the examinermsdgy Oct 10 1279 Ianada ioining US ranks By AlLIETTl nize the right 01 Israel to exist eral Assembly on Nov 1947 preserved the city ofJerusalem UNITED NATIONS cpl as state before the Canadian The plan set up separate Arab as separate entity under UN Kl senior official of the government can sit down for and Israeli states and trusteeship Palestine Liberation talks Wllh PLO represen rganization says that if tatives Tianada wants to address itself SUCh recognition I5 ImPIICIi In for withdrawal Iron occupied the ranks of the United States The PLO still has not recog to the Palestinian question it IESOIlliIlti1245PassedbyihesvL will have to deal with the PLO curity Council after the third whether they like us or not ArabIsraeli war in 1967 It calls Zehdi Terzi the PLOs per Inlanent observer at the UN territories and the right of Is raid in an interview Tuesday rael to exist behind safe and se hat Canada would be joining cure borders it insists on conditions before nized the resolution and insists tealing with the PLO on going back to the partition Tent said he feels that Prime plan adODied bV the UN Gen linister Joe Clarks comments Palestinian grievances are positive step because they UNDER NEW ring Canadian policy back to MANAGEMENT Instwar reality when Canada began its peacekeeping and ruce supervisory roles in the Robert Baudin 6i Middle East and took great answers question Tues painsin its support of refugees day New yorkS Tlark said during the week PLEASANT PLACE TO DEAL Light plane piloyed by Rober Baudin buzzes Assembly and Secretoriatbuildings and offices of Lacuardia Airport Lind that therel is no question at the Pa estinian rie by building in midtown New York City Tuesday Boudns Pulblsher The eXC°VC landed safely where he landed Otter einces have to be recognizged as during more man hreehhouplong low level at LaGuardia airport and told police who arrested 3y hours of circling liegilimate ODAHYSPFCIALS High circling me area The sum forced nervous him that he was attempting to publicize his book gm plane over an area LTAITES CONDITIONS orRIENDLY SERVICE officials to evacuate the United Nations General on ouobography AP PhOIO Bmhe said the pLONllhave in midtown Manhattan COFFEESTILLBO 259INNISFILST 726653l renounce violence and recog 69 DUNLOP WEST Please Read This Notice Carefully It Could CASH PAID FOR COINS STAMPS or SILVER and GOLD COLLEC TIONS ACCUMULATIONS HOARDS or SINGLE ITEMS We will buy one item alone or collection worth Thousands of DoIIars Due to recent increase we have returned can now buy at these higher prices listed below to BUYING ALL CANADIAN SILVER COINS BUYING SILVER DOLLARS BUYING COLLECTORS COINS ANIFO ALI GOLD COINS WANTED STAMPS BUYING All CANADIAN SILVER COINS 567 or Earlier Special $725 CANADIAN LARGE CENTS CANADA US Collections Accumulations or rices at or The allowing prices pal it lLsVER Victoria 50¢ COINS CANADA MINT or FOR EVERY DIME I966 or earlier WE PAY 70 mm °°be C°° CANADAN WA CENTS 1° JAIN sigh 1935 no GeorgeVOnty 5°oa Ram We P0313300 FOR EVERY QUARTER I966 or 947 $35 CANADIAN SWER Cowda 196 USED FOREIGN earlier WE FAY st 75 936 $10 1947 ml $100 Kings soc up In Set We Pay $200 