Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Oct 1979, p. 16

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nightHw cm Mawgt4 the examiner Thunday Oct 11 11 mo new PROGRAM UNANNOIINCED CAROL DURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 020 NEws 030 Nae NEws MARY TVLER MOORE CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS RHODA FABLES OF THE GREEN FOREST 700 CANDID CAMERA CHIP PM MAOAzINE HAPPY DAvs TIC TAc DOUGH BENSON STREET TALK DR WHO FAMILY FEUD MAuoE 730 IOKER JOKER JOKER NEWLYWED OAME LITTLE SPECIAL JOKERS IVILD LITTLEST HoaO Hoboparmhuto out of pun Into for III to rcu boy he boon accldont IIOMd NASHVILLE EWING MAGIC SHADOWS aoa NEwHART SHOW MAsH 800 BUCK ROGERS IN THE 2501 CENTURY Buck Rogor po cowt crimlml In an effort to mount hum of hennawhine ln from oolllunlng III City of new Ohlcno 00 MUPPETS SHOW aunt ny Rogor THE WALTONS OIIvl lcrmlng concun our dIn plnI worku unttndd childron prompt nor to 0911 cor cnIr norm 60 mln LAVERNE AND HIRLEY Whoa Lvrn and Shirly go back to vllft thlr old high chool club Ih Angora Db thy In ind IIII thin chm WEUCK ROGER IN THE 5th CENTURY GREAT DEBATE WILD ANIMALS OF THE WORLD LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY MOVIE 1COMEDY Nick KING OF KENsINGTON Manamarmamam mmmduvlthohlhltr mehIhIhCommG¢ynd Jodi mud on th pom DI hr lat LouMnoMlnIhhou print 1mm rudely In em man me REAL STORY SOME MOTHERS DO AVE EM 900 QUINCY When tmw hit off We IO dnth Quincy upct murdor III Inmtlomlon ld him to Vlclou chlld GO nun GRANT HAWAII FIVEO Honolulu pollcowoman on III con whn hr humand Honolulu cop Kvln Wllmn down II banal mm ARNEY MILLER aARer MILLER mm mm dotoglta chauffwr who turn out to Iv Implm BnIy Mlllor and III nun Io RCIEOIIOII mom IVE IT UP Itorn Includos Buy Clnadlon hopolng pr dnngm of rntd car 18th CORIury Battl Cram sREAKING OUT WINTARIO DRAW 930 ngIEs John HouIOn Dublln OAP amy Tm nd bnutlful Ichr rrnno romantic rnd1vOu 71 apartmrn and Burt and 3qu Mum to th mauhlp ftr Iaclng llon and Moxlcm qud Qs cOLUMaO 1000 NBC NEws SPECIAL REPORT HENRY KISSINGER Formor scrtry OI Stat Hnry Kllngr will diccuu hl mmOlr cov1lno 6111 of th mat turbulont yr In rcnt Amorlcan hlllory during whlch II Ih prlnclpnl rchltcl oI thl Country foulgn policy 00 THE ROCKFORD FILES BARNADV JONES am Jon III ky with glnt murdor ulpoct and bocoma III targcl OI blurr mum of furor 00 mln 2020 LIVE AT THE FORUM THE GREAT DEBATE NEWS 1030 KOWALSKlLOOEB REPORT 11 NEws cac NEVIS CTV NEW THE REAL sronv MOVIE MusICALCOMEOVI ww and tho but Dnc Klng 114 1120 NEW 1125 NEws 1127 NEws 1130 THE TONIGHT snow CBS LATE MOVIE COLUMDO Publlh 01 th An author corn III puhllhr ftr Inform him that bout to lgn wItII now publlahnr Rnput BANACEK II MO 80 811111 Why Dont Toll Whor Stan 00m Ward Ann 111 Room MOVIE RAMA Alli ll PARTY GAME AVEc ANOELE IN THE INTEREST OF ONTARIO 1145 SIDESTREET Tmpr flu whuI prollonl IrI brkr Ind group of map moo pick lln Tumlon clt whoa III Irlhbrkr on kldnappcd Roput 00 mIlIl 1200 MOVIE COMEDY Happy Birthday Wanda Jun III MOVIE COMEDYDRAMA Boy Of Paul Strut MERV GRIFFIN 1215 MOVIE TITLE UNANNOUNCED 1230 MOVIE DRAMA Th HuIIr 10111 100 TOMORROW Holt Tom Snydu Guoallt Bobby Ryuoll FatIlla 00 mln NEWS historicall speaking canadas story Louis Riel Entered History By Stopping Surveyors October 11 1869 was the da into the pages of history by that Louis Riel stepped stepping on surveyors chain Until then he had been quiet young man now 25 Anne Marie Gabory of Three rivers Quebec who mar ried the buffalo hunter Jean Baptiste Lajlmodiere and became the first white woman to senior played leading part in ompany monopoly on the father Louis Riel breaking the Hudsons Bay Prairies Louis Riel junior was born ve on the Prairies His In St Boniface but was educated in Montreal Now he had returned to Red River and was known to be brillian Nevertheless