lifestyle the examiner Wednesday Oct 1979 Hopeful faces HONG KONG Young Vietnamese children stand in doorway of their temporary home Ma tau Wa refugee camp in downtown Hong Kong as they await admittance to Canada and other countries people and places Horticulturalsocie banquet ThUVSday OCLQber Joseph Connell Secretary of 815 pm at the Georgian C01 Th 630 pm at central unwed the Grand Valley Conservation lege Theatre The per ame Horticunural Church 54 Ross Street Bame Authority from Waterloo formance will feature the WSociety will hold its annual Guest speaker Will be Megs Houseplant pointers Centre for Seniors from 10 7282347 amt02pm Bridge BYJEANGABU The Royal Victoria Barrie HorticulturalSomety Subscribe now and save on Hospitals marathon bridge am assuming that by now you have brought in your houseplants and taken slips for all that you wish to pro Huronia Symphony pre drea porter 7262394 or pagnate season free concert will be Madeline Mckenna 72817730 Here are some pomtcrs to help you to take proper care of performed at the Bayfield before October The your houseplants PINCHING pinching back is imply using your thumb and first finger to snip out the growing point of plant This shortening of young shoots is done to make plant full and bushy or make the plant produce more flower buds coleus plant bushes out in just few days after small pinches Ivy will send out many new shoots when the growing tip is pinch ed back Most young annual plants will have many more flowers if you pinch out the first flower buds Beginning pinchers should mainly limit their efforts to viney houseplants such as philodendrons ivies annuals and herbs Large leaved houseplants mostly should be left alone to develop their own shape WATERING More plants die from overwatering than any other cause Most beginners in their concern decide to give their new plants little drink of water every day Dont do it Con stant watering drives all the air from the soil and roots need to have oxygen for healthy growth Plant roots will begin to rot in overwatered soil Never water plant with cold water They like water from the tap pleasantly warm Make sure that plants dont sit in saucers of water Empty the saucers underneath plants within few hours or plants again will have no supply of air from the bottom Water each plant thoroughly letting the water come through the drainage hole Place pots on saucers filled with pebbles for extra humidity Small pots dry out much faster than big ones and clay pots need water more often than those of plastic Hanging pots dry out much sooner than those on the ground or on table Plants need more water during hot weather and peak periods of growth Watering potted plant adds weight to the soil so that lifting the pot gives you another clue about the time to re water If you lift your pot after watering and then again several days later there will be much lighter feeling when the water has left the soil FEEDING Your new houseplant has been carefully planted by com mercial grower in soil mixture which contains proper nutrients for its growth The soil and fertilizer already in the pot should furnish enough food for the next two to three months so dont feed newly purchased plants This plant is trying to adjust to your home conditions and at this time does not need any extra stimulation from more food However the time will come when watering will wash away most of the fertilizer and regular feeding should begin Three to four feedings year will keep most foliage plants in good health The plant should be in active growth when fed and always when the soil is moist Avoid feeding plant when its growth has slowed down or stopped period called dormancy This dormant period comes to some plants dur Dr The camp quarters formerly school for delin quent girls are cramped with the refugees and their possessions CP Photo Tickets for the roast beef dinner are $650 available by calling 7284032 or 7283873 Bazaar Baking preserves and crafts will be featured for sale at the fall harvest bazaar Saturday October 13 at the Parkview the upcoming season of the Mall at and pm Saturday October 13 The regular season begins Sunday November 18 Seagram Guest Artist Concert with the piano and violin duet of Desmond Maley and Donald Reed awardwinning young artists from Barrie and Sud bury Cost for three concerts is $12 for adults $8 for students and seniors Call Hilda Stephenson will be starting soon Call An marathon consists of 10 games at $1 per game in Canada Over million women living in poverty By JULIET ONEILL OTTAWA CP Mary 67 single pensioner hates having to buy toilet paper or soap or toothpaste because she canteat it She is constantly afraid her next cheque will come late and she will run out of food Anna 29 mother of two whose husband cannot find steady work dreads the thought of winter because last years heating bills are not fully paid Lorraine middleaged mother abandoned by her hus band knows that her three chil drens diet of bread macaroni rice and hamburger is in adequate but it is all she can afford These threi stories are typi cal of 12 million Canadian women living in poverty says National Council of Welfare re port released onday In the report the 21member council appointed to advise the federal government on welfare policy recommends changes in social programs tax rules the labor code and maritaldivorce laws to steer women out of pov erty It recommends higher welfare and pension benefits tougher equalpay laws