COLLECTIONS FOR EVERY HALF DOLLAR I967 or i937 i948 $350 Moria soc up Co MdaSIOO Ntlï¬ggggfggm earlier WE PAY $350 938 $15 1949 $10 CANADIAN NICKEL 00L We Pay 00 CANADMN OVERs FOR Or I945 $65 to CANADIAN 20 SILVER So versions We Pay 95 earlierSPECIAL WE PAY $725 1858 20 MW CANADIAN MINT 50 URGENTLY EEDED SAME PRICES PAID US SILVER COINS 946 $15 1967 $715 MAM grog so tieso we pay 430 CA $109 SINGLES CAN NICKEL P9704977 NADIAN PLATE SLOCKS 1964 orEARUER PAWS mom gt I890H $125 $3 Pay 300 3500mm At This TIME WE ALSO BUYING CAN I967 To 25 Also WANTED CANADM I948 $25 13 $4 We oy 6000 We Wm make an 0990mm WILL PAY EXTRA PAYING 260 OF FACE VALUE CASED proof SILVER DOLLARS All dates anddenominations UIi $5 We Pay 6100 view 55 and Maia PREMIUMS ON THE FOR EVERY DIME WE PAY 40 BUYING us SILVER DOLLARS Wanted U43 $l0 We Pay $175 Holdings FOLLOWING ITEMS FOR EVERY QUARTERWE PAY $I 00 932323271 dspeml Collections urgently needed 451320 We IOY $350 EASE NOTE Beï¬er Quamy of CAN I945 SILVER ALSO BUYING CAN I968 I0 25 silver onIYI SUP We reserve the right to roioct coins cider Canadians Parï¬cuiariy CAN I947 MAPLE lEAF PAYING 220 OF FACE VALUE FOR EVERY DIME Y8 iimiilgf in pgorconamon All COINS deï¬ed sum Don WE PAY 30 FOR EVERY QUARTER WE PAY 75 es cm 1943 sums REMEMBER WE WILL suv ANY QUANTITYI $5200 ea PLEASE SORT INTO I966 EARLIER I967 I966 LOTS US SILVER DOLLARS I935 $900 EACH AND UP CAN I973 I976 CASED SILVER CAN $10 GOLD CHOICE OR RARE CANADIAN SINGLE ITEMS TYPE COINS Nf Id 52 We Pay $100 up WANTED ULD WE ALSO BUY 50m AND SILVER TERMS Free Estimates No igation Cash Paid AII Transactions Fingl We bu Scra Gold Silver Odd All MILITARY ITEMS Jewellzry Slfch as Rings Chains EXCEPT FIREARMS Remember We Will Pay More For Choice or Rare Sterlingware Dental Work KEYDATECANADIANorUS Single ems or For Large Accumulations grvmuecï¬ons Franklin Mint material Wafers COINSOR COLLECTIONS Bars CANADIAN PAPER MONEY Scrap Gold Afï¬lï¬iffiéléis SELL YOUR UNWANTED ITEMS HAVE EXTRA CASH FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING SLOO each up 9R gram CANADIAN OLYMPIC COINS Ab So take those old coins stamps paper money or What have FRDAY 10 om f0 pm 0V9 0C2 gram PRESENTATION SET your out of your secret drawer or safety depOSIt box and cm 0650 5m DOLLARS bring them in for free offer om to FOREIGN moor 5575 We are interested in any quantityLARGE or small one item SUNDAY I0 am i0 pm Ilh $500 gram ALL FOREIGN COINS2 Ea or 1000 No collection too large MONDAYIOamto8 WW gm Uniï¬gsuéows If transportation is problem please call us OIId we WIII Above items purchased for CANADlAN TOKENS arrange for you to come down by taxi if you live in town and all have items for sale scrap metal vaue only AMERICAN AND CANADIAN RARITIES We will make an appoinlm nt cell we be operating from Vlew 10 9C IOIIS came wswm desired oun BUYING OFFICE ROOM 205 We reserve the right to reject any coin we see in poor THE HOLIDAY INN Do notclean or polish your coins FAIRVIEW Ron ESSA ROAD HIGHWAY 400 EXIT BARRIE ACTION cont anti STAMP EXCHANGE es Member Cana ian ssoc umismatic Delii ersCANDi whether or not in running co dition For SELLER MUST BE 18 YEARS OR OLDER tl Tqjlh an iIIr MAIMl WI It