14 the examiner Tuesday Oct 1979 The Doctor says AShOGra Bernice Bede Osol Fonfonelles rr Alums34 VT tingan television guide TUESDAY EVENING VIEVVING 600 NEWS PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED CAROL BURNE FRIENDS No POLKA DOT DOOR 828 NEWS 630 Noe NEWS MARY TYLER OR SHOW cas NEWS age NEWS WS RHODA FABLES OF THE GRE FOREST EN 855 WRITE 0N1 700 CANDID CAMERA LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS Tic TAc DOUGH WHATEVER TURNS You ON The cut attempt to rucue kidnapped Kevin Sonora Kevin Schenka aunt onion Inlo negotiation to secure the ralnu of the pizza Some STREET TALK PEOPLE AND PETS FAMILY FEUD MAUDE 730 MUPPETS SHOW NEWLYWED GAME CONLONS ONTARIO JOKERS WILD STARS ON ICE emu om Badller Jim and Judy Sladky The Letterman ny Plummer LIVELY COUNTRY MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHART SHOW MASH am THE MISADVENTuRES OF SHERIFF L030 Loboa com to make few extra bucks pate him into trouble whenhebocomeaapannorlnnmlpblntmdy to learn that In atrippora are meter 00 Uh WORLD SERIES CALIFORNIA FEVER SohoolaoutforthewrmnernndVinceand Rou have fun on their mlnda but problem on their hence when they meet an elderly woman whos on the run from the police 00 It PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED TUTANKHAMUNS EGYPT WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT MOVIE COMEDY BIIIIon 830 crv TUESDAY MOVIE Tno Greek Tycoon 1978 Store Anthony Quinn uollna Blunt THE REAL STORY MCCLOUD 900 III TUESDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES Amerlcan Graffitl 1913 Store hard Dre nu Ron Howard TUE DAY NIGHT MOVIE lho Solitary Man 1979 Stan Earl Holllman Carrie WNIITIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 1000 In COPE GLOBAL NEWS UPDATE in NEWS 1001 STARSKY AND HUTCH 1030 JOYS OF COLLECTING 1100 CBC NEWS NEWS CTV NEWS Mr III THE REAL STORY MOVIE COMEDYWESTERN Kid Blue 1111 1115 NEWS 1120 NEWS 1125 NEWS 1127 NEWS 130 cas LATE MOVIE mv JONES IIgo Of Evil young film director to dishcud because he feela that an over thehltl star la ruining hle film Repeat ALL TIE KIND STRANGERS 1974 Stars Stacy on Samantha Eager PARTY GAME TALKING FILM SPORTS PROBE 1145 NEW KIND OF FAMILY MOVIE ROMANCEMUSICAL An American In Paris 1951 1150 THE TONIGHT SHOW hoot David Letterman Guut Ben Brenner 90 min 1200 MOVIE DRAMA Inn at Sixth Happlnou 11m KOJAK MERV GRIFFIN 1215 ONEDIN LINE MOVIE UNANNOUNCED 100 In MEDICAL CENTER 120 TOMORROW Hoot Tom Snyder Gueat Mayor Frank nine of Philadelphia 60 mine 30 GONG SHOW TITLE historically speaking canadas story North West Mounted Police Arrived At WhoopUp Yesterdays story about Gabriel Dumont mentioned that his on equal as la Prairie guide and hunter may have been NWMP scout Jerry Potts It was on this day in 1871 that the first contingent of North West Mounted Police arrived at their objective Fort WhoopUp south of present day Calgary They had trekked all the way from Emerson Southern Manitoba distance of 800 miles and lost their way at Sweet Grass They needed guide so Colonel Macleod went to Fort Benton in the US where he was advised to hire Jerry Potts halfbreed hunter Jerry took the NWMP to Fort WhoopUp without further difficulty and continued to be the chief guide of the police until he died in 1896 One of objectives of the NWMP was to get rid of the illicit furtraders known as Wolfers who were robbin the Indians They got the Indians intoxicated by giving em drink called WhoopUp Bug Juice It was boiled bad whisky tobacco ginger and other spices combined It drove the Indians crazy and then the Wolfers took their furs The illicit furtraders headquarters was Fort Whoop Up but they learned that the police were coming and fled before they arrived However it did not take the police lon to drive them from the Prairies motto of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police who took over the NWMP in 1920is Maintiens le Droit which means Uphold the Right The Indians learned that the NWMP were on the Prairies tO protect them as well as the white settlers with the result that the settlement of the Prairies in Canada was far more peaceful and orderly than it was in the US OTHER EVENTS ON OCTOBER 1682 Governor Frontenac was recalled to France 1838 Lord Durham resigned 1899 Soulanges Canal near Montreal was opened 1909 Paper Mill was opened at Grand Falls New foundland 1909Benny Hollinger discovered gold at Timmins Ontario 1918 Canadians took part in battle of Cambrai 1961 Mrs Franklin Roosevelt ened Memorial Uni versity at St Johns New oundland 1963Canada and US agreed to store nuclear mis siles PA Bye bye Tut barries story October 1962 big crowd showed at the an nual Legion Wheels Soap Box Derby to watch threehour skill session given by their sons and daughters ranging in ages from seven to 12 yearsold Miss Cora Baily was guest