12 the examiner fMWOEInosday10ct 11 1970 CLASSIFIED ADS accommodations to share adoptions opts to rant births boots motors business opportunities 81 41 07 82 16 opts wanted to rent 18 camping equipment 56 article for sale 40 card of thanks 86 articles to rent 43 cars for sale 32 articles wanted 42 cars wanted 33 auction sales 79 commg events 88 auto accessories 36 cOmmercialsale or rent auto service and repairs 35 construction machinery 55 Olproperty for sale 017property for sale 252 YONGE ST BARRIE 7282291 LTD JOHN REALTOR 55 COLLIER ST BARBIE 7372101 AGENTS FOR PANCOL CONSTRUCTION LIMITED ALLISTON MONTREAL TRUST RELOCATION SERVICES LEO PROCEE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED FOREST HILL ESTATES ANTEN MILLS PINEVIEW ESTATES OF MIDHURST PERFECT STARTER bedroom brick bungalow with full basement $41500 Call Steve Vandrick KLONDIKE PARK Retirement or starter home bedroom completely finished mobile home Swimming boating golf course rec hall all facilities on property at no extra charge Only $16900 Call Dan Henderson GOOD STARTER storey bedroom home on quiet street hardwood floors could be duplexed 12 mor tgage well kept home Call Ed Wismer MIDHURST Brand new 1800 sq ft back split with baths fireplace bedrooms double car garage and much more Treed 100 150 foot lot Call Al Beacock PAINSWICK OFFICE 7282291 EXTRA LARGE LOT 77 230 bedroom bungalow full basement family room bar billiard room central air walkout to deck Full price $49900 Call Jack Wall PM 57 $57 900 45 bedroom bungalow Living and dining room family room country lot Large 1014 96 mortgage can be assumed Call Jack Wall PM58 $3500 DOWN Looking for your lst home Want extra large bedrooms family kitchen and good lot Call Jack Wall IM59 NEED LARGE HOUSE bedroom bungalow family room with fireplace Hollywood style kitchen and dinette Full basement partly divided car garage and 59 freed acres for outdoor living Full price $125000 Call Jack Wall PM60 LOOKING FOR BEDROOM BUNGALOW With fully insulated basement unspoiled with good mortgage Call Dick Richards PM67 OLDER storey brick home on large city lot baths one upstairs and one downstairs could be duplexed Call Dick Richards PM55 PRICE REDUCTION ALLANDALE HEIGHTS Four bedroom home includes den fireplace in rec room paved drive landscaped lot with shade trees Asking only $56200 Call Murray Stavell PM37 10i°a MORTGAGE Adds value to this home which features walkout to deck from dining room fireplace in rec room landscaped lot double garage and drive Asking price $56900 Call Murray Stovell IM62 017 BARRY COLE 7287631 ART MAW 7281346 AL BEACOCKIno toll 4873090 RICK HAMILTON 7288698 JOHN KUIPERS 7287703 DAN HENDERSON 7286065 ED WISMER 7261120 STEVE VANDRICK 4364413 JOHN COLE 7288017 LARRY ARSENEAU 7265751 JACK WALL 7289850 ED BOWMAN 7267000 MARIA EVANS 7261740 QUEENIE LITTLE 4361992 DICK RICHARDS 7285478 CHARLES TONNA 4563483 ELSIE WALL 7289850 MURRAY STOVELL 4362306 BERNIE ROTH 7373664 BERNIE BLUM 4875540 EMORY MILLER LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP wcsrm BARRIE 7261881TORONTO 3647941 TOWNHOUSE bedroom home on Blake St broadloom throughout finished rec room baths appliances included in purchase price of 537 500 BRICK BUNGALOW With garage in east end with separate apartment in basement close to shopping and bus Isobel St VENDOR TRANSFERRED Exceptionally clean and well decorated bedroom home on Jane Cres in Allandale Family room with fireplace beautiful view from deck double garage CUSTOM BUILT BRICK BUNGALOW car garage on acre overlooking Lake Sinicoe bedrooms den extra large living room with brick fireplace sliding glass doors to sun deck on levels sauna swimming pool and many more extras Oro Station LAhEFRONT Minot Paint room bungalow on Kempenfelt Buy year round IlTTITitIlIOILL17SSSIOII Priced at only $52 900 EXECUTIVE HOME In prestige area of higher priced homes this home features livingdining room nook