BA the examiner Friday Oct 12 1979 It is refreshing to report that Edward Rulloff was Cana dian You see everyone who met Edward came away con vinced that he was genius They had good reason Edward had more than passing command of Greek Latin Ger from the time of the Etruscans to Rembrandt Ed was Just that kind of guv Hammond River close to St John New Brunswick in 1819 there is little about Eds early years to give any indication of available in Hammond River but Eds folks knew they had rare one when at the age of our their little pride and joy was reading anything he could lay his chubby hands on When he was 12 he received some formal education but left the routine of the classroom for the relatively exciting life of clerk in law firm in St John It was matter of some concern when the home of the senior partner of the law firm was robbed Several fine suits were among the stolen items Concern turned to downright embarrassment when the senior partner spotted Ed wearing one of his stolen suits This little indiscretion was instrumen tal in sending Ed to the local jail for two years Upon his release Rulloff left the picture province never to return He next popped to the surface in 1842 in the New York State town of Dryden Now strapping young man of 23 Eds description is worthy of note for his outstanding features were to haunt him to his dying day Ed stood five fet eight ins weighed 180 lbs had dark hair and broad full face Two things distinguished him from other men He had an oversized head and the distance between his eyes was greater than average Superior intelligence Obviously well educated man of superior intelligence Edward Rulloff stood out in Dryden like virgin at hustlers convention Soon he was offered teachers job at small private school in the village Ed accepted the posi tion In short time the village experienced the unheard of practice of their young folk arriving early and staying late at school The teacher was so interesting that the little ones would rather learn than go home Ed was an instant success Professor Rulloff took shine to one of his pupils Itryear old Harriet Schutt The only thing Harriet who looked like 23 possessed which wasnt in full bloom was her brain She fell hard for the professor The lovers planned to marry This idea did not sit well with Harriets older and larger brothers No siree William Edward and Ephraim didnt approve They just didnt cot ton to the high and mighty professor In the end true love overcame all Ed and Harriet tied the knot on Dec 31 1843 Two things happened after the holy union Ed left his teaching position and due to the loose licensing of the times became selfproclaimed doctor While he had gentle hand with patients he had nothing but abuse for Harriet The not so idyllic couple moved to Lansing where the former professor was huge success as doctor One day Dr Rulloff was summoned to Ithaca to help the wife and child of his brotherinlaw William Schutt Ed later explain ed to Harriet They called me in too late Both mother and child died Despite the doctors harsh treatment of his wife their marriage did have its moments Harriet had baby in April 1845 Two months later on June 23 series of events took place which were later to come under close scrutiny Neighbors noted that the Rulloffs blinds were closed Around noon Dr Rulloff emerged from the house and called on his immediate neighbors the Robertsons He asked for the loan of their horse and wagon Ed explained that his wifes uncle had called on them the night before and taken Mrs Rulloff and the baby on visit to Motts Corners tiny village between Lake Cayuga and Lake Seneca The uncle had limited accommodations at Motts Corners To make room for his guests he had given the doctor large crate of household effects Now the doctor wanted to return the crate and pick up his family Sounds like complicated plan to facilitate an overnight visit The Robertsons loaned Rulloff the horse and wagon Mr Robertson even gave Ed hand placing the heavy crate on the wagon Rulloff tapped old Bessie on the rump and drove away Later it was learned that he never did go to Motts Corners but travelled through Ithaca to the shores of Lake Cayuga and then returned home to Lansing Mr Robertson was mildly surprised when he saw the doctor pull up in front of his house with the big crate still in tow He was even more surprised when the doctor had no trouble taking the crate singlehanded from the wagon into the house The doctor then returned the horse and wagon While doing so he advis ed the Robertsons that he and his family were taking vaca tion for week or two Dr Rulloff fled Soon Harriets brothers were making in quiries about their sisters absence They were sure she had met with foul play at the hands of her husband They con tacted police who picked up the good doctor in Cleveland Eds oversized head and distinctive eyes had made him easy to find Dr Rulloff was brought back to Ithaca but since there was no body and no direct evidence that murder had taken place the murder charges were not pressed Ed was charged with abduction found guilty and convicted In January 1846 he was sentenced to 10 years in prison in Auburn Went to Brooklyn 1864 Dr Rulloff made his way to Brooklyn He brought ï¬at man French Hebrew and only God knows what other art and Ed could give learned dissertation on anything Born Edward Howard Rulloffson in the tiny hamlet of his checkered future Formal education was not readily EVENING PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED CAROL BURNETT AND selftaught 353ka ogrzgoon NEWS 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ADC NEWS NEWS III RHODA FABLES OF THE GREEN FOREST as 655 WRITE ONI 700 CANDID CAMERA LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS TIC TAc DOUGH WHATEVER TURNS You ON ID STREET TALK PEOPLE AND PETS FAMILY FEUD MAUDE 730 MUPPETS SHOW am Kenny MEWLYWED GAME CONLONS ONTARIO JOKERS WILD STARS ON ICE HoeI Alex mm welcomes Jane and Mark Hominiek Gordon Forbes Sandra ONeill Scott Henderaon