theoxamlner jaggedy pct 13 1079 who tried to co Freighter rams railway bridge in BC harbor VANCOUVER CP 24000ton Japanese freighter knocked out major export artery Friday night when it rammed rail bridge in dense fog that also caUSed problems for airlines firefighters and sports fans The battered Canadian National Railways bridge over the SecondNarrows of Burrard Inlet in Vancouver harbor was the major casualty of the thick fog enveloping the city But the fogalso snarled airline schedules cancelled horse races at Exhibition Park was blamed for fire getting out of hand and created massive traffic jam that delayed the start of National Hockey League game between Detroit Red Wings and Vancouver Canucks The sports fans had more to cheer about than most people pe with the weather The Canucks won 31 and punters WIII get plenty of chances to get even today as the race track announced the nine races that were not run Friday will be added to todays lorace card Manitobans warned about meat WINNIPEG CP Health Minister Bud Sherman warned Manitobans Thursday not to eat noname canned pork luncheon meat sold by Loblaws EconoMart Tom Boy and Lucky Dollar stores He said there have been several cases of metal con tamination found in the mgram yellow and black tins marked EST 129 produce of Holland prepared for Sunfresh Ltd of Toronto Unite he urges trustees SAULT STE MARIE Ont CP Ontarios public school trustees face extinction by 1990 unless they take up the sword for their jobs conference for Northern Ontario trustees was told Friday Dave Doney chairman of the Ontario School Irustees Council said the growing strength of teachers and ad ministrators in the province could squeeze trustees out of theirjobs unless weunite Davis optimistic in teachers strike TORONTO CP Ontario Premier Bill Davis says pro gress is being made in mediatorassisted negotiations to end strike by Peel Region elementary school teachers and he will not intervene in the dispute The premier said Friday after meeting separately with both groups in his office that he was optimistic settlement to the strike that began Oct can still be reached through mediation $500000 fire hits five businesses PICTON Ont CP Damage has been estimated at more than $500000 after fire ripped through the downtown section Friday destroying five businesses and causing 13 extensive smoke and water damage to Sixth Cause of the blaze is undetermined but Fire Chief Robert Branscombe said he was sure the fire started in the basement of restaurant Flames levelled the restaurant and discount store broke through fire wall and spread to drug store travel agen cy and insurance office department store received exten sive smoke and water damage Premier likes helping people MISSISSAUGA Ont CP Solvin major political prob lems may be one of Premier Wiliam Daviss prime Sinatra honored Frank Sinatra hugs comedian Flip Wilson at New Yorks Waldorf Astoria Friday night on the occa sion of his receiving the World Mercy Funds Primum Vivere Life First award for his humanitarian efforts on behalf of the Funds medical food educational and agricultural pro grams to aid Third World peoples in West Africa The Rev Bishop Donal Murray of Nigeria is at right AP Photo responsiblities but he says helping individuals gives him more satisfaction His speech at party Friday to celebrate his 20th year as member of the legislature was an unusual personal statement from Davis who was mentioned in recent newspaper story as shy person who has difficulty ex pressing his emotions in public He said it is not always politically easy for leaders to ex press what they feel about societys declining values but some times its necessary Bank boosts loan rates TORONTO CP The Canadian Imperial Bank of Com merce has increased its consumer loan rates and the Royal Bank of Canada has altered the range of its rates In addition the Royal Bank said it plans to raise the inter est rate it charges on extended balances under the Visa Chargex credit card although this will not take effect for six months The revisions follow the rise this week of both the Bank of Canada rate and the chartered banks prime lending rate Consumer loan rate changes rarely follow prime rate changes Translated into sign language OTTAWA CP The daily televised Commons question period will be translated into sign language for the deaf and hard of hearing beginning Monday Mary Butterfield former rehabilitation counsellor with tire Canadian Hearing Society in Hamilton Ont has been engaged to translate the spoken word into American sign language it was announced Friday Responsibility goes to base NORTH BAY Ont CP The federal government will move responsibility for surveillance of all Canadian air space to Canadian Forces Base North Bay Stan Darling Conservative MP for Parry SoundMuskoka said Friday Darling in making the announcement on behalf of De fence Minister Allan McKinnon said that the base headquarters of the 22nd North American Air Defence Command region will house two Region Operation Control Centres designed for command and control of Canadian airspace Denies racist claim TORONTO CP 40year old Jamaican migrant threat ened revenge after she was fired from her job in shoe fac tory last year an Ontario Human Rights Commission in quiry was told Friday She said Id be very sorry and that would hear about it Stanley Kowalewski who fired Phyllis Ingram said at the hearing On Thursday Mrs Ingram told Osgoode Hall law professor John McCamus the inquiry chairman that Kowalewski said want to get rid of all you people when he fired her from the Natural Footwear Ltd plant in Toronto But Kowalewski 30 of Mis sissauga denied telling her that or making any remarks about her race and said she was fired because she wasnt doing her job properly He also testified that during his years as supervisor for the company Mrs Ingram was the only black of 31 persons he had personally fired Mrs Ingram and other fired black employees told the in quiry the company was trying to get rid of all black employ ees However the inquiry heard from five black employees ranging in seniority from few months to six years who denied Friday there was racism at the plant The hearing continues Free airline seats