simaaweitivum2 TMV Oct 1979 CIICIIlATION 7266539 NEWSROOM 7266537 we ba the examinr serving home and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 72824l Tower climb not that easy llid John Lawford aim too high 01 are CN Tower officials little petty about the hours they ktcp lhose questions are part of the great TN Tower climb now in jeopa rd Mr Lawford is the Angus man who wants to climb the CN Tower 17 times to raise money for the Barrie and District United Way Its long way to the top 1760 steps to be exact The climber estimates hell need about 12 hours to accomplish the feat if his legs dont give out first that is That it turns out is the least ofhis problems One problem is that on the day of the climb Oct 20 the tower is only open eight hours Short of giving out spare key or Lawford doing the climb on the run there isnt enough time to accomplish the task So far TN isnt showing any inclination to alter its hours to helpout Now it turns out that Toronto United Way officials may not approve either It seems theyre little miffed saying the walk to the top of the tower was their promotion in the first place Astounding Would someone please remind the factions this is for charity And we wonder why world problems dont get solved Your business By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Next Jan Canada and its trading part ners will enter an eightyear period of trade liberalization agreed upon at the recent Tokyo round of tariff negotiations Despite all the brave talk and lofty sen timents about the advantages of freer flow of international trade Canada could be facing wrenching readjustment as the tariff walls come down and the tempo of competition speeds up One area of Canadian vulnerability often overlooked is management skills In the in creasingly highpowered world of in ternational trade Canada apparently lacks the resources to train an adequate number of new professional managers and to keep its existing managerial class abreast of new developments Management education and research in this country are in an acute state of crisis says the interim report of study group that was set up with the support of the Canadian Federation of Deans of Management and Administrative Studies The report was discussed at conference in Toronto Oct and sponsored by the feder ation under the chairmanship of Dean Max Clarkson University of Toronto AMPUS SQtElIZE As the report points out managerial and administrative skills are among the few re sources over which country has significant control In Canada however it found that these scarce resources arent being fully developed Theres no shortage of young people ap plying for admission to university courses in management and administrative studies But our universities are turning prospective students away because the management faculties have neither the staff nor the money to handle larger numbers This is our paradox says the report rich country plagued by complex economic problems where the rising demand for professional managers cannot be met by the postsecondary sector because of lack of resources backgrounder State of crisis in biz schools Yet those economic problems are going to be all the more complex starting in 1980 less than three months from now when we start getting rid of our protectionism Independent Canadian businesses will be overwhelmed by foreign competition the report predicts unless they achieve better cost control marketing and technological developmentWORLD MARKET Evolution of branch plant operations under the new tariff regime will be toward significant world product mandating Instead of producing wide variety of products for the Canadian market these businesses will be instructed to produce one or more lines that will then be sold on world wide basis Such change will require managers able to function on global scale If this manage ment pool is not forthcoming foreign talent will be imported or the plants moved to the United States or to countries where the skills are available Most industrialized countries including Britain France Germany Sweden and the US have concerned themselves with the quantity and quality of their managerial class specifically executives in the public and private sectors This has not been the casein Canada LRGENI NEEI The final report will be presented to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council in December Even now however the consultative group has concluded that the most satisfactory so lution is creation of Management Research Council based on the model of the Medical Research Council that is one that has the capacity to support multidisciplinary approach to management education Thats the key Popular misconceptions to the contrary studies in business management arent confined to such fields as accounting and statistics In fact they range from the behavioral sciences such as clinical psychology to abstract mathematical modelling major effort is needed to provide an adequate level of facilities for education in those demanding facilities not for the sake of the universities but for the good of Canadian society as whole Juvenile crime on upswing NEW YORK AP Until the mid18505 12yearolds were sentenced to death in England In the United States anyone older than 14 was tried as an adult Before that the Puritans labelled as criminals children who were rude or disobedient to their parents But the Western world moved into the 20th century with new concepts of childrens culpability Laws were passed to mete out justice in the best interests of