Officer Based as witness Police testify tricking man on robbery charge By Lttltl UIIIIN if The Examiner Metro Toronto police testified here Wednes day they tricked Stephen lichael Henry into confessing his involvement iii the July it rob bery of an Alliston jewelry store Three holdrup squad officers froin Toronto said they arrived at Henrys apartment on Lawrence aavenue East in Toronto with one officer posed as an Alliston area farmer who saw man robbing athys Jewellers Sgt Bert Novis Toronto officer who con ducted the investigation on behalf of the Alliston police in Toronto said he walked into the apartment and said that the man in dicating Henry Henry 20 is charged with armed robbery and using firearm while committing an in dictable offense Itings valued at 337000 and $167 cash were taken from the store by two men one of them ieldnig gun Sgt John Evans testified that after Sgt Novis left the apartment he asked lleiiry about the robbery and he admitted liis Involvement with the following Stttltllltlll Whats to say The guy saw me We went there and robbed it cant tell you where the stuff is If could would Sgt Evans said he later took typewritten statement from Henry which he acknowledged as correct but refused to sign Defence lawyerl Breaulf tolngt Evans he was convinced of Henrys guilt before enter ing the apartment so you set up this trick Sgt Evans said he had formed no opinion of Henrys guilt or innocence at that point although evidence tended to point toward his involvement in this matter He said police had evidence against Henry but not enough to arrest him then Henry later told police two of the stolen rings were hidden inside sofa cushion in his apart ment Sgt Evatis said The rings were retriev ed by another officer The officer said Henry told him he and friend were drinking in Toronto bar the after noon of July it picked up girl drove to Alliston and committed the robbery He said Henry admitted he had loaded gun but said hi wasnt stupid enough to have used it The trial continues todaywhen the crown and defence lawyer will give their summar tions Chamber unveiling mag brochures at meeting The date of the ircater Bar rie hamher of oinnierccs animal meeting has been set for Nov 29 at the Holiday lnii Guest speaker at the affair will he Ron Stewart 11 for Simcoc South haiiiber of ficials announced Wednesday ne of the highlights of the eveing will he the unveiling of the new city map and brochures which will include uptordate streets said Wayne Bjorgan of the hambers public relationscommittee The maps could stimulate persons who want to come to Barrie along with providing in formation to those who are definitely moving to Barrie he said Since 13 advertisers liae purchased space and since Barrie is paying $7300 of the 518000 cost the maps will end up paying for Bjorgan said About 30000 maps have beeii run off for the first series of distributions he said The voyageur canoe which ran iii the recent Kenipenfesf event along with the communi ty caravan will be on display at the dinner he said As announced previously model of what Barrie is ex pecfcd to look like iii the year 2000 ill also be unveiled at the meeting Two local architects have been working on model of Barries downtown area taking into account future possibilities such as the new civic centre and the downtown improve themselves nieiif project The local hainber also any iiouiiced the formation of new committees at media conference Wednesdays Ralph Howard is deputy treasurer Ann Lee is chairman of education Bruce Phillips is chairman of the 1980 winter carnival Terry Williston is bac lS chairman of legislative affairsand Col Jim Wright is the representative from ana dian Forces Base tlBt Borden Dave Blenkarn will head the future home project which will examine suitable location for anev Chamber of ommerce within the next five to 10 years Bruce Rowland publisher of The Examiner will be in charge of arranging various chamber social events The new ways and means committee headed by John Piesley of Molsons Brewery will look at review of the Chambers revenue sources 55 What action The Whatta Style Street Dancers of Toronto Canadian Free Style Disco Dance Champions demonstrated their winning moves at the Queen Hotel disco contest Wednesday night Examiner Photo leaii thrctieii former libcril In his address to Simcoe North Liberal party members Wednesday night hretien said anada $50000 By DENNIS LANTHIER The Examiner Barries public utilities commission has approved expen diture of up to 550000 for ground water investigation pro gram to try and replenish Barries water supply for the future The move came about at PLVC session held Wednesday secretarytreasurer Bill Elson told The Examiner today International WaferSupply Barrie group will be drillr ing in and around Barrie to find new sources of water Elson aid In submission to the Mayors conference on growth held in the spring the PUC had said Barries water supply could be in trouble in the near future if new wells are not found Robin Allington is great pet lover grade student at Prince of Wales School in Barrie Robin town country Campaign against alcohol 3600000 campaign against alcohol abuse involving television public transportation advertising and school kits has been announced by health minister Dennis Timbrell The campaign to begin next month and rech its peak durv ing the Christmas and New Year holidays is designed to demonstrate the magnitude