the examiner 23 Kimmy Oct 1979 Chasing ghosts for years CAMBRIDGE Ont CP IIIn Currie who has been chas mg ghosts for almost 30 years Isragat become convinced that ures can survive death phy ma Reincarnation is fact not theory he says adding that there are scores of peo le who ï¬n recall memories past In his new book You Cannot Die Currie says researchers have found that people can be made to remember previous life by undergoing what is known as regressive hypnosis Among the more remarkable examples he gives is the docu mented case of an East Indian boy Ravi Shankar who was born Six months after the death of man whose throat had been slit with razor At birth Shankar had birth markon his throat which an American surgeon said had the stippled quality of scar SPOKE STRANGE TONGUE In addition Citrrie says Shankar had detailed recollection of the life of the razor victim Currie also cites the case of Philadelphia woman who hav ingundergone regressive hyplt nOSis began speaking in mas culine voice Strangely the lan guage she spoke although she had never spoken it in her life and later claimed never to have known it was Swedish Scholars who later examined the transcripts of the interview said she had spoken archaic Swedish which they dated as 17th century Psychiatry professor Ian Ste venson from the University of Virginia has compiled case his tories on 1700 such people who claim to be able to recall past life Of those 30 cases have been verified Currie says New Jersey psy chologist Dr Helen Wambach has regressed 1000 patients over the last decade and those people have revealed total of 1100 former lives most of them as humble people with unre markable existences Some of the material gathered in those sessions with Wambach has since been documented and verified as historical fact Currie says After death you enter into disembodied realm and operate differently than you do in your body You remain there for certain period which can range from few months to several centuries but averages about 52 vears THEYVE HAD ENOUGH At the end of that period Cur rie says you are reincarnated Seventy per cent of all those who have gone through regres sive hypnosis and recalled pre vious lives said they didnt want to be reborn because they found life too painful In addition about half of all those who claim to be reincar nated say they chose their new parents 85 per cent said they know people now that they knew in previous life For his part Currie says he has gone into the hypnosis pro gram several times and re called parts of dozen previous lives Among other things Currie says he was once an Arab woman who was the mistress of Roman military officer in the first century AD In another life he says he was German machinegunner killed by bayonet stab during the First World War Bridge crash hits operators VANCOUVER iCPgt Angry shipping terminal operators want to know why 24000ton freighter was sailing under the Second Narrows bridge Friday in thick fog when most ma xine traffic was at standstill The operators face several months of layoffs and reduced operations after the Japan Erica rammed the crucial rail bridge causing $3million dam age that will take about 15 weeks to repair Jack Cottingham head of vessel traffic management at Vancouver Harbor said his agency has no authority to stop vessel from leaving once the pilot and master have decided to do so Victor Fry superintendent of operations of the Pacific Pilo tage Authority would not re lease the name of the pilot on board the freighter when it ploughed into the rail bridge knocking one span into the war ter BAYFIELD MALL WHERE NEW THINGS ARE ALWAYS HAPPENING HOURS MON T0 FRI 930 to 930 SAT 930 to 600 Cut From Canada Grade Beef Bone in Cross Rib Roast Our Reg Price 218 lb 50 lb dierence Cut From Canada Grade Beef Dominion Trim Rib Steaks SPECIAL Cut From Canada Grade Beet Beef THE KING OF Roasts Prime Rib Roast Assorted Varieties Siena Cooked Special BptelLeal Special Salami ChUb lb 39 ChUbS 8sltizzé 048 Special Egglfihicaiied Special Siena ottage Pepperoni it Rolls WI BIIIDG SPeCIaII Skmless scououicAi Wieners St SEAFOOD DISHES Individual Quick Bythe piece Special Bum SpeCIal Burns erc Headcheese ibI Fillets in Coorsh Sliced Individual Quick Smoked SpeCIal Frozen Corned Turbot Beef pig Steaks IndividuaIQuick Bittner ï¬rozwb Bratwurst ur Sausage 98 Finets My lndividual Quick Shapsys Special Frozen Beet Dressed Salami 1531 Whitin Cut From Canada Grade Beef Steaks Cut From Canada Grade Beet Round Bone Shoulder Chuck Blade SPECIAL SPECIAL DCQminion Process Special ream Cheese i233 DCominion Process Special heese Slices 3ft Sealtesl 560mg Creaéty SpeCial ag Cheese SItg Sigilfszhcriiese Slices Special Blac Diamond its Colby Brick or Mozzarella iticks SpeCIal ra Cheese 22 Marble Havarti TBoasthnionieXGarlic SPECIaII en Cheeses zpizg Sweetheart can SpeCial eese Curds pig SSSI2EGC¢£ Special BmDItrDimPIY Special gigiitiieiIoazéiim Special Cheese 9C Sticks ii Chips gift 39 Pies ii Frozen Deluxe Special Orange Flavour Crystals Special ï¬jgusrzcort SpeCiaI Pizza Rise 330 15 Famosa 4pm 99 Shine ozpi3 Puddmgs it Assorted Flavours Dempstei For Spaghetti SpeCIBII HCighlirar Frozen Sp8CaII WEGIOIIJDG SPECIaII Ragu ea Sauces 0382 Krunchiesiaié Bread 2402LoaI049 VALUES EFFECTIVE T0 TUESDAY OCT 23 79 THE PAGE FOR SAVINGS 0N PRODUCE