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Peggy Chapell SVMVISO 0W9 30 no MOTOR THROW OFF my who 93 iii beyond of amount paid to such Terry Field Freda Shinner Alva LaPianle fasioaagmman s4i 50a year WV Jam Mono Eizntgsrton 2° Pea 335 wrem ELSEWHERE CANADA Tho Publllh ranwar tho right to odit ravin cloudy or rapt on advrm 7266537 7266539 7266587 72824I 7266537 Cheryl Aiken Kf°en°den $4100 Weltare comment parliament Hm CO LIVI Root Cf VISed AilTee got MomHg our Ald Gord Mills use of the term welfare bums is regret VACATION table MWING ON It insults those less fortunate than ourselves who find the TEXn LEE EKé legitimate need for welfare assistanca AFTER Two YE AN It also demeans the responSible office to which Mr Mills CHEMlCAL was elected including no doubt the votes of some of those YéEMA OR By STEWART MacLEOl Same If Wpe Li MAG AFTER fiimï¬iiï¬ii Service If Mr Mills wanted to make point about welfare he could feel like mmpy partypooper but no have talked about the system which locks in recipients by matterhow hargltryIStiIlcantgetintothat reducing benefits if they find work euphoric letshearoneforFlora celebration that seems to be enveloping our latest contn In making his sweeping generalization Mr Mills ignores butiontotheumted Nations city figures which show 95 per cent of those on welfare in AndIfeel badly about it becausel have an Barrie are unemployable for one reason or another enormous adnairatiotn for tilora Mchopald our genuine own oear minis er ex Por the remainingfive per cent there may be some purpose term affairs who is quitting herself behind the Tosorontio Township resolution recommended by admirably in her difï¬cult portfolio So far Mr Mills which calls for ablebodied persons to do public and this surprises no one she hasnt work before receiving welfare committed one discermble miscue she has th performed magnificently in helping to ex ndilswgre queS Ion 0w many 10 tricate her government from that messy municipality has to offer these people or how much the tax israeii embassyhassle and external affairs payer can bear for make work programs if that is what is officials say she isa marvel to work With There is every indication she Wlll be top entailed notch minister Mr Mills erred however in usmg the term too loosely if at And am not about to knock that speech she all made to the United Nations in her inaugural We should be reminded that only few people on welfare appearance before that august body Not at all It was splendid presentation Our are them because they want i0 be Floras speech at UN stole the show said There are number of serious questions about the welfare headline in the Toronto Star and this system and how it can be made to cut waste and work better seemed to tset the teojne lof all the fling Those are questions for serious thoughts and study not ill mmmla OPS wax Oquen incredible performance adVised generalities such as we heard from Mr 1115 One columnist wrote about Flora being unable to return to her seat as the various UN representatives rushed up to embrace her One by one they stepped forward bobbed and then since diplomats do little without purpose associated themselves by their act of being there with new international phenomenon She had clearly made an impact PEOPLE FIRST What she had done was to issue valiant plea for greater UN emphasis on human rights while proposing that the agency establish an undersecretarygeneral to deal with violation of these rights And unnéesds the UN begins facing the problem oing Bi ian lSel of Ienetangmsliene deserves congratulations From the something about it she said the entire and encouragement for the coming figure skating season organization is in danger Last week Brian 18 started off the competition season by We have allowed OUNOIveS to be captured by the selfimposed dictates ofthis forum We aptui mg fiist place at the Vienna Cup figure skating event 99 have lost sightof why we are here The people For last years anadian Junior champion it was an im prossive debut in senior skating the pinnacle of the sport Ahead this year could lie an attempt at the world cham pionships and the chance to compete for Canada at the winter Olympics in Lake Placid Simcoe County has watched this young mans career with interest Now Canada and the world will be watching too As an international representative for Canada this is an outstanding young man and we hope champion in the making Your business By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service They say that maple syrup is symbol of things Canadian but this years rate of production growth is far from typical of other sectors of the sluggish economy Statistics Canada recently estimated that 1979 maplesyrup production would rise by 53 per cent to 23 million gallons from 1978 crop of 15 million gallons Because the maplesyrup season starts in early March and is over by midApril its the first sector of Canadian agriculture to complete its returns each year The 1978 crop at the farm gate was valued at $178 million or about $12 gallon The price of maple syrup increases every year and 1979 is no exception The figures on maple syrup production however may not be as accurate as other reports published by Statistics Canada The maple syrup crop is treated by many farmers as sideline to be handled by the Junior members of the family and sold for cash to passersby without bothering either Statistics Canada or National Revenue With extra paperwork Taking the unreported production into account its possible to estimate total 1979 maple syrup crop of perhaps 29 million gallons PRICE RISING Last year was an exceptionally poor year for maplesyrup production and even this years crop falls well short of the record high of 39 million gallons in 1947 we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let ters but if you wish pen name will be used Include