of the health problem created by alcohol abuse Timbrell said there are 250000 alcoholics in Ontario more than double the number 15 years ago He added the in cidence of drinking in schools is increasing and students are drinking at younger age then ever before The school kits are for use in grades seven to 10 and allow teachers to tailor lessons to the students individual needs Dont burn leaves After you rake the leaves from your law dont burn them urges Barrie Fire Chief Jack Icvlister Wed prefer people dont burn the leaves but use them in compost heaps or put them iii garbage bags said hief lclister Burning leaves is illegal iii downtown areas of the city In other areas burning may not be illegal but fires create nuisance for neighbors and possible hazards hief 1cllister said no one may burn leaves or rubbish 111 an incinerator in Barrie Barries fire department frequently receives complaints from residents about smoke created by burning leaves When someone complains about his neighbors fire firefighters will usually ask the person burning leave to ev tiiiguisli the fire he said $300 fine for assault man who admitted his assault on man seated in parked car was completely unprovokwt was fined $1100 in provincial court Wednesday lheodore Edward Ambury tin of Barrie admitted hed been drinking heavily Jan 23 at about 0110 pm when he saw l1 and lis Richard Maison seated in car on Ieel Street Ambury complained about the way Matson parked then punched him in the mouth When Iafson tried to get out of the car Amhury struck him again He suffered cut lip llll111 claimed he was so inebriated he did not recall the incident His previous record revealed Ambury had eight crinnnal comictons in the past eight years His lawyer flary lalnier told the court that although Ambury lived on the fringe of the criminal element he had quit drinking became engaged and bought home Judge John Adgo said Ambury acted nuts that evening but he did not want him to lose his job by going fojail Secretaries reach agreement The Siiiicoe tounty Roman tatholic Separate School Board and nonrunion school secretaries have reached agree ment on new age scale for 1980 Board director Bill Bolgcr said the wages of nonunion employees are reviewed yearly with change coming into it fectJan Under the new scale secretary with two years will receive $3 85 per hour up from $330 close look There are now 10 wells throughout Barrie capable of pum ping out one million gallons of water daily Elson aaid ONE YEARLY The City needs aat least one new well year to meet iii creasing demands from residents and new industries Elson aid While there are wells ready to go in the north and east por tion of Barrie the southern portion is an area of some con cern he said Basically our 10 wells circle the bay now said lilson That is not good enough though to adequately service in dustries now and future ones in the southern portion of town he said Annexation in the future could also he source of concern if those new wells are not found he said above is taking close look at his rabbit named Lady Chocolate Examiner Photo Peter Roberts Amendment sought to livestock act BARCLAY llmlhfiltSScsk said recognition should examnner Thursday Dewy1 HIJ There is well located now on Gowan Street in Allandale he said Hopefully another one down that line within city limits can be found he said certainty however is that the PUC does not want to take water from the bay That would be done but as last resort only Elson aid It would also be the most expensive mefhod he said The problem is are we going to keep on finding wells earch for water that will pump out million gallons he said The company to do the work is convinced there is all kinds of water in Barrie We just have to find if thats all he said The company which moved to Barrie eight years ago is one of the leading water experts in the world Elsoii said Residents upset overendto Saturday skates By NANCY IltilERtH if The Eaiiiiner BARCLAY lnnisfil residents are irate over deci sion to prohibit recreational skating Saturday nights at the Stroudlnnisfil Recreation eiir tre said oun Don Koopmans Wednesday The decision was made without councils knowledge he said toun Koopnians predicts that within week petition with more than 400 names will be presented to council re questing that recreational skating at the rink reopen Saturdays Saturday night ice time was given to the Stroud Minor Hockey Team said Koopmans of everyone plays hockey he said Now the general public in he municipali fy has no way of using the facilities made for them There is little enough ac tivities Saturday night without closing the rink for recreational skating he said Really what else is going on Saturday nights for our youth Recvc William Gibbins said however that skating is available in the Township on Saturday night in chroy and Thornton and that may be they dont need if in Stroud ITDISCRIMIXYTE Coun Koopmans however Stroud people shouldnt be discriminated against and shouldnt have to drive out to Thornton or Lefroy for recreational skating said available in Stroud he said Minor hockey is getting too much he said oun Koopnians rccoiii mended recreational skating be reopened immtktiately and that the minor hockey association be notified ac cordingly oiiiiniftee however rejected his reconr meiidation until they have spoken with Larry Morrowthe recreation coordinator Welo have to talk this over with Mr Morrow and hear his