Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Oct 1979, p. 18

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1B the examiner Friday on 12 1970 SPECIL NOTICES CSH yTES Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks $600 minimum 40 words additional words cents per werd Births $600 In Memoriom no verse $600 Verse per count line extra 23 cents Coming Events aIbirths BEATTY sister tor Michelle Mary Elizabeth Anne born September It 1979 weighing lbs 14v ozs Proud parents are Terry and Merelie Beatty Special thanks to Dr Johns and nurses on AA at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie POWELL Jim and Pat are pleased to announce the birth at their son Jetlery Robert born October I979 at Royal Victoria Hospital weighing lbs 01 brother tor Christopher Proud grand parents are Mr and Mrs Powell and Mr and Mrs Catherine VAN RASSEL Murray and Linda are happy to announce the arrival of their son Brendan James on Thursday 0c tober 1979 brother tor Susan and John grandson lor Mr and Mrs John Van Rassel ol Sudbury and Mr and Mrs harvey McLean Special thanks to Drs Weatherston and Dick and Smith andtoallthe nurses Richards all at St Mondays Child is lair ot lace Tuesdays Child is lull of grace Wednesdays Childisluliol woe Thursdays Child haslartogo Fridays Childisioving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for Its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day lstair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information tor your childs luture An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name at your child the day ol the week month and year at birth the weight and other vital inlormation printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate tor an Examiner Birth Notice isoniy $600 PHONE 728 24 GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth of your child in The Ex amiher clippings ol the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your lriends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement alter birth Call The Examiner Ciassiiied 728 2414 Bilengagements GUE BELL Dr Les Gue and Mrs Lillian Gue 0t Edmonton Alberta are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Alison to Gary Bell son of Mr and Mrs Ken Bell of Shanty Bay The wedding will take place Satur day November 74 I979 in Edmonton Alberta 85deaths ALEXANDER Eva At Wellcsiey Hospital Toronto on Thursday October II l979 Eva Emery beloved wile ot the late Charles Alexander in her 85th year Dear mother at Ernest oi Bar rie Grandmother oi Robert and John both at Barrie and Barbara Meeting of Scarboro and three great grandchildren Predeceasd by brother Ernest Clarence and Tellord Emery Friends may call at Steckiey Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie alter pm Saturday Service in the chapel on Monday October Is at interment Barrie Union Cemetery EMMS Milton John At the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Wednesday October I0 I979 Milton John Emms beloved husband ol Mary Greenlield dear lather al Ernest Dorsey and George all ol Barrie Edward ol Stroud and Judith Lussier ol Orillia dear grandlather 01 i9 grandchilden and nine great grandchildren Brother ot Jim at Porcupine Ailred oi Sault Ste Marie Charlie ot Barrie Ethel Miller of Orillia and Mary Scantland of Quebec Predeceased by William and Douglas Emms Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Bar rie Funeral mass at St Marys Church Barrie on Saturday October 13 at I0 am interment St Marys Cemetery Barrie MCFADDEN Elsie Velma At Four Counties Hospital Newbury Ontario on Wednesday October 10 I979 Elsie Velma Bobbetie beloved wile ol Ronald McFadden in her 59th year Dear mother oi Joan Mrs Robert Stewart at St Catharines Patricia Mrs James Kenny oi Oro and Wanda Mrs Petar Klepp of Winnipeg Manitoba Grand mother ot one granddaughter and seyen grandsons Dear siser oi Murray Bob bette of Toronto Stanley Ronald and Gerraid Bobbette oi Barrie Lyle Bob bette oi Bracebridge Gladys Mrs Les Laird at Toronto and Marion Mrs Cari Sanders oi Gravenhurst Resting at Steckiey Funeral Home JO Worsiey Street Barrie alter Thursday un til Saturday noon Funeral service at Hi Way Pentecostal Church 48 Anne Street North Barrie on Saturday October 13 at pm Interment Thornton Union Cemetery 87in memoria ms RODGERS In loving memory oi dear lather Robert who passed away October I2th I909 and dear mother Laura who passed away November 26th I976 May the wind of love blow soltly Over quiet peaceful spot Where the ones we loved lie sleeping And never will be torgot Sadly missed by thelamily altcoming events RUMMAGE SALE Saturday Oct 20 9emtol030otn GRACE UNITED CHURCH corner of Cook St and Grove For pickup 7287930 or 726 0942 AUSPICES GRACE UCW 05l2l8l9 PRENATAL CLASSES for UNWED MOTHERS To register please phone SIMCOE COUNTY DISTRICT NEALTN UNIT 7269300 Ext 236 WFTF $343 percol RINETTE CLUB OF BARRIE is having garage sale on Suturdoy October 130 from 900 Il to 100 pm at I45 Blake St Contributions from IS families Something for everyone Proceeds to CF and other Community Projects PS Also Halloween candies and tickets available BAKE SALE