KWminer Sammy Oct 13 191913 En SATURDAY EVENING VIEWING 000 2E NEws FOR THE TOP CBC NEws AMAZING KRESKIN WORLD OF SATURDAY REPORT POLKA DOT DOOR SPORT CITY 030 INQUIRY FACES OF SMALL PLACES CBS NEWS THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO NEWS SNELGROVE SNAIL WILD ANIMALS OF THE WORLD SPORTS PROBE LAUREL AND HARDY 700 HEE HAW Oueete Gene Autry Stetler Brothers Randy Barlow Joe FruierSO SLACK BEAUTY COMEBACK WORKING STIFFS NEWS DJ AND THE BEAR Sheriff Cain note new and very expensive police Cruiser and propoeee to help pay for by erreeting DJ and fining him for treneporttng illegal aliens may the 00 mine MISADVE TURES 0F SHER IFF L000 DONT JUST SIT THERE LAWRENCE WELK SHOW CITY LIGHTS 730 SHA NA NA THE ROPERS EYE ON BUFFALO DR WHO 800 HOCKEY Buffalo Sabres vs New WKBMMHOCKEY NIGHT IN WORKING STIFFS When Uncle Harry ilree the office buildings manager and promotes Emle and Mike to the position on twoweek trial basis the boys think they have NANNOUNCED OHIPs Th0 am of lotio GP MfloereeteJonendPonchonthetrellofen Luann oorepeny stunt driver who Ews tee freeway accidents 00 mtrla MOVIE BAD NEWS BEARS SHULMAN FILE 030 as BAD NEWS BEARS Buttermaker sees 1042 Pride of the Yankees 1115 1120 1130 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE popular Emmy Awardwinning eerlee return for its fifth season with Steve Martin as host WOIMIIUWPNOMWM end Blondie ee muelcel guest Season DETECTIVE SCHOOL WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT gee into his bachelor ped Conclusion 900 BIG SHAMUS LITTLE SHAMUS Johnny Marsh Cousin of the Aneorliee assistant manager is caught In the midst of burglary and bargains treedombypromlelngtoleedpolioetoemeior some deeier so mine THE LOVE BOAT Three Vignettes Crew Confessione Stare Ted Lenge Hevent Seen Youi Stare Don Knotte Julie Newmer Reunion Stare Jane Wyatt Jean Aumont so mine POINT BLANK 030 SOUNDS GOOD 1000 PARIS series of rapes culminating In savage murders cause the newspapers and en eggreeelve Councilwoman to demand ediate olice action so mine HA TO HART Jonathan end Jennifer enter the dangerous realm of Interne tlonei espionage when they innocently pun Chase en enthue automobile then experience series of mysterious midnight raids on the age do mine STARLOST ID MAN CALLED SLOANE CONVERSATIONS WITH ELWY YOST TIME TENTATIVE CELEBRITY COOKS FEEL LIKE DANCIN 1030 MAN CALLED SLOANE MOVIE AMERICA 2NIGHT 100 III NEWS CBC NEWS iere BO mine MOVIE 0RAMA Vs wetter ï¬estas Jopez less SOUNDS 0000 33 MOVIE TITLE UNANNOUNCED 1200 MOVIE DRAMA lockhouse 1e73 MOVIE DRAMA The denbum CO ERSATIONS WITH ELWY YOST MOVIE COMEDYMUSICAL Its Blklnl World Ieer 1215 MOVIE SCIENCEFICTION OuestorTsses 1913 ROCK CONCERT MOVIE DRAMA Daring Dobermens ten 130 CHALLENGE 150 MOVIE MYSTERY IA Trunk to Calgsgolesr ABC NEws 215 MOVIE DRAMA In Hunters are for Killing I910 220 MOVIE HORROR The Other ten 350 The Doctor Says teleViSion guide Glaucoma drugs of two types By PAUL DONOHUE MD Dear Drv Donohue Please discuss the new eye drops for glaucoma recently approved for use The doctor prescribed Policar for me but want to discontinue it because of side effects My doctor agrees to start me on the new drops but would like to know about side effects am 55 Mrs AR Glaucoma is rise in pres sure within the eye The in creased pressure is usually due to some barrier to drainage of fluid from the eye Fluid ac cumulates and pressure builds Drugs for glaucoma are of two types those that reduce the formation of fluid aceta zolamide and those that im prove drainage of it into the vein system piloca ine new