10 the examiner Wedmdey Oct 17 1919 tEIEvisio uide WEDNESDAY EVENING VIEWING EVENING 600 NEWS PROGRAM UNANNOUNCEO CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS 530 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS RHODA JEREMY 645 READALONG 655 WRITE ONI 700 CANDID CAMERA EIGHT IS ENOUGH PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS TIC TAC DOUGH SWEEPSTAKES STREET TALK ONCE UPON TIMEMAN FAMILY FEUD MAUDE 730 PRICE IS RIGHT NEWLYWED GAME TRIVIA JOKERS WILD SMITH AND SMITH MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHART SHOW MASH 800 REAL PEOPLE Sarah Purcell attenda the 25th Annlvereary puny of Playboy magazine at Hugh Hefners manaion Byron Allen becomee the target ol knlle thrower and group of Iamlllee gather for reunion In wanna ghost town 80 mlna eaN 38060000 9000000000 ITS THE GREAT PUMP KIN CHARLIE BROWN The animated Peanuta epecial In which Linea awelte that elusive magical IaokoIantem II eeventh game In the World Seriee la needed regularly echedu programing will be I00 IITIIEIAST RESORT EIGHT IS ENOUGH Becauee he broke chain latter Nicholaa bellevee he ie to blame for Tommy being ruehed to the hoepllal for llleordeath emergency eurgery Note Eight Ie Enough may be preempted by Bud Serlee coverage MOVIE TITLE UNANNOUNCED NHL HOCKEY Minnaaota North re va Toronto Ma la Leale FOOTSTEgS MAN ABOUT THE HOUSE MOVIE Concrete Cowboye 1979 830 THE YANKS ARE COMING documentary from the Agrlculture and Reaourcee department on continental energy reeourcee In North America Iocualng on US needa and the relative abundance of Oil and natural gee euppilea In Canada and Mexico II seventh game In the World Seriee Ie needed regularly echeduled programming will be Bempted STRUCK BY LIGHTNING probing journallet Ilnda evidence that Frank Ie the moneter of Dr Frankenateln and the townapeople are about to take up torchea to hlm out 315 THE REAL STORv ea OUIz KIDS SHOW 900 MOVIE OF THE WEEK Better Late Than Never 1979 stare Vlctor Buono ald Pleaeance WEDNESDAY NIGHT MOVIE The Concrete Cowboye 1979 Stare Claude we Roy Aculf CHARLIES ANGELS The giria are lured to remote ieland where they find themselves althe Whima oi madman Note Charliee Angela may be preempted by World at covera UPSTIIRS DOWNSTAIRS SECOND CITY TV ThleWeek am Are The Sammy Maudlln Show and The 0211 Trlangie 930 SPECTRUM of III American playwright which will Include ea oerpte Irom aevaral of Millere playe Produced and directed by Harry Realty II emnth game In the World Serlee ie needed regularly echeduled programming will be preerngted 1000 VEGAS Dan Tanna cornea to the aid of Lt Neleon who goea on rampage to hunt down man making eadletlc attecke on Me family on mine Note Vega may be ernpted World Seriee coverage II EISCIIIED Chief Elechled mim to halt hie Inveatlgation into the death of powerful married politician died In the arrna of hle beautiful reeearch aeeletant and true 60 mlne THE BODY IN QUESTION GLOBAL NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 22 STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO 1100 III NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS THE REAL STORY MOVIE DRAMA Valley of the Dolls 1907 1120 NEWS 1125 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Hoet Johnny Careon Gueeta Kate Mulgrew RI chard Mitchell Bert Convy 90 mlne historically speaking canadas story TODAY IN HISTORY By THE ANAIHAV Ill ICSS LI 17 Ill Reporter Henry Stanley was assigned by the New York Herald to find Dr David Liv ingstone the British explorer and missionary 110 years ago today in 1869 Stanley reached Zanzibar 15 months Iater and traced Livingstone to Ujiji on Lake Tanganyika in November 1871 After Liv ingstones death Stanley re turned to Africa to become an explorer himself 1777 Gen Burgoyne of Brit ain surrendered to the Ameri can revolutionaries at Saratoga 1819 Composer Frederic Chopin died 1855 Britains Sir Henry Bessemer patented his process for making steel 1931 Dr Albert Einstein ar rived in the US as refugee from Nazi Germany 1956 The worlds first nu clear power station was opened at Calder Hall In Britain barries story October 17 19711 The Barrie City Library laun ched shutin service for anyone unable to visit the library because of some disability whether chronic or temporary Librarians made clans to visit peoples homes to discuss personal preferences in books and records and to ar range regular deliveries and pickups Members of the Barrie Yacht BM 6in ssto Old Fort At Louisburg Now Tourist Attraction The old French fortress at Louisburg NS has been reconstructed and is one of the most interesting tourist attractions in Canada The fort has an