mumm grac to the examiner Saturday Oct 13 1979 CIDarticles for sale LAVERYS ourooon CENTRES Is On llm ittt or Blah IL CyOvI Inils and shrubs trinity 7289542 Th N3 CLOTHING FOR all the tamlly New and used 100s at different articles Not thing over Open daily until De camber Sundays included 102 Bush StreetAngus NO SE SALE Saturday and Sunday an Ique dresser washer dryer chester tield chairs stove lirdge wardrobe balance of contents light lixlures ski doo wood stove 436 5593 ICE FISHING hul an sled insulated heated Snowmobile sleds Ice auger gaspowered 416 1141 FIREWOOD Seasoned hardwood Pickup or delivery LAKESIDE TREE EXPERTS 7260015 or 7283465 M26 MEDIUM SIZED coal and wood cook stove with oven$l75 726 5551 ICE HUT plywood on runners wood burning stove sliding windows 70x94x77 high Telephone 726 8453 COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phasa wotar coolad with dual compressor $1500 CaIJIM 7372431 TF STOVES dressers 14 bed dehumidilier snow tires G7BxlS winter on rims Telephone 726 7919 OLD JAM cupboard old dresser and mirror box stoves grain cradle cracks etc Telephone 4241723 alter lENITN 20 PORTABLE COLOR 11 solid state only $598 Under S6 Mily Starting January80 Order tonite getolree 12block and white One hour delivery KRAZY KELLYS now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Ferndale One hour delivery 7371182 CHESTERFIELD queen size bed cheslerfield and matching chairs tuxedo style green $150 complete Telephone 456 3707 LADIES SUEDE coat size 12340 suede iacket size 10 s25 both in good can and rusty brown Telephone 726 3715 RCAFA SUPER GARAGE SALE Siaiday Oct14 IO am5 pm Hwy 90 Tiffiii St COME MARE AN OFFER 013 BOYS HOCKEY EQUIPMENT its 12 vear old Brownie suit and accessories worn once size 10 330 old Underwood typewriter good condition 550 728 2138 alter 5pm MANN AMPLIFIER 80 watts like new Phone 728 3704 STEEL BED FRAMES with wheels all sizes slightly used $10 BARRIE NEW AND USED FURNITURE 202 Dunlap St 7374774 Closed Mondays GARAGE and contents ol house sale Saturday and Sunday October 13 and 14 192 Pine Avenue Lelroy Telephone 456 6230 sNow TIRES radials good condition HRTBXIA 60 pair WHITEWALLS E78x14S25 pair Telephone728 3m TITANIC TOSHIBA Incredible SOmonlh warranty 5789 Order lonite get free 12 portable Under $7 wkly starting January 80 KRAZY KELLYS now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Femdale 7371182 New TF 4Iboats and motors NAT TRAILERS INDOOR STORAGE IS abuts loath at Santa scum MAINTENANCE 4240924 Th SOI3 ouu YACHT BASIN toroily GULL ROCK MARINA miles north of Barrie on Lake Simcoe between 5th 6th of Oro Book now for winter storage WE WILL TRAILER YOUR BOAT UP TO 22 FT FROM IARRIE TO DIM INSIDE STORAGE 14 to 16S15016to1lSI75 II to 22 $225 CERTIFIED MECHANIC on Your authorized Mercury Outboard Morcruissr Dealer Brokerage Boats for Solo SIT2122 BOAT EPAIRS AND SUPPLIES wood and fibreglass TOLLENDAL MARINA 7264950 BARRIE 14ft Crostlinor Boat 50 hp Johnson Motor SPORT HAVEN MARINE IARRIE slurry lay Rd 7261001 025 STORAGE FOR BOATS and campers few miles north at Barrie $40 for season Phone 728 2102 1977 DAY 25 lully equipped lor cruis ing and mono sleeps galley and head Over $6000 at options Full price $17500 Telephone 728 8111 Barrie HP OMC Evinrude outboard motor like new asking $450 4363363 alter 15 ll ALBACORE with Ellvestrom rac ing rig Many extras including sets at sails sacrilice or quick sale Call Peter Clark DAYS 726 6517 EVENINGS 538 1275 FT PLYWOOD BOAT Windshleld motor and new trailer ACC included S7000r besloller Telephone 474 1951 42articles wanted CANADIAN SILVER COINS betore 1967 American before 1964 No collecIIOn too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 7261663 evenings 726 3162 CANADIAN SILVE COINS belor91967 American belore 1964 No collection too large or small Csnadian stamps old watches postcards Iewellerv 726 3162 42articles wanted LOGS WANTED Pine Spruce Hemlock etc with largo diameters Building the Loos Ltd 726 I966 evenings 5000 UNWANTED APPLIANCES Pleed ua tree of charge Call alter pm 776 5319 ASH can OLD FURNITURE books wishes old pictures clocks odds and inrls PFCI950IEFT1$ 72B 8234 NANTED In 11 boat with 10 motor 11s lyuauae shotgun Call 72B 3378 MATE BED pool table and FISHER WOOD stove wanted Phone evenings and weekends 0640 44dogs and pets TROPICAL FISH Best selection In town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edgehill Aquaria I43 Ar dagn Road 726 0094 MAYS POODLE PARLOR Protes sional clipping and grooming Chargex accepted Phone 726 0061 BASSET PUPPY male months old tri color champion sire and champ darn lnnoculaled