when it became but vain and unstable known that Canada was planning to take over the Northwest from the Hudsons Bay Company and surveyors began reshaping the land the Metis settlers became alarmed and calle on Louis Riel to investigate So Riel accompanied by few armed Metis rode to where the surveyors were working dis mounted put his foot on the su rve ors chain and said You go no farther He then finmed provisional government took over Fort Garry prevented the intended lieutenant governor from entering the territory and waited for the govemmen with him As it turned out his and reasonable TheivK were acc when the actual ta following year of Canada to negotiate demands were practical epted bythe government eover took place on July 15 the His one big mistake was the shooting of one of the Canadian surveyors Thomas Scott This led to so much animosity in Ontario that there was bounty for his arrest He was not able to take his seat in the House of commons although he was elected by the voters of Provencher He spent several years in mental hospitals in Quebec and then fled to the US He went to Saskatchewan in 1884 led the rebellion the following year and was hanged Was Louis Riel villain or hero Perhaps he was both OTHER EVENTS ON 1676 Public markets were Rivers and Montreal OCTOBER 11 pened in Quebec Three 1776 Carleton defeated retreating Americans on Lake Champlain 1828 HBC Governor Simpson arrived at Fort Langley BC after canoe trip from Hudson Bay barries story October 11 1939 The South Simcoe Plowmens Association conducted its first annual plowing match held on the farms of Morrison Cameron and Sutcliffe It was the first time in 40 years that it didnt rain during the event Work had started on reconstruction of the Barrie Camp Borden road The average attendance of the pupils of Barrie Collegiate and the four public schools dur ing September was 91 per cent according to the monthly report of the principals The Barrie Collegiate seniors defeated Owen Sound in the rugby game held at Agriculture Park in Owen Sound Sam Stransman was chosen president of the Barrie hockey club Special services were held at St Thomas Church to make the completion of the new organi which was built to com memorate the 100th an niversary of the opening of thr church PRICES FORECAST EDMONTON CP Sales managers for hog marketing boards in the three prairie provinces has published price outlook predicting producer hog prices of between $67 and $70 hundredweight during the third quarter of this year for western farmers For the fourth quarter they forecast prices of between $60 and $63 hundredweight The Doctor says Definite pattern in migraine By PAUL DONOHUE MD Dear Dr Donahue My sister who is 62 suffers from migra ine headaches combined with stomach problems She says if she eats anything between meals she gets stomach upset along with the headaches She cannot eat anything until the headaches get better She takes common headache remedies Sometimes she goes without eating for days Doctors have not found anything wrong with her intestinal tract She is aller gic to certain foods like choco late am worried about her Should she see migraine spe cialist MM Classic migraine has definite pattern some nerve disturbance as with vision for example followed by severe headache confined to one side of the skull migraine means halfskull This is followed by nausea and vomiting These symptoms may last for few hours todays Not everyone with migraine will have all the symptoms nor do they have to appear in the order outlined Such headaches are thought due to change in blood vessels that lead to the brain At the start of an attack they become narrowed then dilate expand and pulsate causing pain Common headache remedies are of little help for true migraine attack The treat ment is with ergotamine preparations that help narrow the dilated vessels