the examiner Thursday Oct1 979 15 Terriersdoing well Flyers only undefeated team Best trotters here The Barrie leeis we the on The iollmgw ood ship Here are the results ruin the no 0w en Sound to undefeated and untied team liiii ldirs team that £11th P140 lill koml Tlttlt gum Birth tlfthOfpltgl$512Sillrlhltlillllitrlllht0tllhtlSihrgire In the ittitLltitl Haj ln dominati it the standings in the Fltll plaied in the league this Jul IliIIIlBIl HER III 0le termediate lltttkt regulai season last year are nllingworxl tiwen Sound weekend Leonie not iitot thehloekslast win Barrie ti teor etown tltlttt IIIIIIII III POII FIIIIII OM QOIIIIII II ImmmOIIII IOnIAugust 4th trainer dint lIJtlle lxopasIhad good da winning two of the three ltlSlOlT of the Stakes He ll try The Fllgt have three wins ning three ot their first tour and no losses lttiiltl tliie oi games S1l ltl trillia at Barrie and Dundas at and rope IhIII CHI SaIIIrdIII driving IIMIIIIII who IIIsI IImII ItetIorirsJ is stltiltsslllll HThe sllttï¬sllllllilitltsl it Hit sIllilllIiin1Iwood3tienrgetown cm Barrie set Im yemOId Ironing record IIZIIIII II ma ll Wm 13 is me of thet iiwinners on theJuvenileCiieuit the Georgetown Raiders llie ltaiders in the llttllVltltllll Port Elgin tirtllia Ban Collingwoodatiwenbound Kopas will also lllt Surrogate his other winner Aug 4th statisiies as all their points troni the will lie tped ottt taideis used two llltllLllilt IIIIIIIIKI IIIIIIII wk IIIIII III lililtlflil ll INTIIRlIlllll lltNKICY Ll ill SlllS in this Stakes Surrogate has won two Sire Stakes events and will make strong hirl for another in ItII tIIllIItIoiIlgniiilel lIlIlIlIIsIIllttIIlI HII IIIIIIII IIIIIII IhI IIIIIH il lts IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII In IIW gum goals the ijeis reeorded that tlarrie hers It it ti t3 RIIIIHIS IIIIIIIII grime at tll stand ollmgwood Shiphtnlders ti 15 The turning mel ot the Latlit llt HWY Put lltttt thll 1i In lemestheltaiders tlieleagues iinileteateil reeord on the line QuillIlufhml lotendmo ehampions as the HHS lrida when the host the ml Plgmsullllmi onl eluli that has et to ltiiill tItllIa leiriers who haw also ti gotten oil to good start JUNIOR HOCKEY FAST EXCITING BARRIE COLTS VS ACTON ALL FREE GAME TIME I8IPM SPONSORED BY point The lta llil ee love lUB Codeau Toronto Maple Leafs netminder Mike Palmateer prepares to make save during action against the Minnesota North Stars last night There to help Palmateer out are Greg Hotham and Dave Burrows The Leafs got two goals from Don Maloney and singles from Dave Williams Lanny McDonald Paul 31 Wtth itlltHIIJHW Gardener and John Anderson to win 62 CP Photo Sallll 31ll1litlttttt tmth leads Eastview win mng ittttl Banting jumped to an earl lead taking 151 lead at the hall Top seorer lor Banting howling who eaeh hit for eight points Sue SIell and olleen lturnlord plaed strong games Quill also playd strong games deteiiswel North tollegiare Senior lop seorer tor ltaiitm was iirls ltltllitll team to itt 3o Morrison with points the win lor North detensn el was Heather kes with win over Banting luesda in goes ortli reeoril ol three In the midget game Banting points Karen Staekhouse had easily disposed ot North win titolorNorth GOIPOTITOTT THE INDOOR GOLF PEOPLE ins and one loss to the junior game North edged Banting 3o heliind the shooting ot Karen ote and lasa Marlies win SHHKIHY int itli Georgian Ha thletir ssoeia tion gttttteal Banting adeau stored to points in the lirst hall and added in these eondhalt tolead tlieteam oaeh lCd llolorhttl tell that Sllllllll ltllitlltttliltu and strum toillinental ltllil London tliatham Slialloiil llt an llrliioii Bridge hockey III MW llull llltilljllidillll IIIIIIIIIIIII YH heneh helped win the game toi IVIIIIIIIIII III IIIII1 II Ins osi iilti Qlt lentteul liluiittillit imiiittmtt North He also pointed to good IWI IImIII IIIIIlIIIIlI IIIIIII II OPEN HOUSE Les Bertram sons Ltd Mnh wlhimlim llimlIoiiiilfim lilllisilliiidliill Oumml Shimmy ml Sudhnih lVliths til in the oith FOPCotte 5d3Yc=41 8108m12°° The Brass Group III IIIIL II III mam III EIIIIIIIN lIlaard the tiist onaiiei islie IIIIIIIFIII MIIIIII IIIIIIIIII HIICRIII Srmw ï¬oIllChmr byC cIIA pic Arnold tiltems Brennans fleat Market In innw hm Wilma amount Eri22 ltllllld it elii II tII IIIIIIIIII II II Brandon Hillttltls Ii lilxiiiiii anti HWIIIIIII IIIIIII llS hllIttitIl Itlhal sapt IUIIllII lIlI it was the third loss in row For further info call 7374344 59 Bell Farm Rd Barrie Huiitmvt it It hhtlflt iiomnattainimwuiwii torSndliuiw IIIIn IHHHII leilieine Hat Mimi IItli Italian II WWI HiI Jivnim inimii It Il itiaiita IIIIII II III II lsteaii Ileile Ir IIKIIIII II III II Regina lllltlltllll ITIILII II ozoiiio it We Jo Miami ortliSootli pitlint II II it MN Siietariliai llltl lloliln ltolitloin lllltl ioi lultltl llIisIHiit swim and lohii innnit mum losmkwf pIIIII II II II II lit lunior II II II III IIII lttlliiighain oith illl IM llitlili entnli