arguments said Reeve tiib bins Im not prepared to vote on the recommendation lllllll hear Larrys story Morrow was unavailable for comment ing to amend the recently pass ed Live Stock and Poultry lror tcctioii Act The act is vague and anr biguoiis in many instances said Roy Bridge byrlaw enforcer mcnt off icei tine section of the act in pair ticular caught the attention of oiiii Kathe Jans lndei the new act bylaw enforcement of ticcrs are denied permission to enter property Whats the matter with the government has it gone haywire asked oun laiis How are we supposed to get 111 to estimate the value of dead animal Bridge agreed with Jans say ing Intlei the new act we have no right of entry on any premises The ct was passed said Bridge without prior consent of themunicipalities ccording to the act pay ment for compensation for animals killed by dogs and wolves at large shall not ex cced the market value of the livestock at time of death letter however by tarios livestock commissioner THE JS liats the matter hretien critical of Clark Canada needs national leader not headwaiter tltltillt ltST The government may look like its out of touch finance minister criticied lriine ltiiisfcr loc tlark given to breeding values that an animal may have beyond what if is worth for slaughter purposes Bridge says however that the commissioner coiifinutes to say The value should however be based on the best estimate of what the animal in question is worth at the time it was killed or injured and not on what it might be worth at sotiie future date Iroblems will arise with farmers who say they should be paid according to what the animal would have been worth sid Bridge irant Andrade deputy reevc said he is concerned with section of that act that reads Any person may kill dog that is found straying at any time and not under proper control upon premises where livestock or poultry arthabituallykept That gives people lot of reason to shoot dog he said BILLGIBBINS skate elsw here Recreational skating Satur day night has always been lnnisfil police station getting recording machine $22000 recording machine will likely be installed this November in the new lnnisfil Police Station Al Martin acting police chief reqUested the macnine saying that although the cost is extensive its value would be priceless The machine will record all telephone and radio messages received at the station including weekend and night calls about public utilities bylaw enforcement and road problems Martin proposed that the cost of the machine be split 70 per cent by the police department 20 per cent by the fire depart ment and the remaining 10 per cent by the Public Works Department the Roads Department and the Public tfilifies Commission similar recording ltlCt is now in use by most police sta tions Its nice piece of equipment said Reeve William iihhins It will be step forward 11 providing better service for the tow nship If approved by council the machine will be installed it November but will be included in the limo budget when it concentrates on administration he said He blamed the partys defeat iii the last federal election on anadians desire for change from lengthy Liberal rule People get tired of government he said We were there for lti years Governments usually hac long honey moon but ednesc iy for weak leadership and an inability to unite country of provincial Tory administrations ou need boss in nation like tanada Iliieficn fold The lIiiniiicr You need soiiiebixty to take the linitlilsltttr lthough tlark Alberta lreniicr leter lotlglieeil and Untario lrenncr William ltavis are all Iro grcssne conservative party members tlcirk has been unable to reach in agreement on on prices liicti satisfies lberta and tntario there is no we for Mr tlark losatisfy lr lfill anti lougliceo needs national leader not headwaiter that wants tosay ycs to everybody He criticiied lark for policies of appeasement threticn expressed faith 111 the Liberal party leadership of Pierre Trudeau He told reporters the Liberals are cnlnted par ty and if members want new leader they will hold after five months people are disappointed with the meetingto elect one new Ilriigressive Conservative government he thietien said he has no problems working with Said Trude hretien said Prime Minister Iark has rciieged on He defended recent accusations by British olunir all ht Clllllilh lilttlllN Voltl Ill tltltblllL tl in 1pm puny woodcut that mi pmty logmu Ietro anatta the national oil company toucl with ihegrassroots of tanada Iefrot anada is successfully established and to qtmlg hut wry we ï¬nd hwtmy turn it over to the private sector is shame When vou are government you must take on the Ullvltllutb will IlttSt it all back because of the taxes duties of governiiient You have to run the nation llim ltd ll ill Toastmistress week official Mayor Ross Archer signs the official proclamation for the second annual Toastmistress week in Barrie which is from October 2t to 27 Witnessing the signing are Shelheh Blenkarn wearing pin and Pat Lightfoot wearing turtleneck who are both members of the Barrie Toastmistress Club The Toastmistress Club stresses leadership training public speaking organiza tion and building self confidence Examiner Photo sattt tbietieii now ijpiisiflzoti lli on federal prov llltlll relations It is niiposst hlc in tiiiidi to get agreement between cgions oii need federal government to tlltttiilt ant lie stint ilivlfli itll lll lciil boss