and warmed Ready to go Collingwood 705 445 2004 or 705 445 1910 DAFFON KENNELS Specializing in Boarding tor Big Dogs Coulson On tario Telephone 705 835 5223 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampoaing and clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 726 4141 GOLDEN RETRIEVERS registered British stock examined and vaccmaled at University of Guelph eight weeks S250 S350 Telephone 519 821 4479 Guelph ask for Brent or 728 2725 Bar rie POODLE TRIMMING prolessianal grooming all breeds pick up and do livery 726 6798 Pet Studio MALE AMERICAN ESKIMO dog to give away too good home 10 months old Ioveschildren 737 0966 HOUND PUPS months old For hun ting wolves taxes and coons Three males lelt Phone 728 6360 FREE PUPPIES to good home Four week old Part German sheppard Call 737 1028 alter Sprn CHOW CHOW female one year old purebred 5100 Excellent guard dog 424 1509 FREE TO good home Male pup mon ths old well mannered mother was purebred Samoyed lather part Golden Labrador and Shepherd 737 0597 SITgarden supplies CHOICE TOP SOIL sand gravel dIIVEWBY and septic stone 726 3928 OF 726 1117 flankinsesviémeei TRAILER STORAGE Outside S5 mon thly inside 40 and up tor season Webbs Campground 7269623 24 It EMPIRE travel trailer years old Fully equipped with many extra Immaculate condition Sleeps six Tele phone 4362834 SALE Trailers truck campers caps Moving mustclear LeisurecraltCamp ing centres Hwy No It Shanty Bay 7370076 BELLEVUE hardtop tent trailer pro pane three way ridge and three burner stove sink water storage tank war drobe electrical and water hookups electric brakes 7286290 59poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Farm lresh eggs Laying cages for sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms 436 1811 GEESE pairs one pair Endem one pair African Chinese good layers good setters Phone 7288186 6Drfeedseedgraiin WANTED grain corn wet or dry call Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Ltd 4361811 Stroud oilfarm machinery JIFFY Hy Dump Silage wagon Allis Chalmers manure Spreaders I40 bushel all in excellent condition Telephone 7054665596 objlarmers market HONEY Fresh unpasteurized clover and buck wheat in own containers 85 1b 80 lb over 30 pounds til end of September Honey available in new containers year round EDWARD WOODS HILLSDALE 8352308 TThS016 67lruits vegetables APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession roClosedSundays 728 8487 BAYHNTACINTOSH AP GEORGIA PLES $499 per bushel Bring your own containers Cancilla Fruit Market 17 Clapperton St IIpersonals SHAMPOOER POLISHER Ask for free home demonstration today ELECTROLUX TIE3391 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie live minutes windy Haugh Farm 726 0192 BOWLERS WANTED lor leaguestorm ing now Men women singles couples teams Call Kempview Bowl 728 9761 TELECARE Why fight your problem alone Let lriend help Call Telecare 726 m2 anytime AUTOS to Florida and all points in Western Canada gas allowance Toron to DriveawayiserviceVA16226 f616 BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday 100 430 pm and Thursday 630 930 737 4222 726 9300 Ext 236 BIRTHRIGHT Are you pregnant and distresed Birlhright really cares 166 Baylield Street Barrie 737 3550 ARE YOU TIRED of being alone Meet that special person It you are unattach ed apply PO Box 104 Owen Sound On tario N4K SP1 Please state age ANYONE WITNESSING an accident in the Baylield Mall Friday September 21 at oclock between green Cutlass and brown Scout truck please call Hamilton 416 387 3908 collect weekday alternoons AC UPUNVCT RE Consultations only Appointments Telephone 737 3650 CERAMIC LESSONS morning or after noon tree Glazes on sale 25 per cent oll Telephone 728 7269 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 72a 25m it you drink thats your business It you want toquilthatsours Callanytime DISC JOCKEY Excellent music good variety at reasonable rates Telephone Jim OBrien 726 3314 klNG TUT SWAP Need tickets for either November 11 am or December Have tickets for each at these dates to exchange 728 8032 PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS General meeting and orientation Wednesday October I7th pm St Monicas School steel St Barrie Denise Olmslead will be speaking on RESIGNED SENIOR citizen lady would like nice refined gentleman to share her home with her lor companionship Must be in good health Write Bax B79 The Examiner Barrie 7olost and lound TWO SIBERIAN Huskies male grey coat brown eyes Lost October 2nd Manslield area Reward Call collect 5199253066 LADIES GOLD waich lost Saturpay October 6111 vicinity ol Baylield Mall