speaker at the fall conference of the Federation of Women Teachers Association of On tario which was held at Johnston Street School The Barrie Horticultural Society conducted bus tour throughout northern Ontario to view the Cavalcade of Color Miss Gail Atkinson of Barrie was awarded $200 Depart ment Of Health bursary The bursary was made available to students with an average of 75 per cent or more in the top eight subjects Temperatures were in the low 60s in most parts Of the area St captured the Interchurch Softball League championship The Barrie Arena underwent an interior facelift in prepara tion for the winter season Yale Kneeland foreground of the New York Museum and traveling curator for the King Tut exhibit and an assistant right check the Gold Mask at the de Young Museum in San Francisco as the exhibit is prepared for shipment to Toronto where it goes on display Nov The San Francisco showing of the exhibit closed Sunday AP Photo FIRST TO REACH MARK In 1978 the GermanDutch PolyGram group became the first music cnte rise in the world to exceed $1 illion US in record and cassette sales DA OPENS IN TORONTO Do the awardwinning pla by Hugh Leonard now in its second year on Broadway has SeptemberOctober run in To ronto SHAW BREAKS RECORDS NIAGARAONTHELAKE Ont CP The Shaw Festival broke all its boxOffice records during recent week with its eight productions playing to nearcapacity audiences fes tival spokesman said the weeks 21 performances at tracted 11660 people 743 Short of sellout ALCOHOLICS NOT SEEN LONDON CP Nine out of 10 alcoholics go unnoticed by their doctors claim two psy chiatrists in the British Medical Journal Doctors Christopher Jarman and John Kellet also found that alcoholics and prob lem drinkers are six times more common among hospital patients than in the general population Andrews Church team soft spots By PAUL DONOHUE MD Dear Dr Donahue This is about the soft spot on babys head am visitor in this country have girl about 10 years of age whose soft spot is still soft She is not of strong constitution but attends school Can you please suggest some thing to do 6115 The two soft spots in babys skull are called fonta nelles They are points where the bones of the skull even tually meet If the skull were rigid and tightly fitted in the early months there would be no room for the brain to increase in size The front anterior fonta nelle measures up to 25 inches lengthwise and it normally closes between the fourth and 26th months The back post erior fontanelle is smaller about an inch and it usually closes by the second month Most new parents believe that the skin protects their babys brain when the fon tanelles are still unclosed This is not true rather tough membrane does bridge the gap between the bones but care still is required and fontanelles should never be toyed with Yes of course at age 10 your daughters fontanelles should have closed You should have this child examined promptly if you have not This can indicate serious medical problems She needs skull xrays On the other hand what you feel may be defect in the bone and not fontanelle Check to be sure Dear Dr Donahue My question is Is there drug that will dissolve gallstones If there is name it had ultrasound and theres stone in the duct have had trouble with it lately Mrs MTJ prefer to avoid discussion of treatments not available to patients But rules are made to be broken Your question ap pears with some regularity so Im breaking the rule Yes there is medication that dissolves gallstones But it is not yet ready to put on the market It is called cheno deoxycholic acid Success with it has been limited to specific cases of gallstones It is not nor will it be the answer to all types Of gallstones and there are still questions about such thingsAas side effects For the present you should avoid foods that stimulate the gall bladder fried foods fatty foods for examples Otherwise surgery is the only presently accepted treatment Dear Dr Donohue am mailman and walk all day and jog at night wonder what kind Of rubbing ointment can use on my legs After all mailmans legs are very essen tial in hisjob ww Ive heard of busmens holidays but dont know many mailmen who jog after days work doubt you need it Many liniments with win tergreen in them help give relief Dear Dr Donohue Have you heard of perforated eardrum healing itself MT If the perforation is small it might heal itself BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Dubious game driven home VAQJIOH A32 0Q82 Vulnerable Neither Dealer West West North East South 24 gt Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Now that Amalya Kearse has accepted federal judge ship we doubt if she will find time to do any more bridge translations Her last one of Bridge Analysis by Jose Le Dantu is fascinating collec tion of hands but