how Others handle theirs Look and listen ARIES March 21April 19 Be on your toes today Something very profitable could develop in an unexpected manner and through most unu5ual source TAURUS April 20May 20 Nor mally you like to weigh and ponder things before making commitment but today youre qurck thinker Onthespot deci Sions are apt to be your best GEMINI May 21June 20 change youve been hoping for but didnt think was possmle c0uld take place today owmg to sudden shift in Circumstances and conditions CANCER June 21July 22 Youll have greater luck today In Iornt ventures than you Will in WHY THE NATIONAL 601120 things which you try to DO on yOUI own Team up With compe tent partners LEO July 23Aug 22 Should you choose to apply yourself today you have the ingenuny to turn mundane things into some thing profitable and rewarding Explore every DOSSIbility VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Dont be too surprised if members of the Opposue sex find more to admire in you today than usual Your strength of character and charm shine through LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 All you requue today is mere toehold Youll know how to expand upon minimal opportunities Several may be forthcoming NEWSPAPER ENrERPRiSE ASSNl To TEEVENT Waite BY THE NETWoFK WMMERS THATrs WHAT HE BUT RDHIT THFIT FIND iT HFIRD To SEE How THE HOUSE Moos CRNoocoPQ 900R EVERg unique MINUTE IN am in so hey Iltl LIKE THAT CAUSE 501175 AN 555 élJLTED IN 50115 75 if 502 IF YOU WANTTO Natll THAT FILMON TELLY DARLIN DONTMIND Jess mu TOW USUAL TIME We provide loanout service 1T HA9 RE GETE EJR NOT INVITING ME wHï¬T 00 Do FILL DngijLLB THNEI iou wanin Tu mg or on OCT OEESTAUIZANTS YEARE HAVE DEVEL OPEP TECHNIQUE OF TENélNé CERTAIN MUSCLESTHEIZEBY ze CANONLYsTAND Erz FOR AN Hour 0230 SHEGEPSTIREO OF