ao ll adv daCIA am rflrl lie 44 It no to ï¬t Seeks Canadian aid Prime Minister Oliver Seraphin left of Dominica who was in Ottawa Mon day seeking Canadian aid for his stormravaged Caribbean country is seen meeting with Prime Minister Clark on Parliament Hill CP Photo Starch tests conducted LONDON CP Research is being conducted on the use of starch extracted from potatoes rice wheat and maize in the production of strong light weight plastics Through secret process de veloped by Gerald Griffin lecturer iii nonwmetallic mate rials at Brunei University Ux bridge tests are showing that starch can be used to reduce the amount of petrochemical materials needed for plastics manufacturing The starch extracts not only extend the performance and cut costs of plastics materials but also enable the industry to overcome environmentalist objections to plastics on the grounds that they will not decompose after disposal Specially treated starch can be used in the production of plastic garbage bags bread wrapper and carrier bags to make them biodegradable Manufacturing rights on Griffins process have been bought by the Spillers flotir and pet lood company in Cam bridge The firms research and technology centre currently is carrying out twoyear ex periment to test the coni mercial viability of the process Two different starch extracts patented by Spillers are being tested by to firms in Europe inc can be used to produce bio degradable plastics while the other increases the perform ance of plastics when used as shoe heels and soles wallpaper and car trim panelling SIC ENERGY FLAVOR To save energy vitamins and flavor use only small amount of water when cooking any vegetable cgctaliles do not have to he covered unit water the steam will cook them Facts Certain utm gotion Nesbitt Thomson Simcoe Street Stiite No Barrie Ontario LAM 1A1 Aim Robert Clark 705 7260215 Please send me tree copr Sovrngs Danas NAME ADDRESS CITY TELEPHONE Dun Canada Sayings islands Resident Should Know How well do you know the facts about your exisnng Canada Sayings Bonds Holdings Did you linow that CED CANADIAN ORGANIZATION OF SMALL BUSINESS THE VOICE OF SMALL BUSINESS MR SMALL BUSINESSMAN the future of your small business starts here and now THE CANADIAN ORGANIZATION OF SMALL BUSINESS is nonprofit organization of concerned Canadian ownermanagers professionals and entrepreneurs dedicated to the creation of better environment for Canadas small business UNIQUE CORPORATION C058 is dedicated to creating better Canada for Canadianowned business by working with Federal and Provincial represen tatives to change countless laws and regulations that make life unpleasant for small business COSB also provides practical and direct assistance to solve small business problems Mr Gordon Holmes VicePresident of COSB Member Servicing for Eastern Canada Toronto is proud to announce that COSB has secured the services of GORDON MANKTELOW to represent COSB within Simcoe County where he will be establishing in the Barrie area Expect Mr MANKTELOW to contact you in the near future Should you wish more information phone now GORDON MANKTELOW 705 4246354 Toronto Office 4i6 622691 THE VOICE Of SMALL BUSINESS Every Canadian The coupon on last years issue was set after the bond was printed issues have cash bonuses due at varying points In the life of the bond Compounding features are Important to be aware of and avoid cashing too early Nesbitt Thomson has prepared an exclusrve booklet Facts Every Canadim Resident Should Kn0w About Canada Sayings Bonds which wrll answer these questions and more Write or gull us today for your free copy at no ya NESBITT THOMSON NESBITT THOMSON ii FOCIS Every Canadian Resident Should Know About Canada PROVINCE CODE Home Acupuncture by laser futuristic tone By CHARLES DICK RIS Router Acu puncture by laser or Infrared rays lends futuristic tone to an ancient oriental art Delicate needles of pure gold imported from China where acupuncture originated about 4000 years ago still are avail able for the traditionalist But earlier this year at the sixth world congress of acupuncture here electronic gadgets abounded The pencilshaped laser needle beams thin rcd shaft