amazing story France began building it in 1713 to control the sea lanes to North America It cost so much money that King Louis XIV asked if its streets were paved with gold Although it was supposed to be one of strongest forts in the world it was captured in 1745 by relatively untrained force from New England supported by British naval squadron Three years later Britain traded Louisburg back to France for Madras India It was an expensive trade for Britain because it was necessary to build fort at Halifax to counteract Louis burg Then in 1758 Britain had to send huge armynavy force to North America to recapture Louisburg before going on to capture Canada Britain then decided to destroy the fort for all time The task was given to FoulWeather Jack Byron an engi neer who became the grandfather of Lord Byron the poet The task took nearly three years and was October 17 1760 completed on Now Canada has spent $20 million probably more reconstructing the fort as tourist attraction It is worth OTHER EVENTS ON OCTOBER 17 1732 Hurons invaded Wisconsin River area 1777 General Jack Burgoyne was defeated at Saratoga after leading an army from Quebec 1794Captain George Vancouver completed work at it Nootka Sound 1877 Sitting Bull refused to return to US 1878 Sir John Macdonald formed government after defeating Liberals in general election 1897 Windsor NS was practically destroyed by fire 1899 Canada agreed to send forces to South Africa 1920 Canadian Air Force completed first flight across Canada 1938 Trans Canada Airlines now Air Canada began mail service between Montreal and Vancouver 1938 Canada and US signed trade agreement 1963 Old Age Security pensions were increased to $75 month 1970FLQ murdered Pierre Laporte Quebec Labor Minister st pauls by Mrs Pratt 4331667 Mr and Mrs 100 Pratt at tended the Trmsgtortation and Communications Iftllltllltlll party in Owen Sound The went with Mr and Mrs Franklin Hickling of Barrie Franklin was honored on his retirement from the MTC HlRtII NEWS The Paulettes of St Pauls Anglican Church held their first meeting of the new season with pot luck dinner at the Spoke Sandy ovr Acres The ladies of Sandy tovt deserve vote of thanks for set ting up the tables and even do ing the dishes Mrs Joan Rix the new preSI dent presented the outgoing president Mrs Eileen FIII ingham with gift for her hard neighborly news work and loyalty last year The new secretary will be Mrs Helen Hampton Joan Rix introduced Mrs Linda lodhue assistant to Craig Hunter Sunday School superintendant who spoke on the work and plans for the com ing season Parents are urged to bring their children out to the Church and Sunday School each Sunday at 11 am Plans were begun for the an nual Penny Sale in November date and particulars will ap pear in this column after the October meeting Tea and social hour con eluded lovely evening rugby by Beatrice Johnston 326681 Congratulations to Everett Iorne whose potatoes took the bampionship in the commer ial class at the Markham Fair Club paid special tribute to John Fitzpatrick at the clubs annual awards dinner at the Sunnidale Community Centre Mr Fitzpatrick in his boat Londine won the World Shark Trophy in international competition during the sum mer The Barrie Community Con cert Association scheduled three performances and was busy making plans for fourth Three definite performances by the Hamilton Philharmonic Or chestra the Tuscon Boys Chorus and Stecber and Horowitz had been planned The site of the concerts was moved to the Georgian College Theatre to use the modern facilities and to eliminate rivalry with the Central College Band The possibility of developing the abandoned gravel pits on Highway 90 into recreational area was one area of discussion at Man and Resources meeting Discussion of the possibility of providing change rooms arrived at the conclusion that any steps taken would be some time in the future It was mentioned that test on the quality of the water in the pits have shown varying levels of purity The downtown improvement board of management secured the approval of approximately 70 downtown merchants to pro ceed with the treeplanting phase of its downtown improve ment scheme About 150 people turned out for the boards se cond meeting show of hands and shouts of approval signall ed approval for the tree planting John Cockbum told the merchants that the pro gram could start and finish within three weeks if city coun cil gave its approval Slides of proposed improvements to Dunlop St showed rows of uniform canopies specially designed seats litter con tainers flags bright colours fountains and kiosks as well as first prize in that class