DIAMOND VINYL ALUMINIUM siding soffit fascia shutters doors wmdaws awnings eavestroughs 40 year guarantee 4365645 D26 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized Sales and Servica Free Home Demonstra trans l8 Alliance Blvd Unit IR 728 3392 APPLIANCE REPAIRS AUTOMATIC WASHERS dryers dish washers froezers Irid es ranges micro OVUIIIartyinolle any ay 737 II95 COLOR and TV stereo and malol op pliance repair service all makes 36 2129 9652 CARPENTER experienced Renovations garages decks rec roams err free estimates Johnston 726 8708 ALLJET CHIMNEY SWEEPS No MESS No FUSS REASONABLE 7267693 or 7263820 RANDY CHILLMAN CHIMNEY SWEEP Fast Clean ProfeSSlonal service REASONABLE RATES INSURED Bus 7282073 Res 4873072 Lei thwood CHIMNEY SERVICE Repair Specialists POINTING LINING BUILDING CLEANING srnouo 4364590 027 CUSTOM BUILDING ISBRANDT BUILDER Quality custom building houses and additions For details Phone 7283649 DISC JOCKEY Seasonal rates Book now Immediate openings now available Call Paul after 726 0834 DRESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AQUINO Speciallllng in pan suits gowns and altera tlons 42 Eugenio SI Phone 7266000 12 the examiner Monday Oct 15 1979 gtNeed help SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS rootan and rooting iopoirs Shoot metal work Martin Vorstratan New lowell 424 I956 FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats snowmobiles mything libeiglass Free estimates Law winter ratos Workmanshlp guaranteed 1215802 PETER HENSTRA 737287I Custom built tireplacas patios home fronts in stone porches chimnayrepan freeIestimatesI VIC WATSON fireplaces and masonry For free estimates phone 728 599 100 DRY HARD WOOD SEASONED 16 FACE CORD $35 FREE DELIVERY 4872113 SEAsoNED MAPLE wood for sole Plck up or delivery Telephone 728 I938 FIREWOOD Mixed hardwoods is lengths sac per 4x4 x8 cord 728608 7269839 Delivery available WOOD SPLITTER for rent Call Home Rent All Bradford St 7288585 Saturday til 5p FIREWOOD Seasoned hardwood 535 per face cord I6 Also lengths S75 bush cord Delivered 7269548 evenings or weekends GENERAL mNTRACTING SPECIALIZING in framing trimming decks fencing rec rdoms additions etc 7371588 after HAIRDRESSER IN YOUR HOME HOITdFeSSQT with IE yrs expeECe For information and appomt merits A216I92 FALL CLEANUP Storm windows cleaned and installed Lawn shrub core Trees trimmed and cut Bosement garages cleaned Trosh unk removed Small moving jobs PROMPT SERVICE 4873l 4i TF NO JOB TOO SMALL all repair work done For It 00 estimate call John 728 I996 HOME IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION House raising foun dations renovations additlons Phone 436 WSS after NORTHERN CARPENIRY speciallimg in in terlar walk Rec rooms kitchens bath rooms panelling finish worki726 CARPENTER FULLY EXPERIENCED with renovations cedar decks bathroom tiling ier rooms etc Telephone726I27II PLUMBING complete bathrooms some carpentry drywall and yard work Coll Charlie at 7287594 or 7261299 REAODLLIING decoration purchasmg ad vice plans sketches Resdential Commei not call Joan Rouse 7286I96 weekdays REICHEN LANDSCAPING ResidentialCommercial Industrial Stirring 50 mili radius Specialiting in OSODDING OFERTILIZIHG Railivay tie retaining walls oEvargraens aaaaaa mm cm nomnumc PAINSWICK 7265666 MWFO26 COCHPATNE soo FARMS gTowers éiiEsup plier Ia hi hesl quality turf gross For fast teller $194439 TOP son Excellent Quality 48 Per Truck Load Yards PHONE 3221998 After pm O27 WEED SPRAYING lei tillzing results guaranteed THE WEED MAN 737272l MASONRY STAN KNICELY MASONRY Plck black and stone work chimney repair Fireplaces specialty Free estimate 705 A245I58 TRIO AVAlLABLE for New Years Eve engagement SLINGER Phone Gary 7269098 MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel PotylnGulItarIStudio ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin her and advanced Two months trial Instru merit loaned for home practice Canadian Academy at Music I2l Hayfield 72BI799 PROFESSIONAL GUITARIST giving lessons in classical popular and rock Call Gary 7269098 SYLVIA KENT AR OR MT I70 Peel Piano theory including harmony history counterpomt analysis piano pedagogyEx penencod teacher beginners flnal diploma 9195 729532 SIMCOE DRUM STUDIOS Lessons by professmnol drummer Exp in studio recording TV etc All styles any age Ken King 7262903 BARle SCHOOL OF BRASS Prolesnonal in struction trumpet trombone French horn Special attention to beginners Arthur Burgln 7264084 PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 TF Just look over the ads below The ad lj vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible 7282414 mm VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terior exterior Work guaranteed IEs tablishad Joyears 72622253 7269002 DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Interior exterior paper hanging custom work Satislactian guaranteed 7266808 PAINTING PAPER hanging experienced Free estimates JACK RICHARDSON 72683 BARKEV PAINTING Interior and exterior References available Free reasonable esti mates Telephone 737IO87 JOHNS PAINTING lniéuoi and exieiim painting paper hanging Senior Cltixen dis count Phone 728 035 aIter SPRUCEUP to Christmas Also wallpaper ing panelling carpet installation Written estimates Work guaranteed 7261484 after 5pm ST PETERS PAVING GENERAL CONTRACTING LTI RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL Oparliing lots tennis courts asphalt Osealing ANY TYPE CONCRETE WORK FREE ESTIMATES 7261451 027 PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes Phone 7283270 PORTRA AINTING PORTRAITS PAINTED ln oils or water colours including your children or family group Phone 7263607 BILLS SHARPENING SERVICE hand or power saws lawn mower blades Re taathing and isetting done Albert St Hillsdole 8352313 DOUGS SNOWPLOWING Residenlal and Commercial Shaw removal service radio dispatched trucks 7288460 REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color black and white TV stereos etc All makes models 424618I UPHOLSTERY SHAKESPEARS REUFHOLSTERING Sofas choirs bedsofas Factory prices 7373665 WATER HAULAGE SIMCOE WATER SERVICES Pools wells fill ed 2000 gal capacny Barrie and area 7766271 NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday 40articles for sale COOPER mii ii riiIhniiinbuill FURNITURE SAVE 20 I7 MULCASTER ST BARRIE SPECIAL 7265721 WHITE canon SALE Harrie Furniture It REUPHOLS TERIN $299 roupholatora cheatorflold and chair Labour and Fabric included up to 16 yards of grade Tweed Fabric yr written guarantee on all workmanship For free Inhome oatlmatoa call I0 Day Service STONES UPHOLSTERY 40articles for sale 7260561 Nl5 It in MWFTF BRAND NEW COMPONENT STEREO SYSTEMS Complete with stands by Sanyo Morse Electronphonic and Holiday Starting as low as $2l999 full manufacturers warranty No money down Free delivery In store financing BARRIE NEW AND USED FURNITURE 202 Dunlap St 7374774 Closed Mondays Ol9 STOVES dressers but dethlntdillt nnuw tires GYM tt on Iplnpnyli 35 iii OLD JAM ilvpbnnru om ticssiii inn mirror box stows gran cradli crocks el Titiphonc 134 33 alter pm TITANIC TOSHIBA Incredible SOmartth warranty Ncm $739 Oldel Ionite get tree I2 Under 57 wkly starting portable January 80 KRAZY KELLY no next door to The Highway 90 Mea Market at Famdalo 737 Il82 TF with $600 ROCK OLA IOO play records in goo1 Telephoncno I268 El DEGXS string iiuustL guitar with case In ptIltCl riinltlim Asking $I7O Phone 17 IIJO FIVE PIECE ulnotto bingo and grown S250 Antlauc couch $300 Telephone 726 2990 kc box and lot STEEL BED FRAMES with wheels all sizes slightly used SIO BARRIE NEw AND USED FURNITURE 202 Dunlop 7374774 Closed St Mondays POOL COVERS ON SALE EXAMPLE Idx28 rectangular 