and ier Boo Welz LIVELY COUNTRY MAGIc SHADOWS BOB NEWHART SHOW MASH 800 THE MISADVENTURES OF SHERIFF LOBO game in the World Seriea Is not needed regularly scheduled programming will be St CALIFORNIA FEVER HAPPY DAYS PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED TUTANKHAMUNS EGYPT WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT MOVIE COMEDYDRAMA Aon and the Gggey ANGIE Annie and Brad decide to spend romantic weekend at home alone but soon find their love neat invaded by bungling wouldbe burglar Note Angie may be preempted by coverage oi the World ea two colleagues out to pullthem off They were successful making enough from theirbreakins to keep the doctor in ANGIE Angie and Brad decide to Spend romantic weekend at home alone but coffee and cakes Of course this wasnt neaer enough to soon find their love neat invaded by bungling keep Ed sufficiently stimulated We We Using the alias Professor EC Howard Ed opened an office THE REAL STORY in Hoboken NJ and taught English to immigrants Hold MONTY PYTHONS FLYING on thats not all As Prof Edward Leurio an eminent CIRCUS philologist one who scientifically studies languages he 900 was busily engaged in developing universal written COUNTRY SUPERSTARS OF language Prof Leurio maintained offices in Manhattan THE 10s This gala ovum broadcast tram Of course no one realized that this intelligent hard F° T°°° °°° 9°°°° the likes olGlen Campbell JohnnyCaah Roy workibrgg scholar whas being financed through the commIssIon 0mm Dolly Panon Eddie Rabbit and othern of ro eries To is professor friends he talked of saving mankind by perfecting universal language With his ex SPECIAL MOYE PRESEN cons he discussed how they would break in to the next TATION mMndBmW gmsumnm warehouse The whole unreal setup erupted in violence on the night of Arll SI work Aug 21 1870 Dexter and Jarvis had entered the premises of Halbert Bros silk shop in Binghampton NY Unknown to them two clerks Fred Mirrick and Gilbert Burrows were glant Slzed sleeping in the store They woke up and rushed the burglars OTTAWA CPl When The scuffle which followed was abruptly terminated when fifth man approached brandishing revolver Rulloff had been outside the building and at the first sign of trouble came to his colleagues rescue Rulloff raised his revolver and pressed the trigger bullet went crashing into Mir ricks forehead killing him instantly Rulloff then calmly shot Burrows The three desperate men ran out of the store Badly wounded Burrows staggered out of the store to the home of the chief of police The coldblooded murder shocked the entire country Police were battled by the one clue found at the scene of the killing One of the robbers had lost his shoe The shoe was stuffed with paper in the space normally occupied by the big toe Two days after Mirricks murder two bodies were found floating in the Shenango River Clerk Burrows identified them as the two burglars They were later identified as William Dexter and Albert Jarvis Through his association with the dead men Rulloff was readily traced and ap prehended The strange shoe found at the scene of the Mirrick murder coupled with Rulloffs missing toe place him squarely at the scene of the crime On Jan 1871 Rulloff stood trial for Mirricks murder at Binghampton NY The facts surrounding Rulloffs career were widely publicized He Was called the educated murderer He had killed seven people in his wild and unusual career Rulloff was convicted and sentenced to hang During his last days he confessed to killing his wife and child He had taken them to Lake Cayuga with Robertsons horse and wagon stolen rowboat and after attaching stones to their bodies had dumped them overboard The bodies have never been recovered He also confessed to kill ing Mrs Schutt and her baby He did it because of William Schutts opposition to his marriage Cursing swearing and refusing all spiritual assistance Edward Howard Rulloffson was hanged in front of the Binghampton Jail on May 17 1871 Pablo Picasso cast the seat and handlebars of bicycle in bronze in 1943 and hung them on wall to represent bulls head it was called art John Hall was born that year in Edmonton and what he does with scraps of ribbon metal leather belts artificial flowers and bits and pieces of costume gt putting it all down on canvas in acrylic paints is also art 94 DUNlOP ST tuesday tv 600 In 080 NEWS WORLD SERIES or mm Luncheon Specials served daily from 30 am SPECIALIZING IN HOMEMADE COOKING Featuring our Homemade Soup Selfservice Salad Bor8 Fresh Sandwich Board anger Kristin Griffith THREES COMPANY FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE The Death 01 Ocean View Parit 1979 Stare Mike ï¬ne Diana Canava VISTA 930 TAXI 1000 LAZARUS SYNDROME COPE NEWS 1030 JOYS OF COLLECTING 100 NEWS cac NEWS CTV NEWS THE REAL STORY MOVIE COMEDY is Black Bird 1910 1120 NEWS 1125 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW 01 Caron Heat Johnny Careon Oneta Louie Nizer Mac Devla Carol NeDIetI Wat 00 mine CBS LATE MOVIE eARHABY JONES Fantaay Of Fear dlatrauaht wean hires BarnDy Io Inventinate bizarre occur ranoea involving the womans dead daughter Repeat US AGANST TIE WORLD 1971 Stare Chriatine Bellord Donna Mills MOVIE CRIME Johnny 3m 1m PARTY GAME OUESTIDN PERIOD ED SPORTS PROBE 1145 NEW KIND OF FAMILY 1200 eve of the Vampire 1914 KOJAK Guests Tenneaeee Ernie Ford Kelly Lang Peaha Thomaa 1215 ONEDIN LINE MOVIE TITLE UNANNOUNCED 100 TOMORROW MEDICAL CENTER 130 GONG SHOW MOVIE HORROR ll 22 Stanley Burke Vista Tuesday at 900 Host Stanley Burke roves ligates some ol the latest rlevelonmenls In research and technology on Vista 13 new SCIerICeOIIertleci nrograms Torllghlsmemlere Search for Survivors tells the Story ol breakthrough ol another no Brll sl Columblas 442 Squao rorr dedicated search arrrtrescue team Earller at 800 watch Tutankhamuns Egypt and exuiore the world at ancient Egon bestknown king Channel Gearing TVOntario Its your network rw rwvrsIo semis ol the Ontario Isutalimra Comnruhlcalrons AultOllll