custom kitchen office family room With fireplace walkout lo inground pool bedrooms studio games room See this beautiful home in Tollendal Woods 12 PARKWAY PLACE Immaculater clean bedroom storey brlcb homo separate Inrng area eat in kitchen family room with fireplace paved drive car garage inground pool lovely treiii lot 505 000 253 DUNLOF S1 EAST Older storey bedroom home baths carport fenced yard garden close to downtown mortgaging at 11 Call for details HATE APARTMENT LIVING Try condominium bedrooms baths full basement broadloom single garage and in arm area close to nincniios Adelaide St Mike Lysabild 726 6054 anse Lafoue 4365266 Hannah Penilgiid 728 3025 Ross BurtOll 458 9248 KenMillei 4873305 RassMilrci 7370313 HarveyWebir 436 3815 LorrrWood 4873148 JimBouchaid 4365541 Margitood 4873148 DeanArbuthnot 7374720 GeraldONeill 7267733 LOISNesbitt 7373466 AlCalhoun 8352742 EL£L£ii4 uwu vaav cocoonrm amnion 152 BAYFIELD ST CORNER OF WELLINGTON BARRIE 7262611 JimQuinlan 7260873 Helen Hopkins 728 1662 Carl Emms 7285124 Rita Brewer 7286257 Judi Bean 7266114 Irene Little 7374266 Sandra Corner 4563419 Patricia Lee 7371418 Bod Law 4873375 Jock Middel 7286799 Theo Achtzehnter 7371768 cottages to rent farm machinery cottages for sale 28 farm machinery wanted cottages wanted 29 feed seed grain deaths 85 financial ll dogs pets florists 89 employment wanted 76 fruits vegetables 67 engagements 33 garages 75 exchange 48 garden supplies 50 forms for rent 06 help wanted larmslor sale home impr0vem9nls 01property for sale Olproperty for sale 31 Trust 357 Bayiield St nunii 7288800 Ittlttllltt Iiiii flfilllii Rllllll1lll 34 sES First in homes First in service FEATURE OF THE WEEK $42000 bedrooms Fireplace Oversized garage Full basement Family room Sheila Simpson 7288800 I9285M LEONARDS BEACH AREA $41900 lust reduced Three bdrm bungalow beautiful pine floors Drilled well Attached garage Power of sale Must be sold Near lake Dick Pollock 7288800 I9344MI PREPARE FOR WINTER FUN NOWI Moonstone Mt St Louis iust minutes away Two bedroom chalet includes fridge and stove Electrically heated eatin kitchen $35000 Lynne Temple 7288800 Res 7287013 M9352M lst MORTGAGE 11 PER CENT UNTIL 1984 Four bedroom townhouse end unit all repairs completed to roof at owners expense Close to schools and mail Lynne Temple 7288800 Res 7287013 B937IM INVESTMENT PROPERTY 532500 Duplex close to down town extra deep lot well freed $5000 down vendor will take lst at 12 per cent Lynne Temple 7288800 Res 728 7013 B9367MI 10 PER CENT MORTGAGE EAST END Four level Sidesplit rec room main floor family room Four bdrms 1V2 baths White brdlm in living and dining room Upgraded bdm in halls Possession to suit Wayne Ward 7288800 89372M PROTECTING YOUR FUTURE 50 acres good growing land Two barns ideal productive vegetable garden Mature hardwood trees encircle charming century brick two storey home Wayne Ward 7288800 M9156M YOUR OWN BUSINESS $23000 Excellent location near Central High School Guaranteed no Iayoffs Wayne Ward 7288800 8935le ROSLYN RD Great neighborhood and location brick and aluminum backsplit excellent condition bdrms with and 4th bdrm on lower level aircondition att garage see this one Be satisfiedl Ruth Gibbons 7288800 Res 728 1409 89363M JUST OFF LITTLE AV Large level bdrm baths Dr FP single garage full basement well maintained inside and out Made lust for you Ruth Gibbons 728 8800 Res 728 1409 B9362M 017 RotalTrust0ur ï¬rst name in real estate WILLSON REAL ESTATE LIMITED 119 DUNLOP ST 72619387 TORONTO 8844133 7R IN iilfiiri APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UNTIL pm MAGNIFICENT VIEW on Kempenfelt Or from this first time offered Cape Cod style home Features three large bedrooms panelled den large living room with fireplace and picture window overlooking the water and walkout to lovely screened in porch bathrooms and garage Large lot Call Jane Young 726 1938 or 7284717 MLS 