Allergy does not cause these headaches In answer to your final ques tion yes your sister should see specialist neurologisr There is much we do not know about migraine headache but there has been lot of research into alleviating attacks Dear Dr Donohue was told that my children have sinus problems because they are dark under the eyes But my eye doctor says that is not true they have transparent skin thats all Who is right What other way can you use to tell if they have sinus trouble Mrs KK Put your money on your eye doctor If your children had sinus trouble terrible catch all phrase Im afraid you would probably know of it from their complaints Dear Dr Donohue know man who claims to know medicine He says that by looking in persons eyes he can tell just what ails him or her And he advocates diet without sugar only raw honey No ice cream nothing that has sugar But what id like to know is if he can tell just by looking in someones eyes the state of persons health Is this something new or just quick way to get gullible people to spend their money Mrs EF Doctors can tell lot by looking in your eyes like whether youre alive or dead for example But my advice to you is to look this guy square in the eyes and tell him to get lost Dear Dr Donahue know that PABA is effective in pre venting sunburn when used in sunscreen lotions What about PABA tablets Do they have any value in preventing sun burn or in helping person who is lightskinned to tan MS No PABA paraaminc benzoic acid is one of the building blocks of folic acid vitamin It also has the ability to screen out burning rays of the sun it is used as cream for this and would not help taken orally in tablet form BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Trump coup routs defense NORTH 1011 Vulnerable Neither Dealer South West North East South 10 30 NT 60 3V Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead V5 By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Billy Eisenberg knew that his jump to three clubs had been slight overbid There fore he signed off at three notrump Eddy Kanters fourspade call was one of those allpur pose cue bids to invite slam and acted like red rag to bull Billy jumped to six clubs The heart lead was right up Billys alley He played low and after East failed to pro duce the king Billy saw that his chances for success were very good indeed He led spade to dummys king returned spade to his ace ruffed his jack of spades led club to his ace continued with the king and paused for study after West failed to follow How was Billy going to avoid the loss of both club and diamond Easy for Billy He needed trump coup He led heart to dummys ace ruffed heart led dia mond to dummys ace ruffed dummys last heart and led his small diamond It made no difference who won that diamond trick Billy was left with the queennine of clubs poor East held the jacksix and since he had to play to that trick before Billy the slam came home To save correspondence Without heart lead the slam would not have made daily crossword cYour Birthday Octobor 12 1979 Allies who have proven helpful to you in the past will be there again this coming year to help you further your ambitions Solidify these friendships and be supportive of them when you can LIBRA Sopt 23Oct 23 Per sons who wanl to be in your cor ner could become reluctant sup porters today if they feel yOu are too egocentric Share instead of being selfserving SCORPIC Oct 24May 22 Your biggest enemy today could be your lack of belief in your capa bilities Worrying needlessly about things which may never happen is counterproductive SAGITTARIUS NOV 23Dec 21 Much can be achieved today through organized effort and ingenuity If you hoped to squeak by on your charm and good looks you may be disappointed CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 If you can avoid it today dont put yourself