provided TORONTO CP An organ ization of Ontario lawyers pro vides free airline seats for sen ior judges asked to attend the groups conferences abroad its president said Friday Earl Cherniak president of the Advocates Society said the society holds conference out side Canada every two years and asks both the chief justice of Ontario and the chief justice of the Ontario Supreme Courts trial division to participate Airline seats are provided for the judges through an arrange ment with travel agency which provides one free seat for every 15 seats booked by the society Cherniak said Mr Justice Willard Estey former Ontario chief justice and now member of the Supreme Court of Canada said Friday he attended two of the conferences in Australia and in Israel last year TOWERS ORRECTION EARLY WEEK SUGAR CREEK SLICED RINDLESS BREAKFAST BACON LB PKG KRAFT SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY PEANUT BUTTER 5m CONT oun nee PRICE 142 Nine more Ontario foundries In our Grand Opening flyer inserted in this weeks 43 SAVING added to lung cancer study TORONTO CP search for the cause of lung cancer in Dofasco foundry workers in Hamilton was broadened Friday to include nine other Ontario foundries Michael Starr chairman of the Workmens Compensation Board said the board is under taking the project because study at Dofasco found an in creased risk of lung cancer for foundry workers 45 years of age or older between 1967 and 1977 The risk of lung cancer for them was five times that of the companys nonfoundry em ployees and two times that of the general population he said subsequent reevaluation of the study concluded that the cancer rate was two to three times that of the nonfoundry workers As result the board estab lished guidelines in April for lung cancer claims by foundry workers or their widows So far 20 claims have been accepted by the board Recent tests by Dofasco show that suspected cancercausing agents in the workplace are well within accepted levels Our research team will try to determine if the levels of sus DESIGNS NEW TOY RISHWORH England CP With gasoline nearing $3 gallon toy Signet Keith Riley branch and fashioned saildri on machine out of an old bathtub and bicycle wheels whichrdtfes 60 kilometres an hour think might have caused few heart attacks when passing cars he savs pected carcinogens can be re lated to variables that change from foundry to foundry said Starr Since conditions change with the products and the processes used at each plant this research is required to determine whether our present guidelines can be considered at foundries other than Dofasco It is quite possible the Dofasco hazard arose from some long abandoned technique peculiar toits foundry SEND QUESTIONNAIRE Starr said the first stage of the twostage research program is questionnaire which had been sent to more than 160 foundries There are about 200 foundries in Ontario employio$8ut 16000 Responses will allow the board to identify similarities in the industry Starr said Dr William McCracken the boards executive director of medical services said the sec ond phase will concentrate on dusts and the attached gases of these dusts in 10 selected foundries Starr stressed that the found ries selected in the 12month study which will get under way next month at cost of about $100000 were not chosen be Home Auto LiIe Bunness sarjeant Insurance lOOBeIlFoun Rd Barrie ON cause cancerrelated health problem is suspected As group the 10 sites rep resent the seven metals and eight binding systems that our research has identified as cru cial to comprehensive sam pling The 10 foundries are Dofasco and the Canron Inc ingot mould plant bothof Hamilton Johnson Matthey Ltd and Gen eral Motors of Canada Ltd in St Catharines Haley In dustries Ltd in Haley Station Algoma in Sault Ste Marie which has filed three lung cancer claims Fahramet Ltd and Dorr Oliver Canada Ltd in Orillia Deloro Stellite in Belleville and Niagara Bronze Ltd in Niagara Falls FINISH CHRISTMAS SHOPPING paper please note the following changes On page the prices of the Wooden Shelving Units are incorrect The prices should read 34 36 $2988 24 9V2 60 $3988 30 60 $5488 Due to manufacturers shipping problems the mens white sweater on page is not exactly as illustrated It should be crewneck and not tur tleneck as shown The carryontote bag on page II is not exactly as illustrated It has front pockets and double handle Also on page ll the Notox Lightdays 30s priced at 2$288 may be in short supply due to manufacturers shipping problems On page I2 the Spray Wash sale price is $134 not $137 as shown the Cedar Angler Broom sale price is $374 not $397 as shown The foldAway Workbench on page 14 is not made by Black Decker please disregard the logo shown We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused our customers WITH KING TUT Dec 22 23 1979 days $68 night double occupancy Price includes Return sportation trom the Gray Coach Terminal Barrie bus tran From Barrie Combine visit to the incredible Treasures of Tutankhamun exhi bit at the Art Gallery of Ontario with some exciting sightseeing in Toronto suitable for the whole family if ASSORTED COLOURS PAPER KLEENEX TOWELS ROLL PKG OUR REG PRICE 137 ASSORTED VARIETIES DOMINION YOGURT I75 CONT OUR REG PRICE 47 EA 49 SAVING 88 33 43 SAVINGtus ASSORTED VARIETIES READY TO SERVE HEINZ airs 599 48 sAvmaei Climb to the top of commodation at the the CN Tower see Sheraton Centre Hotel the Toronto of AdmISSIon to the yesterday and today Treasures ol wrtha60 minute Taam 6mm film showing called the CN Tower the real One nights acr NOTICE SEWAGE DISPOSAL INSTALLATIONS Toronto Adventure and fig£5 2ng VALUES EFFEOIIVE MONDAY OCTOBER 15T HTUESOAY OCTOBER 161 ONLY the Royal Ontario relics of the ast at The deadline for inspection of sewage Museum the Royal gntario disposal systems by the Simcoe County Cilva Museum ortakeme District Health Unit is December lst I979 WWW time to do some immech Further inspections will not be carried cut Tom last minute Christ mas shopping until weather conditions permit in the Spring of I980 Tel 416 7895346 Dont forget you can charge it on your Eatons Account EATONS EatonsTravel 92 AUGH DIRECTOR PUBLIC HEALTH INSPECTION DIVISION