of light at varying penc trations on to the acupuncture point The sophisticated ma chine attached to it emits sig nal which is loudest when the laser is on target By using some of the bodys 700 or so acupuncture points the makers say range of aii ments from rheumatism to mi graine headaches can be treated with the lowpower ia ser But such Western modem ization is enough to make old style acupuncturists shudder They maintain that only nee dles turned or heated at inter vals with meticulous care Childrens Acrylic Mirrs and Gloves Wide variety of fancy designs and plain shades Sizes 2OX 814 Our Childrens PJs Long sleeves Sizes ox Our Reg $499 $549 SALE Girls 714 Our Reg $6 49 controlled 70 90 Our Reg $699 60 100Our Reg 5999 66 Scotion Bedspread and Matching Drapes by Esmond Mills 86 Acrion brawn rust or blue shades Cono ni Prints 90 cm Ideal for qurlrs Our Reg 3129 SALE 92 150 cm Wide Assorted colour Reg 99 ea SALE2p7150 Jersey Prints 05 aceoe 35 nlon 150 on 12oz Doubleknii Solids 100 carieser should be used and dismiss Iii ser acupuncture IIN giminiikry PAIN PSYCHOLOGICAL Some of the IIINII mothIn on display at the con riiis hm only just come onto IIN miiriwi West German make WIIIIII started selling three yllllk into cools about $3500 Infrared machines pruvaIiil similar treatment and makers of these and lasers lilIPIHIJM advantages of case oxo ii tiling and freedom from pain patient treated by con ventional methods might have 50 or more needles stuck iiilo his body at time sonic to See LOW PRICES wvaxw Salesman of the Month depth of nearly three centi metres The acupuncturist uses flame to heat the needles made of gold silver or other metals or passes small electric cur rent through them Dr lrinh Quang Ngoc 32 yiarold naturalized French iiiriii explains that the pain ele ininl is psychological rather than real There are certain patients who feel some pain he said seated in his office in fashion able Western quarter of Paris It is question of reas surance Its technique Paul Sadlon President of Paul Sadlon Motors lnc wishes to congratulate Doug Harris on being top salesman for the month of September DOUG HARRIS An honour for any salesman and you my customers made it possibe Stressing service and satisfaction continues to be my slogan Call me at 7267877 233 Bradford St Barrie 7261811 Pagell TRUST TOWERS IO om iroun nun mom Iv Boys and Girls Knitted Hots 100 acrylic Fancy designs and plain colours Sizes 26X Our e9 5249 $269 SALE 12 Girls Assorted KneeHigh Socks Assorted fabrics Fancy deSigns and plain shades 79 Our Reg $129to $169 ions Choose cotton20 polyester Shrinkage 4button style or fringed style Approx 15 square Bothin SALE assorted colours mt Esmrmd DunkOurReg $1399 997 Assoned FurnitureThrows Twin Our Reg $189914 Noixslip loom pacing DoubleReg $19991597 OCIYIICI2 nylon Red gold Drapes 7545 1997 Drapes 75 too 2497 SZCS do Hood wash SALE pr Mens Soft Vinyl Dress Gloves Sueded Vinyl With cotton lion nel lining or Vlï¬yi wrth iï¬filf foam lining SVXL Our Reg $299 SALE Boys Youths Viy Ski Mitts Corronfleeceiining 57 St Or Vinyl Dress Gloves Carton flannel lining SlZGSSIO OurReg $119$269 Canadian MiSi AllWeotber Coats CanadianMade Melion Top Coats 35 5ch tool 15 mesa5 other ffi fibres 3cm acetate lining to DOuDiG breasred Greyortoere OurReg $9999 ki Assorted Warm Acrylic Toques Farboys One sizefits all Choose from 0530 est plain or stripes OurReg $259 SAL 97 ukv UTi Mens 2Pce WarmUp Suits Our Reg $46 99 icei Garcia Meye Or front At OC SAVE SAVE SVXL OurReg S59 99573 99 511 02 $2202 at KEN WMMHLMM Charlie Pride Bob Dylan Youreivl Jamaica Slow Train Coming Your writ Choice We Dorchester Stereo wrih Cassette My Recorder 50 LPE Cheap trick Dream Peirce 586IO146890 Abba atherAbtaham AlonPa Prolect Vowel90m in Smutfland Eve Chance 12Pack MirtOrTlleS 12 AMFML Clock Radio Plain Our Reg $1299 35 SALE pk Ois 81 gag V0 fled JG Dave Rowlamleugor aéflwmaï¬ commodores 124 our 99 $1559912OG pt 2988 MW Midnigthogic Trust Towers Refund Policy llyw ate JWlalyhcuty min gr we luateceoiti€ Trust For SelectionValue and Satisfaction All prices in etiect Urllli clowig time Saturday October 20 W79 jtfi2 gnu Towers Barrie ltr Alli 17