16x32 rectangular lBx36 rectangular Sl8225 20x40 rectangular $21465 Complete with water bags This cover has full overlap Fabien by Dupont of Canada Sl2555 SIABSO Year Unconditional Guarantee year Warranty SIMILAR SAVINGS ON ALL OTHER COVERS ANCHOR POOLS 7370791 022 SNOn TIRES radials good condition HRTiIxIJ $60 pair WHITEWALLS ETBxIl $2Spalr Telephone7263l19 NATURAL HONEY for sale 85c per lb olus container Telephone 436 27I ZENITH 20 PORTABLE COLOR Im solid state only S598 Under S6 wky Starting January 80 Order tanlte getalree l2 black and white One hour deluery KRAZY KELLY now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Fentdale One haul delivery 737 Il82 TF SUEDEf JACKET size tan colour good condition SJS Oster kitchen cert includes htenoer meatgrlnaer mix master and cookbook good condition S75 71709 59 40articles for sale NEW 20 INCH COLOR TVs by Admiral and Sanyo with full year warranty are now selling for Special Sale Price of $47999 while supply lasts or rent to own 55 week No money down Free delivery In store financing BARRIE NEW AND USED FURNITURE 202 Dunlap St 7374774 Closed Mondays BARRIE TENT 8x AWNING CO offers complete repair serVIco on tarps tents trailer covers awnings etc Also zip pars medium or heavy weights Foam cut to size inch thickness 36 Bayiield St next Clarks Home Fur nishlngs downtown SONY STEREO Sensational AM FM receiver custom turntable $343 Get free speakers Under SS wkly starting January 50 KRAZY KELLYS now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Farndale One hour delivery 737 IIB2 TF BARRIE TENT AND AWNING CO at Iers complete repdlr service on tarps tents traitor covers awnings etc Also zippers medium or heavy weights Foam cut to 510 inch thickness 34 Baytield St next to Clarks Home Furnishingsdowntown 20 GXI00 While they 6493 and gota frail I2 RCAXLIOO or Only 400 wkly starting January80 One hour delivery mzr KELL 46I DUNLOP next to Hwy 90 MoatMarket 7371182 TF OIL FURNACES or sale II0000 in excellent condition Telephone 728 5406 after ALUMA HOT TUBS buy direct from manufacturer and save Hydro let massage caresses tired and aunt limbs Enioy therapeutic relaxation and tun tor the entire tamil Call toll tree 800 268 5970 USED PANASONIC COMPACT DRYER in attractive Harvest Gold Just like new for only 5999 Hurry for this one No money down Free delivery In store financing BARRIE NEW AND USED FURNITURE 202 Dunlap St 7374774 Closed Mon days 09 40articles for sale FREEZERS Woods chest and upright fully war ranted delivery Irew TadllF LCODIOU Special IDw pricing on this one final truck load or the year Financing availableCallor wsitSrmcoeCDOp259 Innisfil 726 553 COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER l0 ton 3phase water cooled with dual compressor Sl500 Cal JIM 7372432 TF THREE PIECE OAK Med bedroom suite queen headboard It ladles dresser mens door chest Excellent condition 5500 CallBIsS 3206 otter630 WOODFOR SALE s30 I6 lace card mixed hardwood Will deliver in Barrie area Telephonc726 6213anytlnlc USED PC SOFA BED AND CHAIR will add beauty and style to any room This week only for $31999 No money down free delivery In store financing BARRIE NEW AND USED FURNITURE 202 Dunlop St 7374774 Closed Mondays 019 RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT for Salt Meat cooler upright coke marhlne cash register meat Slicer ICU cream freezer catering eampment 936 2589 HONEY pure natural 85 pound Whytes mile north at Georgian Mall TiIephone 728 8522 FLOOR DEMONSTRATOR STEREO like new consists of AIWFM cassette deck and speakers immaculate con dition Only SI9999 No money down Free delivery In store financing BARRIE NEW AND USED FURNITURE 202 Dunlap St 7374774 Closed Mondays Oi9 RECONDITIONED TVs fully guar anteed Huge selection and anti rot or 5696715 up 28 Essa Rd 737 2533 BEDROOM SUITE tlve DIPCE woorl with oak veneer