2449 $74900 Well kept executive type home on Peel St Large bedroom bu igalow with extra large living room and fireplace Large master bedroom large dining room den full basement with additional bedrooms workshop large games area Deep lot Call Norm McMillan 7261938 or 726 8957 MLS 2530 INCOME PROPERTY Let the tenant help pay your mor tgoge Asking $38900 for duplex in good repair with good assumable mortgage Please call 7261938 MLS 1850 COUNTRY ESTATE Almost landscaped acres over 2000 sq ft finished year old brick home baths new carpet throughout completely fenced lot and double garage Bradford area Only $91900 Call lan Rouse 7261938 or 726 5407 MLS 2562 017 Total Realty Service liti tlt VVorrall iiillt l1iI 7373200 124 DUNLOP ST BARBIE houses to rant BUSINESS HOURS WORD ADS SEMIDISPLAY CANCELLATIONS houses wanted to rent in memoriams instructions landscap loosing legal livestock livestock InSUTOnCQ ing for sale wanted EAD LINES The Examiner Offices are open from 830 am to pm pm the previous day or noon Saturday for Monday 48 hours prior to publication Accepted up until am 19 87 69 53 39 77 57 58 Offpraperty forisrale KUNCE lTD QUALITY HOMES 1E ONTARIO The name friends recommend to friends 355 Bayfield St Barrie 7370011 BEAT INFLATION 123 No 435 CHURCHILL EXECUTIVE beautiful sun room plush carpets and much more make this an ideal executive home Call Don Jerry 4361123 NO 445 LEPAGE lllllll 10 PER CENT MORTGAGE Tastefully decorated bdrm backsplit in the East end close to schools and recreation facilities Features rec room fenced yard attached garage Excellent value at $48500 Call Murray Perry 7372893 No 439 80 ACRE FARM Between Barrie and Shanty Boy Good house barn and pond Asking $109900 Call Don Jerry 4361123 No 421 REDUCED TO SELL All brick sidesplit bdrms levels car garage and much more for $57900 Call Dan Jerry 4361123 No 428 WHY RENT bdrm home on beautiful lot near lake Only $31900 Call Don Jerry 4361123 No 434 HELP PAY YOUR MORTGAGE bungalow with finished family room with fireplace and bar also has selfcontained apartment for friend or relative Asking $54900 Call Don Jerry 436 lost found Iolsfor sale market basket mOVlOQQS mobile hames trailers money to loan mortgages motorcycles nursing homes office stores for rent Olproperty for sale REALTOR This bdrm Four bdrms baths 017 MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS HEAD OFFICE 98 BAYFIELD ST 7284067 ALLANDALE OFFICE 35 ESSA RD BARRIE 7372880 EUROPEAN OFFICE RAADHUISPLEIN 5980AB PANNINGEN HOLLAND TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL PM AGENTS FOR STOLLAR CONSTRUCTION lTD MIDHURST ESTATES NAOMI DEVELOPMENTS LTD MUlTl LINGUAL SERVICE Paul Arbour 7263897 Toni Cairns 7280653 Oiuclr Lambert 7288001 Jim Cancilla 7371597 Larry Brewer CRA 7289745 iiairy Magill 7263864 Simon Beekliuizen 7373795 Larry De Wilde 7283253 Dennis Higgott 15332725 Mike Hamilton 4873001 Peter Bracalente 7263916 10V MORTGAGES Low down payment Three bedroom fully broadloamed eatin kitchen Fully fenced back yard Patio walkout from basement For Cal Naniy VIRGO REALTY 7371211 or 7370931 lite N5 MIDHURST $6000 DOWN his chalet style bedrooms bathroom home with family room and Franklin stove 1788 sq ft on ri acre lot 11 Vendor take back first mortgage at Asking $54900 Call today 7284935 01720 HOUSE SWAP Three broadloamed bedroom large fully eatin kitchen some with garage TRADE FOR CONDOMINIUM OI TOWNHOUSE Cd IIIan VIRGO REAL 7374211 or 7370931 site N5 180 DUNLOP ST 7269933 ASK US ABOUT RON JONES 7268997 MGM Relocation Servicu LILWILKINSON 7289326 VICKI KENT 4365598 INESON PERSONALIZED SERVICE 7284294 MW TTF WILLOW LANDING MIDHURST REID BUILDING LTD PRATT CONST lTD Corby Adams 7286829 Peter Gubbels 7282425 Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Bert Cuff 7286334 John Colwell 7267726 Don Allan 4872412 Doug Baker 7283274 John Strqu 7263555 Bill Sakeris 7371586 Jim Harris 7267173 Fred Reynolds 