into position where you permit others to make important decisions for you Their judgment may not be as good as yours AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Today there is possibility that you may spend more tIme talking For Better or Worse How CFIN man WHFIT THE MmTER Is You DONT TELL ME witAra You LIVIN6 DONN lTé armor BEATlNe THE HEATING blue ibout fiat yifii want to do rather than doing it Act first Leave the conversation till later PISCES Fb 20March 20 In business matters today take care not to jump to conclusions Study everything very carefully Dig beneath the surface to be certain you have all the facts ARIES March 21April 19 Be prepared in important onelo one relationships today to make some compromise or concession in order to maintain harmony You must give in order to get TAURUS April 20May 20 Man age those in your charge today with gentle hand They will respond in kind to the way you treat them Be considerate not condemning GEMINI May 21June 20 Instead of depleting your THlé WINTER cu HOW DO YOU EXPECT TO ENJOY MY MEAL WITH THAT RACKET Frank and Ernest NOWOR IM GOING TO ANOTHER wesrAuzANrr AStrOGra Bernice Bede Osol resourfis Iooay you would be far wise to work on ways to add to them Dont let extravagant whims gain the upper hand CANCER Jun 21July 22 Someone who cares for you could feel bit alienated today if he thinks you are playing favor ites Take extra pains to treat everyone equally LEO July 23Aug In situa tions today where control is in the hands of Others dont do anything erratic that could jeop ardize your position or deprive you of potential benefits VIRGO Aug 23Spt 22 Nor mally you have the ability tO size up situations at their real worth However viewing the world through rosecolored glasses today could cloud your judg ment WHEN nears NIFPY dusr LEAN was AND Hair UP AM on emu ME YOUD BETTE 170 50145 THING ABOUT IT WIGH ACROSS 51 Wet Answer to Prevrous Puzzle 1875 First Icelanders arrived at Winnipeg BHUONS BOUHT thorou hl 1910 Onhtarlo Hydro System opened at Berlin Kit dugggigggfirngg gathgtgs Russian secret 55 Sphere9 ener police 56 Desen in Asua 911 Monument of General Montcalm was unveiled at munChed through 43 billion Undeniable 53 constenanon Quebec packages of chips nuts pop pine 59 Shed em 1960 Federal government developed program to help corn and other tldblts last year 12 Again 60 Mardi low income families obtain rental housing 77 bags for every man 13 Antmuc sea 61 Eire 1962 Canadian built Starfighter aircraft left for Ger woman and child Thats about 14 Same prefix 62 DOuble curve mflnY $874 million worth ofjunk food 15 Knob 53 539Y afflrmatlve 16 State Fr Gas burner 64 505 18 Sorrel 20 Magic elves DOWN 22 Landing boat Onebulllonth 23 Mscalcuate prefIx 21 Depressmn Inl 45 Havmg long 24 Loudly Fun 16 28 King of Israel Hindu 32 5995 24 Olfactory 46 Date on 33 ocean IIeratue organ 48 Rubber tublng Lives 34 Cornda cheer Vladuc 25 Shaped Ilke 49 Son of 35 Detective 590 an egg Aphrodlte Spade custom 26 Poetic foot 50 Rolls Out 33 Ewe 93 Organic 27 Fictlonal story 52 Infamous onow compound 29 Yowl Roman 40 wand of 19 50 Paclc 30 Century plant empEror More squle mam group 31 Pllsener 53 Cut hair sunsmne 10 Phrase 0f un 37 ish ton ue 54 state abbr demanding 47 German wds 38 Afghan prlnce Chnsnan micle 11 Crumble 41 Labor group Andersen 48 Tiltcd 19 Osirls wife 43 came 57 Bleal 149 1S Rum NOJTHANKS IVE DECIDED To GIVE IT uD IM SLIMMIN LIZ TAYLOR DIDNT 55 fihfih SORTO MKUP SEE ET LL YOUA aorrLE lt srour sacrum Your wedding in citations rm oun cemen ts Headquarters We provide loanoul service NORTH EN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 Prlme Mlnlsfor Clark MP5 and Senators look on as GovGen Ed Schreyer roads the speech frOm fhe throne of Tuesdays opening of Parliament In Of fawu CP Photo

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