Reward ollered Telephone 436 2357 CAT LOST Shanty Bay Road area Black male wearing white flea collar lbumponhead Answers to Pepper 525 reward Telephone 726 3683 alter LADIES UMBRELLA new dark brown and orange telescopic type last October 5th in Baytield Mall Please call 726 5000 71help wanted PHOTOGRAPHERS with Professional Equipment required to train for wed dings Submit resume to BOX I76 THE EXAMINER IARRIE 013 7qu weave 71help wanted 71help wanted 71helpwanted Ontario GOV MT 7rné72vziéedii SOCIAL WORKER Social Worker Salary $17543 to $2 L654 per annum Required by the Ministry of Community and Social Services Simcoe County and Orillia Housing Authority EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MINISTRY OF HOUSING HAS VACANCY FOR AN ASSISTANT MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR SALARY $15715 $16689onnuiil The Simcoe County and Orillia Housing Authority requires competent individual to assist the Senior Maintenance Supervisor in the planning and implementation of the maintenance program for housing units located in the Simcoe County area Duties will include assisting the supervisor of maintenance in assigning duties inspecting the buildings preparing budgets supervising contractors assigning work to contractors preparing written reports estimating cost of repairs improvements and renovations and certifying satisfactory completion of some Qualifications Training tram an accredited trade school op prenticeship and or community college or equivalent in education or experience Several years directly related experience in the construction or maintenance field at supervisory level Ability to prepare reports and communicate effectively family functioning QUALIFICATIONS Huronio Regional Centre Orillia to provide under the super vision of the Social Work Supervisor professional social work services to developmentally handicapped residents and their families in order to improve patterns of social adiustment and Masters degree in Social Work from university of recognized standing or an acceptable equivalent or Bachelors of Social Work degree plus at least years social work experience Ability to win confidence of clients and professional staff willingness to work unconventional hours EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY FOR EMPLOYMENT Interested and qualified persons are invited to submit their particulars on standard Ontario Public Service employment application form or resume to THE SENIOR PERSONNEL OFFICER HURONIA REGIONAL CENTRE PO BOX 1000 ORILLIA ONTARIO UV 612 Quoting Competition File No HRC 7979 Closing Date October 24 1979 01317 Ability to speak French will be considered an asset Written applications to be sent to MR MCCANN 303 Midland Avenue Suite 208 Box 608 Midland Ontario LAR 4L3 PERSONNEL MANAGER Reporting to the General Manager the incumbent will manage the total Personnel Function for this established Plastics Moulding Plant located in Barrie The successful candidate will be generalist with to years experience knowledgoble in labor relations and will ideally have been involved in recruiting training safely and salary and benefits administration If these criteria apply to you and you are interested in joining progressive organization please forward your resume in con fidenceto STERLING 5M mun mwllï¬ TELLER experience preferred APPLY 16 DUNLOP ST BARRIE ONT THE PERSONNEL MANAGER PLASTOMER DIVISION or CONSUMERS cuss Emil COMPANY llMlTED 151 John Street Barie Ontario l4M 4V3 am weekends 016 EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON required for new office Excellent prospect sources Good commission splits leited Staff We wish to provide quality real estate services in conjunction with our expanded insurance office STEVENSON McCLUSKEY REAL ESTATE LTD 113 Dunlap St BARRIE Ontario 7IVherlpwanted For appointment contact WWI GARY MCCLUSHEY or SHIRLEY NEAR Deadline lur classtled at 7263333 Wordads All inquiries treated confidential pm day previous noon Saturday 71help wanted 7Irhelp wanted 71heIP wanted AUTOMOTIVE SALESPERSON Borries largest dealership has an opening for an experienced automobile solesp rson Reply in confidence to Larry Hudson 7261811 examiner Tou CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES T00 EUGENlAAMELA JUNLOP WPERRY DONALDHENRY EUGENlADUNDONALD STRABANE NAPIERBOWMAN NAPIERDUCKWORTH PENETANG ST CODRNGTON ST ROSEROSLYNN SHANTY BAYSHOREVIEW PlNECEDAR PAINSWICK EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 DUNLOP COLLER ALBERT ST AREA ESSA RD VICTORIA DUFFERIN Yes would like more information about an Examiner Carrier Route AGE PHONE NAME