OI MODEL RAILROAD ELEA MARKET Oct I4 10om prn DOWNTOWN CENTRE Dunlap ngh Sts Admission 50 TOWN COUNTRY SINGLE PARENTS DANCE Saturday October 030 pni l00 tun IEETON ARENA Ol2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Clossilied advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception ol Classified Disploy advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE 5600 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words 5600 Additional words ll cts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words 5600 Addi tional words Is per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $600 With verse per count line 23 cents per line COMING EVENTS $343 per column inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 74 word minimum Cash Discount Rates apply il paid within days One or two Insertions IOc per word insertion Three consecutive in sertions cents per word insertion total $684 Six consecutive insertions 9c per word per Insertion total 796 Multiple inser tions may be ordered subiecl to cancellation when sotisloctory results obtained Method ol counting lower than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation set at numbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenIence to the advertisers Therelore the Clossilied Advertising Department re quires advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately alter lirst inser lion In order that any error or omission may be reported before cm in order that some may be rectified Ior the Iollowing day publication The Examiner Is responsible for only one incorrectly printed insertion at any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the misprint Er rors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible lor correc lions by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to clossily revise or reject any want ads PHONE 72534 WHICH DAY IS BEST MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESIAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results Alter many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to advertise in The Examiner Classified Section Phone 7282414 Sitcoming events THE SIMCOE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION cordially invites members of the public to attend special reception for JACK RAMSAY Saturday October 13 I979 25 pm In BARRIE CENTRAL COLLEGIATE Special presentation at 330 pm 06012 BINGO INGO BINGO WELCOME TO THE ARMY NAVY AIRFORCE BINGO George St IT Anne St Every WEDNESDAY pun Early Birds 730 pan Shoro The Wealth °$300 loclipot Gm Every Wednesday Door Prizes ALSO Every SATURDAY pm Early Birds 130 pm Jackpots on Saturday re attendance 09121619 new flos by Mrs Wanless 3222878 Sympathy is expressed to Mrs Elmer Atkinson in the death of her uncle Torn Ruthven of Orillia Mr and Mrs Atkinson attended the funeral on Thursday September 27th at Mundells Funeral Home in Orillia Mrs Cline Rawn attended the fall rally of the WMS held in the Parry Sound Baptist Church on Thursday September27 Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Archie Wanless include Mr and Mrs Aubrey Kerr of Hamilton Mr and Mrs Harold Wanless of Egbert Mr and Mrs Walter Hall along with Diam and Brian of Barrie Mr and Mrs Cline Rawn and Larry attended the Interna tional Ploughing Match near Chatham On Sunday September 30 they attended the 25th wedding anniversary of their cousins Mr and Mrs Joe McLean of Barrie Gladys and Harry Train visited Mrs Maude Mossop in Toronto on Sunday Johnson Finlay and two friends from Elmvale are in Churchill Manitoba to attend Ken Bertrams wedding They later plan to travel to the west coast Mrs Bruce Corbett Lindsay and Graham of Toronto are spending week with Mr and Mrs Archie Wanless and Peter The 4H Homemaking Club girls are progressing well with their needlepoint project They have held four meetings to date and have named their club the Nifty Needlers At the second meeting in the home of Darlene Del Mastros they learned the Continental stitch and completed their monogram At the third meeting at Lisa Kenneys home hey Ieamed two stitches the Bargello and the Cross stitch They also discussed how to make belts wall hangings and urses The fourth meeting was old at the home of Marcia and Jackie Loftus Therethey learned the Scotch stitch the Cashmere and the Brick stitch For the fifth meeting at Caroline DeGorters home the girls are to have their sampler completed and work done on their free choice article on Wednesday evening October 17 bell ewart by Georgina Mitchell 4563232 Mr and Mrs George Burgess celebrated their 80th birthdays with reception on September 22nd at the Bell Ewart com munity centre It was held by joint effort by their families 30 in all They received many presents and flowers George sang songs accompanied at the piano by Joyce Sheppard Everyone enjoyed the lovely buffet that was prepared and Mary and George thanked the family for their thoughtfulness and appreciation There was poor turnout at the Senior Citizens club and therefore too few members to hold an election It was agreed that the same executive hold of fice for trial bases of three months and only hold