atï¬gnac ffflggvjesagyiuct1l1979 Company owner gets eight months TORONTO CP Th the charge or reduce the MIOFLOH 5810 Other timeS con deSUOYEG intead of being sent munications which keeps track owner of Toronto taxi com number 6f miles over mg speed Victionts were registered but the t0 the ministry of tran of demerit mints pany pleaded guilty in limittwavmd demeritPOints COMIC I0 Papers were later Sportation and com prOVincial court Monday to conspiring to obstruct justice in what Crown attorney described as traffic ticket fixmg network involving some Toronto justices of the peace and court officials Harvey Naken 50 was sen tenced to eight months in jail and three ears probation after Howar Morton director gtr tIiielgimiéial divilsion offf the SAVE UP TO rown aw ice THAN told Judge Thomas Mercer that against the other people charged in the conspiracy Morton glad statement of acts agre to by the defence which said Nakens role in the confsfpiraci involved giving PARKER tra ic tic ets he received from his cab drivers and acquain tances to another cab owner HRCDNI Naken has agreed to testify Joseph Tardif who would 11 contact justices of the peace and court officials to have them fixed Taxi drivers went to Naken Morton said so they could avoid accumulating demerit points which might eventually lead to the suspension of their drivers licences PAID 8th On some occasions the per son who had been charged with traffic violation paid up to $100 to have the ticket fixed but the usual fee was double the MW 5B5 TLANHELETTE suitshihiiirsi amount ofthefine on the face of MATTEL flu the ticket llSCIIY said Morton MATTEL Tardif would contact court mm 51 employees and have them lose JIMMY ii orhdestroy the informations per KNITAFGHANsa 3335 If It taining to the tickets Morton SWEATERSIPURSES 757 said In other cases Justices of WITH GRANNY the peace were approached directly and asked to dismiss CIRCLES DEPT STORE LIST PRICE $1995 PRICE WAS $699 8239 As sh LAFFY CATHY DOLL 99 de and REGAL LKING GIGGLING BIG BIG BUY TA MENS on Toys CREME RINSE moo ART htttraltaszi2222 on WILLY WALKER DOG SHAMPOO THERMAL SOCKS they cant meet the demand for HE ACTS ON YOUR COMMAND cu PRICE $1995 FOAM PILLOWS cheddar and are complaining ASSORTED COLORS 33123 $353332 12s WASHABLE NONALLERGENIC LARGE 200 LITRE SIZE milk this ycarthanlast year Bob Rowe president of On REG$299 EA REG I97 REG 249 REG 139 tarios Cheddar hccsc Associ ation said Monday he is getting less than half the milk from the MATTEL DEPT STORE FRICE 839 iitaiio Milk Marketing Board this year for his Warkworth cheese factory than he got in Â¥3L7uggs $299 1970 Rowe said he expected this years supply to be about 38 per BATTERY cent of what he bought nine OPERATED REG1695 years ago now he hopes the threepercent increase in milk AY OPEN DAILY quotas for Ontario dairy farm Slllt mgr PIONEER POOLS slitst NICE EASY CARDIGAN SWEATER Last year he got 48 per cent RM ASSORTED COLORS Its still lot lower than we XMAS 726 4606 BARRI SMLXL can stand REG 257 REG 133 97 599 INFANTS CHILDRENS SLEEPERS ASSORTED COLORS HALLOWEEN CANDIES ASSORTED FRUITS 20 BAGS PER PKG REG L69 47 MENS PULLOVER SWEATER CREW VNECK ASSORTED COLORS SML REG 699 555 MENS ELANNELETTE PJS Elastic Waist Full Cut SMLXL REG 999 799 SIZES 1224 I3 REG 477 388 ATTRACTIVE TABLE LAMPS Hand crafted crystalite Assorted Colors Reg 369 REG 2499 28 250 MENS NONALLERGIC DOESKIN CHIPPED SHIRTS FOAM Assorted Plaids Many uses SMLXL lb bag REG 888 REG 109 3PIECE BATH ENSEMBLE Waste Basket Brush Holder Tissue Dispenser The Saving Continues Save 10 to 12 Flice on almost everything in the store DIAMONDS GOLD SILVER gt7 JEWELLERY WATCHES GIFTWARE and MUCH MUCH NDRE RDMurphyJewellers let goounog8 MW cm Zellers has Low Prices No Mistake About it Barrie I1 iv aï¬ï¬mmgmcuuu mm pm also new Erï¬dnv