Jerome is reluctant James Jerome feigns reluctance as he is pulled towards the Speakers chair in the House of Com mons at Ottawa Tuesday after being elected Speaker Opposition Leader Pierre Trudeau left Delegates favor creation of new Acadian province ElnllNliSltix it threeday conference on the political tuture of New Brunswick Acadians the pro vinces Frenchspeaking minority group ended here Monday llll more titan hall the delegates agreeing they favor the establishment of at least an autonomous Acadian pltllltt Preliminary results of ques tionnaires returned by some 800 participants showed that 484 per cent would like to see an Acadian proyinee in the nor them and northeastern areas of what is now New Brunswick Another per cent said they tavor separate Acadian coun try Some Lots delegates and 90 ohseryers met to discuss about 21 ditterent options regarding their political tutiiie including maintaining the status quo lllllillllt llll Quebec or the lnited States establishing separate prmuiee or modify in the setup of New Hriinsn ltk There are ilieiit Monet peo ple in llruiisxy iek he have lllltll as their mother tongue The eoiiterenee iiltillllll by the Acadian Society ml New Brunswick replaced meeting ol an cadian estates general which was cancelled M5 or Zr ggjai savings loan corporation Dunlop at Owen 7269311 WGeorgian 7260340 last year after the provincial government refused to provide funds LRGE IIANGE Another 323 per cent of ques tionnaire respondents said they prefer to remain within the pro Vince but that special govern tneiit structures and decen tralized administration should be created to accommodate the provinces two cultures Areas such as culture health justice and economic develop ment were areas which should be administered locally The delegates unanimoust rejected two options assimilation into the dominant English culture and the idea of Maritime union is about to bring his left foot up to Jerome playful kick At right is Prime Minister Joe Clark CP Photo The suggestion of linking Acadia to the US was favored by 03 per cent of the delegates and the status quo only drew support from 05 per cent Acadians descendants of French settlers make up about third of the provinces popula tion However they have more than their share of low incomes and unemployment One recent study showed high proportion of Acadians tend to be employed in the primary sector lumbering or fishing or in associated manufacturing industries such as food processing or pulp and paper usually at unskilled levels CUSTOM INSTALLATION OF ANY MAKE CAR STEREO OR CB BY PROFESSIONAL INSTALLERS WITH YEARS EXPERIENCE Authorized Dealer lor Craig Audiovox 46I OUNLOP ST WEST UNIT BARRIE ONT NM 454 GARY AITKEN 7057374873 rate subiect It change Without notice Whether you need money for car home improvements or any other worthwhile purpose Wed like Incorporated under the Loan and Trust Corporations Act of the Prawnce otOntario unicipal to help oro station bv Bessie Crawford 4873921 Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Bob Pierrie were Mrs Bob Ryan and Michelle of North Bay Mrs Henderson of Aurora Roy Reid of Detroit Mr and Mrs Cal George of Mississauga and Miss Margaret Forrest of Sault St Marie new group the Pathfinders who are the der sisters of Girl Guides are meeting at Guthrie School on Monday nights from 700 900 pm all girls aged 1215 years old are welcome For more information call Linda at 4873537 The winners at the Monday night euchre were placing first Mrs Hilda Gower and Ralph Swainson second Mrs Norah Mould and Bob DeHart third Mrs Edith Bragg and Bill Bennie low Mrs Dorothy Gentle and Mrs Helen McKay travelling Mrs Muriel Swainson and George Trask If there was anyone missed being canvassed for the CNIB and would like to con Moro muscle for Canadas dollar The products of our mining industry account for about onehalf of Canadas income from abroad If this contribution were to decline the value of the Canadian dollar would fall much lower than it has In Ontario mining mattersto all of us Ontario Mining Association Dependably accu rate beautifully styled exceptionally pncedl 49 Nows the time for Phasar These precision quartz LCD watches have continuous time display for viewing at glance Command display of month date They also feature convenient back light for viewing in the dark Solid state modules guaranteed year aMens 6digit Phasar Continuous hour minutesseconds command calendar display Yellow caseBrown dial 04R 013 783 White caseBlack dial 04R 013 784 Monthdateday bLady Phasar with continuous hourminutes display command calendar seconds Yellow Gold color case bracelet 04R 013 059 Month date Seconds cPhasar chronograph watch stopwatch Combines time and date features plus convenient seconds counter for up to 15 minutes White color 04R 013 992 Month date SimmonsSears Ltd Reg and Was refer to SimpsonsSears Ltd prices Seconds Stopwatch Collection is tribute please call Bessie at 4873921 Congratulations are extended to Mr Jim Dunsmore and Miss Shelley Hockley who were married on Saturday September 29th in Barrie Good wishes for happy mar ried life go to Mr and Mrs Howard Cardwell who were married at Westmount United Chtarch in Orillia on September 22n Churchill by Mrs Saunter 4563999 CHURCHILL Remember the Centennial church service at Churchill United Church on Sunda October 14 at 11 am Frien and former members are invited to stay for fellowship hour over cup of tea at the close Reverend Thomas Page will be the guest speaker Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Wallace Lucas who were married in Stroud United Church on September 29 after Sears CORRECTION In the Sears has Something Special roto on Page the Revlon Makeup Studio not im mediately available Orders will be taken Sears regrets any in convenience this delay may have caused our customers Tllï¬lll 509 Bayfield St Georgian Mall Barrie Store hours Mon Tues Sat 930 am to 530 pm eighborly news the examiner Wodnuday OctlO 1979 31 which the bride and groom received guests at the Lucas home here Mrs Shelagh Blenkarn from Georgian College will speak at the Womens Institute meeting Ihursay night October 11 at pm The theme of the meeting is The Child Mothers of small children especially welcome at the meet at the community hall Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Sherman Todd who mark ed their 57th wedding anniver sary on October 27 special salute to Anne Campbell second prize winner in the Barrie Examiners cookbook contest Anne won $35 with Desert Au Chocolat sim ple filled cookie dessert using whipping cream Mr and Mrs Harry Sloan are visiting Harrys sister Kathleen Clute and her husband Ron at Dundas Joyce Sheppard and Lloyd Graham held the high scores in the Monday evening Curlers Euchres Series There will be another euchre on October 15 lefroy by Georgina Mitchell 4563232 There were 36 in attendance at the free electronic hearing testing that was held at the Lefroy United Church on Wednesday September 26th The hearing aid specialist was Joan Parker from the Downtown Centre in Barrie Joan is the head of the Beltone treating aid service of Simcoe County There will be special meeting for all Legion members No 547 and Aux iliary to be held at the Legion hall Sunday October 14th at 130 pm There will be pot luck supper after the meeting at $150 per person Bring the family everyone welcome OCCUR ALONG BELT Fourfifths of the worlds earthquakes and most volcanic eruptions occur along belt of faults in the earths crust that edges the continents bordering the Pacific Ocean and also cur ves into the mountains north of India WILSON BURNS MENZIES CARROLL PALMER BUMSTEAD Wish to announce that effective October st 979 they will carry on their respective practices as sole practitioners as follows Charles Wilson OC 18 Collier Street Dario Ontario 726658 Edward Burns Collier Street Barrie Ontario 7263000 Marvin Menries ll8 Collier Street Burie Ontario 7263000 Wed Thurs Fri 930 am to 930 pm Enjoy it now Use your All Purpose Account Kevin Carroll 18 Collier Street Barrie Ontario 7263000 Gary Palmer 17 Owen Street Suite Barrie Ontario 7373960 Ross Bumstcnd 18 Collier Street Barrie Ontario 7266581 Sattst action or money refunded