ADDRESS PARENTS SIGNATURE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie L4M 416 Two parttime maintenance people required 1130pm 830 Benefitsjnclude above minimum wages complete training food discount uniforms scheduled pay increases Contact manager 830 am pm 0131517 EXPERIENCED MOULD MAKER For PLASTICS INDUSTRY in BARRIE ONT Must be able to work to close tolerances All benefits paid Good wages for experienced person Please apply to NORTH ONTARIO MOUID 36 MORROW RD BARRIE PNONE 7374400 7191 W991 KIDS IN SCHOOL Sell AVON You set your own hours on flexible schedule Meet interesting people OPEN TERRITORIES Midhurst area Little Lake area °Oro west of Hwy 11 Guthrie area Borrie Angus Wasoga Beach Flos Phone today and find out how easy it is to get started Highest commission Call 7289652 FSTF IN BARRIE PEOPLE ARE CHANGING THEIR LIVES At CENTURY 215 ABC Realty were holding Neighborhood Career DoyTM You start professional and stay professional with the most extensive training in real estate See how you can work flexible hours be your own boss and earn exactly what youre worth See vast network of proven marketing systems that make CENTURY 21 unique in the industry Hardworking ambitious people should move ahead career with CENTURY 21 can be step forward Meet the people who changed the face of real estate and see how you can be CENTURY 21 Neighborhood ProfessionaITM Career Night will be held at the Barrie Holiday Inn the evenings of October 25 and November 14 Get information and reser vations for the Neighborhood Career Day Call George Coutts at CENTURY 21 COUTTS 8i COUTTS 7282485 ITS LOT MORE THAN CHANGING JOBS IT COULD CHANE YOUR LIFE Each attics Linseedtitty Oiriiad and learned 03 COLONIAL CHEV OLDS NEWMARKET requires the following OLICENCED MECHANICS BODY SHOP MANAGER SERVICE ADVISOR Usual company benefits plus dental plan For appointment call MR SLYRHUIS Sonics Managar 4168951171 015 WANTED Couple to work and help run high rise Will train One bedroom apart ment and good wages Call 726 4991 lor more information MEDICAL Edie TARYT typing LP accounts and patient contact days per week Please lorward resume to Box 873 The Examiner Bar rie 71help wanted SOUS CHEF required immediately for TALISMAN RESORT Contact THE CHEF 5195991320 01 PART TIME SHIPPER required In proximately live hours per evening tour nights week Apply to Box 877 The Ex aminer Barrie PERSONfllor general house claanlng Once week Anten Mills Telephone 776 95641009 INTERESTING PART TIME employ ment available for Christmas season In womens accessories departments for well groomed out gaing persons wllh strong sales background salary and commission Reply to Box 874 The Ex aminer Barrie EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSING as slstant wanted No cllentele necessary Good wages For interview please call 726 7655 BREAKFAST COOK and evening dining room cook Experienced Apply to the chef Holiday Inn Barrle MICHELE LYNN CANADA LTD Christmas help wanted 00 you need ex Ira money for Christmas Michele Lynn has part and lull time Iobs now available No Investment or experience necessary Will train Management labs are available For turlher intormatian please phone 325 I614 CENTENNIAL Auto Body requlres2or year experienced BODY PERSON Telephone 726 04111 DISHWASHERS and night cleaners re quired Full time Apply Lakeview Restaurant Telephone 72875151 LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER companion reliable mature person Liberal time all Wages negotiable Telephone 720 4404 BABYSITTER WANTED for wean day evenings Tall Trees area Tele phone no 9451 PART TIME help wanted to feed and care lor beet cattle once daily winter months Guthrie area Phone 737 2912 alter DINING ROOM HELP attractive students welcome experience not necessary day or night shifts part or lulltime Also DELIVERY PEOPLE Apply Art Harland Cortina Tavern 726 S981 RESPONSIBLE BABYSITTER or two children aged and lo alter school ap proximately two hours per day 7371791 REGISTERED NURSE for home visits Interesting opportunity flexible hours must have own car Please call toll tree 1900 268 7330 Monday October 15 9am ta4pm GOODRELIABLE help wanted for farm work Own transportation must 7261174 alter pm DO YOU RUN out of money before you run out at month Turn the tables with extra income tram interesting parttime work We assist you for splendid op portunity No telephone interviews Phone 705 728 9719 for appointment INDEPENDANT RETAIL STORE in Baylield Mall requires an outgoing mature sales person to assume some management responsibilities Ex perience an asset but not escential Hours varied approximately 25 