7285333 LAKEFRONT Drivate Sale Two homes on property arqe double bay boat house Willi recrea ion area above Excellent beach area Asiinq $107000 185 Shanty Bay Road Take look make an offer 726 7215 tttr Sp rn ill8 TE Owner transitmud Tall srte Split bathrooms three tivarcims don tarnin room wrtn lire placi finished laundry room 352000 lrm 726 3728 TWO BEDROOM wrnterized cottage nrae lot Stroud area near lake newly rinavaled Take over mortgage $21250 36 2295 after pm PROPERTIES to he sold for unpaid fans Oltir il Olidrinl yr 099i 801 5381 Sidlrll um Om ppc 3J1 FURNISHED HOUSE four bedroom two storeys finished basement Allan dale Heights Owner moving overseas 728 1025 04lots f0r sale RURAL ESTATE Lots in Sebright 12 acres serviced $12999 416 245 247 collect days or evenings Year round retirement recreational GOOD LEVEL building lot for sale iust outsrae Clly in vespra Township 100 17 deep PriceSI 900w1th terms Tele 728 0833 or 737 2299 after MITEN MILLS Second phase 20 large cl freed lots Underground services armcred building restrictions $19000 IS minutes to Barrie hospital 71 0851 o7business opportunities MR CORN BEEF ORILLIA licenced fast food restaurant Htsnlus 60 sratapprowjd patparea 1301 McDonalds and Panderosa on Highway 11 Orillia now arossmg $3 50iwrck was increased 1054 500 net $45000 yearly ideal for family operation $69 500 full price 15 year lease 100 car parking was available in HJntsi rc North Etay Suo burr Elliot Lave and S30 Su Mar also am $70502 Arr last call Barrie 705 7287636 BUSINESS OPPORTUN TY COWit from your OVL Pth me Renaming future wlr above 801 nrcini N3 nventory Tra or an as an pro lacc Arr Bc EV Barric 7m BOX REPLIES While every endeavor Will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as pUStble we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwrse TF opportunity for men women 74 posture for sale 61 property management 08 posture to en 62 property wanted 02 pasture wanted 63 public notices BO personals be resorts 30 Christmas trees 49 room and board 21 plants and bulbs 52 rooms to let poultry and chicks 59 rooms wanted 22 professional directory 90 sales help agents 72 propertyIOr sale 01 sarvrce and repairs 54 097commenialindustrial OISIII Industrial Ii Commorchl for sale or loan 7263422 TF i7mortgages COMPETITIVE HATES COMMITMENTS Guy Harris property for sale or rent $01010 FLEXIBLE TERMS set22 COMMERCIAL FAST gimme VACATION Wilt the municipal savings loan corporation 7o COLLIER sr 3RD FLOOR 7267200 WV oftcommercialindustrial PRIME DOWNTOWN commercial space five olnts 2300 plus square feet $780 per square toot net net call Lou Goedemondtrfleal Estate Ltd 728 4067 6000 riser Edace i6eï¬i26néd in dustrial Victoria St Barrie Bargain 416185101087 RETAIL STORE opposite Sears Bayfield Street 3000 8500 square feet 5197549947 m°939e5 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES Dan Halliday 013151720222429 ir YOU NEED MOEY Immediate lst and 204 Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties Wed love to help you To consolidaie debis low monthly payments Home improvements any WOTTli reason To pay Conslru all existing or maluring mortgage Cllnftlunils tree artvrce try us We have ready cast 10 purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING Guaranteed Investment Certificates 129 DUNLOP ST BARRIE 7260981 Pa Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc l4mobile homestrailers RETIRING Come and enjoy new way of life join the fun here at the new and beautiful TURN BERRY ESTATES Recreation building pool beautifully landscaped throughout large sundecks paved streets and drive fully serviced Talk to any of our tenants you will be con vinced Home prices start as Iowas $19000 LOT RENTS START AT ONLY $70 Call or write for brochure TURNBERRY ESTATES 55 Erb St 319 Waterloo Ontario 5198862730 or 5193572037 022 RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALERENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix Otd Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glendette Shamrock Terms Up T015 Years Highway ll South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 liapa rtments for rent BARRIE ANNE GARDENS 259 Dunlop St available convenent Spacious suites Utilities included location 7265771 TF LETS FIGHT INFLATION RENT REDUCED or bedroom luxury townhouses Choose location near shopping centre schools churches marina From $299 mthly No dogs References to pm 7262361 or 7287798 rF WELLINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS 135 Wellington St Spacious 123 bedroom suites Convenient Clean building To view call 7263827 or 7267153 TF FURNISHED ONE Bedroom Central Laundry Parking Available im mediater $225 monthly Telephone 7280755 gt BACHELOR APARTMENT central icicaiion private entrance Parking and laundry faCtllftes Available November Isr DnoneNB 3783 aavriggo MAL AREA furnished bacrielsr apartmrnr SJ one bus FOUie available November no children or pets SIBS noniniy including heat and hydr0726 7734 FURNlSHED ONE BEDROOM apart merit Available immediater First and last months rent required No pets pleaSe Downtown location Apply at 61 Mary Street or phone 728 4282 Highest Interest 347 BAY ST TORONTO id 3633421 TF tbapartments for rent BACHELOR APARTMENT S180 month plus hydro I94 Dunlop St Fur nished large room with separate kit chen and bathroom Private entrance Telephone726B420 FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 726 0988 weekdays THREE BEDROOM apartment upper duplex adult building Duckworth Street Pay awn hydro Stove fridge laundry facilities included $310 man thly 728182Jafterllam TWO BEDROOM apartment self contained washing facilities available $275 monthly includes heat and parking 436 2263 NEWLYVTDECORTATED bedroom near bus park Stove fridge laundry parkinpiheat water 5281 72177374176 0N OUTSKIRTS of city in new home wrth separate driveway newly decoracted bedrooms living and din ing room all broadloamed kitchen with eating area bath and laundry room Surtable for professionals $285 monthly plus utilities First and last months rent 7266100 ONE BEDROOM apartment available at 114 Kempenfelt Drive Rent$73850 in cludes stove refrigerator heal and parking Adults only No cats or dogs Apply atApt 102 or 104 BACHELOR APARTMENT for single reliable person all conveniences air condition4245838 FURNISHED BACHELORETTE cen tral Barrie $42 weekly Phone 726 6271 after4 30pm TWO BEDROOM apartment for November Utilities included On bus route First and last 5279 Call 7264752 SEMIFURNISHED one and bedroom apartment Centrally located lnolderquiet building Rentreasonable Sorry no children or pets 728 2395 days 728 5895 evenings ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT heat utilities refrigerator stove and parking included available November $205 monthly Coin laundry facilities Cumberland Street 7286384 references required PERIA snowmobiles 38 space for rent 24 stanps and coins 45 summer properties for sale 31 swaps 46 teachers wontad 73 tenders 78 trade schools 75 trees and shrubs 51 trucks and trailers 34 l6apartments for rent TWO BEDROOM central Barrie $260 monthly includes heat hydro Phone 726 6271 after 430 pm BEDROOM apartment private en trance includes heat hydro and park ing $275 monthly First and last months rent Telephone 7371342 TWO BACHELOR apartments air conditioned $200 per month tenant pays own heat and hydro frldge and stove in cluded Telephone 7263515 between and pm TWO BEDROOM upper duplex fbr rent call after noon 726 3605 TWO BEDROOM fully broadloamed Private entrance Heat hydro and laun dry facilities includecl $270 monthly Students preferred 7286861 l7houses to rent FOUR BEDROOM house for rent Hillsdale is minutes north of Barrie $285 monthly plus utilities No pets Call 835 3525 IT IS POSSIBLE Rent on new home can go towards your down payment For Information