triple dresser mirror livi drawer chest 54 head and not boardswnh rails 728 648i FIREWOOD Seasoned hardwood Pickup or delivery LAKESIDE TREE EXPERTS 7260015 or 7283465 M26 SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER OVERSTOCKED Mustclose Dutall I979 models and sizes Huge savings on above ground and in ground pools at steel and aluminum No monthly pay ments unti I980 Call toll tree 800 268 5970 RAILROAD TIES FOR SALE Approx Long in Square DELIVERED 7281952 018 qs 4oa rficles for sale COCA COLA machine in good condition Handles cans $250 or best otter Call 728 OISI HONEY Pure Natural Taservaflpciind Whytes mile north of Georgian Mall Telephone 7288522 60persmals rlIheip wanted II 7thelpwanted PERSONNEL MANAGER Reporting to the General Manager the incumbent will manage the total Personnel Function for this established Plastics 4th ANNIVERSARY PERM SPECIAL FROM Oct Ist Oct 27th 20 off all Perms Streaks Tints JIAI IIÂ¥7 If If Moulding Plant located in Barrie and moItngs senior Citizens Monday Tuesday The successful candidate will be generalist with to years experience knowledgable in labor relations and thl ideally 32TIFFINAT ESSA have been involved in recruiting training safety and solo Olga jgarjlyZny 7263733 MWFO22 and benefits administration ry miles north of Barrie on Lake Simcoe between 5th 6th of Ora Book now for winter If these criteria apply to you and you are interested in ioining progressive organization please forward your resume in con fidence to AUTOS to Florida and all points in Western Canada gas allowance Toron 7Ihelp wanted to Driveaway Seerce AI6 226 MM storage IrIaAlancoIngiaoLIIIiNIlioRMéxIONd so WANTED THE PERSONNEL MANAGER ary roe pen on 6V an U05 dvi nllu You lo I00 30p and Thursday 630 30 for sales and service UP TO 12 FT FROM Ill T0 PI 737 4771776 9300 736 DIVISION OF CONSUMERS GLASS on msim smug BIIRTHRIGHT Are you pregnant and so sns distresed Birthrlght really cares i66 Bayfleld Street Barrie 737 3550 to make minimum of to 22 $225 ARE you TIRED at being alone Meet 50 sales 15 10 SEN CERTIFIED MECHANIC that special person It you are unattach mm ed apply Box lo Owen Sound On in any fiscal quarter DINO Ontario aro 5P 959 53 399 Attractive commissions on 4V3 ACUPUNCTURE ConSuttatlons only Appalntments Telephone 737 3650 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 658i if you drink thats your business If you wanttoautthatsours Callany time Dlsc JOCKEY Excellent music good variety at reasonable rates Telephone Jim OBrien 726 33 PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS General meeting and orientation Wednesday October I7th pm St Monicas School Steel st Barrie Denise Olmstead will be speaking on PW 70Iost and found CAT LOST Shanty Bay Road area Black male wearing white flea collar bump on head Answers to Pepper 525 reward Telephone 726 3653 after pm 7Ihelp wanted Your authoriud Mercury Outboard Mercruisar Dealer Brokerage Boats for Sale 72122 sales service and supplies No investment Free training OI6 Soles ex perience an asset Cor required PLUS EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON required for new office Excellent prospect sources OGood commission splits Limited Staff We wish to provide quality real estate services in conjunction with our expanded insurance office STEVENSON McCLUSlIEY REAL ESTATE LTD 113 Dunlop St BARRIE Ontario For appointment contact GARY McCLUSKEY or SHIRLEY NEAR at 7263333 All inquiries treated confidential $500 bonus quat 50 ulu For return call and iob outline folder please leave your name address and phone numberat737l368 S240II5 $1 495 14 ft Cresfliner Boat 50 hp Johnson Motor SPORT HAVEN MARINE BARRIE Shorty Bay Rd 7261001 025 BOAT REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES wood and fibreglass DDRRIILIIIERIIIIIIIIIIID PLANNER Our firm has an immediate opening for Planner in