lttlil IL ti ax igtioaitwt ltiiiiei lHtlti llllt lltltvlttltiltlllliliita iinti It leillmimt llmms liisioii Snntlie Illusion IIHMHLH VIIIIHIIIIM II iiirlsoi 13 it III mum II LI XIII II II III III Iriao sins tlli laItiii lorimi SI Lotiis London III IIItIIII llIlllltllllll oamiwtg HHHINILI II III KIII MIN II II III ai an elln silinell llrlmonton ll Eastest toloiailo ti Tmm itiisenian pii and John lailt lti llll II IItl ss leIlIn lltiision tieoigieIiiiiieanitlohiiKlimtis Kingston i7 13 taruiniIiiitiiuriei Rates rimw IIIIIIIHI lrtertoio ll ltuttalo HtHirl ttttawa ito ttit SIH PT It llITtltllNilIt Im MIL pIIIIIIII IIII ttsliaw ti t1 llt ttllltstlt tlti llI IIIIIIII IIIIIIIII II Suiltiur To tiiIillmneis IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII laiie it It it lig Moieanil lltlll Foriisi 1anth IIIIIINIIIII Iiliiesrlai Itesnlt Ralph lltand and Joe liegehi ii meiiean loionto Stalliii It titill Sehameliori and dark Now Siotia rliioii it Killn name loominmii loiiiglits aiues lolin llaill iiirlJ laelmneall VIIIIIII sIluli sip An Hde llelinIedxiiltisaiiilInitialins tilxnipii all lulu SutlliltH tl ltltlllittillLli ti WimHillowmnvtlwfPall Poleyanna show their depth in dumping Canada Dry l03 the ttrst tlltxl si in the so eond period and nine in the GEORGIAN PONTIAC BUICKGMC DOESlTAGAlNll lead iillord over Sahres Masters Bianehi lhomp son and oush ere the other iillord seorers Martin Adair and Meger tallied tor Sahres Sahres atoned tor their loss to lauleyanna Sports strutted their stutt when they defeated anada Dry 103 in Sontli liir nislil tildtimers hoekey game Friday in letro lauleyanna showed that the team is as strong over all len tlther Satire ltlllitilltl and third period seorers were Adair lhomson llamill Bill Lapp reeorded the shut Salires seored tour goals in torltykstra ditlerent players seorerl iillord when they shelled III In IIIIIII IINIIIIIK against anadalny anada Dr iiiti ltrent Bowen lauleyanna reeorded llt led Sahres with douhle hat tirst period goal by goals inthelirst periodeoming triek six goals and six lkstras Sehal was all from ll Brown lararotta assists Brown seored tour 1kstra needed tor vietoi lttlllt ti leim and goals atid had two assists while over ltempster tttoiiiolie as Doyle Menght seored two goals the won lrlI ltill anleusen In the seeond period asdidt Martin reeorded the shutout in goal ew on ICTC assidt was the seorer tor lauleanna Matlionaldand laerisan seored in the third period loIle seored one goal hut also added three assists to lead his team BUle or GMC Truckpurthased and itstrtzitttttian financed through US from now to andliilterdSkIllinelideltntttl Ll 30 12 24 36 142 48 months run PERCENTAGE POINT BELOW THE CHARTERED BANKS PRIME LENDING RATE winning goal tor Sharks with Beat High Interest Rate Charges see us ORGANISTS games Terms onl one seeond remaining Saunders and liore hit tor Petroleum llr mk seored two goals to Central defeats Bradford Rev Metaith seored lti points and Jennifer lr me add ed ll to help entral ol legiates Senior titrls Basket hall team to it ltltilI oer ltradtord in tieorgian lta Blll IRWINl Originator at Magic Study Series before you buy your new car or truck from lllltt seored se en points in the first hall and 1etartli net ted to to lead the team to 29 to margin at the hall Strong shooting lnda Add who seored all seven ol her points in the final period helped tentral perserte the in Top seorer tor llradtord was Armstrong with points lhoinas added nine points In the Illlltlttl game ltawn Kendall seored to points and atlw tonnellaii netted eight to help tentral trounee ltradtord tttlit tonnellan plated strong game the lust quarter net ting si points to lead tentral to lead alter the lust quarter tentral led lti at the hall tath ttnran and lisa lerr hoth added si points eaeh tor tentral lop seorer tor ltrad lord was Rattlaeki who seored si points entral eame out on top in the midget game also thumping llradlord ttT tentrat took 33723 lead at the halt and then scored it points in the seeond halt to take the game llllda Hushe was the leading scorer tor tentiai llll eight points tour in the teuith quarter Donna lllltlltlx and Lisa tohen eaeh seored si points Dont miss this rare opportunity to attend Workshop Er Pop Organ Concert By this leading Recording Artist Arranger Educator Radio TV Artist Spemal invitation to all organ teacheis students and organ owners in general anyone else Youll save when you buy and when you finance your car through Georgian Pontiac We have the connections to save you money Credit terms to qual ied hasers GEORGIAN PONTIAC BUICK GMC LTD 145 BRADFORD ST lBARliTIE ONT 7261 885 Prirne lending is the rate the Canadian fluttered Banks are now giving their most credit worthy corporate customers THE OSHAWA coNiNECTion MONDAY OCT 29th Free Workshop 230 to 430 Pop Concert to 930 TUESDAY OCT 30th All Day Workshop 930 to 12 15 pm limited Space Available $1500 tee BAYFIELD MALL BARBIE 7373572