drug Time acts by reducing the rate of fluid for mation It is effective and need be used only twice day as eyedrops The drops may cause mild eye irritation in some users and it probably should be avoided by people with asthma or serious heart disease Drugs in the United States undergo close scrutiny before being released for use by the public but there are always possibilities of scattered unde sired effects when any drug is prescribed in any large popu lation To date no serious long term effects have been reported with the new glaucomadrug Glaucoma affects more than million Americans alone and causes Visual impairment In doctor once month for weight reduction This is the rogram three to five tablets of thyroid hormone daily plus one or two capsules of appetite suppressors daily Will this cause my thyroid to stop functioning on its own am taking four thyroid tablets day couldnt tolerate ï¬ve have not had any kind of test The doctor says thyroid tests are not accurate HJG dont want reader to lose confidence in doctor and there may be much you are not telling me in your letter But on the face of it have to be skep tical about this program No doctor know is clever enough to diagnose thyroid problem and treat it with thyroid hor mone replacement medicine without at least few simple tests The combination of medi cine youre taking can make anyone upset Dont you feel little jumpy Id get another opinion on this weightloss pro gram doubt from your letter that you even know what you are taking or why Dear Dr Donohue have heard of women with arthritis having relief from it during pregnancy Is this true and if so why does this happen MM It is known to happen The reason is not clear but it might be the heightened production of adrenal gland steroid hormones at this time Dear Dr Donahue Please define the word polycythemia MC AShOGra Bernice Bede Oeol ur Birthday October 14 1979 Large groups or organizations will afford you the Opportunities this coming year to widen your Circle of acquaintances and expand the types of activities you could become involved in LIIRA Sept 23Oct 23 When it comes to grabbing the Check youre usually the first one to reach Today however you may have little difficulty finding your wallet when it is needed SCORPIO Oct 24 NoV 22 Keep things in perspective today or you could cause ruckus over something quite trivial Moun tains are mountains and molehills are molehills SAGITTARIUS Nov 230 21 Permanent supporters will not be won today if you try to force your ideas on unreceptive listen ers Use the soft sell CAPRICORN Dec 22Jen 10 Makedo with what you have today rather than impose on others Illfeelings could result if you are taker instead of giver AQUARIUS Jen 20Feb 19 You can be led today but you cannot be pushed so try to WE GITANDle INTHE MORNINé MET avoid the cornparty or those who would involve you in something youd rather not do PISCES Feb 20March 20 Keep your mind on your work today especially if you are using unfamiliar tools Failure to con centrate could cause mishap ARIES March 21April 19 lit tle understanding on your part with friend or one with whom you have emotional bonds may be called for today Dont make unnecessary demands TAURUS April 20May 20 You and your mate might have trau ble agreeing on what the days activities should be Toss coin rather than use harsh words to settle the matter GEMINI May 21June 20 If you dont plan things carefully youre going to make lot of needless work today Organize your thoughts and your time before beginning any project CANCER June 21July 22 Fig ure out your budget