meetings once month on the third Tues day of each month Next meeting will celebrate everyone having birthday in October and will also celebrate the 10th anniversary since the club had its first meeting in the Hall We hope for good turnout on October 16th at 130 pm at the Bell Ewart community centre Lo these many days we have preached the values Of newspaper route management For boys How it helps boy learn the principles of business Builds him nice bank account Teaches him to deal with people Even helps him do better at school NOW not for boys alone girl tOO can have route Of her own with our newspaper Some already do And enjoy the same advantages of fun and profit boy can get from route manage ment Equal rights it is So phone us today young lady and talk There may be route open to you right in your neighborhood lilac Barrie NAME ADDRESS Send in your application The Examiner lli Ravfield SC would like to talk with you about managing newspaper route PARENTS SIGNATURE 7266539 died obituary JAMES ARTHUR MORLEY Prominent Barrie citizen James Jim Morley age 65 in Toronto General Hospital on Sept 26 after long illness He retired June this year after 42 years as sales representative for Labatts Brewery also in public rela tions work and the service department Jim was member of Barrie Lions Club since 1943 and held privileged status The Lions held memorial service at the Steckiy Funeral Home the evening before the funeral Jim was member of Kerr Masonic Lodge and held honorary life membership in Barrie Curling Club and also Barrie Country Club Rev Harry Waite of St An drews Presbyterian Church of ficiated at the Steckley Funeral Home on Saturday Sept 29 and Barrie Union Cemetery Pallbearers were Bruce Peacock Ronald Stewart MP Simcoe South James Byrne Ross Manzer Garry Campbell and Bob Hunter Honorary pallbearers were Bert Cook Ed McEIroy Rollie Gallipeau William Dyment Roy Kirkpatrick Terry Harris Ross Peacock and Jack Ken nedy Mr Morley was born at Lon don Ontario June 1914 son of the late Arthur Morley and Mrs Morley the former Rose White He was married in 1937 to Ruth Clements of Milton Ont They resided in London un til 1940 when they moved to Barrie Also surviving are his son Jim Captain James Morley of the Canadian Army stationed at CFB Trenton with his wife Peggy and children Rick and Barbie Mr Morleys daughter Jan resides with her mother at 266 Duckworth St His sister inlandon withherhusband and three children Sister Gladys Mrs Gordon Overton lives at Indiana Ila Indiana Jim orleys hobbies includ ed fishing gardening and cooking or which he was especially esteemed by his legion of friends in Barrie He was friendly man with great personality Sentenced to three life terms MEDIA Pa AP Tony Boyle former president of the United Mine Workers union was sentenced Thursday to three consecutive life prison terms for hiring killers to assassinate union rival Freda Mrs Bert Levery lives AVAILABLE MONDAY AND TUESDAY SEPT 24th 25th I979 ONLY GWG LEVIS CORD FLARES REG $2495 Castro arrives Cuban President Fidel Castro arrives at New Yorks Kennedy Airport Thursday under heavy security He is scheduled to address the United Nations General Assembly Friday AP Photo CLEARED ENGINE DIDCOT England Reuter Frank Williams head of the Williams Formula One motor racing team said Wednesday night the engine of the car Aus tralian Alan Jones drove to vic tory in last Sundays Austrian Grand Prix had been cleared by officiallyappointed technical experts Austrian race officials wanted to check the engine complied with the threelitre limit in accordance with the rules after the race ended but the team asked for the exam ination to be carried out in Brit aIn UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT COSY SNACK YOULL SEE MORE BAR ODAII SPECIALS FRIENDLY SERVICE COFFEE STILL 30 69 DUNLOP WEST KRAZY KELLYS LOW WAREHOUSE PRICES OPEN TO THE PUBLIC DIRECT TO CONSUMER MONTUESTHURSFRI I000 900 SAT 930 600 TOSHIBA MICROWAVE OVENS SAVE 70 IN ENERGY COSTS 399 VIDE CASSETTE RECORDERS 993 AT BRASS GROUP STORE MEL BRASS BRASS CLOTHING GLENN LTD BAYFIELD MALL DUNLOP EAST 7371879 7265353 NEW IN CRATES FABULOUS 12 RCA For 100 Solid State Energy saving compact personal modal teatures 0n set VHF tine tuning and plug in Accuclrcult modules Click UHFVHF channel selection loo For Any Loss in us SUPERB SPECIAL LESS THAN iN THE USA LOWEST PRICES 5ch Oh man com Tv Service Policy NonOptional 3995 cm GIA$NT 20 XL100 UV lhom OVER OFF 1W9 50 NOW sTIITELID rr ism RCA mooum ISNT XL100 WHILE THEY LAST CASH CARRY 51 995 now wan Trade PHONE TONIGHT DELIVERY TONIGIIT sour PACKAGE sour PACKAGE TOSHIBA PACKAGE HM OSony receiver 030 WRMS rocolvor Turntable Ml 8i Win mil IiIitol turntable rack MIItin cassette Pukm Speakers speakers NO MONEY DOWN No PAYMENTS TILL JAN 80 I9 OUASAR 2IUYTITIIIO $233321 19 idéxlililiiiu $599 $945 $488 s149 TOSHIBA BLACRSTRIPE REMOTE CONTROL s666 XLIOO COLOR 26 SPANISH 888m KELLY 26 PANASONIC COLOR s7493 I4 RCA XL100 $348 with tron with trade WELL our ANYBODYS PRICE nonciron moon ALI THE TIME 1371182 NY 90 ATEERNDALE DUNLOP shy

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