our Materials Planning department The incumbent will be responsible to the Supervisor Materials Planning for the processing of orders This involves requisitioning of costings commercial items and raw materials as indicated fromby engineering drawings and material lists The individual must be able to read understand and mark blueprints of all types DorrOliver Canada is rapidly growing Canadian company specializing in the supply of liquidsolid separation equipment to the pulp and paper chemical mineral food environmental thermal and to the underground mining industries for both domestic and export markets Please send resumes with salary expectation for WARREN HOWES MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT ANALYST DORROLIVER CANADA LIMITED 174 West Street South Orillia Ontario L3V 6L4 TOLLENDAL MARINA 7264950 BARRIE TF STORAGE FOR BOATS and campers few miles north at Barrie $40 or season IPhonIe728 2I02 1974 I6 FT SILVERLINE I974 IIS Mercury and Explorer trailer Converti ble top ski tripod paddles bumpers like new condition Telephone 322 IIII 530pm HP OMC Evinrude outboard motor like now asking $450 436 3363 alter pm 15ft ALBACORE with Ellvestrom rac lng rig Many extras including sets of sails sacrifice for quick sale Call Peter Clark DAYS 726 6537 EVENINGS 538 I275 14 FT PLYWOOD BOAT windshield motor and new trailer ACC included $700 or best offer Telephone 424 I95I 42articles wanted LOGS WANTED Pine Spruce Hemlock etc with large diameters Building Iht Logs LtdI726 I966 eveninigs72e 5800 CANADIAN SILVER COINS before I967 American before I964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps DID watches postcards ieweliery 726 I663 evenings 726 3162 CANADIAN SILVER COINS before I967 American betore I964 No collectlon tor large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 726 3I62 TELLER experience preferred APPLY 16 DUNLOP ST BARRIE ONT EXPERIENCED MOULD MAKER For PLASTICS mousm in BARRIE our Must be able to work to close tolerances All benefits paid Good wages for experienced person Please apply to NORTH ONTARIO MOULD 36 moanow BARRIE PHONE 7314400 Ol7 ARE YOU an Opportunist HAVE YOU been in sales more than years ARE YOU now earning more than $20000 yrly ARE YOU career minded UNWANTED APPLIANCES Pletl up free of charge Call after pm 726 5339 CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE book dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre I950 items 728 823A McIDIonzIlds Two parttime maintenance people required 30 pm 30 WANTED in ii boat with lO motor If yes please send resumeto also I2 gauge shotgun Call 726 3378 11 W99 mm GREENI SLATE BED pool table and FISHER Benefits include above minimum wa es complete training food WOOD stove wanted Phone evenings Yonge STU STD discount uniforms scheduled pay increases Contact manager 830am pm and weekends 728 0840 44dogs and pets TROPICAL FISH town Aquariums all sizes at Unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edgeliill Aquarla I4 Ar dagh Road 726 009A MAYS POODLE PARLOR Pratt sional clipping and grooming Chargrx accepted Phone 726 006I BASSET PUPPY male months old tricolor champion sire and champ dam lnnoculatcd and wormed Ready to go Collingwood 705 245 2004 or 705 445 I9l0 DAFFON KENNELS Specializing Boarding or Big Dogs Coulson tario Telephone 705 I335 5223 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping at all breeds Sophia StreetEast 726 AMI GOLDEN RETRIEVERS registered British stack examined and vaccinated TORONTO Ont MAW 3C7 AVOII WANT CHRISTMAS BONUS Earn extra money selling Avon Be your own boss and set your own hours Ol3I5l7 AUTOMOTIVE SALESPERSON Barries largest dealership has an Opening for an experienced automobile salesperson Best selection in in On at University of Guelph Elglll weeks S250 5350 Telephone 519 821 M79 Guelph ask for Brent or 72a 2725 Bar MIDHURST