and know exactly what you have to spend before making any purchases today Otherwise you may have tough time making that check book balance LEO July 23Aug 22 Domesti caily you will be able to handle the larger issues in stride today It will be the little things that could ignite your temper VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Rather than holding it in if you are annoyed by something today bring your feelings out in thh Open so the situation can be resolved Rbur Birthday October 15 1011 Associates or thou you may now consider to be only acquain tances could prove to be very important in brlngl about something quite bone el for you this coming year Maintain friendly atmosphere with all you meet LIDRA Sept 23Oct 23 Others will be looking to you today to set an example for them to follow Youll do so naturally because your actions will be gov erned by their needs and not your own SOORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 There is someone you have always been able to rely upon who is again working today to further your cause without your even having to ask this person SAOITTARIUS Nov 23n0ec 21 Group involvement is where the action Is for you today Youll respond favorably to getting together with others on shared interest CARRICORN Dec nJan 19 Cooperation of your peers is essential to your cause today Fortunately youll have no trou ble getting it The right people are happy to help you out AQUARIUS Jen 20Feb 19 New insights could be gained today through conversations or brainstorming with knowledge able paople Seek out those who ANTICIFAï¬Né THE We MY are EHALL 5614040 A6 Ir LlFfé allme WAYTO THE MOIle salt In ht fit this description ES Feb Mar 20 You should have little trouble today completing tasks that you set about doing All things necessary to accomplish your pr0ect will be available ARIES March 21April This should be rather pleasant dey Youll find getting along with oth ers quite effortless Their thoughts and attitudes mesh well with yours TAURUS April 20May 20 The work week gel off to greet start because at all that you are able to accomplish today good sense of satisfaction will be felt GEMINI May 21June 20 Youll want to share your thoughts and feelings with friends today so try to arrange some time to get together even if its just by tele phone CANCER June 21July There are some hopeful signs that could help you feel on firmer ground where material affairs are concerned Some pressure could be lifted today LEO July 23Aug 22 Pleasant news will get your day started on the right foot in this happy frame of mind you can make more good things happen and have some enjoyable encounters VIRGO Aug 234mm The charitable way you treat your fol low man today will be returned tenfold Klndnesses of others will stem from the seeds youve sown II Men CW NEWS MOVIE WESTERN about 200000 of them Its the It means an excess of red SPECIAL OOVIIS Canyo4n 1053 development of such medicines cells The opposite condi suddenly become drunken buddies until 15 that have made glaucoma lion IS anemia POW mealls edy Of errora landa them both In it 05 OWE treatable disease excess and the of anemla ll OWE LE Pagsmflstfgagrpmc Sgluglguzï¬tAm Dear Dr Donohue go to meansa lack 1mmlmll SUNDAY MORNING VIEWING 558 FanC Pente1eso WATER MARGIN FOCUS COM ANDER TOM Kmsw 333 MIGHTY again mm $340M Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag HHVE You LOOKED mm your mom wwo1rlfï¬gsaem$us womNm anMRsf CARTOON FATHER lE IHE RM wHRT EVER HFIPPENED HILARIOUS HOUSE OF MULTICZECH Sufï¬ï¬‚tï¬mu Fjgfggggwoum HEYIMOM mom FRIGHTENSTEIN 