and first and second prize in the 30 potato class Glenn McLeod Orono spent the holiday weekend at his homehere Glad to see Dan Barr out again after spending some time in the Toronto Hospital We hope he will be feeling better soon GROWTH FEAREI UNITED NATIONS AP es that hunger and malnutrition will be wiped out are changing to tears that the 19805 may become the decade of hunger recent report by the UNs Food and Agriculture Organization says Resear chers say that despite pro grams set up by the World Food Conference in Rome in 1974 and bumper crops for the last three years in most parts of the world more than 450 million people still suffer from hunger The Doctor says All caused by spasms By PAUL DONOHUE MD Dear Dr Donohue Recently was patient in hospital and was diagnosed as having biliary dyskinesia My doctor was vague in ex plaining what had Hopefully you will in the near future ex plain in little detail what it is and what it is and what could be done was given lots of tests and xrays KHK Anatomy time subject gallbladder When fatcontaining foods en ter the duodenum part of the intestines into which the stom ach empties the gall bladder is stimulated to squeeze its stored bile into the intestine via duct so that the fat can be properly digested Biliary mean bile Dyskinesia means there is something wrong with the way the gall bladder in this case contracts The bile is not bed out in smooth flow ut in spasms In fact biliary dyskinesia can be looked on as counterpart to spastic colon Only the spasm is in the gall bladder not the colon This condition doesnt show up on xrays The chief symp tom is pain after eating Treat ment generally consists in avoiding the foods fried and fatty kinds that stimulate the ball bladder more than othes Having told you all this Id be remiss if didnt add that many doctors doubt the existence of biliary dyskinesia as distinct medical problem Dear Dr Donohuc have been injecting insulin daily for about 15 months and my prob lem is sunken areas where use the needle was advised that this tissue is now dead and to inject in those areas However recently read where one should inject insulin into the sunken areas to revive them Needless to say am heartsick about this condition and would be grateful for your advxce Mrs EM This is rare and un fortunate consequence of in sulin injection The sunken areas result from loss of fatty tissue below the skin where the insulin is injected It is called Iipodystrophy You should inject at other sites until the areas have chance to heal This may take up to 12 months Aside from the unsightliness the problem is not serious Dear Dr Donahue Would you please tell me what Bakers cyst is My soninlaw has one on the inside of his knee Doctors have tapped it twice but it fills up with fluid again Is there anything to do about it Can it be cured AP Bakers cyst named for doctor is simply speaking form of bursitis in flammation of bursa Bursae plural are fluidfilled sacs that lie below muscle tendons where the tendons insert into the bone The sacs help reduce friction and act as shock ab sorbers Bakers cyst is inflammation of the sac that lies under the tendon of the calf muscle directly under the knee This may cause an aching pain in the back of the knee If draining has not been effec tive and if your soninlaws pain continues surgery may be needed to remove the cyst wall and all This is an effective cure Dear Dr Donohue Is it true that infertility is becoming more common than it used to be And why is that so if it is MS It might be so although have not read any statistics on this recently If it were so one factor might be the tendency for married couples to delay having families until later in their marriage There is slight rise in infertility that oc curs with age BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Expert play looks Simple NORTH 1017 A63 AK A975 WET EAST 9874 102 OQJIIISH 09765 10 SOUTH OAIMSIII Vulnerable Both Dealer West West North East South Pass 2NI Pass 34 Pass IO Pass NT Pass 50 Pass 6O Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag NorthSouth arrived at an excellent small spade slam contract Norths fourclub bid was cue bid showing the club ace with maximum hand and good fit in spades Four notrump was Black wood and then South confi dently bid the slam Many declarers would fail in six spades because both finesses are offside The late Howard Schenken was declar er however and he showed why he was one of the worlds greatest bridge players Schenken won the opening diamond lead in dummy then cashed the king of spades and the remaining diamond honor discarding low heart Schenken continued with