miscreant child They were sent to reformatories and other remedial rograms Now the pen ulum is swinging back in the we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let ters but it you wish pen name will be used Include your telephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page SenJ your to letters to the Editor The Examiner Post Office Box 370 ERIE Ont MM US with series of violent and wellpubli cized crimes by teenagers 13yearold sitting on Harlem stoop casually guns down 16yearold passerby 15yearold murders policeman during Maryland robbery two teenagers are murdered in California Youth Authority reformatory New York once considered the countrys most liberal state has new law allowing l3 yearolds to be tried as adults Traditionally liberal Massachusetts is about to enact law requiring juvenile repeaters to be tried as adults and Illinois is cracking downon multiple offenders California has increased the prison term for youthful murderers and gives prosecutors more leeway in prosecuting juveniles Even relatively crimefree Iowa has new criminal code with mandatory sentences for violent criminals that can be applied to juveniles CRIMES DECREASING The irony is that juvenile crime appears to be decreasing nationally after ristng for nearly two decades According to FBI crime statistics arrests of children under 18 in creased 283 per cent between 1960 and 1975 to almost 17 million from less than 600000 In 1977 the last year for which there are final reports arrests were down to 124 mil lion Criminologists attribute the drop to fewer teenagers children born during the postwar baby boom have reached adulthood But theyre at loss to explain the upsurge in teenage violence The most recent FBI figures show 48 per cent of thOSe arrested for violent crimes murder rape assault were under 18 Experts from the liberal to the hardline have agreed for years that changes were needed in juvenile justice laws still operating from base in early 20thcentury reform morality IIISINISS 7266537 EDITORS ADVERTISING Craig Ison managing editor Len Seyick mana9e Stan Didzbalis City editor Bill McFarlane wire editor SALES REPORTERS WayneHav Stephen Nicholis Aden Smith Dennis Lanthier Steve Skinner Nancy Figueroa Barb Boutton Lori Cohen Calyin Felepchuii TOM Panacci Peter Clark Richard Thomas Stephen Gauer CLASSIFIED Sue Bowen camera operator Terry Field Cathy Heather Mary Delaney Freda Shinnef Janice Morton Parliament Hill By STEWART MacLEOI Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service So Fabien Roy and his tattered band of Social Credit MPs now reduced to five member rump are threatening to throw sand in the legislative mill unless they are recognized as an official political party in Parliament Its called blackmail even if its rather gentle variety What Mr Roy wants is to be officially recognized for parliamentary purposes as the official leader of an official party That way he gets greater recognition from the Speaker during the daily question period he is assured of the additional staff and research facilities accorded official parties and perhaps incidentally he is eligible for leaders salary of $5600 which sits rather comfortably on top of the $41300 received by all MP5 can understand why Roy would want Social Credit to be officially recognizedas political party Its much nicer to be an of ficial party leader than the nominal head of fivemember band of independents To para phrase Spike Milligan it doesnt necessarily bring you friends but it provides you with much better class of enemy ONE GONE Trouble is the Senate and House of Commons Act says that in order to qualify as an official party any particular group must have at least 12 members And after the May 22 general election Social Credit could claim only six all from Quebec Since then the party has lost Richard Janelle the 32year old MP from Lotbiniere who quit with the view that Social Credit is not viable party it has no future in this form and cannot survive except as pressure group Roy an ardent Quebec nationalist has been fully occupied trying to maintain the By SEAN FINLAY of The Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Whump Sinc Stevens hits the coffee table with his ist Its the most irresponsible thing thats ever happened in Canadian history Hes talking of the federal budget deficit Hes been talking about it since he became president of the Treasury Board in June He hits out at the bureaucrats the Liberal cabinet he claims was responsible for the deficit the bleeding hearts who want to keep deficits going wasteful government spending PetroCan and the crafty socialists For an hour he talks an angry and con cerned man dropping highlevel political gossip here remembering there to put arcane talk of revenue expenditure and deficit into terms the average man in the street can understand The deficit Stevens talks about is really very simple This year the Canadian govern ment will spend $11 billion more than it takes in DEFICIT DISASTROlS There is no industrial nation in the world that is spending 25 per cent more than revenue says Stevens That means he says the federal govern ment borrows to cover the deficit to cover the 25 per cent it doesnt raise The debt multiplies with every generation that comes along Theynot only have to pay that debt thev Peggy Chapell supervisor Doug aoni VSs Sean Finlay Bleeding hearts all alike says testy Sinclair Stevens Ssx btshed datlyexcept Circulation ADC Only the median Pro may republish new storm in tho IlgfiIaitEétfuoh accountant Kerhev loreman