call Mrs Boyce 728 $102 24 Hour Service AVAILABLE NOVEMBER 13 three bedroom home on bus line close to col lege$3lo monthly332tl96 BEDROOM HOME in Waverley $250 monthly plus utilities Available Noflnber Telephone 7261700 THREE BEDROOM townhouses for rent Garage and basement Four ap pliances Close to school shopping and bus route 7264338 LARGE FARMHOUSE for rent $250 monthly hydro and fuel not included Call 424 $832 FURNISHED WINTERIZED home for rent Includes refrigerator stove Alcona Beach area $285 monthly No pets Telephone 436 2763 HOUSE FOR RENT Ranch style bungalow three bedrooms finished family room with bar fireplaces fully broadloamed Double car garage paved circular drive large lot Five years old Barrie outskirts available immediately 1416 8956311 HousETTo RENT for winter months available November suit business cou ple 7288466 THREE BEDROOM townhouses three different locations prices from $291$318 Call Al Beacock 4873090 representing John Cole Limited Realtor 7372101 rwoaéonoorvi house mile from In nistil Beach cloverleaf $225 monthly Require first and last Furnace oil and hydro extra Available November lst 4362047aamtoapm TWO BEDROOM home 7inEEnEession Innislil $300 monthly utlllties extra Available November 14361257 THREE BEDROOM raised bungalow Stroud area near take three year old heated garage new broadloom throughout fireplace large lot references required $375 monthly Phone 416 276 8939 NEWLY DECORATEDtarm housefour miles south of Barrie available im mediately References required Phone Schomberg 4169392622 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE large fenc ed in backyard parking for one car only Utilities paid Telephone 7265521 after pm AflAAA FOUR BEDROOM brick garage Allan dale no pets references required 5300 plus utilities Available immediately Reply Box 882 The Examiner Barrie TWO BEDROOM BUNGALOW nicely furnished finished basement references adults only November April 157268603 after6 pm FOUR BEDROOM house close to school and hospital Ca117267141630 am10 FOR SALE OR RENT Brand new four bedroom home 1V2 baths with carport Three blocks from main street Full basement Occupancy November 3510001irm or rent for $575 per month 728 7640 HOUSE FOR RENT in Angus $750 mon thly plus utilities Available immediate ly Telephone4246969even1ngs LOOKING FOR RENTAL accomoda tions We have numerous three bedrooms first months rent required and and good credit rating Rick Harker representing Quinn 12 Ltd 7371414 7264940 TWO BEDROOM semidetached house adults preferred no pets available November $265 monthly Apply at 188 Napier Street ONE BEDROOM corneTrTNapieraTd Nelson $185 monthly plus utilities Telephone after 6p 726 49007NV THREE BEDROOM Bungalow large rooms garage near hospital shopping etc $340 monthly Available immediate 1y 726 3470 houses wanted to rent WINTERIZED FURNISHED Cottage or house In Horseshoe ValleyBarrie area from December 179 to April ioo Call 4161 7430957 collect after600pm 20roomsto let Num FURNISHED ROOM available In Tall Trees subdivision across from bus stop Private name Use of all appliances Ladies only $30 weekly 7264791 ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN In ciéZrT private home linens supplied 525 week ly Apply Ross Street lW0 ROOM FOR RENT downtown Barrie Apply in person after pm at 76 Worsley Street CLEAN BRIGHT furnished bedroom with sink Linen changed weekly Kit chen facilities Free parking Quiet mature gentleman $27 weekly 728 2471 VIEapartments for rent WlZRS Um Fm am III1 Illl ¢r UALL UTILITIES INCLUDED COLORED APPLIANCES BILLIARD ROOM TENNIS COURT °CLOSE TO SIMCOE PLAZA SPACIOUS and BEDROOM LARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY STORAGE LOCKERS ENSUITE SAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM lDEAL FOR RETIRED PEOPLE RENTAL OFFICE HOURS 12 to weekdays ll tobp at weekends 7269580 37 JOHNSON 5m BARRIE MW byKRNEFF PUBLIC BEACH YACHT CLUB 13