Claude was there and wanted to bring it in Things didnt look at all good but Claude worked it out He took his ace of diamonds led his singleton spade and finessed dummys 10 after West played low SO far so good Then he discarded his two losing diamonds on the spade ace and king led club from dummy East rose with his king and led trum Claude finessed West took his king and led trump back Claude drew trumps and led his last low club West had to play his ace and Claudes queen became his 10th winner Note that it would have done East no good to lay low Claude would have ayed his queen and been ab to ruff his third club in dummy You hold lOBB 00 New York expert who only opens fivecard majors asks if we would open this Here is one layed by hand one heart Claude Delmouly our hearts Yesv we 011M Trea 1059 is right optimistc contract hearts 35 fivecard SUltr daIly crossword ACROSS 42 Thesis Answer to Prevrous Puzzle 44 Built Swabs the 46 Farmyard deck sound Dawdle 48 Inventor Soldiers Whitney address 49 Cajole abbr 53 Pack animal 12 Grimace 57 Nuclear 13 Madame agency abbr cont 58 Vortex 14 Mother 60 Metal 15 Old Testament 61 Tangle book 62 Songstress 16 Commentator Horne Sevarerd 63 One 17 lndivrdual 64 Golf expert 18 City in 65 Photograph Alabama 66 Lawn wrecker 20 Slunk 22 Valuable card DOWN 24 Dryas Wine 25 Hebrew Mesdames 29 Deposned abbr moisture Slime 33 Perform In Knitting stitch play Sailor 34 Podium Madame 36 Dreadful abbr 37 German Rowing tools negative Hurts 39 0f liqurd Han show waste Raging 41 Tell tales manner 10 Window 35 Progenitor compartment 38 Tnle 11 Was indebted 40 pnson room 43 Yells l9 Sour 21 Shot holemg 935 one 47 Ancrent 23 Hairy man 49 Tap dOWn 25 Author Grey 50 Hold up well 26 Glazes 51 Outer prefix 27 American 52 Authoress palrm Ferber 28 Become 54 River In Italy 30 5er 55 Drudge 31 Amencan 56 Before Lat Ind 59 Sound from 32 Land contract kennel cYour cBirthday October 10 1979 This coming year could herald the conclusion to many things which no longer serve any pro ductive purpose in your life Your positiOn gets stronger as each occurs allowing you to develop new things which will add to your growth LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Depression need not overcome you today if you feel your ideas are being thwarted Redirect yourself Find different route of expression Short Ribs of 14er HIS HEAD AND HIS Alva His MIDIIlium out my Winthrop LE6 WCK OFF FEIZ MAGNLINEQ SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 In joint ventures today its best that you take back seat Let others run the show There is strong possibility your ideas are on the wrong track SAGITTARIUS NOY 23Dec 21 Personal strivings for attainment must not take precedence over the needs of those with whom youre involved today You could be labeled selfish CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 More concrete knowledge could be necessary before you take on major project today Double check all your ways and means with someone in the know AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Below making plans involving your friends find out What they think about the activity Surpris THE RACK F012 HIM THUMBSCIZEWS FOR HIM $9 NORTH ER STATIONE 29 Dunlop 51 7373860 REFDEIN To Buy ME couPLE OF EERS IS ON THING gw runnhOu garMn mi RY ingly lifey may not agree with what you had in mind PISCES Feb 20March 20 Placing your mates interest above your own today could avoid domestic spat and in the long run have he or she catering to you Try it youll like it ARIES March 21April 19 Strive to be cooperative rather than critical today Sincere com pliments Will go long way Where harsh remarks could cause prob lems TAURUS April 20May 20 Temptations might arise today to encourage you to buy things you dont need or perhaps cant even afford Live within your means GEMINI May 21June 20 Take care of domestic responsibilities THOSE FIVE lNTO THE DUNGEON Hold Mervin 10¢ OrlnnyNEA an IN My us 910 Bur PREFERRIN TDHAYTHE WAT RATE Your wedding invitations nnoun cements Headquarters We provide loanout service THOUGHT IT ONLV APPROPRlATE To EEEVE CHAMPAGNE IN THESE suzlzounomes mesr ENEMY Eur THE comesrIrION 15 GETTING erFFEI ALL THE TIME ma Dy NE me early today It you dont When you later want to do something for yourself you wont be able to CANCER June 21July 22 Chances are you wont have all the facts on an important matter and could jump to conclusions prematurely causing needless frustration for yourself LEO July 23Aug 22 Unless you are prepared to alter your thinking concerning financial matter today you could suffer an irreplaceable loss Keep flexi ble mind VIRGO Aug 2380511 22 This is not day to throw caution to the winds and bank of speculation Deal With the realities in life not the rainbows MONDAY AAOIZNING IS BUMMEI FOR TRAFFIC COURT THAYE5 Io9