Sunday and newspaper credited to CF to Aimclot hon Into or Apron Fran PM Delve Mills gangstmggsass rem statutory holidaYS andlocnl new norm pubon on the Iorrio hammer L9 WE Ktzéfrngarn The lame hornnor clounn copyright all original news and Mortsing motan Jean Bass cam and by employ and published in this newspaper 59 WHY YEARLV by carrier ngm Copyright registration number mots register R° GM 3y MAIL Barrie Cl RCULATON JEd 54940 The advertiser equal that the 243 shall not tor Wansings am ln Mn is amount po wac octuo ouu Bill Hollies manager Susan Kitchen SIMCOE COUNTY 00 tWY Steve White assistant manager yvonn Sierps Pi ESSRIDM Al Laplame Al Hanson foreman Lisa Warry Don Near assttoreman Elaine Burton Fred Prince Cheryl Aiken KIM Pattenden ON EOCIAL EN6A6EMENT5 FABIEN ROY Socred leader allegiance of his remaining four followers He claims to be very confident about three of them but he doesnt seem too sure about the fourth All things being considered Fabien Roy wouldnt appear to be in strong bargaining position for official recognition although the Tories who successfully wooed Janelle into the fold and are still seeking additional recruits seem somewhat sympathetic Government House Leader Walter Baker has been inviting Roy to meetings of house leaders and the government proposes to provide Social Credit with the frontrow seat ing arrangement that is normally given to official parties But Roy wants to make it official just as was for Real Caouette when he returned to Ottawa with an 11member caucus in 1974 At that time Parliament approved additional have to pay the interest on it The net result is so disastrous that when we sit down to plan for 1981 we find that off the top we have to find $16 billion for interest increases alone The old age pensioners wont get it it wont go to family allowances The $16 billion is gone Not only is Stevens sure about how much he knows who to blame The fault says Stevens lies with previous government that couldnt live withinits means He gets more specific as he warms to his subject When Pierre Trudeau took office in April 1968 the net debt was less than $20 billion When he left IMay 22 this year it was about $54 billion LlST T0 SPEND In war time says Stevens it was the survival of the nation that brought build up of the deficit Not now he says Its our lust its governments appetite to spend warped view of the theories of John Maynard Keynes is the how of the deficit Stevens maintains Keynes an English economist theorized that there are cycles in nations economy Government said Keynes is factor in nations economic performance and should build up surplus in boom times to help the nation through economically depressed times Now poor old Keynes sighs Stevens if COMPOSING ROOM SUREJS ToueH To LIVE éECURlTY Gosil Av TROUBLE ON MY SALARY HY DONT You D0 WHAT 00 AND INVEST lN SToch AND BONDépLlND SOME gPrAKlNe 00 by that portion of the odvortiumoni WhKh the error attuned whether uxh or 39 ror II do to tho WIICM of its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liabiIty for non mutton at any odvortuomont beyond the ornounl paid tor loch MOTOR THROWOFF 341508 Year MIIOMOVII ELSEWHERE IN CANADA The Publisher rouon the right to edit rovno clauity ropct an advertn $4100 Year Zxxx ll IS expenditures to cover Mr Caouettes leaders pay research facilities and more staff It could be argued that Roy deserves of ficial recognition because Parliament established precedent in 1974 by giving such recognition to political group electing fewer than 12 MP5 and now we are merely in numbers game If the rules are broken for one leader it could be argued then subsequent leaders should enjoy the same privileges SPECIAL ASE It is not however that simple Real Caouette was special case highly respected and influential federalist who was elected to the Canadian Parliament with great deal to contribute to the countrys fu ture And as the leader of an official party he was given an opportunity to comment on ev ery ministerial statement participate on an equal footing with other opposition leaders in major debates and generally enjoy all the privileges of being leader of cohesive political force But should the same courtesies be extended to the present leader dedicated Quebec na tionalist who was openly supported by the Parti Quebecois and whose own personal ideologies are likely to further divide his party remnants Offhand would say no Heaven knows the legislative machinery already moves slowly enough without fivemember opposition group being given the privilege among others of choobgig debating subjects on four designated days Parliament decided long ago that extending official recognition to tiny political groups could lead to chaos This seems to be good time draw the line and to restore it to 12 And if Fabien Roy carries through his threat to disrupt the legislative machinery we can deny unanimous consent and things like that then his own voters can pass judgment on his course of action he ever realized how they ve bastardized what the poor man said dont know what hed do The bleeding hearts seized on the fact you could have with credible economist supporting you deficit So claims Stevens they in effect said thats great fun lets not worry about balancing the budget too much Stevens says he is dumbfounded by bureaucrats in Ottawa who say the deficit is needed to keep the economy going He was accused recalls Stevens of holding an untraditional view by senior bu reaucrat when he suggested that it was important to narrow the deficit Almost sadly