your telephone number and address as we have to verin letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to odlt condense or reject letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to lama to the Editor The haultor In 370 MIR MM Bumper year for maple syrup The current retail price of upwards of $20 gallon might suggest especially to con sumers who recall time when it was only few dollars gallon less than generation ago that maple syrup production ought to be highly profitable undertaking rather than sideline for junior farmers But here as in virtually every other area of food production farmers point to costs that are rising juct as ranidlv as selling prices Labor is the major cost component and in the early spring its especially difficult for farmers to find casual or seasonal workers for the relatively short period in which the sap runs Production equipment has been sub stantially improved in recent years with the introduction of plastic tubing and vacuum pumps replacing the buckets that hang from the spouts on the trees in countless familiar pictures But the improved equipment is also more expensive To go into maple syrup produc tion farmer would have to invest about $20 per tap and an economic minimum would have to be few thousand taps COINAGE DEBASED Consumers have been subtly hoodwinked by table syrup cheaper product found on supermarket shelves and pancakehouse counters Despite its similarity in name table syrup usually has maple content of three per cent or less The bulk of the product is cane sugar and corn syrup The Montrealbased International Maple Syrup Institute established in 1975 by the in dustry and by govermnents or producing provinces and states has been trying to establish clearer differentiation by such means as logo for use only on the real thing That means for one thing water content of no more than 34 per cent It also means that pure maple syrup is graded Canada No No and No and colorclassified with the terms Extra Light Light Medium Amber and Dark in descending order of price As with Wines theres certain amount of subtle snobbery here Tests have shown that most consumers think that all maple syrup tastes alike if they have preference its for the darker heavier and cheaper syrup Generally there are no economies of scale in this market That is quart usually costs onequarter of the price of gallon of maple syrup at retail Where larger size is proportionater cheaper however its good buy Kept unopened in freezer or refrigerator maple syrup can be stored almost indefinitely ny DEREK NELSON Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Image is all Or at least good chunk of what the public believes And that is under media control Two very different speeches released here recently illustrate the point very well Ontarios Natural Resources Deputy Minister Reynolds was out in Winnipeg speaking to the annual conference of provin cial mines ministers And AttomeyGeneral Roy McMurtry was in Quebec City speaking to that provinces Rotary Club Reynolds was detailing the results of survey Ontario undertook across Ontario to find out peoples views of the mining in dustry McMurtry was trying to get across how Queens Park treats its Francophone minority In essence both were talking about images DONT LIKE Reynolds said the survey found people see mining as an undesirable industry to work in as undesirable in environmental terms and as high risk investment He added that most disturbingly less than 40 per cent of people interviewed believed that benefits from mining out weighed environmental and other costs associated with mining The world today By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Two great institutions which claim the allegiance of millions are in the world news this week the Roman Catholic Church and the Chinese Communist Party The Irish and American visits of Pope John Paul II the Polish conservative churchman are clearly meant to rejuvenate an historic organization which faces conflict within and without The Chinese Communist Party is remembering less of its recent internal upheavals and more of its beginnings in this 30th anniversary year of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China The actual date was Oct lst 1949 when Mao Tsetung and his many associates com pleted the defeat of Chaing Kaisheks Nationalist armiesand secured control of all China Today nation of 800 million perhaps even billion human beings one of every four people on earth approaches world role which 30 years of emergence has made possible The Communist Chinese do not wish to see this role in the form of industrial or military aggrandizement but more so through the diplomatic struggle between the super powers Cmstantly aware of the military menace to the north from her former Soviet ally in world Communism Pekings rulers are developing Chinas role as buffer in the ongoing struggle between the United States the USSR and their satellite regions in the world DIFFERENT CHURCH ROLE The ability of the Roman Catholic Church to play this kind of role in the world is min imal It is not the route in any case which global diplomat John Paul II has in mind ROY McMURTR Ontario francophones Last year mining in Ontario produced ores worth $26 billion and directly employed 40000 people McMurtry acknowledged that one reason he came to speak to Rotary was that On tarios views and actions are not always Catholic Church giant institutions JOHN PAUL II unanswered questions This sincere and deeplycommitted Pontiff would like rebirth of basic Christian pre cepts among the millions of Catholics throughout the world He speaks of human values of the need to restore the place of the family and of the need for stronger Catholicism The immense crowds which he draws one third of the entire population of Ireland in the city of Limerick remind nonCatholics of the size of this