330 1030 rea assures game mm CANADIAN CAVALCADE OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR ROBERT SCHULLER Aussie MOORE gal3 $1322 ï¬gs and Souths continuation to six CRUSADE TKE FUNNY COMPANY nun were slightly pushy Still the II BLACK FORUM ORAL ROBERTS pORTUGUESE snow slam was pretty good one CHRISTOPHERCCLOSEUP SOIéKAstelyDgAOTREDRAL MULTIVUGOSLAV except that West made the SENECA TELE OLLEGE 22 EN 100 MULTlBULGARIAN 1035 33 lead °f ECUMEDIA NEws 900 ID FISH TALES The uéen was In CROSSROADS OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR 1050 Pkayl if PUBLIC POLICY FORUM NEws we GET IT TaGgJHER 83ng aaiecoooi d1 llsmo In FAITH FOR TODAY DEPUTY DA UNCLE BOBBY SHOW III IT IS WRITTEN OPEN RAP Everyone followed and thin lt NIVEN MILLER JEREMY an HUMBARD didnt look at all well Sti 979 Universal nests ndicale quaamrul I0l3 715 ED MULTIMIDEAST REVUE CORONATION STREET there were cou le of possi CHURCH INVITATION 915 PEOPLES CHURCH billties Ma be queen of 730 Ill HATTYTOWN TALES ID KIDSWORLD soloist spades mm are doublet AY OF DISCOVERY 930 MULTlPORTUGUESE 108 30 South cashed ï¬ts ace and anggTTONZWAGGAm ggltlllnlorgigbs REV JAIIEhSMANDREWS °f spades wm THE PEOPLE OF THE 5MTE OF ROGER RAMJET HISPANOVISION MEET THE PRESS Vulnerable Both fess their fs In CIRCLE SOUARE SESAME STREET ANIMALS ANIMALS Dealer South 5° ee NEW HAMPSHIRE VERA 800 SEARCH THE OUIET HOUR ANIMALS Spades JIMMY SWAGGART 1000 In PEOPLE AND PETS we NM AS 19 50M 8095 With mo BNTWHST pnoczss REX HUMBAnD 1145 little bit of luck with little Now BMOVlECOMEDYWESTERNI pEOPLEs cuuacn FESTIVAL ITALIANo £253 bllt of luck he made the SS am 00 oE Pa 4° Pass He cashed the king of SUNDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING Elizas htearts west to dillmmyblwith eacean wastenaeto discard both ades on ood 1100 THIS WEEK IN PARLIAMENT EDUCATED GUESS MEET 155255 WALDEN National political reporter am mens Tiny TALENT Time Opening lead OJ eï¬anflgs lggtcarfmeaigdwï¬ CDC ms °I gags ET VISAGES to TALES OF THE end the focus is onbeohrileI ol the tredltioneII Iee 30 Unlike most bridge books UNEXPECTED that tend to show hands where MEETING PLACE HouBQUloLoDINO DECENT 335N956 ES the alert declarer makes hls ML MOVIE SUSPENsEi VI FUTURE wonmsgmaswmmm contract against all sortsot all COMMIIOIOMT 1908 EN SE RACONTANT LHIS not World Serles Is not needed regularly bad breaks Brldge AnalySIs An Oregon reader asks ALBUM TV TOIRE DlCl mm shows hands with which what Western cue bid is ITALIAN SEAT 840M r0Â¥remmln PANORAMA 32 SP SHO TERRY WINTER SHOW °°Es 2=3° °°° tif5ctl3£23tawï¬ mfï¬ï¬shthaastd331$ LE 75 DES SMITH AND SMITH LATEL 955 tglï¬d not INCERTITUDES CHALLENGE PSSENLTS th Norths fiveheart bid that suit rump can 0p ED ASIAN M102VI3Eo3 hrs MOYIE C°MEDy as KDSWORLD CHan Nev 1964 ggngDKgW DR JOHN WESLEY WHITE 0° dafly crossword 300 NFL TODAY DISNEYS WONDERFUL POPE JOHN PAUL II IN THE gt NEWS 12 WORLD BeeebellFavarArlelleterllnemp UNITEOG STATEflSm summgy 01$ ACROSS loosely Answer meous Fume he events so eoce cence In AGRICULTURE REPORT Silllhlhnttlé11An3nnfmio3 luatopteon mint 32 3333 da Ella In El 100 wt TODAY WOMAN COMEDY SHOP Compass religion NFL FOOTBALL Buffalo am vs manna 33335 HEE HAW COLARGOL pomt 48 Baseball OIEOUNTRY CANADAAlook LES GRANDS CHEFS want or sURVIVALmm l2 Povertywar playerMel Dumgaggmflm at the Holland Mereh vegetable operation rlln DORCHESTRE The Endleu JOWMY 39°CY tabbll Bum Vmk WM CREAT NEWS FOR THE l3 Revolt 49 Highway to an FTL Foflï¬ï¬hï¬f WORLD 515 14 Cooking fat the far north BEE ytfTALImApN COOKING ï¬i MULTISPANISH