Stevens recalls his words to the bureaucrat Are you saying that running deficit of the magnitude were running is the traditional thing Show me another period in history in which any country has consistently run that kind of deficit and survived bible thought lint Jesus beheld them and said unto them With men this is impossible but with God all things are possible Matthew 1926 Just because we cant understand it we sometimes think that God cant do it but He can and He will Only believe The Dome retainer is member of the Canadian hon CF and Audit Ivroou at The world today place in sun By JOHN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service We called them the DPS after World War Two those millions of displaced persons which the war had created Concentrated in those parts of the world where the bitterest battles were fought throughout Western and Eastern Europe and in South East Asia they were phenomenon of abject human tragedy never to be re peated How many millions of them filled the DP camps of the late 19405 we have already for gotten But all of them were victims of both the politics and the grim terror of war Tens of thousands filled Western European camps because they had fled the captive provinces and conquered countries under Soviet con trol They included people from the prewar Baltic republics annexed bv the USSR in 1940 antiCommunist groups from the Ukraine and Central Asia who had fought with the Ger many Army in Russia and who faced im mediate execution if returned to the Soviet Union And there were other tens of thousands of DPs harmless victims of wars mer cilessness who had fled towns and villages no longer in the same countries at wars end because of postwar boundary changes And there were the tragic remnants from the six million Jews and other nationalities who were exterminated in the Nazi death camps situated around Eastern and Western Europe NEW DP GENERATION Incomprehensibly and without our awareness the world 35 years after World War Two has filled up again with millions of political and other kinds of refugees The many socallcd conventional wars of our era have produced most of them as well as violent political changes in many nations And though several millions of people have been displaced during the 19705 alone it is the plight of the Vietnam ethnic Chinese boat people which has brought them all to public gaze again The boat people might represent figure of half million or more according to aid and rescue services in Hong Kong and elsewhere But before they hit the news Bangladesh accounted for about 375000 from the India Pakistan War of 1971 Thailand holds another 160000 victims of the various wars in Indo China of this decade In the Middle East there are 688000 Palestinians in Jordan and another 310000 in the West Bank of the River Jordan territory under Israeli military occupation They make up nation in exile all by themselves African states like the Sudan Tanzania Ethiopia Zaire and Angola are overflowing with refugees from the several bitter civil wars in that continent during the present decade Cyprus has another 300000 internally displaced as the cool United Nations ex perts say They are Greeks mainly who have lost homes and businesses from the Turkish invasion of the northern comer of that troubled island during 1974 ZimbabweRhodesia has half million blacks also internally displaced Many were moved forcibly from farms and an cestral villages near that countrys borders because they sympathize with the guerrilla run Patriotic Front determined to rule in the new country Only the Western Hemisphere with the recent exception of 20000 Nicaraguans in exile against the former brutal dictator Anastasio Somoza is free of these new waves of displaced persons CUBANS DID BETTER Indeed the largest flow came from Cuba during the 19605 mainly middle class Cubans fleeing to southern Florida from Castros Communist Government They have become new and wealthy elite in the United States Interpreting the news Race backlash still growing WASHINGTON CP The racial backlash that followed the resignation last month of United Nations Ambassador An drew Young has grown as American black groups increase their contacts with the Palestinian Liberation Organization Ironically there is evidence the Carter administration could have defused the situation from the start but chose notto do so Youngs resignation was necessary because he lied to his state department superiors about secret meeting he held with the PLO but it now is generally considered the Israelis got Young because of that meeting Today black leaders are embracing the PLO in delegations to the Middle East and there is strong antiIsraeli strain in many of their public statements Israelis and Jews in United States feel black Americans are giving comfort to bitter enemy the PLO that wants to destroy Israel Some political observers feel the Carter administration wants talks with the PLO at an official level but finds it politically unacceptable to say so The US has longstanding commitment to Israel not to talk with PLO leaders But there is some feeling that Carter has subtly encouraged black leaders to seek dis cussions with the PLO That would be one way of letting the PLO get message to Americans that it is willing to talk about peace in the Middle East During the last weekend Jackson and 17 member delegation met PLO guerrilla leader Yasser Arafat in Beirut Arafat said in the presence of American reporters that the PLO now is willing to talk with US officials about Middle East peace tl