churchs membership Yet both institutions face substantial fairly reported or well understood in Quebec 0n no subject is this more true than on language rights and services VERY GOOD Last year more than 100000 students were in 297 Frenchlanguage elementary schools and 25 secondary schools plus 34 bilingual schools So why has this state of affairs come about Reynolds said the mining awareness survey showed by far the majority of people could recall hearing nothing about mining except about Incos operations and then only about lncos problems People knew nothing of government programs designed to control or encourage mining What the public gets is the negative stories Thats about all the news media repgrt except in their financial pages he sai SCHOOL ISSUE McMurtry after pointing out how much in the way of educational opportunities are available for Ontario francophones com plained that the situation is littleknown in Quebec because the media prefer to focus on one or two isolated incidents For instance the issue currently being debated in Penetanguishene is not whether Francophone students will be educated in French This is already guaranteed The issue is simply whether these students will share school building simple question of economics Red China inchange problems many of them coming from the faithful or the formerly faithful In the case of Communist China the few genuine openings permitted by the regime such as the Peking wallposter phenomenon reveal deepset bitterness about failures in supplying proper housing the right kind of jobs freedom of expression Charles Taylor distinguished former Globe and Mail Peking Bureau Chief of the early 19605 returned to China this summer to find much social and institutional opposition to the government Pope John Paul II will probably do little to placate the growing clamor inside his church for permission of the priest to marry and of women to be ordained into the priesthood HOW ABOlT TIIE DIVORCEI Nor will he offer much solace to the millions of Catholics especially in North America who have broken away from the church because of its rigid rules against divorce and the remarriage of divorcees The fact is both the Roman Catholic Church and Chinas immense Communist Party are authoritarian institutions in which an in creasing number of its rankandfile is resisting direction from the top The Holy Father has so far not answered this directly bible thought If my people wnicii are cancu uy my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land Chronicles 714 Healing for our land is in the Bible as well as healing for the body It all depends on the people who know God to do turn around and talk in Him of Canada and suspect the peoples of coun tries all over the world are recognizing what is happening here What is happening she said is that the UN is becoming bogged down in its own bureaucracy having established procedure that begins to rival that of Byzantium She said the agency must look at human rights in three categories political rights the right to physical safety and the right to such necessities as food health care education and shelter It is no answer to the problem to set up sort of international somal welfare system to give handouts to the poorest nothing could be more demeaning to human dignity As speeches go it was obviously first class but before we get swept away with any heady ideas about Flora MacDonald transforming the United Nations perhaps we should have quiet period of reflection TIME FLIES It certainly doesnt seem like 22 years since John Diefenbaker went to the UN to talk about the oppressed peoples of Eastern Europe and how new Canadian government would labor relentlessly for their freedom It was very popular cause at home and it still is so every year it seems Parliament passes another resolution condemning Communist oppression The resolutions are usually embellished with speeches about individual human rights And while the UN general assembly is in progress there is usually daily offering about human rights and oppression western connrries whacking rightwing dictators for their oppression And think its fair to suggest that successive Canadian governments have been more vocally con cerned with refugees from communism than With some of those wretched souls who are trying to survive under corrupt dictatorships About the only time we hear any specific mention of Latin American countries for in stance is in connection with trade statistics Come to think of it our parliamentarians have never even seemed specifically con cerned about Palestinian refugees in relation to the overall problem of human rights Perhaps Flora MacDonald will yet prove that Canadas concern for people has no political or economic considerations what soever And when that day comes we can really join the celebrations Backgrounder Liquor threat to campgrounds TORONTO CPi Alcohol not youthful high spirits is the source of the increasing neise and violence in Ontario public cam pgrounds says park authority spokesman Terry Murphy of the Otonabee Con servation Authority which operates three campgrounds in the Peterborough area said ban on liquor in the parks has reduced mm and vandalism Instead of banning alcohol about half of Ontarios 250 campgrounds operated by con servation authorities in Ontario now ban groups of young people One tumedaway camper has filed complaint with the Ontario Human Rights Commission Jim Anderson spokesman for the ministry of natural resources said the ministry is searching for way to curb vandalism and rising park operating costs Also campground operators are to be trained in rule enforcement and all sites will be planned foraccessibility LITTER INDUCED Murphy said the Otonabee authority banned liquor in its parks after picking up more than 800 bottles in one park and paying for $1200 in damages after the May 24 weekend