low spade to the 10 in his hand and led the club queen for finesse It failed East was on lead and caught in threesuit end play If he led back club Schenken would let it ride around to dummys nine come to his hand with the jack and get to discard heart on the ace of clubs If he led back heart that would take the heart finesse for Schenken And if he led diamond Schenken would simply discard heart and ruff in dummy Simple play but typical of how real expert operates daily crossword ACROSS Tan English poet 42 Burmese currency 44 Southern constellation II III 45 Perfume 13 Box 47 Perch 14 Worthless 48 Put in writing 15 Clothing 50 Royal 16 Shosthan residence When 52 ogied llgiglc zone 53 Respea abbr 54 PIastIc wrap 20 Boat type pt 55 FOCks 22 Glide on snow 23 Lincoln and DOWN Fortes 24 Religious ggztroved 26 3323333 State without morals W002 28 Pointed tool 53 00 30 Actor Mineo 005 31 Spanish river SCIIDIIOH 32 Mao Songstress tung Smith 33 Grasp firmly Superlative 36 Vast period of suffix time Hand on hip 39 Ballerinas Shorter strong points 10 Editors mark 40 Assist pl IIIII III IIII II 25 IIII WWIIII Answer to Previous Puzzle BBEEEEIII WEBB HE IIEE HIIIZIED BEBE BEBE HEM Elï¬n NEE EEEEBEIB WEB manta nun IIBEJE WEDGE Blflflflflm BUBBEE Bram BEBE 12 Athletic 35 Blow buildings 37 Cocktail 13 Sliest seafood 009 group 38 Tacked lap 39 Follows Frgmgns 41 Freshwater 23 SnoorIng ï¬sh 25 Idemcal 43 Arises from SIbIIng 45 dis 27 Space agency 46 Imprudent abbr 29 PIaced 49 Emma 33 Part of the CharaCtet eye 51 Female saint 34 Commander abbrl WWII 32 47 AstroGrapham lo Bede Ooolh cYour Birthday October 19 1979 Many interesting changes are in store for you this coming year Through these happenings youll gain more optimistic outlook As your optimism grows so will your success LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 it Sit uation you are involved in with another has not been running too smoothly lately its time to assume more active role so that you can get things back on course Short Ribs HAVE NATURAL WHATI NEEDIS CQWDENCE THE SCORPIO Oct 24May 22 Much can be learned today by playing the observers role on the sidelines Stand back little to gain clearer perspective SAGITIARIUS Nov 230ec 21 Try not to let your ambitions become more important today than Winning and holding friends Pals are more worthwhile than power CAPRICORN Dec aJan 19 You have the ability to come out on top in Sticky competitive Sit uation today without making oth ers angry Youre tough but fair AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 You should be able to get an accurate grasp Of Situations today because of your ability to see both Sides of the issues Act in accordance with your sound ABILITY JUSTA FEW WORDS FROM COACH WOULD HELP EVERgIHINGw lTs yooRTURN HEREE ANOTHER ONE WHATS Born Loser ecoaoaeaeoc ee va on nu An ou 7373860 YELLOW HA5 25 Lacs AND 3055 vsz1 WARK ILL USE MV GLEEPWALKIN ROUTINE T5NAFFLE GOAIE OTHAT KOA5 BEEF NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St DONT KNOW 1919quA us aoaaasaeeoua ouaeve judgment PISCES Feb 20Mar 20 Your rewards will be greater today from things you manage for oth ers than from those you do only for yourself Consider your needs secondary ARIES March 21Aprfl 19 Bal ance your time wisely today With work and play proportionater equal An imbalance could cause IruStrations TAURUS April 20 May 20 Much can be accomplished today If you let cooperation be paramount in your thoughts By Ielping others youll help your self GEMINI May 21 iune 20 Something youve been postpon ng because of fear it might be 00 difficult can be accomplished THINGU anTs THE UP CANDICE BERGEN MIND ID LIKE IVE TWAINEI MY 1706 WOVEIZTO GUARD THE WEFEIGEZATOR You cAN TELL WHEN YOUVE EVOLVED Inno HUMAN BEING YOULL ERR 101 oration for IV Reg US Pat IF goovETRIED 15151819 POINT IN HWGETTING Reg US Pat on ion NEA mr with surprising ease today pro Ilded you have courage to take he first steps SANGER June 21July 22 things will work out to your Ilk ng today If your attitude is post Ive and optimistic TO be vinnor first see yourself as one EO July 23Aug 22 Your wit and charm are your greatest tssets today Youll ï¬nd ways to 156 them to your fullest advan age It will work because youll Sincere IIRGO Aug 238ept22 Be alert today and tomorrow for aossibilities to add to your Bsources or enhance your iocuflty Interesting develop nents could occur NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN THOSE WEEENT THE WORDS THAI Iell HOIAI CON SHE REFICT SO VIOLE NTLI TO SIMPLE Ml55iN3 OR SOMETH NGr eoevoeoeveeuoevv Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service speareer up eeean