per week Reply Box B78 The Examiner Barrie Tired or Sitting at Home permanent parttime position is available in local hospital renting televisions to patients This is chance for you to meet people and earn money at the same time For more information regarding commission and duties call 7201862 between am 12 noon Mon day EXPERIENCED GAS BAR attendant Must be bendable Days only Apply in person Baylield Sunoco Car Wash 341 Baytield Street DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT Earn $800 to $1200 monthly parttime from your home For interview phone 1705 4295596 alter6 pm BABYSITTER NEEDED atternoons 26 pm Melrose street Phone 7265642 EADYSITTER required to come in for occasional days Allandale area Tele phorneV72672316 72sales helpagents REPRESENTATIVE WHOLESALER of fabric to the reupholstering trade offers an opportunity for on in dividual with successful record in sale WORK with company in on respected Ontario established territory with high growth product Ex cellent opportunity for per sonal advancement SALARY plus to start Phone MR BILES SNIPPERS SUPPLY ma no Isoomonz For Appointmant 019 76employmentwanted DAYCARE IN my home Lunches pro video play area All ages welcome San dy Cove area Telephone 436 2741 DAYCARE parttimefulltime my home supervised at all times not Iun ches lenced yard other children Mother with First Aid Training Call 424 6446 BOOKKEEPERACCOUNTANT fully qualitied diversified experience lull set ol books linancial statements Seeks lull lime or regular part time position Write Box B75 The Examiner Barrie DAY CARE in my home Allandale area Monday through Friday hot lunches Telephone 728 8273 77489 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Erma Vivian Minty late of the City of Barrie deceased who died an or about the 25th day of April 1979 are required to file the some duly verified with the undersigned executors on or before the 16th day of November 1979 after which date the assets will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as the executors shall then have notice Dated at Elmvale Ontario this 10th day of October 1979 Edward Robertson and Wendell McElwain co Gary French IOQueen Street East Elmvale Ontario Solicitor for Executors 0132027 WHICH DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones solist their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to advertise in The Examiner Classified Section Tub7v PECIALNOTIES CASH ATES Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks $600 avie raA+fHrr minimum 40 words addltlonal words 11 cents par word Births In Momorlom no verso S600 $600 Verso par count lIna extra 23 cents Ing Ev rm ants lIc oming events $343 per column inch allcoming events GOOSE SHOOT dressed goose SATURDAY OCT 20 10 am VERN WALT alas north of Mldhurst on NIgIluay 27 IIIbirths LEFEBVRE NickI Lee ls happy to an nounce the arrival of her baby brother Christopher Daniel at on Satur day October am 1979 Proud parents are Terry and Pat nee Hodgson Hap py grandparents are Mr and Mr Lelebvro of Barrie and Mrs Hodgson at Barrie Special thanks to Dr Strgngway Mondays Child is lalr at face Tuesdays Child Is lull at grace Wednesdays Child istullot woe Thursdays Child has lar to go Frldays Chlld Is loving and glvmg Saturdays Chlld works hard for its Ilvlng And child that Is born on the Sea bath Day Is lalr and wlse and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their blrth date Keep this and other important inlormation for your childs luture An Examiner Birth Announcement wlll include the name at your chlld the clay of the week month and year of bIrth the weight and other vltal Intormation printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or My Albums The rate for an xamlner 31th Notice is only $600 Hospital Toronto on Thursday October 11 1979 Eva Emery beloved wile ol the late Charles Alexander In her 85th year Dear mother of Ernest of Bar rIe Grandmother at Robert and John both at Barrie and Barbara Mealing of Scarboro and three great grand children Predeceasd by brother Ernest Clarence and Tellord Emery Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie alter pm Saturday Service in the chapel on Mon day October 15 at am Interment Bar rle Union Cemetery MCARTHUR Annie At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Friday Oc tober I2 1979 Annie McArthur beloved wife at the late Hugh McArthur in her 79th year Dear mother of James Edward and Vera Mrs Don Gibson all at Barrie and Helen Mrs Percival Davis at Kitchener Survived also by grandchildren great grandchildren and sisters Margaret Mulligan and Rena Phillips Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie alter pm Saturday Complete service in the chapel on Mon day October 15 at 10 am Intermenl at Guthrie Cemetery 06icard ofthanks KING The family of the late Pamelia Millie Jane King express thanks shown during the recent loss at dear wife mother and grandmother Everyone has been so thoughtful Gordon King Armeda Gray and children NIXON For the kindness shown dur ing the long illness at my sister Gladys lor the messages at sympathy and beautiful lloral tributes my heartlelt thanks is extended to my wanderlul neighbours and friends their thoughtlulness will always be ap preciated Allan Nixon LEMAY Edna and Herb Lemay Dutlerin street Barrie wish to express thanks to our son Ivan daughters Pauline and Barbara and grandchildren for our 50th wedding celebration at the Oddfellows Hall October also thank ing lamin and lriends lor gifts lowers cards and day we will never target iiitenses Canada Postes Post Canada TENDERS FOR MAIL CONTRACT The Post Office Department invites tenders for the con veyance of mail over Barrie Rural Route No Full details of operation route of travel contract specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the Postmaster Barrie or from the Director Northern District Ontario Postal Region 101 Worthington Street East North Bay On torioPIBIGé Receiver General for Canada 79auction sales 015 0131719 Becoming events BINGO EVERY MONDAY pm CANADIAN LEGION Branch 147 St Vincent St and Cundles Rd JACKPOT $500 CONSOLATION $100 STF MODEL RAILROAD FLEA MARKET Oct I410ala pm DONNTONN CENTRE Dunlap High Sts Admission 50 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classiliad advertisements and notices for those pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE $600 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40words $6 00 Additional words 11 cts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words 5600 Addi tionalwords 11 cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse S600 With verse per count line 23 cents per line COMING EVENTS $343 per column inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 24 word minimum Cosh Discount Rules apply if paid within days One or two insertions 10c per word insertion Three consecutive in sertions 95 cents per word insertion total $684 Six consecutive insertions 9c per word per insertion total $1296 Multiple Inser lions may be ordered subiect to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting lower than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation set ol nurrbets all count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately after first Inset lion in order that any error or omission may be reported before in order that some may be rectilied for the following day publication The Examiner is responsible for only one incorrectly printed insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the misprint Er tors which do not lessen the value at the advertisement are not eligible for correc tions by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or reiect any want ads PHONE 7282414 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage olledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however other wise TF NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday 79auction sales AUCTION SALES SATURDAY OCTOBER 20 AT PM for MRS RUSSELL LIGNTFOOT 204 Vlctorla St Allstoii oppost Hunter Motors Consisting 01 fine older and antique items including pc dining room suite oak roll top desk ook library table oil lamps Aladdin lamp pressed back rocker and other rockers picture frames bedding linens moustache cups bone china silverware butter dish and servers cream and sugar elc copper boiler automatic washer and dryer bedroom Iurniture garden tools carpenter tools etc sale that everything is in good condition Plan to attend Parking available at ball diamond aaaaaaaaaa THURSDAY EVENING OCTOBER 25 AT 630 PM at DOLLAR STRETCHER WAREHOUSE 41 Host Drlvs Imalaii Ist strut vast of Ohio Rd on Highway tam south Gifts ceramics radios office supplies fixtures Stock is continually changing buying bankrupt and closeouts aaeaaaaaaa SATURDAY OCTOBER 27 AT PM For KEITH AND DOROTHY BRETT lot 1111 Carl Malta Township Host of RosaIIIoIIt oil It to In road tum south to farm Older and antique furniture Including pine sideboard with birds eye maple drawers pine cupboard both well over 100 yrs old dining room suite refrigerator freezer bedroom furniture Case tractor Int plough manure spreaders cultivator Mount Forest steel threshing machine etc More detailed list later JOHN BALL THE AUCTIONEER RR No Alliston 4354189 SCLNOJ 013MP