stricter enforcement of child maintenance orders parental leave rights for men and women workers hasslefree divorce laws and tax credits to benefit lowincome parents Color Your World PREPASIED WALLPAPER Even at this low price you can get super selection of designs In the first study of its kind singling out the nature of poverty among women only the council found that one in 10 men cannot support their fami lies that three of five poor adults are women and that one in six women are poor It said that 1219000 women or 16 percent of the female adult population live on an in come below the government calculated poverty line That is compared with 851000 men or 11 per cent of the male adult population The govemments poverty line scale ranges from an an nual $3520 for single person in rural community to $14336 for family of seven in big city The poverty line for family of four in mediumsized city is $9976 The general rule of thumb is that families spending more than 61 per cent of their income on minimum food clothing and shelter necessities are poor The council said the root of poverty among women is the erroneous assumption that the male half of the population will always financially take care of the female half When the male provider fails to materialize or leaves or dies women are suddenly told it is up to them to find ways to support themselves and their families the report said UNABLE TO COPE Not surprisingly many women in those situations are unable to cope Given their lack of preparation and the little support they find in our society what is more surprising is that so many are managing as well as they are The council found the largest group of poor women are mar ried Their husbands are unem ployed earn low income have seasonal or parttime work are disabled or have re tired Married women total 35 per cent of the female poor popu lation not including women with stingy husbands or grand mothers and aunts living with relatives because they have no money of their own The council also calculated that 51 per cent more twospouse families would be poor if wives did not work outside the home 01 the 12 million poor women the council said 35 per cent are married 26 per cent are divorced separated or wid owed single women 12 per cent are divorced separated or wid owed mothers 14 per cent are single and six per cent are teen agers The council calculated that of every 100 girls 94 marry and six remain single Of those who marry 85 have children and 12 of them get separated or di vorced Of the nine who dont have children three get sepa rated or divorced 0f the 79 who stay married 53 outlive their husbands Color Your World VINYL WALLCOVERINGS Printed with vinyl inks to be stain resistant and easily washable These pure vinyl wallcoverings are prepasted and totally dry strippahle gagement McLeodHeittola Mr and Mrs Ernest McLeod of Minets Point are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Susan Heather to Terry Lawrence Heit tola son of Mr and Mrs Lawrence Heittola of South River The marriage is to take place at St Georges Anglican Church on October 20 WALLCOVERINGS These foil wallcoverings add elegance to any room Prepasted scrubbable and stainresistant ing the low light days of winter when it stops making new leaves Never feed sick plant as this can do harm to its Jaynee 33 4v weakened system Any all purpose fertilizer contains the three elements which plants must have for good gowth and health You should become familiar with the names of these three elements and know little about how each one affects your plants These three elements are Nitrogen 1N1 Potassium Pt Phosphorous K1 and are always listed in this par ticular order On bags bottles or packages of fertilizers you will see three numbers which stand for the amounts of these three elements Thus when label reads 1086 you will know the contents are 10 per cent Nitrogen per cent Potassium and six per cent Phosphorous Nitrogen promotes fast leaf growth Potassium strong cell growth and PhosphorOUS stimulates all over plant development All of these are necessary for your plants well being SOCIETY NEWS Ninetyone members of the Barrie Horticultural Society went on the five day tour to Cape God All returned safely after very good tour God blessed all with beautiful weather One bus ran into terrible fog the last part of the jouniey but it was good tour On Wednesday October 9t members will take the one day color tour to Bancroft and Algonquin Park Thursday October is the annual banquet of Barrie Hor ticultural Society With Speaker like Dr Joe Connell we hope you wont miss it District No 16 seminar comes up Saturday October 13 in Cookstown small bus will be going from Barrie Details from hookers Summer so soon Summer fashions are already being modelled in warmer climes Designer Lancettis line was shown in Milan featuring bright colors small waistlines and foulards AP Photo 98 59 Eiilgle fienrgle roll roll Comparable retail price $399 Comparable retail price $1295 98 98 98 firirgl 51 roll roll Comparable retail price $1395 to $19 93 omparahle retail price $1995 FMAKERS PR1 Most wallpapers are sold from books at the makers book price The same wallpaperif in stockmay sell for less The compar KARO 308 Buyfield 51 Associate Dealer Jock Yocom 7265396 tail price indicates the price for comparable quality otcompetitive products You can save the difference Every Item is always sold with an unconditional moneyback guarantee of Quality CYW79N22