ID OUM LE DAUPHIN 15 Sports Solice alert 93 Bunny 330 am most me Bu gowune GRAPE MW SUNDAY SURPRISE 530 Wale 55 Skinllinl It LE MONDE DES PEINTRES GOOD NEWS NEXT STEP BEYOND fan°s°°d 56 Cnï¬f THERE5 MY LANU PAY UP YOUR BACK NAIFs 400 till AVENTURES DE BABAR BEE Em BEBE L029 BUT LDCle KENT OR GET OUT 130 AMERICAN LIFEsryLE mm 535 17 Shakespear 57 Possesswe MN SING lb SATURNIN LE PETIT 9° °°° we 9°°d HE WONT RECOG BEACHCOMBERs CAM Is 5an further 53 The last More clulckly dealer Brit me Me IN FLINTSTONE NFL FOOTBALL Atlanta 20 Invigorating frontier IO Rail spur 200 550 41 Engagement THls THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO miggï¬gganï¬zgs ET medlctne 59 Mistake it Vote Into Live coa 22 Spin office 23 Third person DOWN 19 worthy Headwe 26 Emit 21 47 Regarding Bribblid Ugh now 23 Tits wds nlIO WOT 24 Hebrew letter abbr SUNDAY EVENING VIEWING 3O Gazelle Klnd of gas 25 31 Deutschland Beyond em 50 P5 °f Snow end encounters Minnie Pearl and abbr Female 28 Sauce malllh 00 WILDLIFE NEMA NEWS 710 Conway Twitty in cameo automation so 33 Belonging to servant mini 51 Confederate REPORT ON BUSINESS flli BOUCANIERs DEAU cm Bums ACE the lhlns Tax agency 35 80 States Army 34 thtla deVlI abbr WILD ANIMALS OF THE DOUCE Archie is literally eick over the energy crisis bb 36 coat type abbr RLD BéeggnTOUT 730 and EydltIhs frantic scurrYIng does little to sgi3rlglarool cgfnaglaes am 38 Hawaiian lava 52 Nude III 55 DYMI MORK AND MINDY Mark 41 Announce point 39 Tall agency abbrl GLOBAL NEWSWEEK Mlndycomriet orlnanemlmMm Mam mm mm MW 530 stuffy cousn eson ever mm hm WILDSKINGDOM mï¬ï¬npn 3mm hisobld Ior city NEW NEW KIND OF FAMILY Mr NEw FACES WE muons Wm TOUTE VITESSE LA PETITE LULU becomes Involved with documentary film QUIZ KIDS SHOW 700 being made et the PlckettDelenee Plant ehe CITY LIGHTS DISNEVIS WONDERFUL is led to believe that she can become star 030 ONE DAY AT TIME Julie home from ski trip and allows shes getting marriedto someone shes known week THE ASSOCIATES Old Emerson returns from vacation engaged to the ninth richestwomenirnheworidmuttheromewe takes surprising twist when she tale for THE ASSOCIATES LAPIERRE ONE DAY AT TIME tywood do mine WON AURA TOUT VUl EASY COUNTRY 000 III NBC THEATER Mirecle Worker 1919 Stars Melissa Olbert Petty Duke Astln Story of young womans efforts to teach and control strongwilled child who blind end unable to eell hrs SUPERSPECIA Carroll Baker WORLD An aileter llneup of Disney cartoon Characters take part in salute to Fever do mine 60 MINUTES Ell EH III IIHIII HI OUT OF THE BLUE When Renderne Coln Of Truth fella into the wrong hands the members of the family etert revealing exactly how they feel about each OUT OF THE BLUE singafr titer ndOieOprylnNeehviileleith ZWROBERT guest gonna The Oak Rides Boys and TROUSSEWTOUFLE Larry OaIIItt She visits and performs mm PHI ï¬llWEI SWITCH FOR SUMMER TORONTO CPI Makeup for summer should be lighter and brighter than winter cos metics says cosmetician Jean eyeliners Pozder blushers and shadows have more staylng power in hot weather than creams she says ternational Management magazine The publication says employees aged 40 and over perform best in the morning while younger people are at III Your wedding invitations Announcemean Headquarters stars 1n°t STATION ERY We Provide loam service foundatlon ln darker tan ENERGYGIVESCLUE peak energy even at closing 29 Dunk SIW matching shades and swit ching from black to colored NORTH ERN NEW YORK AP Energy time The story is based on levels are clues to age says In 7373860 study of office staffs in Britain