AREA rte POODLE TRIMMING protessional grooming all breeds pick up and do livery 7268798 PetStudiD PULI AND KOMONDOR stud service Puppies for sale imported Champion parents Also we buy VERES TARA KENNEL Regd Brartlord Phone Alb 775 3763 50yarden supplies CHOICE TOP son LITTLE LAKE AREA OROWEST OF HWY GUTHRIE AREA BARRIE ANGUS WASAGA BEACH FLOS Phone today and find out how easy it is to get started Highestcommission Call 7289652 MTTF Reply in confidence to Larry Hudson 7261811 paul sadlon motors inc sand gravel driveway and septic stone 726 3928 or 726 III7 Stacamping equipment TRAILER STORAGE Outside 55 mon thly inside $40 and up for season Webbs Campground 726 982 SALE Trailers truck campers caps Moving mustclear LeisurecrattCamp ing centres Hwy No II Shanty Bay 737 0076 SALES OPPORTUNITY Local steel service centre requires an outgoing inside sales representative We are looking for an individual who enjoys dealing with people and who has the ability to sell Experience is not priority as we are willing to train the 59poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Farm tresh eggs Laying cages or sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms 136 IBII Twenty GEESE EIQIII DUCKS live Telephone after 487 27 60feedseedgrain WANTED grain corn wet or dry Call examiner Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Ltd MI Wow right person If you have the desire to succeed In sales 67frUIts vegetables position please call JOHN ROGERS for an interview MURDOCH STEEL SERVICE CENTRE CO LTD Farndala Dr BarrIo Ont 7370220 APPLES Apply Kooo and Son Con cession Orb Closed Sundays 728 8489 GEORGIAN BAY MACINTOSH AP PLES SA 99 per bushel Brlng your own containers CanCilla Emit Market l7 Clappertonst 68personals MS Gilli YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOO EUGENAAMELIA DUNLOP WPERRY DONALDHENRY EUGENlADUNDONALD STRABANE NAPIERBOWMAN NAPIERDUCKWORTH PENETANG ST CODRINGTON ST JOSEROSLYNN SHANTY BAYSHOREVIEW PlNECEDAR PAINSWICK LOSE WEIGHT the better way without special diet foods starving eating fish changing your lifestyle FREE MEETING MONDAY 730 pm HOWARD JONNSONS Bayfield St WEDNESDAY 730 pm CONTINENTAL INN THURSDAY 930 am ST GEORGES ANGLICAN CHURCH Allandale THE WEIGHT CONTROL INSTITUTE Brenda Wood 4504883 MWFO26 FOR WORK Present yourself the professional way with one of our individually prepared resumes COME IN and see us for fast reasonable and professional service The Secretarial Bureau ouruclimio AND TYPING snvrczs pump IAIIIE 7289819 EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 DUNLOP COLLIER ALBERT ST AREA ESSA RD VlCTORIADUFFERIN LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER companion reliable mature person Liberal time all Wages negotiable Telephone no 4404 DINING ROOM HELP attractive students welcome experience not necessary day or main shifts part or Iulltime Also DELIVERY PEOPLE AUTHORIZED SALES It SRVICE ELECT ROLUX 7233392 Apply Art Harland Cortina Tavern ASK FOR FREE HOME mIsyal DEMONSTRATIONTODAY Yes would like more information about an Examiner Carrier 00 You mm out at money misï¬ts Mï¬TF run out at month Turn the tables wlth extra income from interesting parttime work We assist you for splendid op Dortunity No telephone interviews Phone 705 I28 97I9tor appointment lNDEPENDANr RETAIL stbtti In Route NAME ELL ADDRESS RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Haugh Farm 7260I92 JGE EL gggPHONE Baytield Mall requires an outpom DOWLERS WANTED roi leagues form mm m° ing now Men women singleS couples mantlEeTrTeTit wmohiitgmlm teams Call Kempview Bowl mml perience an asset but not ucanttal Hours varied approxlmatety 26 per week Reply Box 870 The Examiner Barrie TELECARE Why fight your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 7267922 anytime Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Some L4M 4T6